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Celebrity to Penal Slave


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'Speaking of lunch, do you want me to spell you while you grab a bite?"

"Thanks, Jake, I think I will. They can't be left alone while they are being branded and barcoded. I really just need to hit the head. I will get lunch later."

Lori heard the door open and shut. The pinpricks to her left butt cheek stopped and there was a whirring identical to the one she had heard a few minutes prior beside her. They resumed, but now on her right side.

"Looks like a good clean brand. The barcodes and registration numbers won't take nearly as long," Jake remarked.

Lori was just calming down when green uniform pants identical to the ones the bailiffs had been wearing came into view. To her growing horror, the officer unzipped his pants and fished a semi hard penis out, almost flicking her nose.

"Always wondered what a Hollywood blow job would be like. Open, slave."

Lori was paralyzed for a second. The deputy repeated a little sharper.

"Open or I will shock you till you do. Your choice."

Lori opened her mouth. The deputy pushed his member in and involuntarily Lori flicked her tongue against the shaft. At least the man seemed to bathe regularly, as the taste was not unpleasant. She tried to do the things with her tongue that she knew her husband liked. Not being able to move her head was a problem. When she had given her husband oral, she would bob up and down and then have a towel ready to catch his seed. She faltered for a second when she realized that this time she would catch his semen with her mouth.

The deputy started pumping in and out of her mouth. She tasted his precum, salty but not as bad as she feared.

After a couple of minutes the man withdrew and said,

"I guess what they say about casting couches and giving head to get ahead in Hollywood is not really true after all. Cunt, you really need to step up your game."

It relieved Lori that she had not had to swallow. Paradoxically, she was a little offended that he dismissed her as lacking in sexual skills. She would have shaken her head at the last thought if she could move her head.

The man moved to the other station and Lori could just see out of the corner of her eye the other woman opening her mouth without being told, causing Jake to chuckle.

"Oh yeah, you are going to do well at the Lodge."

The labored breathing and moans soon coming from the deputy told Lori that the other slave had some skills in oral pleasure.

"Damn, cunt, I am going to have to look you up the next time I go to the Lodge. Get ready to swallow. I don' have to clean up after you."

Lori could see the man still, then treble a bit.

"That's right, lick me clean."

Just as he stepped back and tucked himself in, Lori heard another click and whirr followed by a yelp from the other woman. The second click and whir followed by the sudden emptiness of Lori's rectum caused her own answering yelp of surprise. A laugh from behind her caused Lori to shut her mouth.

"Sampling the merchandise. Why am I not surprised?"

"Well, they were just sitting there. Call it quality control. Aunt Becky has a lot to learn."

"I suspect she will. Now off with you."

'Yes, Deputy Joan," Lori heard the man chuckle as the door closed.

"Ok you two. I am going to release you as soon as I get you two chipped," Lori felt a cold tube pressed against her butt followed by the now familiar "pop" sound. The sting was a surprise. A moment later the sound repeated, causing her fellow slave to yip. Deputy Joan continued.

"Ok...lodgecunt?" the deputy snorted, "That name will not last. Anyway, I am going to release your wrists and head," a whirring sound came from Lori's left, "easy, pull out, ok stand there. Now you Aunt Becky."

The tight grip around her neck and wrists loosed.

"Now pull your hands out one at a time,"

Lori complied, placing one then the other on the bench area under her, "now the head," Lori gingerly pulled her head out of the rack, "Straighten up."

Lori did so, surprised at how stiff she was. She still couldn't move her feet, but she could stand up straight. The deputy set a tray in front of Lori, who noticed that she did the same for the other woman next to her.

" OK, I'm going to let you two eat. I have to step out for a few minutes to get both of you some footwear. You may talk to each other quietly while I am gone."

"Thank you, Domina," Lori and the other slave replied in stereo.

"Aunt Becky, you probably have at least an hour before you're on the block So take your time eating. Lodgecunt, you missed your ride so you are staying over with us tonight. You will go in the slave block when Aunt Becky's escorts get back Your atonement has been postponed till you get to the Lodge. Aunt Becky, for some reason your atonement is indefinitely postponed."

With that the deputy left the room. Lori glanced at the tray. From the looks of the things on the plate, she suspected it would take an hour to gag it all down. An unappetizing looking sandwich and some apple slices that looked a bit past their prime completed the plate, complemented by a cardboard container of milk the likes of which she had not seen since grade school.

"Not exactly Rodeo Drive, is it?"

Lori turned at the waist to get a really good look at her fellow slave and impromptu lunch companion. The woman was tall and as well-endowed as Lori first noticed, except with a far lusher figure than Lori possessed. She seemed comfortable being naked, which might explain the all-over tan. Lori replied,

"I would say good afternoon, but..."

"It's not really, is it? Before the judge passed sentence, they knew me as Tabatha Warren. Since I occasionally watch the HD3D, I know who you are, of course. I just didn't expect to see you today with a collar."

"Well, the judge rejected my plea deal. It was be enslaved today for a year with other conditions or risk a trial and possibly twenty years of slavery."

'Sounds like a sound long-term decision. My husband and I took some tax advice that seemed too good to be true. Of course it was. Because both my spouse and I are business analysts and consultants with about four accounting and finance degrees between us and a few decades of combined experience, they charged us with criminal responsibility. There are worse things than a year's servitude at the Lodge. Our accountant is in the second year of her five-year enslavement. Her ex-husband bought her."

"I see your point. I was worried about some psycho fan buying me. I didn't even think about brothels," Lori started breathing fast again.

The other woman was just able to reach over and pat Lori on the shoulder.

"It's going to be ok. This last-minute change will probably play in your favor. Most of the sex establishments plan their purchases in advance. The county usually front loads the most desirable penal slaves to accommodate them. I suspect the brothels have already made their purchases and left."

'You think so?"

"Pretty sure. My firm does business consulting. We have a fair number of clients in the sex industry. Look at the screen. The crowd is thinning out. Also, did the judge enslave you to a public sale subject to the state's reserve?"

Lori thought, "Yes, he did."

"I suspect that any prospective bidders cannot beat the State's reserve. No way to be certain, but that is where the smart money is. Let's try to eat."

Lori could almost forget the bizarre circumstances of her lunch with Tabata, who turned out to be a highly intelligent woman and sparkling conversationalist. They both had two children, hers was a boy of nineteen,and a girl who just turned eighteen. Her husband was already well into his term of slavery. The court had delayed her enslavement till her daughter turned eighteen and graduated from high school. Lori was oddly jealous that Tabatha had not only been able to have weekend conjugal visits with her husband, but would be with him for the first three months of her enslavement.

As they were finishing up their meals, Lori glanced at the HD3D screen. It looked like the crowd had gotten a little larger. A high wall hid the parking lot from view, but Lori could see a couple of satellite dishes peaking over the top of the wall. Her blood ran cold. She knew what that meant.

"Video trucks are in the parking lot. They will broadcast my auction," Lori panicked. Not that there was anything she could do about it.

"Calm down, girlfriend. Judge O'Kelly sentenced you, right?"


"Thought so. They postponed my sentencing hearing for an hour because of another criminal case. The only way there can be a video of a flogging, atonement, or even a sale is if the court specifically orders it. O'Kelly is old school for what my lawyer and my business partner told me. He is a big fan of public punishment but not distributing videos. He thinks that videos make it entertainment, not deterrence. The crews won't get in."

"But people will video it on their wrist comps."

"No, there is a dampening field that disables any electronic devices other than court personnel. The reporters will be there, but no pictures or video."

The words were cold comfort to Lori, but it was something. Just as she got her breathing back to normal, the door behind them opened and she heard Deputy Joan's voice.

"I hope you had a pleasant lunch. Aunt Becky, It's time. Slaves will place their hands on the bench in front of you, palms down."

As she put her hands on the bench, it was suddenly like they were glued to the surface, her wrist cuffs pulling toward the bench. However, at the same time her left foot could move for the first time since she stood up.

"Slave Aunt Becky will raise her left foot."

Lori felt something slipped on her foot. The thong between her big toe and the next one indicated a flip-flop, "Now put the foot down and raise the right foot," The deputy slipped another flip-flop on,

"They will not feel great but should protect your feet. Try them by stepping up and down in place and tell me."

"They seem to fit ok. I wouldn't run in them, Domina," Deputy Joan snorted,

"Well slave, that is kind of the idea."

The door opened, "Joan, they are about ready for Aunt Becky."

Lori felt her hands release from the bench.

"Hands behind your back, Aunt Becky,"

Lori felt the two wrist cuffs fuse together with a click sound. Deputy Joan grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face the same two bailiffs that had removed her from the courtroom.

"Has she been chipped? " the female bailiff asked.

"Yes, she's ready for corporal punishment. The court suspended her atonement. So ten lashes and she's on the block."

Lori was numb as the two bailiffs guided her down cinder block hallways past various doors. One was a glassed in space that looked like a control room with two uniformed officers inside. The next appeared to be a glassed in conventional break room at the intersection of two hallways. The difference was the break rooms Lori had experienced did not have a silver collared naked woman kneeling in front of a uniformed officer sucking on his penis while two other deputies were drinking coffee together, apparently oblivious to the sex act at the next table.

The bailiffs turned Lori to the right and left her facing another security door. She felt the magnetic lock holding her wrists together release.

"Bend and spread, Aunt Becky."

Lori looked blankly at the male bailiff.

"Dave, she's fresh meat. She's clueless."

The female bailiff gently turned her to face the wall. Lori saw a scanner mounted in the wall emitting a green light,

"Now that your ass is chipped and barcoded your movements are tracked and recorded. When you come to a security door, you spread your legs apart and bend over so your barcode can be scanned and your chip updated. Now turn and bend over."

Lori did as they ordered her. She had a bizarre thought that she had discovered another benefit of yoga as she easily bent over, pressing her palms flat against the cold concrete floor. There was a soft chime, followed by the metal door sliding open.

"Slave will stand and cross her wrists behind her back," the female bailiff ordered, the kind instructional voice replaced by one that demanded obedience.

Lori complied and the wrist cuffs clicked together, re-securing her hands behind her. They led her through the open door into another narrow passage with an identical metal door on the far end. As the door clanged behind her, the bailiff Dave spoke into his wristcomp.

" Open Door Seven. One slave cunt for corporal punishment and auction."

Slave cunt. Her new reality for the next year at least. Reflecting on that, she went through the door into the warm open air. She blinked a bit at the afternoon sun as she was facing toward the west. The breeze tickled her nipples and privates.

Her focus snapped to the square frame that she was being directed to. She could see that it had the same sort of shackles hanging from the top as were used to bind Tabatha for her corporal punishment. Oddly, there were C-shaped. She realized this device assumed that only collared and cuffed slaves would be whipped here, and her cuffs would bind to the C cuffs with a touch of a button. Looking down to the flat plate that formed the bottom of the square frame, she saw similar c shaped shackles.

"Step on to the plate, Aunt Becky."

As soon as she did, her feet became rooted to the spot the same way they had immobilized her in the enslavement room. One of the bailiffs connected each leg shackle with a "click." The feet in concrete feeling went away, but she heard a slight whirring sound and felt the shackles tighten, forcing her legs apart. At the same time, her wrists unclipped from each other.

'Slave will raise her arms above her head."

Once her left and then her right wrist was secured above her head, Lori heard the whirring sound again, except over her head this time besides at her feet. Soon she was stretched out into an 'X" pose. Not quite to the point of pain, but she couldn't move. She heard the female bailiff's voice boom out to the crowd.

" Hear ye, hear ye. Per the order of the Court the slave formerly known as Lori Palmer has been duly convicted by the Court of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, has been sentenced to three years penal servitude with all but one year held in abeyance with resultant loss of all citizenship rights for the same period. The Court further orders the administration of ten lashes of corporal punishment and public sale on the courthouse block. Price shall be subject to a reserve determined by the State. During the two years of suspended enslavement, Defendant will volunteer 1500 hours of service to Harris Foundation. The slave has been duly registered and branded as a felon. Corporal punishment shall be administered, followed by public sale subject to State reserve. Victim atonement is deferred at this time."

A murmur went through the crowd. She had been focused on the commands of the bailiffs and not really paying attention to the crowd. For the first time Lori noticed the assembled group. They reminded her of her first years in acting, doing summer stock productions at outdoor venues with the mix of various faces and ages.

She was surprised and gratified that the announcement that there would be no victim atonement seemed to cause many to drift away to the exit. She also found it disturbing that so many seemed to want to see her sexually used.

She noted with a trace of satisfaction that some faces at the very back of the crowd she recognized from the media feeding frenzy were being restrained by several uniformed deputies from pushing through the crowd.

Lost in thought, the first crack of the whip against her back caught her by surprise. She cried out in pain, The second strike landed across her butt. She gritted her teeth to keep from crying out again.She felt herself turning like meat on a spit. Pain seared her ribs from the third stroke of the lash. Now, with her back and ass to the crowd, she saw that the female bailiff was holding an identical whip to the one that the other deputy had used to flog Tabatha in the enslavement room. The pain had made her think it was a bullwhip.

The uniformed woman was stone faced as she looked Lori over. She cocked her whip hand back and slashed across Lori's breasts. The stinging pain of the leather hitting her nipples was the worst yet. Lori screamed. The woman brought the whip down to her side and brought it behind her like a bowling ball. No, no, no, not that, Lori thought frantically.

The fifth blow came up between Lori's spread legs, striking her vulva and the crack of her ass. Fire burned in her crotch and anus as she whimpered in agony. Lori started turning again to face the crowd.

This time the turning gave her a moment's respite from the flogging, the next taste of the lash not falling till she was face to the crowd.

Their expressions ran the gauntlet from shock and horror to neutral to... enjoyment. The sixth stroke was again across her back and caught her off guard, causing her to cry out again. It did not seem as bad as the ones that had come before. Lori realized that seeing the blow coming was actually worse for the anticipation.

The remaining strokes were all to her back and butt, except the last one which again snaked underhand between her legs. This time the tip seemed to land on her clit. Tears running down her face the last strike elicited a groan, rather than a scream. She slumped in the chains, her body burning everywhere the lash had kissed it.

"Corporal punishment having been completed, the slave shall be auctioned to the public, subject to the State's reserve," the male bailiff intoned.

Lori felt a body behind her and a gloved hand rubbing a soothing cream over her back and rump. The male bailiff came into view and started doing the same to her front. He seemed to linger over her breasts and nipples. A hand went between her legs from behind and the creme was applied to her nether lips and nub of her clit. Pain gave way to... pleasure? After being whipped? A voice whispered in her ear.

"It's ok to get horny. It helps with the pain. You bore it well, and the crowd seemed satisfied. Part of being rotated is to prove we aren't holding back."

The male officer looked Lori in the eye and asked, 'Do you think you can stand?"

"Yes, Dominus. At least I think so."

'Good girl. If you can't, they allow you to touch me to keep yourself from going to the ground,"

After stripping off the nitrile gloves, the officer in front of her freed her wrists one by one Lori could stand on her own two feet, although the bailiff behind her had her hands on Lori's bare hips steading her.

'Slave will take two steps back and turn to the left."

Lori turned and saw the block and the same man that she had seen on the HD3D auctioning the other slaves. Middle height, stocky, with black hair and a handlebar mustache that she had never seen outside of a historical movie. He was impatiently slapping the same riding crop that he had used to direct the other unfortunates against his leg while looking at his wristcomp. As the bailiffs pushed her toward him, she noticed that he looked up from his wristcomp and scowled. The female bailiff spoke.

"All yours, Herman. Aunt Becky, step on the block and follow instructions."

"On the block, slave cunt. Legs apart, hands behind your head. Try to make it look like you have some tits," the auctioneer almost snarled.

Not wanting to feel the crop on her bare flesh, Lori did as she was told and ascended the block which looked like a carved piece of granite, As she looked down she noticed the surface was smooth, no doubt polished by the feet of countless penal slaves She heard Herman's amplified voice.

'Last lot of the day. Three-year enslavement, all but one year suspended so the slave cunt is motivated to give excellent service. Mature but firm as you can see, especially the breasts," He muttered, "Bend forward and shake your tits."

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