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Truth or Dare with My Three Aunts Pt. 01

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A family reunion leads to a private truth or dare session.
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Every year, my grandparents host a big family reunion of four generations. Their elderly and widowed mothers, themselves, their sons and their wives (my mom and aunts) and my generation of cousins. I was one of the oldest... 21 at the time, still going through college and hadn't been home in a couple years due to the job I got and summer classes.

Though this get-together was a drag in my teens, it was a welcome reprieve this year that I wanted to make time for. Now that I was "of legal age" as my grandpa put it, I was welcome to the open bar. That fact and the copious amounts of free food might have had something to do with my being so eager for the weekend to arrive. (Shout out to anyone who gets hit with reality hard when they go to college and have bills to pay.)

A large, sprawling property, Grandma & Grandpa's place was like a playground. There was a big lake for swimming and fishing, places for hunting and a clay shooting range, a massive hot tub, go-karts, and a few guest cottages a hundred yards or so from their house that they rented out on weekends to people wanting to get away from it, and spend some time touring local wineries.

But, on the calendar the dates for this family reunion were blacked out well in advance. No bookings, because the three sons that lived out of town would travel back and each take up a cabin with my aunts and my cousins.

My family lived close enough so that we didn't need a cabin. We always used to end up driving home in the evenings, but this year I kind of wanted to be treated like a guest, and not go back to my old room, so I opted for one of the guest bedrooms in the main house.

I had a female cousin, Jessica, who was older than me who wasn't making the trip back this year. I was bummed because she and I got along great. She was cool. We used to play video games together. But, apparently in the years since I'd been there, she'd really blossomed into a pretty girl. The kind of girl guys drool over, and evidently she was happy staying where the drool was for the weekend, having no desire to spend time with her [formerly] geeky cousin.

Aside from her, no other cousins were around my age. Maybe when we were younger and we were all just lumped together at "the kids' table" for meals and no one had hit puberty it didn't matter. But, now without Jessica around, I didn't really have anyone to hang out with.

Not that it bothered me. I was kind of a loner, anyway. I enjoyed my own company well enough.

I wasn't the first to get there. Actually, I was one of the last. I needed to wait until after my final class and then make the four hour drive way out to the boonies. I arrived late in the afternoon. For most of the weekend, the food is pretty much offered on a buffet. Eat it when you're hungry. Friday night was even more so because people arrived at different times.

Grabbing my stuff out of my car, the smell of the food drifted out of the house. The day was warm. Autumn at its finest. The scents of Grandma's specialties hit me and transported me immediately back to childhood. Pot roast... potato bake... sweet potatoes... baked beans... Sloppy joes... Comfort food.

"Hey, kiddo!" My grandma welcomed me with a hug as I came through their open door. "How ya doin'?"

"Better now. I'm starving!"

She spun around, grandly indicating the spread and said, "Have at it!"

"Hey, Jack!" My grandpa waved to me from the big TV room where he and my uncles and aunts were watching the game. I've never really had much of an interest in football, but I took a plate in and hovered behind one of the couches.

"Who's up?"

"Florida... Fuckers."

My uncle, Ted. I love the guy. Jessica's his daughter. I've always had a soft spot for his wife, Nadine too. A bit shorter and curvier than the other wives, but only just. I liked it because as a teenager, I was interested in boobs and butts and she had the best ones I could perv on. It was never anything significant. Just hormones. By 15, I towered over her and she'd stand on her tiptoes and I'd lean forward so she could ruffle my hair and I'd get to look down her top into her cleavage.

She and Ted were "the wild ones" in the family. Tales would be carried back as gossip about their antics in the city where they lived.

Nadine was on her way to get more food and her sun-freckled face lit up when she saw me, "Hey, Cutie!" I blushed.

She was looking good. Definitely not what a 21 year old would expect an early-40-year-old to look like. Very girl-next-doorsy. Her layered brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she had a vintage Wolverines t-shirt on... tight... with a very deliberate cut down the middle that was being stretched apart by her tits, which looked to have grown since I saw her last. Tight blue jeans that squeezed and struggled to hold in her milf-bod. Given how much she and Ted partied, and how much she enjoyed a drink, and how disinterested she seemed to be with exercise, for the life she lived, she was looking damn fine.

"Hey, Nadine. How are the kids?"

"Listen to you! Allllll grown up. Not one of 'the kids' anymore, are ya? They're fine. Noisy. But, fine. They all ran off the second we got here." She stood on her toes and ruffled my hair, and I stooped down and got lost in her cleavage, same as always.

Once our standard greeting was finished and I was coming back up for air, my eyes must have lingered and she caught them. She gave me a slight knowing look and said, "Like my new shirt?"

I blushed harder, and tried to look away as she pulled it down at the hem and stretched it out so I could see the whole thing. In so doing, she pulled the slit between her boobs down as well, thus exposing her rack even more, and it appeared very deliberate.

"Uhhh, yeah it's um... nice," wanting to change the subject, "where's Mom and Dad?"

Bud, an uncle I had no soft spot for at all because he was generally a dick guffawed without taking his eyes off the screen, "Ha! Don't you even call your parents? Fuckin' kids, these days."

His wife, my Aunt Kelly turned around to face me and said apologetically-on-behalf-of-her-husband, "Their car broke down on the way here. They'll turn up tomorrow."

Kelly was really nice. That's about all you could say. Nice personality. Nice looking. Nice temperament. Just... nice. Nothing particular stood out about her except for that. And even that was overshadowed by the significance of what an asshole her husband was.

She was a brunette. It was nice and straight down to her shoulders. Occasionally, she'd get wild and put a wave in it, but that was rare. Milky skin, very little curve to speak of. She wore pretty plain clothes that while they didn't leave much to the imagination, didn't really leave you wanting much more, either. You suspected she'd look alright naked. She just might have to work a little harder at it than Aunt Nadine or Aunt Tammy would.

It was then I noticed Tammy's absence. My other uncle Randy and his wife apparently weren't there, yet.

The boys were drinking beers. The girls were drinking wine. I pondered what I'd be drinking and followed Nadine's ass to the kitchen to find it.


I woke up late as usual the next morning. I was up plenty of the night texting a girl I was interested in. She was in one of my glasses and we'd studied together a couple times. She was a flirt, and I was sure she was just using me to "do her homework". Though I'd filled out, I was pretty much still the geeky kid.

I was 6'2. Not skinny, but lean. I had pretty natural muscle definition, but mostly because I could eat whatever I wanted and never put on much weight. I'd started going to the gym to beef up a bit, and that had added to my physique, but not much. With the gym and my natural body type, I ended up looking like an Olympic swimmer, just without being able to swim like one.

I wandered out to the kitchen and saw my Aunt Tammy sitting there chatting to my grandma. Tammy and Randy had arrived last night, but were tired and had gone straight to their cabin.

Tammy was great. If Kelly was nice. Tammy was great. She had some of Kelly's height and some of Nadine's curves, but she was always dressed super conservatively. She wasn't as wild and mischievous as Nadine, nor as reserved as Kelly. She was blond, had a great smile, blue eyes. As an aunt goes, for looks and personality, she was a great all-rounder.

I saddled up on a bar stool in the kitchen next to her.

"Oh, my gosh, Jack is that you?!" She cried, leaning in to give me a big smooshy kiss on the cheek that stirred my cock. "Wow! Never thought I'd kiss you and feel your stubble. I remember changing your diapers! Martha, I think I'm getting old!"

"Imagine how I feel!" Grandma laughed.

The door opened and my dad came in, just arrived, carrying a couple gun cases.

"Heyyy, Tough Guy!" I stood and Dad gave me a big bear hug. "Good to see you!"

"Good to be home," I said. "Where's Mom?" (This was my precursory question.)

"Wasn't feeling good. Left her at home."

I gave him a knowing smile. Dad was a total Mama's boy, which is one of the reasons we always lived so close, but Mom really didn't get along with the in-laws. She kind of hated them, actually. For some reason she just never fit in and she rarely made appearances. Her not feeling great was a tried and true pretense.

"Hey!" He said, changing the subject, "I brought the guns. Get dressed. Let's head down to the range. Your uncles are already down there."


As typically happened, the activities of the day just blurred into one another. No one ever did the same thing at the same time. Small clusters of people would do this or that. Sometimes swimming. Sometimes go-karting. Sometimes watching football which was always on, whether our team was playing or not.

The drinks were flowing all day, as was the food. No one wanted for anything. In general, it was just one big party.

At one point in the afternoon Aunt Kelly, Aunt Nadine and Aunt Tammy all put on their bathing suits and dragged out the sun chairs and laughed and gossiped over drinks while trying to deepen their summer tans before winter set in. I glanced their way on my way back up to the house, gun slung over my shoulder after shooting with Ted. Once Dad and I had shot that morning and he'd caught up with everyone, he cited some things he needed to take care of and went back home.

Curvy Nadine wolf whistled at me. "Hey, hot stuff! Ya get anything?" Kelly and Tammy both giggled. The three of them were obviously feeling no pain. There were two empty wine bottles laying in the grass and a couple of beer cans.

Behind my sunglasses I checked them all out. Nadine in her string bikini, showing off every ounce of asset she had. I appreciated it. Thick thighs splayed underneath her. Little, arched feet with red nails twiddling in the sun. Her large breasts that rested on either side of her chest, but not unappealingly. What I loved about her was her confidence. She had her arms thrown back over her head like she was the Queen of the World.

Kelly was in a black one-piece, as usual. Not much to say about that. I liked her long legs, though. They were a contrast to Nadine's shorter ones, that's for sure, and definitely her best quality. I could tell her breasts weren't much to speak of, but they were definitely there.

Finally, Tammy in her suit, which was a blue one-piece, but had cutouts, so you could see her belly button, and a bit of her cleavage, but that was it. It was tasteful, but also sexy. More about what you didn't see than what you did.

This was actually the most undressed I'd ever seen all of them at once, and to a guy who used to fantasize about each of them in his teens, and given that those years weren't' that far behind, this guy felt pretty happy with the situation.

Each one of them had an attractive, glossy sheen of suntan lotion on every inch of their bodies, and big, wide brimmed hats and sunglasses shielding their faces.

"You ladies look like you're busy at work!" I commented on the scene.

"Incredibly busy!" Nadine their spokesperson and obviously the most inebriated answered back, while the other two cracked up. They all seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.

"Yes," Tammy said, "Much too busy to get more drinks... would you mind fetching us another bottle of wine, Jacky?"

"Ohhhh, I don't know if I can do that, Aunt Tam," I said with a smile, throwing a boot up on the lower rung of the wooden fence that surrounded the yard, "I think it'd be pretty interesting to watch any one of you try and walk a straight line to the fridge!"

"Enough talk, wise guy. We know you just want to get a look at our asses as we go." Nadine chided me to the giggling of her audience, "Now get us more wine!"

It was a joke. A good natured one that got the reaction she wanted: Shocked giggles that she'd said it out loud from Tammy and Kelly, and a beet red face from me. I smirked and headed off for their wine.


That evening, everyone but me and the Aunts were gone. They'd all headed into town to get supper at a favorite local haunt that everyone but the Aunts and I had a special attachment to. None of them grew up near here, and I used to work there as a teen. I'd eaten enough food from there to last me a lifetime and had no desire for more.

Town was about 25 minutes away from Grandma & Grandpa's. Supper would take them at least an hour and a half, maybe two or more depending on how many locals stopped to chat, and then there was the drive home. But, not before getting some ice cream at another local icon like old times.

The hot autumn day had cooled down once the sun went over the hills. I'd had my chance to perv on my Aunts for the remainder of the afternoon since they'd stayed in their swimsuits after laying out, but with bath towels wrapped around their waists.

In truth, it's not like they were my blood relation. They were just the wives of my uncles. You could write it off as a bad habit developed in my teen years.

I watched with a slight amount of envy as each of their husbands grabbed at their toweled asses when they were within reach. All except for Bud with Kelly. That guy was just a dick to everyone, apparently. Even his gorgeous wife he wouldn't show affection to.

I'd only ever had one long-term girlfriend back home growing up, and I'd broken it off before college. My time there had been a series of dates that led mostly to nothing but an arm workout after. In truth, I'd only ever had sex with one girl, and that was my high school sweetheart.

Dusk was settling in, and the girls were still drinking. I'd been slower with my consumption of alcohol, but was still enjoying myself. This was about as loose and uninhibited as I'd ever seen my aunts. Even Kelly and Tammy were letting their hair down a bit. It was amusing to say the least to see them stumble into things and laugh so much. They seemed like a trio of high school girls by this point, bound to get into some kind of trouble.

"Last one into the hot tub's a rotten egg!"

There it was. Nadine tore through the place, shedding the towel from her waist as she went. Kelly and Tammy struggled to keep pace and I saw towels fly in all directions. From my seat at the kitchen table I chuckled to myself but took in the sight of my aunts' butts bouncing in their effort to make it to the hot tub out in the covered and bug-screened patio without spilling their drinks.

Given their drunkenness, their entry into the hot tub was not graceful to say the least, but it was definitely comical. Legs splayed as they tried to crawl up and over, causing the bottoms of their swimsuits to ride further up their butts. Nadine's was a scrunch bottom anyway, and by the time she splashed in it was more like a thong.

From my vantage point, I definitely got more of a look at Tammy and Kelly than I ever had as well. All of this, partnered with the fact that I hadn't even jerked off for a couple days led to the semi I was maintaining pretty much since they started tanning.

Trying to distract myself from them, I turned to see what was playing on TV and wondered where the remote was, or if I should just go jerk off to snapshots of them in my head like old times.

"Jack! You're the rotten egg!" Nadine called to me. I turned to see all three of their expectant and cheerful faces looking in my direction. I stood with my beer and sauntered out to the patio.

"Well, I thought it was a girls-only race," I chuckled.

"C'mon in, Hot Shot. We'll scooch," Nadine said. "Scooch, ladies," she ordered them, and they obeyed.

I laughed but felt a bit of adrenaline rise in my chest at the prospect of being the only male in a hot tub full of older women I'd scoped on the previous decade of my life. "Yeah, I don't know about that. I can probably be a better life guard from here."

Tammy, the closest one to me leaned over the side close to me, thrusting her butt behind her into the face of Nadine who slapped it playfully. This kind of behavior I'd never witnessed from my aunts and noted how drunk they had to have been.

"Are you going to be a rotten egg... AND a chicken?" She was close enough for me to smell the wine on her breath. My eyes darted down to her chest to look into her cleavage, which had to be one of the only times in my life I could actually see it, given how modestly she always dressed.

"Ha!" She howled, splashing ungracefully back into the tub, "He just looked at my boobs!"

"Ooooooo!!!" The other two called like teenagers as I blushed red. "Jacky and Tam-my sittin' in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

I tried to laugh off my embarrassment, "Fine! I'll get in if it'll shut you guys up." I pulled my shirt up and over my head, glad that I'd hit the gym the morning of my arrival and had stuck to my routine of push-ups that morning.

I was already in a pair of basketball shorts and frequently swam in them anyway, so I didn't see a need to go and change into trunks. Plus, I was happy to have my boxers underneath to try and tamp down the boner I was close to sporting.

Once I got my shirt off, I hopped in, gently lowering myself into the water. Though not huge by any means, I could feel my new pecs and biceps moving as I did so, and knew my abs were already on display. I was pretty happy with my gym progress and when I looked over at my aunts, I was validated for every bit of hard work I'd put in.

All three of them were leaning back, seemingly struck by how I'd gone from a gangling teenager to a fit young man. I smirked at their stupor, undoubtedly driven by their alcohol intake.

"NOW who's checking who out?" I laughed.

They all looked at each other like they'd just been told the most delicious secret and burst out laughing. So, we'd reached the stage of inebriation when literally anything is funny. I'd definitely been there, but never seen my aunts there.

"Sooooo," slurred Nadine, "Jacky Boy..." She cocked an eyebrow at me and looked mischievous. "Are ya gettin' any at college?"

"Nadine!" Tammy and Kelly both squawked at her but giggled as they did so.

"What??" Nadine cried, sitting up a little straighter, bringing her bikini clad boobs bouncing out of the water as she turned and looked this way and that at Tammy and Kelly. "I wanna know!"

"No, Nadine," Conservative Kelly said, looking very prim and proper, indeed in her black one-piece. "You can NOT ask our nephew about his... love life."

"Mmm-mmm!" Agreed Tammy.

Meanwhile, I was blushing up an absolute storm. Sex had never, ever been a topic of discussion with my family. It was always an unspoken. You never mentioned it. It was completely private.

That didn't mean it didn't happen, obviously. Or that I didn't think about it constantly. But you never mentioned it.

"Wellll..." Nadine said coyly... "What if we play Truth or Dare? Then at least Jack's got an opportunity to say, 'Dare' if he doesn't want to answer, right??"

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