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Cemetery Summons Ch. 04


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"Behave yourself," he demanded. Elassa removed his hand from her mouth and leaned to speak directly into his ear.

"I can't. Not after yesterday, after what you did last night. I can barely keep my eyes from crossing," she stammered weakly. Her lips pushed against his ear and she kissed it, hot and lustful breath enveloping whatever thoughts were currently dying in Jack's mind. He turned his head to his friends and smiled weakly.

"Sorry guys, maybe another time. I really have to get home."

"Jack, make sure you use a rubber," Samantha advised before turning to leave. Rob still stared, and Jonathan waved goodbye. Jack left with his succubus, not exactly relishing the fact that he was probably going to get hurt this time when they had sex.


Jack didn't like where this was going. In fact, he hadn't even liked it when she had suggested, or even hinted the word 'kinky' to him. To her, kinky was trying him to the four corners of the bed, stripping him of all his clothing, and then sitting on his chest.

After they had gotten home, she had stripped down again to her bare skin and forced her wings back out to their fearsome glory. At the moment, they were curled around her shapely torso, shrouding her enormous breasts with fleshy black-purple flaps between stints of bone tipped with spikes.

Her lime green eyes glowed a neon hue, casting a luminescent green across the dark room. Jack glanced at the window, which was the only source of light in the room, and whimpered softly. The sun was already starting to go down. He had been tied here for hours!

Jack's stomach growled and Elassa tilted her head to the side, a coy look on her gorgeous, innocent face. She unfurled her wings, stretching them like stiff limbs, and let her breasts sway with her body.

"You're hungry, aren't you Jack?" she questioned with a giggle. Jack frowned.

"You could have at least let me eat something before you blindfolded me and tied me up, Elassa," Jack snapped. Elassa held up a black satin cloth made of the same stuff as her long nigh-translucent, fingerless gloves.

"Oh, you mean this? I took it off master, is that not enough? My my, you are so picky," scolded the woman. Jack's stomach growled again. "Don't worry, momma has something better than what you wanted to eat." Elassa slid back on his torso, ending up with her backside pushing against Jack's throbbing erection. She rubbed herself against it to the rhythm of its pulsations.

"Elassa, cut it out. Let me get up first," he protested. Elassa shook her head and patted his belly with one hand, the other tweaking her nipple. She moaned a little and then lowered herself to him, propped up on one hand. She cupped the back of Jack's head in her hand and grinned manically.

"Come to momma!" she squealed, shoving his face against her breast. She let herself fall onto him completely, smothering him on soft, alabaster flesh. Jack bit down, and Elassa cried out in pleasure. "If I knew you were that eager, I wouldn't have skipped this part the first time!" she placed one hand under her breath and the other on top of it.

She slowly pushed them away from her body, squishing her breast between them. Jack's eyes went wide with wonder. She was kneading herself! She was breastfeeding him! Jack bit down on her nipple and the succubus threw her head back, silver hair washing down her back and shoulders. Her neon green eyes closed and she moaned, still kneading her breast.

Jack sucked eagerly on the hardened pink bud, not caring that it was breast milk that he was about to be fed with. With his tiny lunch, he had nearly been starved the entire day, and this was his only way of trying to slake that hunger at all.

After a short wait, Elassa pushed harder and Jack felt warm, sweet liquid fill his mouth. With all eagerness, he gulped it down, sucking for more and promptly receiving what he wanted. Elassa smiled down at him (although Jack couldn't see her) with a motherly quality to her face. Jack strained against his binds so that he could grab her and hold her tightly.

If Jack's lust was a physical being, it would be far larger than anything imaginable. Jack's cock pulsed so hard that it was beginning to be an actual pain. His wrists were red from abrasion and his ankles were much the same color.

Still, Jack struggled, a gleam in his eyes of lust and want. By God did he want to ravish this woman! He yanked at the cords holding him immobile and whined even with the squishy mountain of flesh in his face. He sucked greedily at Elassa's breasts though, drinking the warm liquid as it came to him.

Elassa on the other hand, moaned so noisily that it sounded almost as if she were screaming. Her breath left her chest in rhythm with Jack's suckling. While Jack emptied one of her breasts, she pinched the other, causing it to swell with milk and take on a pinkish hue.

The succubus soon began purring like a cat as Jack's sucking lessened.


Elassa stared down at the short brown hair of her lover, Jack. Her neon green eyes glowed with passion and lust that she had been subject to very few times in her centuries-long existence as a succubus. She licked her pale purple lips and squeezed her traffic-stopping chest to work every last drop out of her body.

It took all her will and self control to keep from screaming at this point. It felt so good. His teeth biting her nipple, his tongue tracing circles around her areola. Gods! It was amazing. She hadn't had her tits played with in nearly a century, and it had been such a long decade of fasting and abstinence before Jack had summoned her.

In fact, the night he had summoned her, she had actually been naked on accident. But, even so, it was a bonus that she had appeared that way, and that she had caught such a wonderful virgin within her web of seduction. He was hers and she knew it.

Though at times she faltered.

Jack bit down again on her nipple, sucking extraordinarily vigorously. Elassa kept her composure and allowed herself another moan. If she was going to cum from this, she'd better get started on her other engorged orb before getting to the good stuff. It took a good deal of effort to remove her breast from his mouth, tender flesh raw and red, especially her nipple. She still had teeth marks on her body.

Without a lengthy pause, Elassa leaned down again and crushed her vast cleavage against Jack's flat, toned chest. She wore a cute smile, one that would have graced the lips of a child instead of someone so ancient and lusty as her. She winked at him, his blue eyes glancing at one of hers, then the other. He was searching for an answer to her refusal to feed him.

Another loud growl of his stomach drew her attention and he snapped out of his needing, craving disposition. Sudden annoyance flared within his features, though he controlled it quite nicely.

"Jack, do you want the other one? It's ready for you," Elassa teased, her skin taut across her tit. Jack glared daggers into her soul and Elassa felt her body shudder. Her pussy was wet immediately. Jack narrowed his eyes and the succubus bit her curled finger, eyes beginning to cross.

"You know, if you untied me, I'd be much more willing to try some new things with you, Elassa," he purred slyly. Crossing her arms over her chest, Elassa snorted and sat back up.

"And to think that I was about to kiss you and let you suck the other one too..."

"Elassa!" Jack rebuked. Elassa raised an eyebrow as he spoke. "Untie my arms, now," he concluded his demand with a sort of movement meant to bare his fangs. Elassa smirked, her maternal instincts and lecherous thought leaving her for a short time. She reached up obediently and yanked the cords holding Jack to the bed. The squat bedposts snapped like twigs beneath her unyielding strength and Jack lunged up at her.

He grabbed her by the neck with one hand and pinched her used breast with the other. Elassa was so fully taken aback that she let out a squeal in surprise. This was new. She hadn't seen him take control of anything without her telling him to. Well...his orders weren't exactly a-

"Oh! Jack please don't! I don't want to cum yet!" she howled, feeling his hot tongue on her breast. He teased her erect nipple with the tip of his tongue. Slowly, he probed at her flesh, allowing her just enough time to recover from each electric shock that was sent through her body. Pleasure wracked her form.

She couldn't stand up to a man who knew what he was doing with her tits.


Jack had no idea what he was doing with her tits. He was just angry and horny and really just trying to get back at Elassa for teasing his cock this entire time. He had yet to even touch her ass for more than two seconds, and it was killing him. So after finding out her breasts made her sing like a songbird, he had started teasing them to get back at her.

If she wasn't such a damned tease, then maybe they he would have fucked her silly and really gotten to have sex with her in earnest. No. Not anymore. Now it was a game that he had to win. A demon comes into his house? Demands that he become the subject of her teasing? Not in this lifetime.

After the incident in the car, he thought that she'd had enough of teasing him and really wanted to have sex with him and fulfill her desires like he wanted to with her. Apparently he was wrong in thinking so, and he wasn't going to make the same mistake again. He was going to take control, and he was going to do it right.

Though she had the advantage of time and experience, he was a fast learner. And without a second thought, he sucked the tortured flesh into his mouth and brought forth a new surge of milky fluid to engorge himself on with all the voracity and avarice he chose to.

No sooner had he begun suckling did she grab his hair and tug on it with all her might. Jack felt her spongy chest envelop his face and he bit down hard on her nipple. She threw her head back and threw a moan from her parted lips that sounded like nothing Jack had ever heard before. He fondled her other breast roughly, eliciting heavy and labored moans from her throat. She sank down into his lap and Jack placed his left hand on the back of her neck.

"Master! Do it! Find release in me!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Jack sucked in a mouthful of what he could, and then left her breast with a noisy gulp. He straightened his back and crammed his lips against hers. He forced his tongue into her mouth, and bent her will to his own like a metal rod in a furnace.

Sweat made her body glisten, and her breasts slippery and smoother than he could have thought possible. He could almost feel the soreness of her pert nipples against his chest, angry red welts where his teeth had bitten into her with nigh skin-piercing force. Jack ignored that and cupped her curvy hips in his hands, trying to gain purchase on her slick body.

He forced her hips back and she whined impatiently as his cock slid against her wet core. Jack felt her tongue go slack and her fingers curled on his back, marring his skin with red streaks from her long nails. Without a word, Jack smacked their bodies together with enough force to make his bed scoot forward an inch. Elassa screamed his name and he bucked his hips again, burying himself into her pussy down to the hilt. His name escaped her lips again and he bit her tongue to try and bring her back to their kiss.

With all the obedience of a wild animal, she grabbed his head with both hands and pushed her face against his. Their lips met at an awkward angle, almost out of the realm of a kiss. Jack doubted that she was even trying to kiss him at all, more of just trying to gain more contact with him.

The teen pulled her against him and then pushed her back up, easily slipping in and out of her body with each new thrust. He looked at his arms, and was rather surprised to see the tendons on the back of his hands were raised, like taut steel cables. He pounded her into submission, enjoying the cries of his name and the moans of different deities of love and fertility.

Jack enjoyed pulling her back into a kiss every time her head threw itself back and she gasped for air while her body jerked up and down sporadically. Jack guessed that she had cum at least once by now, because he was feeling his own climax coming about quite quickly.

He slammed their sexes together a few more times and felt his resistance weakening. Elassa stared him in the eyes, her irises a glowing neon hue. Whenever her head moved, her eyes left a green trail of ethereal dust behind, an afterimage of sorts.

Jack grinned with her as he plastered her insides with cum. Elassa sat dazed and confused on him, her eyes locked with his, but blank and dull. Her irises lost their former glimmer, and the lust that had consumed her seemed to be slaked for the moment. She collapsed into him and pushed his torso to the bed. Jack squeezed her with his hands, hard.

Elassa nuzzled his chest lovingly. She kissed the crook of his neck with soft lips, licking him tentatively with every kiss. Jack panted like a sprinter for the second time in three days, and Elassa remained calm and collected, humming lightly to herself.

"That was incredible," Jack managed through his gasps for air.

"Did you expect anything less? You did, after all, summon me without trying. What reason have you to doubt the abilities you have?"

"I don't know." Jack panted. "But that didn't seem like me. I...fuck it, I can't explain it."

"Jack, I have to say that you are as good a partner that I could hope to find. I have never screamed like that before, nor clung to a man so hard as to break skin before. It's been so long since I got a fuck like that."

"At least something good happened. You wouldn't believe what was happening earlier today," Jack started Elass put her elbows on his rising and falling chest and her chin on her wrists, fingers intertwines beneath her smile. Her breasts rubbed gently against his abdomen. Without any warning, one of her wings folded down and stroked Jack's cheek gently. She caressed him with a knowing smile on her face, as if she knew that the appendage was bothering him a little.

"Try me."

"Well," a shrug following soon thereafter. "I had blood coming out of every hole in my face today, not all that pleasant," he said. Elassa's eyes widened.

"Blood? How much? What color was it?" she asked. Both of her wings slid beneath the back of his head and lifted it toward her face. They weren't even an inch apart now.

"A lot, and it was red, like blood usually is. Why?"

"No reason. Only that it's relevant," she replied. Jack felt her mouth against his. But this time, there was no hunger in her kiss, no feelings of lust or want or bestial need. There was genuine love and affection as she gently caressed his tongue with her own, slow and tender movements.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I am mad at myself for not having found this tale sooner.

Looking forward to the rest of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I'm new to this site and I'm loving your story!!!

Looking forward to reading the rest! Thank you !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

this story is addicting that im reading it again />

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrdenover 14 years ago

There is very good portrayal of character here and I love how the story flows.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
More length, and other elements please.

To Galloglaich,

your story is nice to read, and i'm enjoying the angle you have taken with the main character being a 19yr old still in school. You though i think would do better to increase the length of each chapter. Or if you have the time, and energy double the amount of chapters you make perday. This insures to pleople its worth reading. Ask around from other authors what they think as well. Look for peer review :). I would like to see more information on Elassa though. You have left her backstory with almost nothing. How was she created, did she have relations with other demon's? Will you be adding in more supernatural creatures? Will you have Elassa's Demoness friend become involved? (This was mentioned in chapter1). Also could you develop the relationship between Jack, and Elassa more? Could she become as a wife to jack eventually? How will her pressence affect jacks friendships? How will Sam take Elassa if ever told she is a demoness? I have not found many stories with a detailed plot, and world involving a human and succubus. The author usually just peters out...If your only writting this to experiment please dont put too much into it. Nothing worse then a good story, and the author decides to suddenly stop. Well thanks for your efforts they have been appreciated.

PerentiePerentiealmost 15 years ago
Now we're getting somewhere

So Jack is most likely transforming, but the question is into what and why? After all, he had only been with the succubus once a few days before the blood vomiting incident. Which, by the way, brought back bad memories of a recent nasal septum surgery I had. ^_^

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Great story

I am addicted, very awesome story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

and i really mean that because theres so much crap on this site and most of it is recycled crap that this story is like a gust of fresh air. on the technical side, everything seemed fine and the plot seems pretty cool although i would like the chapters to be a little longer because im digging the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Good Stuff

Good stuff mate I find myself looking for this storry when ever I get on this site.

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