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CFNM Randy Summers Naked Male Sushi

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Dr. Hirata gives me a Frankenpenis and makes me a platter.
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/19/2021
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(Note to readers; this is Part 1 of a 2 Part story)

Things had been quiet for me since my wild Halloween go-go gig. The Christmas break was fast approaching and I was hoping that FD Corp. wouldn't need me for an assignment. Besides, Ms. Stone had told me that she was going on a holiday trip. Someone might contact me, but she doubted that any assignments were in the pipeline for me at this time.

I'd gotten a notice that I would again be the only occupant in the dorm during the break, and I was looking forward to being left alone. I had less that a year to go before I graduated and I was getting pretty burned out by my increasingly bizarre experiences. I was really getting tired of being tied up, used, and abused and on blatant sexual display in all kinds of weird situations. I used to enjoy being an exhibitionist but now, sometimes I hated the thought of being naked around other people.

I was sometimes afraid to go out of the dorm and face Officer Jane, who always looked as though she wanted to do vile and depraved things to me. Part of me wanted to avoid her...part of me wanted her to dominate me. I thought about slacking off on my workouts, but that would violate my contract with FD Corp. and screw up my scholarship funding. Graduation was too close for me to turn back now.

Just as I was about to sneak out to a movie my burner phone rang. Fuck! It was Dr. Zahn. She always enjoyed giving me physical exams way too much.

"Mr. Summers, I'm not catching you at a bad time am I?"

"Oh no...I wasn't doing anything important."

"Good. I was talking to my colleague, Dr. Hirata. I believe you met her at a party?"

"Umm...yes...we have met."

I remembered Dr. Hirata's disproportionately large breasts and the wet spots that formed on her blouse at her nipples. I felt blood stirring in my crotch as my cock began to thicken and swell.

"While Ms. Stone is on holiday I will be supervising you."

I groaned. This couldn't be good.

"Dr. Hirata was very impressed with you. She was hoping that you would be willing to help her with a medical research project."

I began kneading the bulge that had formed in my briefs.

"This is not an official FD Corp. assignment, so you may refuse, but I think you'll find it very interesting. And there will be impressive compensation. Are you interested?"

"Umm...I guess so. Can you tell me what it is?"

"Dr. Hirata prefers to discuss it in person. If you are interested be at the clinic at 10 a.m. tomorrow."

She hung up. I looked down and realized that I had been stroking my cock while we talked. The thought of Dr. Hirata's tits had my cock raging. I knew that I was going to go to the clinic.

I decided to jog over to the clinic in a t-shirt and running shorts. I figured I'd probably end up naked anyway so why bother to dress? Dr. Hirata was standing in the exam room when I came in.

"Ah, Mr. Summers. I am very much overjoyed that you have agreed to listen to my experiment."

I sat on the exam table. Dr. Hirata was wearing what looked like a nurse's uniform from the 1960's; white shoes and hose and a short white dress that zipped all the way up the front. Her breasts looked even more enormous on her small frame than I remembered. She came over to me and spread my knees apart so that she could stand between my legs. She placed one hand on each of my thighs. The sight of her huge breasts caused my cock to stir in my shorts.

"My experiments have been mostly with women. I have been conducting experiments in medical breast enlargement without the need for surgery. I see that you have been admiring them. I am so pleased."

Sure enough, I had popped a very visible boner. She began running her hands along my thighs. I noticed wet spots forming at her nipples.

"I was one of my first test subjects. The medical division of FD Corp. did not think my process was ready to test on humans. I was using a combination of artificially enhanced hormones, mostly the kind of hormones found in pregnant women. While the increase in breast size was most desirable, there was one drawback. When I become sexually aroused I lactate, as you can see. I have since had better results without this most unfortunate side-effect."

As I had noticed at the costume party where we met, Dr. Hirata was OLD. I did not want anything to do with her being sexually aroused. I had to admit that her tits were magnificent and if she were younger I might go for it. One of her hands left my thigh and began slowing unzipping her dress. Her breasts were huge, firm, smooth and ripe. I found myself mesmerized in spite of her age. She opened the zipper just enough to expose a bit of nipple. Liquid was dribbling from each.

"Do you like them Mr. Summers? If you would like to touch them say 'yes Doctor'."

I couldn't believe I heard myself say "Yes Doctor."

These were the kind of tits that give guys wet dreams. I could picture my cock sliding in that cleavage, giving myself a hot titty fuck. I could image splattering a huge hot load of cum all over them. I felt pre-cum forming at the tip of my cock. It seems that I was also making a wet spot.

I reached out and gently stroked her breasts with my fingers. As I ran my thumbs around her nipples, a milky fluid came dribbling out.

"Would you like to taste?"

As I leaned in to put my mouth on one of her nipples she suddenly slapped my face

"You know what you need to do if you want a taste."

I resented being slapped but I heard myself say "May I taste your breast milk Doctor?"

"Yes you may."

She pushed her breasts to my face. I lapped eagerly at one nipple and than the other. The fluid was sharp and tangy. Dr. Hirata had pulled my now throbbing cock out of my running shorts and was slowly stroking my hard-on when in walked Dr. Zahn.

"I see the two of you have been discussing the experiment. Don't stop on my account."

I pulled my head away from the milky teats.

"I said DON'T stop on my account. That's an order Mr. Summers."

Dr. Zahn stood watching as I resumed licking and suckling while Dr. Hirata worked my cock. This seemed sick and depraved and yet I couldn't stop. I felt like a total pervert.

I had to stop suckling for a moment. I was breathing hard and I felt hot all over. My whole body was shaking and drenched with sweat. Dr. Zahn came closer. They spoke in whispers.

"I see that the pheromones in your milk are working on Mr. Summers."

"Yes, it is so. I am sure this will have the desired hypnotic effect."

Dr. Hirata stopped stroking my cock and began to pinch her nipples. Breast milk squirted on my face. I was shocked but also crazy horny. Another squirt of milk splashed onto my throbbing cock shaft. Dr. Zahn reached over and grabbed my cock and began stroking it hard and fast using the milk and my pre-cum as lubricant. She was grunting.

"Gawd...I...want...him! I want to taste his cum!"

Her head bobbed down and literally drooled as she took my cock into her hot mouth. I was too stunned and too horned up to move. Dr. Hirata's firm tone stopped her.

"Yes, I am aware but it is forbidden. If he agrees to our plan it will be enough. What we both want will be allowed in the context of the assignment."

"Will he agree? Will it look liked he agreed of his own free will?"

"Yes, I am most certain we will have his consent on video. My editor will make it so everything looks consensual and nothing looks improper. We are most free to enjoy ourselves."

My head was reeling. The room seemed stifling. I was sweaty. I was horny. I wanted...no NEEDED sex! Dr. Hirata squirted more milk on my mouth. I licked it from my lips. Dr. Zahn resumed stroking my cock, slowly...teasingly. I felt crazed. Dr, Hirata spoke. I felt as though I were being controlled by her.

"Mr. Summers, it would please me so very much if you would agree to help me with my experiments in increasing the size of the male penis. You have a most beautiful penis, but I could alter the size and shape to give you a penis that would give any woman multiple orgasms with very little effort on your part. I will give you the kind of penis and sexual prowess that any woman would give anything to experience. My other experiments have shown that the result will not be permanent. I need to make many more tests so I may perfect the treatment. You can be most helpful in this."

I sat there dumbly nodding my head. I felt groggy. I heard myself talking. My speech felt slow and deliberate.


"Just lie back. The process involves some injections. Dr. Zahn and I will do everything. Are you sure you are willing to help me? Please speak loudly."


"Once you agree there is no stopping, even if you protest. Please know that Dr. Zahn and I would find it most pleasing if you do protest."


"When the experiment is complete Dr. Zahn and I will make you the centerpiece of a big party so everyone can behold how magnificent you are. Would you like that?"


"That is such happy news. We will begin shortly."

Dr. Zahn came over to Dr. Hirata and whispered in her ear. I barely heard her.

"I've got everything on video. It looks like he agreed of his own free will. Ms. Stone cannot raise objections."

"Then it is time for us to begin."

Instantly two very large female orderlies burst in to the room, pushed me down on the exam table and quickly secured my wrists and ankles to the table. Dr. Hirata spoke.

"It will be advisable that you move as little as possible. The injection process is very delicate. I will need to immobilize your penis and testicles. Dr. Zahn, will you assist me with the device?"

"Yes, Dr. Hirata, but I think he should be naked for the procedure."

"That is not necessary; it is a simple matter to pull his shorts down to allow room for the device."


Dr. Zahn produced a pair of surgical scissors and made quick, deft cuts in the neck and arms of my t-shirt. In two fast moves she tore the t-shirt completely off my body. She repeated the procedure with my shorts until I was naked except for my shoes. I yelled.

"You crazy bitch, what the hell are you doing?"

She ran her powerful hands all over my sweaty, naked body as I squirmed and struggled to free myself. She kneaded my chest and abs, pulling on my pubic hair and slapping my thighs.

"Randy...Randy...they named you perfectly. Let me feel your bronzed flesh, your golden hair."

She grabbed my face and pushed her tongue roughly down my throat. I gagged. Dr. Hirata shouted.

"Dr. Zahn. If you are incapable of conducting yourself in a professional manner I will have someone else assist me. I will tolerate no further outbursts."

I was still having periods of grogginess. I wasn't quite sure what was happening to me. Minutes passed or maybe it was hours. My groin felt strange. I raised my head to try to see what was going on. Some kind of metal device had been clamped around my cock, which was fully erect and standing straight up. The same device was clamped around each of my balls, separating them. Three IV bags were suspended over my groin area with tubes leading to my cock and balls. To my horror I realized that the tubes were connected to needles inserted into my cock and each ball. I tried to squirm, but my groin area was totally immobilized. I saw Dr. Hirata standing at the bottom of the exam table.

"What the fuck are you doing to me?"

"Please try to relax Mr. Summers. You are helping with my experiments in penis enlargement...just as you agreed. Remain still. The needles are very delicate and I do not want your sexual equipment damaged."

"But what's happening?"

"I am injecting compounds containing various hormones that control virility and growth. This will increase the length and thickness of your penis. I am enlarging your testicles as well so that the visual effect will have pleasing proportions. As I add different fluids and increase the dosage you may feel some discomfort. After all, this procedure is to help give pleasure to women, not to give pleasure to you."

She tried to hide the fact that she was giggling.

More time passed; I'm not sure how much. I felt an odd tingling sensation in my cock and balls. I raised my head to see Dr. Zahn lightly running her fingertips over my cock head and around my balls. I gasped in horror.

"Oh FUCK!"

My cock was noticeably longer and thicker. My balls were also larger and rounder. I could feel the liquid from the IV bags flowing through the needles. I squirmed and struggled to get free. My whole body was drenched with sweat and my cock and balls tingled. I heard Dr. Hirata.

"Mr. Summers, I must insist that you remain as still as possible. I want your genitals to be much larger, but still proportional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. If you continue to move they may become deformed!"

I quieted down. More time passed. I must have dozed off. I heard Dr. Hirata again.

"That is most excellent, Dr. Zahn. Continue massaging Mr. Summers' penis and testicles. I want them to be smooth and perfectly formed."

I slowly lifted my head. I heard myself scream in terror. My balls had ballooned to the size of tennis balls. My cock was three or four inches longer than and more than twice as thick as normal.

"You're making me a freak you crazy bitch! Stop this you fucking psycho!"

Dr. Zahn spoke up.

"Keep talking dirty Randy. I'm so fucking wet right now."

Dr. Hirata appeared holding a syringe. Her mouth was formed into a maniacal smile.

"There is one more fluid I must inject. This will increase the amount of ejaculate fluid. I believe the expression is 'buckets of cum'. Well, it won't be quite that much."

She injected the needle into each IV bag. In seconds my crotch felt as though it were on fire!

"Oh GAWD...LET ME GO! You're SICK! You're BOTH SICK!"

I felt as though my groin was being pummeled by a small hammer just as I passed out.

I awoke to find myself still lying on the exam table covered with a blanket. My arms and legs were free. My groin area felt extremely heavy, as though weights had been attached to me. Just as I managed to sit up, Dr. Hirata entered with a laptop in her hands.

"Ah Mr. Summers. I am most pleased to report that everything went well; even better than I had hoped."

I was still mad as hell but she stopped me before I could say anything.

"Before you say anything you should watch this video."

She placed the laptop on the exam table and ran the video. I watched in amazement at a video showing me eagerly agreeing to be part of this experiment. There was no hesitation in my speech. There was also no proof of my suckling Dr. Hirata's nipples or Dr. Zahn going nuts and ripping off my clothes or any of my protests. It all seemed very normal, very cordial and very professional. On the video it appeared that I had eagerly agreed to this procedure. Ms. Stone would have no evidence of the abuse that had really happened.

"You are in full understanding of what this means, yes?"

I nodded.

"That is most pleasing. Before I show you the results please know that the effect is only temporary. Your genitals will return to their usual size in about a week to ten days. You may experience spontaneous erections and ejaculations. Sometimes they will feel most pleasurable, other times there may be very little sensation. Before I show you the results I want you to know that in a few days I am hosting a party for other female medical colleagues of FD Corp. in order to display and celebrate this procedure. You will be the honored centerpiece of the party."

She removed the blanket and I looked down at my crotch. My cock and balls were MASSIVE. I'd seen some big dicks in porn movies but never anything like this. I was too stunned to comment, and yet, as Dr. Hirata mentioned, things were in proportion. I'd seen pictures that gay friends had of drawings by an artist called Tom of Finland; big, muscular men with unbelievably hyper-sized genitals.

"You made me a freak!"

"No, I made you a sex-god and you will be worshipped!"

She had such a manic look in her eyes that there was no point in arguing with her.

"Now you must go back to your dormitory and rest. A car will pick you up tomorrow at 10am for your fitting. You will have something very special to wear to the party befitting your god-like genitals."

"How can I go home? Dr. Zahn tore off all my clothes!"

"Ah yes, I had forgotten. We will find you something. Should you experience any severe discomfort, call the clinic immediately. But I am most sure you will not. I will be in touch."

She giggled and left the room. I stood there feeling like Frankenstein's sex monster when Dr. Zahn came in.

"Mr. Summers, I apologize for my earlier behavior. I generally do not allow myself to behave unprofessionally. I brought you something to wear."

She held out a pair of unlined pale blue spandex bicycle shorts. They were so thin as to be almost sheer.

"You've got to be kidding. I'll get arrested in these!"

"I assure you that won't happen; besides your genitals will need the support. Now I must ask you some questions. I must fill out a report for Dr. Hirata."

I reached for the blanket to cover myself, but Dr. Zahn calmly took it out of my reach. She grabbed a caliper from a nearby tray and began measuring my balls. She measured my cock, which was soft but still massive. My fully erect cock was never as big as this. As I stared down at my groin, I felt the blood stirring. In a matter of seconds my monster cock was rock hard and throbbing.

"I see you are experiencing one of the spontaneous erections Dr. Hirata mentioned."

She wasted no time in getting the measurements. She spent an inordinate amount of time measuring the thickness of the shaft and the girth of the head.

"It is both monstrous and magnificent! If you just slid it inside a woman's vagina she would have an orgasm. The length and thickness would cause constant contact with the clitoris. I wish I could find out for myself...I wish that Ms. Stone..."

She stopped herself and went back to the questions. She reached over and squeezed my balls and then my cock.

"Are you in any pain?"

"No pain, but my groin feels like it weighs a ton."

"When I stroke the shaft to you feel any pleasurable sensation?"

"I can feel your hand but the sensation is very faint as though I were wearing a very thick condom. I think you could stroke my cock for a very long time without me feeling the need to cum."

"Excellent. Now please feel your testicles. Then the shaft of your penis."

My balls felt as huge as they looked and very heavy and full of liquid. I could feet cum churning in them. I could barely get my hand around the shaft; it was so hard and so thick. I used my hands to get an idea of the length. It took three hands! A rivulet of pre-cum began flowing from the piss slit, drenching my hands as I held the shaft.

"Do you feel as though you want to ejaculate?"

"No...yes...maybe. I can't tell."

"That's good. This procedure is not about your pleasure. It is about giving women an extraordinary visual sensation; a man with a massive, almost perpetually hard penis and copious ejaculations without the need for manual stimulation."

I gazed down at the unfamiliar monster cock which was sticking straight up between my pecs. It felt like one of those 'realistic' vinyl dildos and yet it was warm and I could feel blood pulsing. I was freaked out and turned on at the same time. I tried to make a joke.

"I bet Dr. Hirata could do land office business enhancing rich women's boy toys."

"One never knows where this discovery may lead."

Dr. Zahn got a very odd look on her face. And for her, that's saying something.

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