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Casey's Rise Ch. 06

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Jolene gets trained.
6k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 07/28/2020
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This is a sequel to "Casey's Fall" which takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as "The State". There are many elements in this story that will be more enjoyable and make more sense if you read that first.

Themes include CMNF, CFNF, ENF, exhibitionism, porn, coercion, some reluctance, non-consent and D/s, and occasional violence if it's relevant to the story or character development.

This chapter contains some non-consent.


Jolene rose and immediately put the coffee on. She noticed right away that Cassandra wasn't asleep on the couch as expected. She briefly wondered where she had gone, but then thought little of it. Then she showered and carefully shaved her pussy. It was one of many things in her current circumstances that she didn't want to do ever again. But fuck it, it was just hair. Appearances were everything right now, and they all had to see she was playing ball. Then she set about cooking breakfast for everyone, playing the part of the dutiful servant girl paying her dues.

Cassandra was the first to come out. She saw right away that Jolene was fresh out of the shower and was now quite bare between the legs.

"'bout time you shaved," she commented. "You're gonna look so cute once a nice little dangly piercing gets added to your clit. You lookin' forward to it as much as I am, Jo?"

"It's only fair," Jolene replied.

Cassandra was slightly miffed that Jolene seemed to be accepting her fate so easily. There had to be a way to get to her.

"You lookin' forward to gettin' a bat in that cunt of yours then?"

"It might take a bit of practice but I'm sure I'll get there," Jolene responded without any obvious anger or malice.

Cassandra sniffed.

"I guess we'll fuckin' see soon enough," she replied.

Casey and Greg then appeared. Casey was immediately impressed that Jolene had cooked breakfast. She served herself some strips of bacon and a couple of eggs and hungrily set about devouring them.

"Fantastic work, Jolene," Casey commented between mouthfuls. "I could totally eat a horse right now. Oh, you shaved your pussy already?"

"Well, you did ask me to," Jolene replied, and then tried to force a smile.

"Well done. I'm proud of you, sis," Casey praised. "Ok, once we're all fed and showered, we should probably go shopping!"

"Fuck yeah," Cassandra responded. "Gotta get the new girl kitted out and ready!"

"Should we take two cars today then?" Casey suggested to Cassandra. "I can take Jolene to the salon while you and Greg get the other stuff from Tim's and the mall."

"Ain't no fuckin' way I'm missin' out on Jo gettin' her new jewellery," Cassandra retorted.

"Ok, one car it is then," Casey decided. She didn't trust Cassandra to be alone with Jolene just yet, so it was the safest option. They decided to take Casey's Mustang, since the Porsche and MX-5 were only two-seaters, and the Trans Am was now too much of a beast for driving amongst the downtown traffic.

When they finally found a park, Greg waited in the car as Casey and Cassandra made their way to the salon with Jolene. Jolene put on a brave face as she walked along the street with the other two naked girls, but it was obvious she wasn't comfortable in the slightest. Her hands kept wandering to cover herself, and she had to make an effort to keep them at her sides and try to walk normally. Casey noticed and kind of wished Jolene didn't have the comfort of sharing the limelight with two other nude girls and had to go through this alone, just as she had to in the beginning. At the same time, she felt a small amount of empathy for her and was glad that Jolene had at least that much, knowing how utterly humiliating it had been for her in the beginning to be the only one naked in a public place.

"Are you sure I have to do this, Casey? I can keep myself shaved," Jolene begged as they went inside, suddenly having second thoughts about going through with it.

"Yeah, you doin' it, bitch," Cassandra snarled. "Get your sooky ass up on that table."

"What she said," Casey confirmed, but then gave Jolene a sympathetic smile.

Jolene's shoulders slumped and she climbed up onto the gurney. She didn't think she could get out of doing this, but it was worth a try.

Soon a woman in a white lab coat appeared and started smearing the now familiar goo all over Jolene's body wherever she grew hair.

"Ow, it stings," Jolene protested.

"It's ok, Ma'am," the woman assured her with a smile. "That'll stop in a minute or two and you won't have to worry about shaving again. You're going to love it."

After about ten minutes, the sensation died down just as the woman had promised. Then she wiped the residue off Jolene's body with a sponge.

"Ok, you're all done," she announced as she finished. "If you get any little hairs come back, just come see us for a second treatment, but usually one does the trick."

Jolene looked down at her body and ran her hand over her pubis. It was hard to believe she was now bare permanently. She felt sorry for herself but maintained her composure in front of Casey and Cassandra. They had to see that she was taking it all on the chin.

"Ok, clittie time!" Cassandra beamed with a little too much glee.

They decided the piercing clinic was only a short distance away so they would walk there, once again adding to Jolene's discomfort with her new nudity. Soon she was laying spread out on another gurney as a man with gloved hands placed a small purple dot on her clit hood. She braced herself for it, but still jumped as she felt the needle pop through, much to Cassandra's delight. Jolene tried to close her legs in reaction to the pain, but the piercer's body prevented it, and she accidentally kneed him instead.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"That's quite alright," he replied. "Happens all the time. It's only natural. So, this is to be a permanent piercing?"

He looked up at Casey and Cassandra.

"That's correct," Casey replied, determined to treat Jolene as callously as she had done to her and Cassandra, which was no small effort. Her instinct was to show kindness and not make her go through with it, knowing how awful her own experience had been.

"Ok, Ma'am," he continued, turning back to Jolene. "Now just hold still for a moment longer while I apply the bond to the bead."

Jolene felt pressure around her genitals and winced at what she knew was happening. Soon she caught a slight metallic smell in the air.

"And we're finished. Would you like a mirror?" he asked.

"Yeah, please," Jolene replied.

Jolene accepted the mirror and angled it so she could see between her legs. There was a small droplet of blood, but it shocked her more to see her now permanently hairless genitals and the piercing with its little blue crystal doorknocker on a ring dangling from her clit. She was unable to stop a tear falling onto her cheek this time. Her body had been changed against her will and her whole life was upside-down. Now she was the Indent, and a nudist just like her sister and her ex-wife!

Casey noticed the tear and put her hand on Jolene's shoulder.

"C'mon, buck up, sis," she consoled. "It's over now."

Jolene quickly regained her composure and accepted Casey's hand to help her back off the gurney. She felt angry with herself that she had shown emotion but was also pleased to note that Casey still had some sympathy for her, so it had worked in her favour.

Next stop was Tim's sex shop to kit Jolene out with the toys she would need for her cam shows and pussy stretching exercises. Tim was more than a little surprised, and excited, to see Jolene was now a nudist and sporting a new piercing as well.

"Jolene!" Tim cried. "You decided to join the rest of your team!"

"Ain't Jolene's team no more, Tim," Cassandra corrected. "We're Casey's team now."

"Oh ok, my apologies," Tim replied. "So, what can I do for you fine ladies today?"

Casey looked at Jolene, but she just stood silently hanging her head until Casey gave her a nudge.

"Oh, um..." Jolene started. "I guess I'll be needing a new big dildo set and a couple of Lushes."

"So, you're taking up the webcam as well, Jolene?" Tim asked.

"Um... yeah, that's right," Jolene replied, trying her best to smile. "Can't let these two have all the fun."

"Good for you! OK, I'll be right back."

Tim disappeared out to the storeroom out the back and shortly came back with all of the items, placing them on the counter.

"Right. Will that be all?" Tim asked.

"Oh yeah, we need another of these blue butt-plugs," Casey remembered, while turning around to show Tim hers. "Do you have any of those in stock?"

"Sure do," Tim replied. "I bought a carton of them way back, but so far you girls have been the only ones who have bought them."

"Great!" Casey responded. "Add one of those then."

As Tim was ringing up the items, Casey noticed Greg trying to go unnoticed by pretending to be interested in something on the shelves. She turned to Cassandra and mimed turning a key while tilting her head in Greg's direction. Cassandra nodded that she understood, and then smiled.

"C'mon, Jolene," Casey instructed as she grabbed the bag full of toys and led her out of the shop. Greg went to follow but Cassandra stopped him.

"Come and check this out, Greg," Cassandra requested.

"Why, what is it?" Greg asked.

As Jolene and Casey departed, Cassandra smiled at Greg mischievously.

"I'm thinkin' you have something on your shopping list too?" she smirked.

"Fuck! I was hoping you guys would have forgotten about that," he replied with a laugh, and then approached Tim to check out his stainless-steel chastity cages.

Meanwhile in the Mustang, Casey took the butt-plug out of the bag and handed it to Jolene.

"Oh Casey, do I have to put that in now?" Jolene asked, aghast.

"Well, we're heading to the mall next, and you need to look the part. It's our brand remember?"

"But I can't put that in here! What if someone sees?"

"Well, we could wait for Greg and Jolene to come back so you could put it in in front of them as well, or maybe you'd prefer to do it outside on the footpath?"

"Ok, ok, fine," Jolene replied. "Give it to me then."

Casey was torn between surprise and amusement when Jolene took it and immediately put it into her mouth, and then leaned to one side to insert it into her anus.

"Fuck, I don't think it's going to go in!" Jolene complained with a wince.

"Push harder," Casey sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Jesus! Oh God, it's in," Jolene responded. "Fuck! How do you get used to this?"

"You will, don't worry," Casey replied with a giggle. "Welcome to the camgirl club, Jo. So much prettier than an asshole, right?"

"Right," Jolene replied, and then actually smiled at the irony of having used that same argument on Casey when she made her wear one.

Cassandra and Greg came back and entered the car.

"What were you two up to then?" Jolene asked.

"None of your business, bitch!" Cassandra spat back.

"Ok fine," Jolene replied, holding her hands up. "I was just trying to make some friendly conversation."

"We'll tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it," Cassandra responded. "How's that clitty? You ready to flaunt it now?"

"Yes, it's fine," Jolene replied. "Pubes gone, clit pierced, butt-plug in, just like you all wanted."

"Butt-plug in already? Brilliant! Ok, I guess we're goin' to the mall then and show you off some," Cassandra smirked. "Drive on, driver!"

At the mall, three nude girls with hairless pussies, matching clit piercings and butt-plugs did not go unnoticed, much to Jolene's horror. Being naked and in public just like Casey and Cassandra felt so beneath her. Phones came out all around them, and the comments were impossible to ignore.

"Oh my God!"

"That's Casey Reine! Oh, Cassandra's here too! Wow!"

"You three are gorgeous! Are you some kind of club or something? Where do I sign up?"

"You're all nudists? Oh right, the crescent tattoos. What are you? Crescent girls? Can I get a selfie with you?"

Crescent girls... that gave Casey an idea.

Later when they were all home again with a new laptop, DSLR camera and a shiny new baseball bat, Casey called everyone to the dining table.

"Did you hear that guy call us 'Crescent Girls'?" she asked.

"Yeah, total tosser," Cassandra replied.

"Actually, I was thinking it was a great idea for our brand," Casey responded.

"What, call ourselves 'Crescent Girls' you mean?" Jolene asked.

"Exactly!" Casey smiled excitedly. "We all have matching crescent tattoos, clit piercings and butt-plugs, and we're all hairless as well, and we're starting to be recognised for those things. Let's start using it and put it on our website. Make it our brand. I haven't met a studio yet that doesn't love all of it, and I know all of our cam clients definitely do."

"That's a great idea! I fuckin' love it," Cassandra agreed.

"Me too," Jolene added. "I guess some of my skills are wearing off on you, Casey?"

"Maybe," Casey replied to Jolene with a smile. It was typical of Jolene to try to take credit for everything, but Casey thought it best not to point that out. Instead, she continued on in a way that would emphasise that she was the one in charge now. "I want to add a forum to our site as well so we can start getting more participation in the female sexuality and empowerment movement. You know, we can talk about female led relationships, sex advice, toy reviews, as well as push our brand."

"What about fitness and self-defence?" Greg added.

"That too!" Casey smiled.

And so, the Crescent Girls concept was born, and the discussion continued on well into the night.


Jolene woke up the next morning and her hand immediately went to her pussy area. Much to her dismay, but as expected, it was completely smooth now. One small mercy was that the sting in the piercing had diminished somewhat. As she walked to the kitchen, she felt the tapping from the doorknocker and decided it wasn't an unpleasant sensation at all. No wonder the other girls had decided to retain theirs. It made her feel horny, and she hadn't even brushed her teeth yet! She knew she would get the opportunity to relieve that soon enough today, but at the same time she was not looking forward to the circumstances it would no doubt involve. For now, though, it was time to prepare a hearty breakfast for the house. Unfortunately, she had to settle for a lousy grapefruit as part of the new diet Casey had assigned to her.

After breakfast she approached Casey to ask if there was anything she could do. Greg and Cassandra were also present.

"Yes, there is actually, Jolene," Casey replied, "It's time to start your training. Grab your dildo set and hop up on the coffee table. Make sure you keep your legs wide open so we can all see, ok?"

"Oh please, Casey! Don't make me do this in front of everyone," Jolene responded in distress. "I promise I'll practise. Just let me get used to it at least before I have to do it in front of someone else."

"You didn't give me that option, Jolene," Casey pointed out. "C'mon, sis, this is a tremendous opportunity to work on your inhibitions, don't you think? You wouldn't want to embarrass me in front of Cass and Greg, would you?"

"Fine," Jolene conceded, after hearing her own words used against her yet again. It had been worth a try at least.

"I find baby oil is the way to go," Casey called after her. "You wanna get it all over you. Then they go in easy."

Jolene came back with the dildos and a bottle of baby oil. She started with reluctantly smearing the oil between her legs, all over her now completely hairless pussy. She gasped at how smooth it felt. It was like she had never grown hair there at all. There wasn't even a hint of stubble! Then she stuck one of the dildos on the coffee table and awkwardly stepped up, before squatting down and allowing herself to be penetrated in front of everyone looking. This was so humiliating.

"C'mon, Jolene, you know how this goes," Casey coached. "You can get your legs further apart than that."

Jolene instantly spread her legs further apart and allowed the dildo to penetrate her further. This was so degrading to have everyone watching.

"There we go, girl," Cassandra commented. "You're gettin' it now."

"Actually, maybe hop down off the table and straddle it instead, Jo," Casey instructed. "I find I can get it in much deeper that way, and it gives everyone a better view as well."

Jolene did as requested and allowed the dildo to penetrate her all the way. A small moan escaped her lips. Fuck! She couldn't be getting turned on by this, could she?

"Try a bigger one now, girl," Cassandra prompted. "You gotta get that pussy stretchin' to its limit."

Jolene replaced the dildo with a larger one. Oh God! She was actually getting aroused!

"Fuck it harder!" Cassandra urged. "Grind that bitch!"

Jolene could hear a woman's voice making sex sounds and was surprised to realise it was her own voice! She worked her hips back and forth with increasing fervour. She was in another world now as she looked around at everyone watching her. Oh God! She was going to cum!

"Ahhh... ahhh, AAAhhhhhh."

Everyone clapped, but as her orgasm subsided, she raised herself off the dildo and looked back at them all with venom in her eyes. Casey noticed it immediately.

"Ok, Jolene," Casey started. "I want you to think back on that performance. I want you to think of that moment as you started to get aroused and you realised you didn't want to stop, and knowing you were being watched suddenly turned you on. You need to be in the moment and strive for it. That's the woman you need to be now. That's where you'll find happiness and acceptance with all this."

Jolene's expression slowly softened and at last her shoulders relaxed.

"You're right, Casey. I'm sorry," she responded. "I guess this is just going to take some getting used to."

"I understand. I've been there," Casey replied.

"Ok, moving forward. Is one of the new Lushes charged up yet?" Jolene asked with an astonishing about-face. "I guess you should probably hit me with full blast the first time just like I did to you?"

"Ooh, let me do it!" Cassandra requested.

"Well, the full setting isn't really productive," Casey reasoned. "You just get worn out too soon, and it doesn't get the most tips as we found out. But I do think you should try it, so you know what it feels like."

Soon Jolene had a Lush inside. Cassandra eagerly sat poised over Jolene's new laptop with her green-framed reading glasses on. Typically, they were stylish and expensive, almost making farsightedness a fashion choice.

"Ok, I'm ready. Hit me, Cass," Jolene requested.


Jolene's legs shook and her stomach quivered, which caused the jewellery on her clit to jiggle.

"Motherfucker! That's way more intense than I expected," she exclaimed with a shocked smile. "It feels amazing though. Do it again."


"Jesus! I gotta sit down. Don't stop though."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Greg announced and went to the door to discover Amelia. "Oh hi, Amelia. Here for more nude time again?"

"Hi, Greg. Um... yeah sure. Are you sure it's ok? I mainly came to see how you're going with Jolene. Is she working out?"

"Yeah, we're just training her now. She seems to be slowly getting there."

"Oh, I'm not interrupting anything?" Amelia asked.

"Nah, you're good. She has to get used to all this now anyway, so another set of eyes on her will probably do her good."

Amelia and Greg both walked back into the living room just as Jolene was noisily experiencing another orgasm while sprawled on the floor with the Lush inside her. Amelia was somewhat used to the bizarre sexual activities of the house now, but she still felt slightly embarrassed to witness someone else's orgasm just the same. On the other hand, being naked was far less problematic with all of these far more extreme activities going on around her. So, with a shrug, she stripped in Casey's bedroom and joined her friends back in the living room.


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