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Caught By My Wife

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Caught by my wife crossdressing, she finds out how far I'll go.
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"Richard, we need to talk," Shelly, my wife, said as she sat on the couch next to me.

I hate conversations that start out this way, especially with my wife. It usually means something bad was about to happen.

"About what?" I asked, cautiously.

"Are you gay?" she asked.

"Oh, hell, no," I scoffed, laughing nervously. "Why on earth would you even THINK that?"

"I got on your computer," she said.

Oh, fuck. There was a LOT on my computer that might may her think that I was gay. Downloaded stories and videos, and chat logs if cyber-sex that I'd had with guys. I was really, really careful about it when we were first married, making sure everything was hidden but as time passed I grew careless and sometimes left stuff up or in open directories. But she never got on my computer, she had a desktop and a laptop of her own.

I sat there, my face reddening. I mentally reviewed what was on my computer and realized that I probably had a couple stories and logs that she could get to.

"So?" she prompted. "Are you?"

"No," I said weakly.

"Are you sure?" she pressed, showing me a thick sheaf of papers. "I printed all of these. So you're not 'JillBaby25'?"

Shit. That was my name on the gay chat website that I frequented. I don't know why I kept the chat logs except that I'd go through them every so often and re-read them. Some were incredibly hot.

"'I'd love nothing more than you to tie me down on your bed, fuck me, then have all of your friends fuck me'," she read. I glanced over...she'd highlighted the passage. "That's not you?"

"I...I....I," I stammered, then stopped. "I don't know what to say, baby."

"'Yes, please, give me your cum deep in my ass," she continued reading, then looked me straight in my face. "Is that what you want?"

I sat there in red-faced shame.

"So, how many of these guys have you been with?" she demanded.

"None of them!" I said, quickly. "It's only online, I swear!"

"I have trouble believing that," she said, tossing the papers angrily on the coffee table. "Everything I read makes me think that you want dick. And you're not even picky about it, any dick will do. Do you even love me?"

"God, yes," I said. And it was true. Shelly was an incredible person...smart as hell, funny, beautiful. I hate to use the word "interesting" because it didn't do justice to describing her, but she was the most interesting person I ever met. I was amazed that I met her, much less married her. While our sex life was sometimes hit or miss, just being around her was a gift. We often talked late into the night, about everything and nothing. Our marriage was more like two true friends than husband and wife. I knew exactly how lucky I was to be with her.

"It's just....fantasy," I said. "I'd never do anything in real life. You mean too much to me for me to fuck everything up."

"Why are you fantasizing about it in the first place?" she demanded.

My eyes went to the floor in embarrassment. "I don't know. It just turns me on."

"Have you ever?" she asked.

I figured what the hell, my marriage was probably over anyway. I might as well be honest.

"Once," I admitted.

"When?" she demanded. "And with who?"

"About nine years ago," I said. "With a neighbor."

I could see her mentally doing the math....it had happened about three years before we met. A slight look of relief passed over her face, then disappeared.

"What did you do with him?"

I shrugged. "I sucked his dick."

"And that's all?"

"No, he fucked me too."

"Did you like it?" she said. I couldn't be sure, but I felt like some of her anger was dissapaiting.

"Yeah," I admitted.

"So why did you stop if you liked it? Why did you marry me if I'm not what you want?"

"I do want you," I protested. "Dammit, I love you! On top of you being my wife, you're my best friend, too."

She scoffed. "I'm having trouble believing that. 'Best friends' don't keep secrets from each other. Tell me....do you fantasize about a man's dick in your ass when we're having sex?"

"Sometimes," I answered. Sometimes that was the only way I could get off, but I didn't mention that to her.

She sat back and folded her arms across her chest. "I don't know what to think. On one hand you say you love me, but on the other you're wishing you were being fucked by a man. It's hard to reconcile the two, baby."

I felt a flood of relief when she used the word 'baby'. Maybe there was hope after all.

She stood up and walked over to the desk where my laptop laid. Picking it up, she walked back and handed it to me. "Show me," she demanded. "All of it."

I took the laptop and opened up a window displaying my hidden directories of porn and another window with the chat logs that I had hidden, then sat back so she could get to it. Instead of sitting down, she collected my laptop and disappeared into our bedroom. I tried to follow her, but she closed the door behind her. When I tried to open it, I discovered that she'd locked it.

The next couple of hours were pure agony. I was so nervous that I thought I was going to throw up. Finally, the door opened and she walked out of the bedroom. Handing the laptop to me, she said," So, what now? Honestly, I was ready to leave you but now I'm not too sure."

"I don't know," I said softly. I desperately didn't want her to leave me. "I don't want to lose you. How can I make this up to you?"

"I don't think you can make up for it," she said. "This feels like....ah, I don't know how to describe it. Betrayal?"

"I never betrayed you," I said quickly. "I NEVER met with any guy. Everything was online."

She took my hand in hers, and squeezed it gently. "Betrayal because you kept it from me, not because I thought you were out there letting guys fuck you. You should have told me, not make me find out this way."

"I'm sorry. I thought that if I told you about all this fantasy stuff, you'd leave me."

"Maybe I would have," she admitted. "Like I said, I'm still not sure if I should or not. Do you know what's saving you right now?"


"Your chats with that 'TopDog1957' guy. I read and re-read them. He pressed you about meeting up in person, but you said you couldn't do that to me. I noticed there were a lot of chats between him and you, and every time you said that you could only cyber. Maybe you do love me after all."

TopDog1957 was one of my favorites. He had a beautiful way with words. His descriptions of what he wanted to do to me were some of the most erotic stuff I'd ever read. I found out, to my horror, that he not only lived in the same town as me, he was in the same subdivision. To be honest, a part of me wanted to go to his house and let him turn his words into actions. But the bigger part of me wouldn't allow that, despite his relentless pleas.

"I do love you," I stated firmly. "I would never cheat on you."

"You're cheating in thought even if it's not in action," she answered.

"I didn't think so," I said.

"I do, and whose opinion matters here?"

"Yours," I said in a small voice.

"I need to think," she said, rising up, taking my laptop, and walking into the bedroom. After a minute, I tried to join her, but again the door was closed and locked. I realized I was sleeping on the couch.

I woke up the next morning, disoriented. It hadn't been a good night...the couch wasn't very comfortable and the only blanket I'd had was a scratchy wool one my great-aunt had knitted that we kept on the back of the couch for decoration. The bedroom door was open, but Shelly wasn't in it. I wandered through the house, but she was nowhere to be found. The coffee maker was on with 3/4 of a pot of coffee left in it. I sniffed it, and it didn't have that "been on too long and slightly burned" smell to it. She must have left recently. I found my phone and tried to call her, but she didn't answer.

I started looking for my laptop. I was determined to delete everything on it. Maybe that would give her an indication that everything on it was just fantasy and that I loved her. I found it on the bed, under a pillow. The battery had died, so I took it back into the living room and plugged it in. As soon as it came up, however, I discovered that she'd changed the password. Shit.

It was a long, agonizing hour before I heard the front door open and saw Shelly walk in with several shopping bags. "Hey, baby," I said nervously. She ignored me and walked into the bedroom. I followed.

"I'm going to delete everything on the laptop," I said, hurriedly. "I'll never do any of this stuff again."

She set the bags down on the bed and turned around to face me. "For how long?" she asked. "If you like it so much, how long before it comes creeping back into your mind? You can't 'delete' your thoughts...you could be dreaming of having a big hard cock fucking you while you're having sex with me, and I'd never know it."

I got a little flustered. "I'm trying here, baby," I pleaded. "What do you want me to do? How can I prove that you're the only one for me?"

A small smile appeared on her face. It wasn't a pleasant smile. "It's funny you should mention that," she said, "Come with me." She walked into the bathroom with me following closely behind her. She started the shower and told me to get in.

I stripped and stepped into the hot water. I was surprised when she joined me. We used to take showers together all the time, but had to stop because we couldn't keep our hands off of each other and it would invariably lead to sex. The first year of our marriage, we were late a lot. So, I was understandbly excited when she stepped in the shower with me, but she quickly squashed any hope that she might be forgiving me. She picked up her loofah, squirted some of her flowery-smelling soap onto it, and handed it to me.

"Wash." I could hear the command in her voice, and I took the loofah from her, scrubbing my body quickly. Once I was done, I rinsed it out and hung it back where she'd gotten it from.

She picked up her shaving cream and her razor. Dispensing a large amount in her hand, she started smearing it over my chest.

I jumped back. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"We can do this or I can leave. Your choice." she stated bluntly.

The last thing I wanted was for her to leave. Reluctantly, I stepped forward and she began shaving my chest. By the time she was done, everything was shaved except my pubic hair: my legs, my chest, my armpits. She stepped back and evaluated her work, running her hand over me to check for stubble. I couldn't help it...when she did that, my dick jerked and started growing. The feeling of being so smooth coupled with her hand felt intensely good.

She saw my growing excitement and pinched the tip of my dick, hard. I yelped and tried to jump back, but she didn't let go. "Don't get any ideas in your head. That's not happening," she warned, giving me one more brutal squeeze before releasing me.

She shut the water off and we dried off. She had me put her deoderant on, and even used powder on my chest and legs.

"What's going on?" I pleaded with her.

"I'm giving you what you want," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"I read the way you described yourself as JillBaby25 to the guys you were cybering with. So, today you're going to be the Jill that you describedl."

"Why? I already told you that I was done with all that," I complained.

"Because I want to see it. I want to see how much you like it," she replied.

"What if *I* don't want this?" I said. Maybe if I put up a fight, she'd realize how much I loved and wanted her. Maybe that would be the proof she needed.

"Honestly, 'Jill', I don't give a shit what you want. You either do what I say or I'm gone. There won't be a second chance, I'll just pack up my stuff and walk out of here. Understand?" There was a fury in her voice that was unmistakable. She meant it.

"Ok," I said, quietly.

She led me out of the bathroom, put on a robe, and sat me down at her make-up table. "Do you know how to use all this?" she asked, her hand waving over the make-up like some TV presenter.

"No, not really," I admitted. I'd put on make-up once or twice, but I always ended up looking like a garish whore.

For the next thirty minutes, she coached me. Mascara, eye liner, foundation, lipstick....she even had me paint my fingernails and toenails a bright hooker red. I realized halfway through that the reason that I looked so bad before was because I wasn't taking my time, just rushing through it to get it all on. When we were finally done, she handed me a pair of panties and a baby-doll nightgown. I gave her a pleading look, silently begging her to not make me wear them, but she was adamant.

The crowning achievement came when she pulled a raven-haired wig out of one of the shopping bags. "I know that you said Jill was a blonde, but I think this will actually suit you better with your skin tone." She put it on me and pinned it into place (not easy since I kept my hair fairly short), then primped it. When she was done, she walked me over to a full-length mirror. My breath was almost taken away at my reflection. Holy shit, I looked GOOD.

She admired my reflection with me. "You almost can't tell that you have a dick. Hell, give you a decent set of boobs and I wouldn't even know that you were a guy."

Just then, the doorbell rang. She glanced at a clock, then smiled. "Right on time," she murmured. She took my hand, leading me to the living room and telling me sit down on the couch, then answered the door. I was a bit concerned because she was only wearing her robe and she never answered the door that way.

I coulnd't see who was at the door from the couch, and couldn't quite make out the conversation. After a few moments, she stepped back and a tall man walked in. Not just tall, he was big. He had to be every bit of 6'4" and at least 250 pounds. I could tell he was athletic in his basketball shorts and t-shirt.

"Jill, honey, you have a visitor. Dave is here to see you," Shelly called out.

"Dave?" I asked, confused.

"Silly me," she smiled. "You know him better as TopDog1957. He and I had a very long chat last night and he told me that he's dying to meet you."

"What are you doing?" I whispered loudly.

"Giving you what you want, baby," she said, her smile getting bigger. "Now be a good girl and greet your guest. Remember, no second chances."

I gave her an evil look, then walked over to Dave and held out my hand to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Dave," I forced out.

He scoffed at my hand, but took it and pulled me close to him. Before I could react, he had his arms around me and leaned down to press his lips against mine. I struggled in his grasp, but in a few seconds my mouth opened and his tongue slipped inside. I'd never been kissed by a man before. There was no kissing in my one previous time with the neighbor.

In the back of my mind, I luxuriated in his kiss. It was everything I imagined I to be. He was dominant, aggressive, and his hands slipped down my back and firmly grasped my ass. I feebly fought againt him for a moment, then surrendered to his kiss. He knew what he was doing, and I slowly melted in his arms.

He broke the kiss, then grinned at me. "Now, that's more of a proper greeting," he said. He gently released me. I stood there, not sure what I wanted to do or was supposed to do. Shelly saved me by saying, "Won't you come in and sit down, Dave?"

Dave walked past me and sat on the couch. Shelly sat next to him on one side, and motioned for me to sit on his other side. As soon as I sat down, Dave put his arm around me.

"I read the chats between you two," Shelly said with a twinkle in her eye, "and I wondered how nice your dick really is. I mean, Jill has been fibbing about what she looks like, and I can't help but wonder if you were fibbing about yourself too."

As I shot an angry look at Shelly, Dave used his free hand to pull his shorts down to expose his half-hard dick. "Oh, my," Shelly said, her eyes widening. "I guess you weren't fibbing, were you?" I looked down and saw it....even half-hard, it was easily a thick six inches long and had a prominent head. My heart pounded at the sight of it, but I don't know if it was in fear or excitement.

Shelly looked at me and smiled. "You lucky girl. Even I would love to have something like that in me," she snickered. She reached across Dave and grabbed my hand, placing it on top of Dave's dick. "Do you feel how thick and strong it is?" she continued. "God, that's a perfect piece of meat there."

Without thinking, I began to stroke his dick and felt it growing in my hand. Suddenly I realized what I was doing and jerked my hand back.

"None of that," Shelly admonished. "Go ahead and play with it. Get him ready for you." She placed my hand back on him and moved it up and down. Once I started stroking him on my own, she withdrew her hand.

"Why don't you give it a kiss, Jill?" Shelly urged. "A sweet little kiss right on the tip?"

Dave's arm tightened behind me and gently pushed me towards his dick. I fought a little bit, but not enough from ending up with my head in his lap. I puckered my lips and gave it a little kiss. When I tried to pull back up, Dave wouldn't let me. He pushed his dick back up to my lips. I kissed it again, then again. His hand kept pressing me downward, and i knew what he wanted. My lips parted and the tip of his dick slid into my mouth.

I heard a gasp from Shelly. I wanted to look at her and see her expression, but Dave's firm grip prevented me. Slowly, I took his length into my mouth until it nudged up against the back of the throat. As soon as it did, his pressure on my hand lessened, and I was able to pull almost all the way off of him.

"Be a good girl and get on your knees in front of your man," Shelly said, almost breathlessly. Was she getting turned on?

Dave released my head, and I glanced at Shelly. She had let her robe fall open, and her fingers were brazenly circling her clit. I slowly moved to kneel between Dave's legs, my eyes locked on her. "Suck him, Jill," she said. "You know you want to."

Not removing her hand from her pussy, she reached out with her other hand and pulled my head back to Dave's dick. My mouth automatically opened and I felt his beautiful cock slide back in. My mouth slid slowly up and down his shaft, and the more I did that the more I wanted. Dave's hand fell on my head and gently urged me to do what felt good to him. I happily complied, loving the feeling of his cock between my lips. I was getting really turned on.

I took him deep into my mouth and gagged slightly before pulling back. Wanting all of him in my mouth, I pushed my head down again. I got him a bit deeper before having to pull back. Again, this time deeper...I could feel him at the entrance to my throat. One last time, and my lips touched his groin. Dave moaned at the sensation.

I looked up triumphantly with a mouthful of Dave's cock, and suddenly my glee at being able to take him completely fled. Shelly had leaned over and was kissing Dave, his other hand cupping her now-exposed breast while her fingers furiously rubbed her clit. Shocked, I pulled back until only the head was still between my lips. Dave felt my surprise and his hand shoved my head back down. His cock slid back into my mouth and he held me there. I struggled, then gave in and went back to pleasuring his cock with my mouth.

"Do you want it in his mouth?" I heard Dave ask Shelly. I didn't realize he was so close to cumming.

"No!" I heard her reply. Jesus, I could hear in her voice how turned on she was. "I want you to cum in her ass. I want you to fuck the hell out of the little bitch!".

Dave released my head, and I quickly pulled my mouth off of him. "Shelly, what the fu.." I began to say.

"Shut up!" she said, cutting me off. "Bedroom, now!"

Dave stood up in front of me and pulled me to my feet as Shelly leapt to hers. He grabbed my hand and practically towed me to the bedroom behind Shelly. Shelly dropped her robe and almost forcibly pulled my panties off as Dave quickly stripped, then both of them climbed into bed as I stood there. Shelly had a bottle of lube on her nightstand. She grabbed it and began stroking the lube all over Dave's hard dick.


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