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Casey's Fall Ch. 24

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Week 4, Wed. Not the only one with embarrassing labia.
3.7k words

Part 24 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/18/2020
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This story takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as "The State". A young woman is blackmailed and slowly coerced into a life she never expected.

This story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex. Themes include cmnf, cfnf, enf, humiliation, non-consent, reluctance, blackmail, public nudity and public sex.


Casey braced herself for the inevitable honking from cars as she put her backpack on and mounted her bike for the trip to Tech. She still felt all wrong heading outside of the house totally nude. She kept thinking she'd forgotten something, like maybe she'd left the iron on. Of course, the only time she needed an iron these days was to iron Jolene's clothes. Casey didn't even own clothes anymore. Her bedroom closet was completely devoid of clothing, not even any underwear. It was now just a place to keep her dildo collection and the damned baseball bat she was supposed to fit into her vagina one day.

After her run and shower, she checked with the office to let them know she would like to do the newspaper interview. There were only a few students about as she made her way there through the halls, but she still felt conspicuous as the breeze touched her bare skin while she walked.

She found Bernstein's PA at her desk.

"Hi, Leanne," Casey greeted.

"Casey, what can I do for you?" Leanne replied.

"Um... I think I'd like to do that interview with the Gazette after all. Is that still ok?"

"Yes, sure. What time would suit you?"

"Well, I have a spare period tomorrow morning after morning tea. Would that be too soon?"

"Um... I don't think that should be a problem. I'll have to check first, though. I'll send you a text if there's any issues."

"Ms Bernstein said you wanted to be there as well?" Casey asked.

"Yes, that's right," Leanne replied. Then she glanced around and stood up to look out the window before looking back at Casey. "Look, just between you and me, she's seriously unhappy about you being a nudist. She only wants you to do the interview as publicity for the college, but she'll have a serious melt-down if anything gets said that doesn't paint us or the students in a positive light. That's why she wants me there."

"I understand, and hopefully that won't be a problem." Casey assured her.

"No... well I know the reporter and she's usually ok. I'll just step in and stop it if she starts asking the wrong questions. You might just still need to be careful how you answer some of them."

"No worries. Understood. Ok, well I better start making my way to class if that's all?" Casey asked.

"Yes, that should all be fine unless you hear otherwise from me. Have a good day now. I'll see you around morning teatime tomorrow."

"Ok thanks. Yes, see you again then."

Casey didn't like this. She didn't like being nude and she definitely didn't like being noticed. Becoming famous for being nude was possibly her worst nightmare, assuming she could ever have considered such a scenario, or could have ever imagined it might be a possibility in her life.

As she made her way to class, she noticed there were now a lot more students about, but to her great relief few of them looked up at her as she passed. Perhaps at last she was becoming old news? She could only hope.


Casey turned around upon hearing her name. It was the same group of students who had been discussing the upskirt pics which Jolene had sent out as punishment while she was being blackmailed.

"So, it was your cooch after all," the girl commented. "There's no mistaking those beef curtains. So, this was your game all along? You wanted people to see you? You like showing yourself off?"

"Um... yeah, I guess I do," Casey was forced to admit. "Um... sorry if it caused offence."

"Yes, well. It's too bad if we were offended. Now we have to look at you every day whether we want to or not."

"Oh, fuck off, Sandra," one boy chipped in. "She's fucking hot and you're just jealous."

"Are you kidding me?" Sandra responded. "She's a total skank whore. Why would I be jealous of that?"

"Hey, Casey-girl! How you doin'?"

It was Cassandra going past in the opposite direction holding her fist out. Casey was still uncertain where Cassandra stood in all of this. She did appear to be being unusually nice since the party on Friday night, but you could never be certain with Cassandra. She returned the fist-bump just the same.

"This bitch Sandra givin' you a hard time?" Cassandra asked.

"No, I'm fine, Cassandra. Just a little misunderstanding," Sandra responded. "Please accept my apologies, Casey. I was out of line, ok?"

"Um... ok. I guess. Sure..." Casey replied, astonished at Sandra's sudden about-face with Cassandra's arrival on the scene. If Cassandra was playing a game, it had its perks for the time being.

They set off together down the hall.

"Thanks for that, Cass," Casey began. "I wasn't sure where that conversation was about to go until you stepped in."

"No wuckers, Casey-girl. I got your back, ok," Cassandra replied. "Anyone thinks they're a bully, well I'm an even bigger one. Lol. Ok, I gotta go learn how to be a glorified waitress. Laters!"

"Ok, see ya', and thanks again."

After that and through her next class, it was 'situation normal - just another naked day in Tech', until she made her way to the Tech student cafeteria at lunchtime. On her way past the security guard's office, he was standing outside watching everyone walking by.

"Oh, I wanted to see you," he began, addressing Casey directly. "Please step into my office."

Fuck! What have I done now?

"What is it, Mr Stephens?" she asked as she stepped into his office, worried about some rule she may have broken somehow.

"I have something to show you," he began, and then pushed a few buttons on the control panel at his desk. "The cameras picked up something very interesting yesterday."

Casey watched as a video played showing her and Greg entering the supply room the day before, and then coming out a few minutes later with her wiping the inside of her thigh with Greg's hanky. While there were no cameras inside the supply room, there was no doubt about what they had done in there. Her heart sunk as she saw her hopes of getting her diploma go up in smoke.

"The thing with security footage, is that it all gets destroyed after a year or so, and no one is ever going to notice a few minutes missing of the supply room entry in the meantime, unless I report it."

Casey looked to see what he was getting at. His face was completely expressionless.

"Ok, what is it you want to make all this go away?" she asked, knowing he obviously had something in mind.

"Well, it is difficult seeing you walking around naked here every day now. I've seen your work online, but it's not quite hitting the spot, if you know what I mean..."

"You want to have sex me? Is that it? But I'm a student and you're old enough to be my father!" Casey protested.

"You're also a porn star," he pointed out.

"But I don't do male talent. It's always just me."

"You will eventually," he grinned. "They always do. It starts with all the art-nude stuff, but sooner or later the work starts drying up and they end up with cocks in every hole, begging for more, before finishing their days as street whores. That's probably your future too, and I'd like to get in before you're completely ruined."

"Fuck off, idiot. I'm not fucking you," Casey responded. "You report that footage and I'll report this conversation. You'll be out of a job, and you won't work in another college again."

"Your word against mine, girly, but video doesn't lie. I can easily make a case that this conversation never happened. It'd be just a lie by a desperate girl trying not to get expelled. Who would believe the word of a porn star anyway?"

Casey thought about it. He was right. He had her trapped. So how did she get out of this mess? Was she really going to have to fuck this guy? It was beyond appalling that she would have to stoop this low, but there seemed to be no way out of it. Ok, so she was going to have to let this horrible man use her body to get off, but she had an idea... She could make it slightly less personal and turn the tables afterwards.

"Ok, what about if I blow you? Would that be enough to make all this go away?"

"Sure, I could get behind that," he smiled. "On your knees though."


"Ok, but I want to video it on my phone for my scrap book. I like watching myself do stuff like this," she responded innocently. This would seem like perfectly normal behaviour for an exhibitionist and porn star, right?

"Sure, if that's what floats your boat, go for it."

He bought it!

A few moments later, Casey had set her phone up and hit record before kneeling at the guard's feet. She tried to put out of her mind how gross and inappropriate it all was. This was only the second cock she'd ever seen in her life. She'd only ever been with Greg before, and this felt like she was betraying him. This man was so much older than her as well. Fucking blackmailers. Well, two could play at that game...

Slowly she took his cock into her mouth, resisting the urge to vomit. She used her hands to help things along. She looked up to see he had his eyes closed and his head tilted back. Obviously getting a blowjob from a naked teenager was a dream come true for him, the pervert. He let out a low moan and she increased her speed and pressure. Finally, he came, and she quickly pulled back and finished him off with her hand, allowing his seed to fall onto the floor.

"Such a perfect little porn star," he responded as he zipped himself back up. "I'm sure I'm the first of many in your future, and I'll see you again here tomorrow for a repeat performance."

"No, that was the first and last time, Mr Stephens," she replied. "Like you said, video doesn't lie, and that video my phone just recorded is automatically uploaded to the cloud. You go ahead and report your footage now, and then I'll submit mine. I'm sure Ms Bernstein would be very interested to see it and hear all about how you blackmailed me into blowing you, and my side if the story will be totally believable then. But if you delete your footage, there'll be no way of proving it wasn't consensual. You'd probably still lose your job, but it wouldn't be a police matter then."

"You fucking bitch..."

"You fucking bastard," she shrugged. "So, do we have an agreement?"

"Well, obviously," he replied, and then smiled. "You win this time, Miss Reine."

"You got a blowjob off me, Mr Stephens."

"That is true. Fair enough. I will delete the footage," he responded. "I'm assuming you will return the favour?"

"You have more to gain in deleting your footage than I do now," she replied. "I think I'll hang on to my little video for the time being. You have already proven that you can't be trusted, and I need the insurance."

Mr Stephens just grunted and returned to his console. Casey took that as her cue to leave.

The hide of the man! But more to the point, eww! I just blew him. On my knees! Eww! Eww! Eww!

She spotted a water bubbler and immediately went to it and gargled several times to get his taste out of her mouth before heading off to the cafeteria. Her head was filled with self-disgust at what she had just done, but she also felt a definite amount of pride in how she had handled it. Now she had one less asshole in her life at least. Thankfully it hadn't taken up too much of her lunch break either, so she still had plenty of time to eat.

She had almost made it to the cafeteria when she heard a female voice behind her.


Crap! What is it this time? Another selfie?

"Yes?" Casey replied, turning to see a girl she knew was a Grade 13 student approaching her.

"Um... My name's Karen and I just wanted to thank you for what you're doing. You've changed my life."


"I'm like you down there," she explained, with an embarrassed nod to Casey's pussy. "I thought there was something wrong with me until I saw you. I don't think I'd ever have the courage to become a nudist but I'm glad you did. If I hadn't seen there was someone else like me, and with no hang-ups about it, I probably would have gone my whole life without letting a boy see me or touch me. Now I feel like I'll be ok."

"Oh ok..."

Casey wasn't sure how to respond to that, but she was quite moved by Karen's words. She had apparently changed a life, unintentionally sure, but that was probably the first positive thing that had come out of any of this. She knew how embarrassed she was about her own anatomy. How much comfort could it have been if she had known there was someone else just like her all along?

After they bid each other farewell, Casey started wondering how many more girls out there might have protruding inner labia and how many of them had the same hang-up about it.

Greg had some football stuff on that day, so after she got her meal, she sat down alone in the cafeteria and started Googling as she ate. What she read at first surprised her, and then it made her angry. As if she needed more to get angry about with what she had been forced to do to the security guard still fresh in her mind.

She learnt that there were nine types of female genitalia and all except for two had visible labia minora in some form. The most common of all types had protruding or dangly bits just like hers! In fact, the LEAST common was the smooth "Barbie vagina", yet everyone regarded it as the normal one and what a woman "should" look like. Why was this so?

The first possibility was that prior to puberty most vaginas looked pretty much the same. Once puberty began, the labia minora started growing and changing shape, so by adulthood there were lots of different shapes and sizes, and they were all normal! The next problem was that few adult women ever got to see another woman naked in close-up in real life, or at least in enough detail to make an educated judgement. Men and boys were at a similar disadvantage.

What most people did get to see, though, was classic art and softcore porn, both of which had been shaped by the patriarchy. Greek statues and renaissance art never showed the vulva, not even so much as a crease, yet penises were literally everywhere. Female sexuality was considered too vulgar, too obscene. It needed to be hidden away and covered. Erased from existence. Yet male sexuality was displayed openly and proudly.

The trend continued into modern times where protruding labia was considered too graphic to pass the censor. The patriarchy had taken the natural female form and called it an obscenity! Softcore porn producers digitally altered vulvas to "heal them to a single crease" to get around the restrictions, so the "Barbie vagina" became the only vagina most people ever saw. Even women working in hard core porn were cast because they had such anatomies naturally. Not to pass censorship restrictions, but because they looked like what it was considered a woman should look like. If they didn't, they soon went under the knife to make it so just so they could get the work.

The result of all that social conditioning was now every year, thousands of girls around the world, some as young as fifteen, were having cosmetic surgery to trim their labia because of insecurities about what they thought their bodies should look like. It was mind-boggling.

Casey put her phone down and stared up at the wall with tears of rage in her eyes. The patriarchy had done this. They had tried to erase female sexuality. They had shamed and humiliated women into submission. They had taken natural female bodies and turned them into something obscene that should be hidden away, and all for the sake of fear and control. Worse still, she had bought the lie and thought that something was wrong with her body all this time. This shit just wouldn't do.

As she went to class, she found herself walking angrily and unashamed. She had found a meaningful purpose to her nudity, and it was an empowering one. She was even glad now that she had no pubic hair.

Let them see me! Let them see all of me! The shame needs to end!

She and women everywhere had been fooled by a fake belief system held up by centuries of ignorance, fear, and hate. It was time that shit got turned around and the foolers became the fooled instead. If those motherfuckers were happy to pay money to see her, then she was going to take every fucking cent they had and show them one "obscene" vagina they would only ever have in their dreams! For everyone else, well they got to see what a real woman looked like in all of her sensual, sexual glory.

Later as she practised her pussy stretching in front of Jolene again, she tried harder than she ever had before to get the baseball bat in, and then burst into tears when she was once again unsuccessful.

"It's ok, Casey," Jolene said, trying to console her. "You'll get it one day. I know you will."

Damn right I will!

As she went to wash the baby oil off, she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.

She looked at her breasts and squeezed them a little. Small as they were, they were hers and they were normal. Her nipples were normal, the shape was normal, and they were exactly the size they were supposed to be. For her. She gave her nipples a gentle pinch and let her eyes travel down her body.

It was a good body, a fit body, and so far it had served her well. Perhaps Cassandra was right when she said she had nothing to be ashamed of?

She twisted around so she could see the butt-plug. She had a great ass and maybe the butt-plug looked kind of cute? She was starting to get used to it being there now, she thought.

She took in her pussy. Sure, the lack of pubic hair wasn't normal, but everything else she now knew was, so maybe her lack of pubic hair was a good thing? Maybe giving people the opportunity to see what women actually looked like under the hair was necessary? Maybe it was even sexy having no pubes and "beef curtains"? She took one in each hand and stretched them down. They could stretch a surprisingly long way. It gave her an idea.

She went to her bedroom and opened her closet to reveal the full-length mirror inside the door. Then she hunted around in the box for the set of nipple clamps Jolene had recently bought for her, but she was yet to use.

Ahah! Found them!

Then she attached one to each of her pussy lips and looked in the mirror. The weight of the chain pulled on them slightly which made them hang more than usual. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation either.

What would more weight be like? What can I use? The gym!

She took the clamps off and went to the home gym that Jolene had set up in a spare room but almost never used. She gathered up four small 1kg weight plates and took them back to her room, then threaded one onto the chain and clipped it back onto her pussy lips. Now they were really hanging, but could she take more?

She decided to find out and threaded the other three onto the chain. She rested the weights on her bed and squatted as she clipped the chain back on, and then stood up holding onto the chain with one hand. Then she slowly lowered it and let it go as her pussy lips took the weight. She could really feel it dragging on her now. She kept her legs apart and waddled around to face the mirror to see what it looked like.


They were really long now, much longer than she would have ever expected. She moved her hips back and forth and watched as the mass swayed between her legs.

Then she looked up at her face. She was shocked as she took in her whole form. Naked, blonde, and with weights attached to her labia. This was a different Casey. One she didn't know yet. She reached between her legs and put a finger into her vagina while looking straight into her own eyes. She made a few sex faces just to see what she looked like doing them, and then realised she was getting quite wet. She started masturbating with increased vigour while letting the weights between her legs swing, all the while staring at her face in the mirror. As the orgasm came, she forced herself to keep her eyes open so she could continue watching her face in the throes of ecstasy. It was a curious sensation, like she was making her reflection her bitch, but also forcing herself to see her as she really was now.


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