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Casey's Senior Year Pt. 04

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Sexual adventures of a bad boy.
3.3k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 12/10/2020
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Betty Hamilton was the piano player for the school vocal programs. She was a permanent fixture, and had been, for more than 20 years. She was also, one of my more infrequent stops.

At 56, she was more of a grandmother figure to most of the students. To me, she was something more... she had earned my respect. (Another story, for another time)

She had placed the small blinking light in the corner of the choir loft window that sat over the cafeteria. It meant that she wanted to see me, which normally, but not always, meant that she wanted sex.

Her sexual proclivities were, for the most part, pretty vanilla, though at times she wanted something less mainstream.

When I was a sophomore, she had just lost her husband of many years and was looking for comfort, I was a young boy in a man's body, trying to deal with man-sized problems with no moral compass and no mentor. I provided her with what she needed, she saved me from the real monster that I was unleashing, by one, helping me see it, and two showing me that it could be restrained and kept handy for when my life needed a monster to help sort things out.

As I matured and she needed less attention, we developed a way to communicate that she could control and thus to keep her risk at a minimum.

She was, the "Crone" in my "family of choice".

The light would go up whenever she decided, but my response time was set to coincide with the vocal programs scheduled "break". There were no classes during the period before lunch, so, if we needed it, the doors could be locked for two hours with no one to question. She had a tape of her practicing the piano that she played while we were together to cover our sounds and discourage interruption.

I was in no hurry as I ascended the stairs to the music department Being half a class early. The orchestra room was at one end, the instrument storage came next, then the uniform room, keeping both the band uniforms and choir robes safe and clean, and at the other end was the vocal room, where Betty would be waiting for me after this class period was over. I could hear that both ends of the floor were being used as I turned the knob on the uniform room to find a comfortable place to wait. It was, characteristically, unlocked.

I slipped in and found a neatly stacked pile of moving blankets in a near corner and headed to them. In the process I passed a couple of closets, that I knew from other times using this room, housed the choir robes, hanging and covered. What was not normal though was the gasp I heard coming from behind the door. Listening quietly I recognized the sounds of heavy breathing inter mixed with an occasional quick intake of air. I was bored, not feeling necessarily malicious, more curious, I opened to door to see who was banging whom...

Sitting in one corner partially covered was a little girl I new but had no particular liking for. Linda was a mousy little girl, no great beauty, but not ugly either. She was one of those self righteous little Christians that carried their Bible everywhere, ready at the drop of a hat to pray you into salvation... I generally avoided her... but in this instance, she had secreted herself, probably while doing something legitimate, like taking inventory, in one of the closets to have a little time to "rub out" a quick one.

White cotton panties pulled to the side, fingers doing double staccatos on her personal instrument. She was shocked into immobility for just long enough for me to see, then her legs slams shut, her hand out of the way, a stifled scream, and then a real look of horror when, instead of closing the door and leaving, I squatted down on my haunches next to her.

"Leave me alone!" she whispered intently, trying desperately to get as small as she could. There was no room for her to go or get away until I moved.

"Well, isn't this fun?"

"Go away! Getawaygetawaygetaway!!! Don't touch me Casey! I'll scream!"

"If I touch you I can make you scream, that's a guarantee... are you sure you don't want to know what it feels like if it is some body else's fingers? I don't mind showing you..."

"That's disgusting Casey... please.. just leave me alone... please."

"You've never had much use for me Linda... maybe give it a try and that would change."

I leaned in a bit, crowding her. She took a short swipe to slap me. It wasn't a very good or quick attempt so I ended up holding her wrist.

"She told you to leave her alone Casey..."

The words were right, but the delivery was weak, frightened... no confidence behind them at all...

I stood up, dragging Linda up with me. She jerked to get her wrist free.

Reed Wilcox was 5'5 and would have to carry 25ibs of rocks in his pockets to weigh 100lbs. An exceptionally intelligent ginger that played the violin. We had been at school together since the 7th grade.

"Did you wake up with a death wish today Reed?"

"I just want you to let her go..."

"And if I don't?"

He paused, took a deep breath and said, "Then I will make you."

Some challenges you have to respond to with quick, extreme violence, others you can laugh off... some you can ignore... this was none of those. He knew that I knew that he would get broken into little pieces and I would not break a sweat, and yet he stood his ground, shaking in his boots, but standing his ground none the less.

I kind of let go, with a push, of Linda's arm, shoving her to the side and out of the way. Reed looked at me, ducked his chin and charged. He ran into my straight arm, and I grabbed him by his button down short-sleeved striped shirt to keep him on his feet. He grabbed my wrist with one hand and pummeled my forearm with the other. Wild eyed and panicked, he flailed about like a non-swimmer dumped out of a boat, and at the same time he yelled, "RUN Linda! Quick, run!"

She did not run... instead she cane at me from the side, hitting my shoulder and upper arm... everywhere that it would hurt her hands more than it hurt me... then she went after the arm that held Reed.

Being not only a singer in the choir, but also a musician in the orchestra, Linda's nails were neatly trimmed and short, so I did not react when she tried to dig in to the wrist. She was facing him, her back to me, trying to get him out of my grip, he was trying with everything he had to get her to run away to safety. She was having none of it. When she escalated buy trying to sink her teeth in, I grabbed a hand full of dishwater blond hair and held her teeth away. It reminded me of a cartoon.

I had him by the shirt front, her by the hair. He was grabbing my hand in her hair to get her away and she was grabbing at my hand in his shirt trying to get him away... neither one of them was having any success.

"Let her go Casey!"

"Leave him alone ya big jerk!"

I gave them both a little shake and said, "Stop! Just stop for a minute dammit... both of you!"

They quit struggling, both looking at me suspiciously... neither one letting go of the purchase they had on my hands.

"Linda, I am going to let you go. When I do, leave."


"Please Linda, just go." Reed pleaded.

"Not until he let's you go!" then turning to me as I let go of her hair. "Let him go! You don't need to hurt him."

"I was never going to hurt either one of you..."

Reed said, "You grabbed her and she told you to leave her alone!"

"And you were going to stop me?"

"I... I couldn't just let you force her... I had to try." I let go of his shirt, his eyes hit the floor. "I know I can't hurt you, I... "

"You figured I would kill you, but you waded in anyway, just to give her a chance to get away?" his eyes came up and he nodded... "What the fuck did you think I was going to do anyway?"

"Everyone knows how you treat girls... but it didn't work. She didn't run."

Linda slapped Reed on the shoulder and he flinched in pain, grabbing the spot she hit. "Of course I didn't run Reed, you dummy. I wouldn't leave you to be beat up by this big... jerk!"

"But he grabbed you and was..."

"I didn't touch her until she swung at me."

"I was embarrassed you jerk... and I felt trapped, like a mouse trapped by a cat."

Linda, for the first time, blushed a deep red.

"What? He wasn't... wait... embarrassed? Why were YOU embarrassed?"

I chuckled... she spun on me quick, like a mongoose on a snake, pointing her thin little finger, the same one, as a matter of fact that she had been using earlier, right at my nose. ""You keep quiet!" Then back to Reed, "and you Reed Wilcox! You just never mind why... you just mind your own damn business."

Reed was taken aback by her outburst, and she stomped her foot, let out a frustrated "aurgggg!" and left the room in an embarrassed huff when I inhaled deeply through my nose and let out sigh of satisfaction.

Reed staggered a bit, leaning sideways, he put out a hand but nothing was there. I reached out and he grabbed my arm.

"Sit down before you fall down."

He was shaking.

"I don't know what's wrong... I feel really weird. "

"Adrenalin dump... your body was ramping up for a life or death fight and now it's not happening so all that adrenaline is dumped into your body to be expelled without your muscles... happens all the time. Some people do extreme sports just to get this rush."

"Well crud... I don't like this at all."

"If you are going to go throwing yourself between Linda and danger, you might have to get used to it."

"Oh... I don't think that's going to be an issue ever again, she hit me and left. I don't think she likes me at all." Reed started to stand up.

"Give it a couple more minutes Reed..."

"Classes are changing... I don't want to be late."

"Live dangerously Reed. Fuck 'em! You were all set to risk everything for a girl's honor... tell 'em you cornered me and it took longer than you thought it would...

Think what that would do for your rep!"

I smiled a wicked grin, he just shook his head.

"No one would believe me..."

"I could write you a note... or I could tear your shirt and give you a black eye..."

"Holy... don't help... jeeez..."

He stood up, got steady and began to leave.

"Hey Reed..." he stopped, "That was a pretty gutsy thing you did."

"Suicidal... "

"Maybe... but it is a fine line between brave and crazy... were you scared?"

"Terrified.. I'm not stupid."

"But you did it anyway... that's what courage is all about. You knew, but stepped up to do the right thing regardless. I know people with much better skills that would not have done what you did."

He did not say anything, then nodded once and took another step away.

"One more thing."

He stiffened and stopped.

"I know what some girls say... mostly to cover their own ass with boyfriends or girl groups, but I have never, not once in my life, forced a girl to do anything."

He turned to look at me. Nodded his head a couple of times.

"Don't give up on her.... Linda likes you... she stayed, she did not run when she had the chance... she stayed for you just the way you came for her. That's pretty rare when you can find that... don't just pass that up because you are unsure... be brave some more... take another risk."

He nodded once, like he had decided something inside, and then left.

I waited another few minutes until all of the traffic in the hall was gone and I opened the door to the music room just as the bell rang.

Mrs. Hamilton was lightly tickling the keys of the grand piano, "Be a dear and lock the doors, will you please Casey?"

I never knew for sure with Betty. She has greeted me naked, half dressed, fully dressed... we have fucked on her piano bench, the piano top, the teaches desk, the choir bleachers... sometimes she was a teacher, sometimes a parent... sometimes a student. Sometimes she wanted to talk. Other times she did not say a word, before, during or after, someday she needed my arms, some days she just wanted my cock. Today she was just herself.

"Come sit next to me..." she made room on the bench while continuing to play some Brahms. One of her favorite composers. "Do you remember the part I taught you?"

I put my hands on the keys while she played, "I don't have... I don't take the time to make the opportunity to practice much..."

She smiled her knowing smile when I corrected my excuse and assumed responsibility for my lack of discipline.

"But I think I can manage."

It was a harmony she had composed in the treble cleft just for me to have something to play with her. I came in on time and the notes came easily.

"I heard that you have made friends with Jerome, tell me about that."

I did. About the videos, about his mother, about lifting and the things we had in common.

"I think he might hurt her if he doesn't get to follow through... he is pretty focused on her."

"So you are going to show him some of the Shibari techniques? You're not doing this just to get at his mother?"

"That's part of it sure, but I have to do it in a way that doesn't cross him up, and wakes her up to the dangers she is creating by teasing him the way she way she does. She thinks she can control him, and so far she does, mostly, but he is doing things she does not know about and would not allow if she did... so he is going outside of her control"

"Just keep it simple for him, nothing to fancy, but show him something nice, something that will look nice for both of them."

She stopped playing and turned towards me a little.

"I want to go out to dinner with you tonight. Are you free?"

"Always for you... anyplace in particular?"

"There is a very nice steak house over in Glenfield I would like to try. Your suit is clean and hanging where it always is?"

"Yes... Should I meet you at the usual bus stop?"

"I will pick you up there at 6... we have a reservation for 7."

She kissed me on the lips, gently, tenderly, and let a hand drop lightly onto my swelling cock, on the inside of a thigh. She squeezed and rubbed as we kissed. My arms held her but not tight, my hands caressed her but not intimately.

She kissed my neck and said, "Do you mind if I just play for a bit today?"

"No... play as much as you like."

She kissed me again as her fingers worked on my belt. She stood up and pulled me up too, kissed me and lowered my jeans. I sat to remove my boots and socks, but she said, "Just tuck them under the bench, I want them on please."

I sat back down, scooted the bench back just a touch and sat on the edge so that I could tuck my feet under with my knees apart.

She knelt down, stroking my almost fully hard cock. She played. Lips, teeth fingers, mouth, face. She hummed and teased the tip and the shaft. She was in no hurry, and neither was I.

I ran my hands through her mostly Grey hair, caressed her cheeks and touched her nose.

After sucking each ball in her mouth for a turn she sat back and unbuttoned her top, then undid the front clasp of her bra, pulling both aside to reveal her still round and full breasts. They hung a little lower than in her prime and had lost some of their fullness, but they felt wonderful in my hands or as was happening now, wrapped around my cock. She gave me a tit job, licking, nibbling and sucking at the head While she messaged the shaft. She rubbed her tits with it, her nipples, bounced my cock on them and played, scooping up some of the pre-cum drops with her tongue, smearing some on her face, more on her breasts. She loved to play with my cock, something that her husband, whom she loved and adored, would never let her do.

While she was unbuttoning she asked about Wanda and her mother. I told her about them and what we had been doing, and what they were experimenting with.

"I'm glad you were not injured and I hope she has learned a valuable lesson."

She listened intently as she played, always hearing, no matter what else she was doing.

"Thank you Casey dear, for letting me play so nicely... you know how much I enjoy being able to... would you do me a favor though?"

Grunting out a positive response, no matter how easy and appropriate it would have been, was never acceptable to Betty. It was lazy and boarded on disrespectful so I said, "All you need to do is ask...?"

A sweet smile, lip glistening with a new coating of pre-cum, "I would love to get a nice mouthful of cum, and then wear the rest between my breasts during the rest of the day... do you think, when you are ready that you can manage that?"

"Somethings you make difficult... others are as easy as breathing... I do believe I can manage that little bit of disciplined response."

And after a thank you, with a sincerely happy smile, she took my cock by the root and dove on it with her mouth, taking me deep, way past her gag reflex, long since conquered. She went after it like my cum was the very elixir of life itself and all I could do was hold on.

She new when I was close for many reasons, one of which was that I put one hand on each side of her head and took control of depth, not wanting to waste, if you could call it that, a string of cum directly into her throat. I filled her mouth with the first two jets of thick jizz, then pulled her off and shot three heavy strings onto her chest. She smeared some around with my shaft, to keep too much from escaping down her stomach, and quickly, as if she had had 45 years practice, fastened her bra clasp trapping the remaining drips between her tits and in the cups of her bra.

She buttoned up, kissed the head of my still swollen cock and then stood, bending down to kiss my forehead, then my cheek and finally my mouth.

"Thank you very much Casey. I will see you at 6..."

I pulled up my trousers and fixed my shirt as she went and unlocked the doors. I kissed her lightly one more time as I passed her on the way out. I heard the melody of her playing before I got to the landing between floors.

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wtraskwtrask10 months agoAuthor


Writing is in progress on the next installment. Not my full time job so there is no consistent delivery date. (There are 3 more parts already written.)

Tica21Tica2110 months ago

This got better the more I read. And the sex was well written , also. But is there more?

redlion75redlion7510 months ago

I can't decide if I like him or not.he is fucking multiple females (jealous) gives off the attitude of the low life jackass.yet he advised a 90lbs weakling that showed courage to stay brave and ask out a cute little geek girl.

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