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CFNM Randy Summers Naked Male Sushi


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Dr. Hirata led me inside the tent. There must have been two hundred women there! At a quick glance I could see that the women were of various ages and ethnicities. There were audible gasps as Dr. Hirata and I entered.

"Welcome ladies! You are an elite group of some of the wealthiest, most powerful and most influential women in the world that FD Corp. could gather. You are here to witness the fruits of my years of research and experimentation in enhancing the male anatomy to provide optimum pleasure to women! I present for your enjoyment the man you have all come here to meet, the man so many women of FD Corp. have heard about and seen on video...Randy Summers!"

From somewhere a bright spotlight was shined on me, obscuring my view of the gathering. The reaction from the crowd was a mix of gasps, applause, laughter and even screams. Several women surged forward, reaching out to touch me and grab at my genitals. What the hell was going to happen to me?

Continued in Part 2

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jay1459jay1459about 3 years ago

Loved it, cannot wait for the next chapter.

intimusintimusover 3 years ago

Holy moly, this was super hot! Thanks again for sharing your work! <3 Can't wait for part 2! :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

AMAZING! Enjoying the almost sci-fi detour being undertaken here. Weird and truly wonderful... can't wait for Part 2!!!! Randy rules!

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