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Central Park

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Two people taking a morning jog in Central Park NYC.
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He stepped out of the front door of his hotel and ran across the street and through the gate leading to the park entry. It was a cool morning, but there was a promise of sunshine later, and the crisp morning air was invigorating. He ran down alongside the cool shadows of the trees and along the grassy landscape following the running path as it wound down into the park even further.

He picked up his rhythm and ran for several kilometers eventually slowing to stop for a drink of water. It was then that he noticed her coming from the opposite direction. She was running quickly -- but slowed as she saw him on the path -- her eyes meeting his briefly, and smiling as she passed by. She was small -- looked fit and healthy -- and obviously enjoyed the mornings in the Park. He turned then, and ran back the way he had come, following her -- noticing her long legs, and enjoying the roll of her hips, the movement of her ass as she ran snaking her way up the path, into an area of densely wooded shrubbery and trees.

When she stopped, she turned to watch him run toward her -- and she smiled as she did so. He stopped just as he reached her, and reached out and brought her closer to him. Her head slightly to one side, she reached up and kissed him lightly on the mouth, relishing the taste of him -- the sweat and warmth from the run -- mingling with the wetness of her kiss. He leaned further down to her, and put one hand behind her head, and kissed her deeply. She immediately responded to him, returning the kiss passionately, with her hands around his neck and her fingers reaching up and into his hair. He pulled her closer so their bodies were touching, and while they were both slightly breathless -- they kissed again, deeply.

His hands ran down her back and across her hips, while hers ran across his back and chest -- liking the feel of him, and the smell of him. He was firm and tight, and she liked the way he was put together -- nice mouth, generous smile, cool eyes with a hint of laughter in them. Long lean legs, beautiful thighs, narrow hips, nice ass, and slightly muscular across the chest and shoulders, just as he should be! His T shirt was wet, and his shorts were clinging to him. Hers were much the same, with her T shirt clinging to her, outlining her breasts and stomach, and the shorts were damp from perspiration.

The sun came out from behind the clouds, and was surprisingly warm for the early time of day, and he picked her up in his arms, and carried her further into the secluded area, where he placed her on the grass. He reached down and slipped her T shirt over her head -- kissing her neck and shoulders when it was gone, with his mouth brushing the tops of her breasts. She reached behind her, and unhooked her bra and brought his head down so he could kiss her breasts properly. He kneeled across her then, and licked and kissed her stomach as he moved further towards her shorts -- with his hand reaching under the waistband and feeling the soft flat stomach. He pulled her shorts down and off completely -- and settled to seriously kissing her along her thighs and the inside of her legs before sliding her panties off, and moving to her soft mound. His tongue tasted her, and then probed deeply into her wetness -- using his fingers to further excite her. She writhed with pleasure and moaned softly at his delightful loving of her. Her hands wanted to feel him, and touch him everywhere -- but he was making sure that he took his pleasure of her firstly. His tongue and fingers brought her quickly to a climax -- and she luxuriated in the sensation -- he was a skilful lover, and she knew she would climax again when he was deeply inside her.

She sat up just a little, and reached up to him, sliding his shorts down and off his legs, feeling the length of him, and the hardness of him -- and pulling the shirt over his head. His chest and shoulders were very sexy -- and she ran her hands over them -- before her hands found him. She pushed him down on the grass, and took him into her mouth, with her tongue tasting every part of him, and with her teeth nibbling gently along the full length of him and then licking him more as she reached his ass. He took back his control of her, entered her, and she took him deeply -- moving together and loving each sensation it brought, his hands on her breasts, and her hands around him, feeling him move in and out, and opening her legs even further for him. He pulled her closer so he was able to get more deeply into her, and she had her fingers under his balls and along his ass -- he felt so much pleasure he was sure he would not be able to hold on for much longer. She held him tight and her muscles grasped him -- and she moved her legs around his waist so he had full access to her, and she was holding nothing back from him.

Within minutes, they both climaxed -- and the shuddering waves of pleasure washed over them both as they again kissed passionately.

They both lay back completely naked on the grass -- fully exhausted, but having enjoyed each other so very totally and without any inhibitions -- knowing they would want each other again soon, but for the moment satisfied and delighted with each other.

They gathered their clothes and got dressed after a few minutes -- running back along the path as it led back to the entry gate, and up onto Fifth Avenue, where they then ran across the pavement and through the front door of the Hotel, where they took the elevator to their room...

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NeverthelessEndingNeverthelessEndingabout 1 year ago

A bit too rushed but i apologize if that's what your writing style

walkingeaglewalkingeagleabout 17 years ago
Great job!

This is a nice well written story, a pleasure to read!

Great work!

centauri4centauri4about 17 years ago
Nice First Effort

I enjoyed your story. The characters introduced are intriguing and the "read" makes for a launching pad to future adventures. Keep up the nice effort!

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