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Change Of Life: The Return Ch. 05

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Shirley comes home to Bud, but not to stay.
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As Billy and Shirley watched Mandy ride away with the truck driver to God knows where, they knew from now on it was just the two of them that would be finishing the long journey back to her house in the suburbs of Chicago's north side. It would be Shirley alone who would be facing her husband and trying to work out the problems they had before all this happened.

She still had no idea it was her husband's plan to put her drugged naked body on the train to Mexico to begin with. She only knew she had to talk to Bud and see if he would accept her back into his life after all this time. She had to find a way to get him to fuck her first. If he did that, he would know how much better a piece of ass she was now thanks to Max, her big American pimp who ran a huge operation of whore houses below the border.

Her plan was to fuck Bud breathless and then to tell him everything she knew about the past 2 years. That would include how she and Mandy were taken and drugged, how they were put into a boxcar and sent to Mexico, and, how Max had taken them and forced them to fuck God knows how many men in order to live. And finally how they had convinced Billy to rescued both of them from the whorehouse.

Later, she would tell Bud how Billy had risked his own life a dozen of times as he fought off the men chasing all of them across the country. All of this she was sure would make her the victim and Bud would feel sorry for her. He would surely take her back into his life.

Then after a few days of fucking Bud wildly and giving him anything and everything he ever wanted in the way of sex and pleasure, she would tell Bud that she felt a deep debit of gratitude towards Billy. She would ask Bud to accept Bill as part of their family.

It would take some talking and so real sexual doing with her body, but she was sure she could convince Bud that she could provide much more sex than he could handle by himself. She would talk him into letting Billy come over and fuck her now and then. At first, she could give Bud what he always wanted from her, a three-way session with another man. Then when Mandy came back, if she ever did, she would have a three-way session with Bud and Mandy. They would fuck Bud anyway and every way they could think of and he ever wanted. Yes, Shirley would be good to him and please her husband fully as she provided him with all the sex and lust a loving whore of a wife could give a man.

"Every man wants a whore in the bedroom she said to herself, "Hell Bud has said that to her a 1000 times during their marriage."

She just wasn't ready to do all that he wanted. But now, well now she was able and willing to give her husband everything and more of what he wanted so badly. She would drive him wild with sex fucking and sucking him again and again until he was hooked on her body just like Billy was then he would agreed to all her wishes. She knew Bud always wanted a whore for a wife and now she was prepared to be just that for him.

And Billy, well she would explain to Bud that she had to repay Billy for all the things he did for her. Sooner or later, she would have Bud agree to allow Billy to fuck her whenever he was in town. She would tell Bud it wouldn't be very often. After all, Billy was living in California, so how often would he be able to get to Chicago? She wouldn't tell Bud that Billy told her that once his military service term of enlistment was over, he would be moving to where ever she was and stay there for good. No, she would wait until Bud was more comfortable with Billy fucking her from time to time. Then she would tell him that Bill was moving closer to them.

She was sure that Billy would sooner or later fined a woman around his own age and that would be the end of Billy. She again said to herself, "I'll tell Bud that I, no, that we, owe Billy that much for rescuing her from Mexico. She would explain to Bud that it would only be once and awhile and only for a little while. She was sure she could convenience Bud to let her have the young man as a lover too.

She decided that she would start off by fucking Bud wildly and making him so tired he couldn't get it up any more. Then she would suggest they add someone else to help him. That someone would be Billy who would show up as a coincident a day or two later on leave. She would work the timing out with Bill by e-mail.

Yes, it would work she was sure! She just had to plan it correctly. She would remind Bud how he had always wanted to try a threesome! She would simply talk with Bud and then Billy would show up later that same week. She knew Billy lusted after her and after all she had made that deal with him to provide sex so that she could get him to help her.

She was so sure that after she gave Bud her body and the fucking of his life for a few days, that he would accept her back completely and let her honor her commitment with Billy. Bud was smart and would quickly realize that she was now more than a one-man woman. She would show Bud how she could go all night and drain him fast and do it night after night. Bud would sooner or later accept the fact that he couldn't keep up with her sexual needs any longer and he would actually be happy there was another man to help him fuck his wife to satisfaction. Yes, Bud would cooperate after all was said and done. Bud loved her with all his heart. He had told her that a million times over the years they had been married.

Until she could get Billy into her life she would meet him on the side and fuck him during the afternoons when Bud worked. It was a plan made in heaven. She would have her security and a home with Bud and a fantastic sex life with her much younger lover, Billy. She smiled to herself as they drove closer to her home.

She was counting on Bud's deep devotion to her. He had told her so many times before that she was his heart and sole. She was the same Shirley in every aspect of her life except sexually. Sexually, she was a much better woman and would share her sexual knowledge with Bud and prove to him that she loved him. She would now be able to fuck Bud into such sexual pleasure she was sure that after a while he would grant her almost anything. All she had to do was take it to him and give him what she had been trained to do for two years.

As Billy and Shirley drove towards her home she talked to Billy about all of her plan that involved him. She told him that soon he would find a nice girl around his own age and they would say their good-byes. But until then, she promised him she would love him and fuck him every day that Bud went to work. She would come to his room and give him his "candy". She told Bill while he was actually her favorite, and that she wanted him to be with her until that day he did find someone else. But, she was still married and so she was going to stay with her husband. But, they could have sex together when she met him each day. Finally she told Billy that Bud would accept him into their bed and they could actually fuck in front of him or with him as a third party. And if Bud didn't want to join they, well to bad, they would fuck in her marital bed with or without her husband.

Billy agreed! Hell, he felt he loved Shirley and wanted to be with her. He risked nothing now that she was back home and yet he had all the rewards. It was Bud who had the problem now with such a sexually active woman such as Shirley he knew the old man couldn't keep up! He would wait his time and fuck her during the day until Shirley could add him her bed with her husband. He realized that Bud would take long to cum and that would be the end of him. After that Billy would have her for the rest of the night. He knew Bud would never be able to provide the sex he knew she wanted and needed. Billy wasn't dumb just in love with her body. But, he knew no one man could ever please Shirley completely again that was for sure!

By the time they were in the north side of town Shirley had convinced Billy that her husband Bud would welcome his help eventually. She told Bill that he would have to wait until she could arrange for him to meet her and Bud. It would a week or two but in the mean time she would come to him and make love to him while her old husband worked. . She told Billy how she had to stay with her husband now and give him her body but not her love. That was for Billy. But she was now home and she would be staying with her husband. She assured bill that she wouldn't forget what he did for her and he would lack for nothing. Billy told her he understood but didn't want to wait to long before they were together again.

Shirley had learned a great deal of things in her two years as a whore in Mexico. She knew not only how to fuck better and longer but she knew how to manipulate and milk men for what she wanted. She smiled, as she looked out the car window and recognized the area. She was sure both men would be pleased with her new sexual talents and tricks she had learned on fucking. She planned to use all of these new skills to seduce both men and get what she wanted. She was sure that if Bud still loved her like she was sure he did, he would welcome her home any way he could get her and that included letting her have Billy from time to time.

As they pulled into the hotel area of northern Chicago, Shirley asked Billy to stop so she could call home. Bud picked up the phone this time seeing a local phone number. He didn't realize it was his whoring wife. When he heard her voice a pain came in his stomach and his heart. He asked where she was and the pain got stronger as she told him she was on the West Side of town and was coming home. He told her to hurry he couldn't wait to see her again and to hear what happened to her.

Shirley smiled as she heard her husband say those words to her. She said, "Oh Bud! I have missed you so much and can't wait to see you."

Bud replied, "Well hurry I can't wait to have you here Shirley."

She said, "I love you baby!"

Bud said, "Good I'm so glad you still do baby! Hurry baby!"

She said, "I should be there by 4:30 PM. Oh Bud I have missed you so much we have so many things to talk about!"

Bud said, "Yes, I know I'm just happy you're coming home!"

Shirley said, "Me too Bud, I love you baby!"

He hung up. She was hoping he would tell her he loved her too but he hadn't. Well it had been 2 years. He most likely was still in shock she was alive. She wondered if he had filed for her death and in fact if they were still married? Oh well she would have to deal with all this as she went along.

It took over an hour and a half to get from the north side of Chicago to the motel closest to her home. They were going to put Billy up in the motel until she could work out her plan r deal. Billy wanted to check into the room first.

After they had unpacked his things, Billy asked Shirley to fuck him but she turned him down telling him there wasn't enough time to d him right. She also told him she had to stay clean for her husband today. It was his day since she hadn't been with him in 2 years but tomorrow she would come to his room as soon as her husband went to work and they would fuck the day away.

She smiled as she pushed Billy on the bed and took off his jeans. She told him there was time to suck his big fat cock. Billy smiled at that and helped to get his jeans off his feet. Finally instead of taking his shoes off in order to get his jeans off Shirley stopped and moved up over his rising cock. She began to suck and suck and lick and bit and jerk it off in her hand driving Billy very quickly towards an orgasm. She worked him hard and fast like the $20 whore she was. His got hard, fat and red and she knew he was close. She took a deep breath and swallowed his 7 inches completely.

Bill held her head down as her mouth took all of him down her throat again and again. He lifted his hips and ass up off the bed as he moaned out loudly, "Oh Fuck Yes! I'm going to cum!"

She knew it before he told her. She felt his cock get hotter and harder and she knew seconds before he actually began to pump his sperm into her mouth that he was going to cum. She loved younger men. Their cocks seem to erupt when they shot off. Billy's felt like it exploded in her mouth. Shot after wonderful shot of his milky white fluid pumped into Shirley's mouth as she took al of it either down here throat or captured it in her mouth!

Once he was finished she popped the softening cock head out of her mouth and smiled as she swallowed the remaining cum in her mouth.

Once she had swallowed his sperm and cleaned the rest off her face, they got up and back into the car. Billy again drove following her directions. They had agreed that he would stay in the motel room and wait for her to come to him.

It was now rush hour when they hit the expressway again and drove around Chicago towards Shirley's home. Traffic was the pits. There was so many cars and accident today! Shirley gave him directions to drive off the main expressway and take the side roads. She found herself becoming more and more nervous.

As Bud looked out the window waiting to see Shirley pull up in the driveway he wondered what was ahead of him. There would be trouble, of that he was sure. And the guy she had been with, Billy, what would happen with him when Shirley and Bud met for the first time in two years. He would see what the kid, as he called him, looked like and then he could tell if he would have a serious problem.

Bud had worked out hard for the two years she had been away and he was now in the best shape of his life except for the time he spent in the Navy with the Special Weapons and Ordnance unit. But, that was when he was in his early twenties not forties. He would have to worry about what Billy would do later. Right now he was prepared for his wife to come into the house and let it take it's course from there. What would happen would happen.

As the two of them entered her nice development she was actually scared. As they rounded that last turn and drove down her street towards her house huge butterflies formed in her stomach. Billy was nervous too. Bud saw their car when it rounded the corner. He said out loud, "Good they're finally here!"

Billy looked at the big houses each on a huge piece of land and he was impressed. And as they pulled up into the driveway and stopped, Shirley actually felt sick she was that apprehensive. She sat in car for over 5 minutes taking deep breaths and trying to get her courage up. Finally Billy said, "Do you want me to go in with you or go get him?"

She told him, "No. No Billy I have to do this on my own. You just wait until I get inside then I'll either call you or come to your room if things don't work out. If they do, then I'll call you and see you tomorrow."

She got out of the car and told him again that she would prefer to talk with her husband alone for the first time because she felt it would be better for everyone. So Bill told her he would wait in the car but if she needed him she should yell.

With that Shirley straightened her dress and walked up to the front door. She rapped on the door since her keys were gone a long time ago. Bud had chanced the locks anyway. It opened slowly then faster. Bud wasn't sure if Shirley was there to kill him, drop to her knees and ask for his forgiveness or what?

Seeing her husband for the first time gave Shirley chills and she shook before she actually jumped towards him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly to her saying, "Oh my God Oh my God, Oh my God OHMYGOD!"

When they separated she couldn't help but notice how fit Bud looked. He looked much slimmer and much more athletic. His hair was cut short and his blue eyes sparkled. Bud had been working out and dieting and he now looked and felt very buffed. She smiled and put her arms out to him and tried to kiss him. Bud came to her and hugged her but let her lips hit his cheek. As she hugged him tightly again she whispered in his ear, "My God I have missed you so much Buddy."

He pulled away again to arm's length and looked her up and down. Then he looked towards the car and asked, "So who is that in the car? Billy?"

She said, "Yes. That's Bill! He was the one that helped me get home. I'll explain everything to you Bud. Billy agreed with me that he would wait in the car until we both agreed to invite him in Bud. If he's not welcome he'll go back to his motel room and wait to hear from me. But without him I wouldn't be here. He has saved my life a million times over."

Bud said, "Well then by all means invite Billy in Shirley. I know we have a lot to discuss, and I want to know everything that has happened. My god, know one knew where you were for almost two years. You look very tired. We all were sure you and Mandy were dead. Where is Mandy anyway?"

Shirley waved for Billy to get out of the car and come inside. She turned towards Bud and said, "Mandy didn't come all the way home with us Bud. She still might come home to Paul later but no one knows for sure. I'll explain that too as I tell you everything that has happened. And believe me, you're not going to believe it!! Oh God Bud I can't wait to get you in bed and make love to you again baby. I have missed you so very much my darling!"

She began to cry as they walked into the house. Bud said, "Well first things first! Come inside and let's talk. Then we can decide what we're going to do. I'm just glad you are OK."

She wrapped her arm around his stomach hugging him as they walked into the house. She sat down and Bud held the door for Billy until he was inside. He watched as Bill sat next to Shirley on the sofa. Bud locked the door again before returning to the room. As Bud came into the living room, the two of them were both facing him. He sat in his chair with his back to the fireplace as he facing both of them and the front door and the den.

He said, "So!!! Where the hell have you been? What happened to you? It seems that you vanished off the face of the earth Shirley."

Shirley smiled a little and said, "I did! I was kidnapped Bud!"

He said, "What? Kidnapped? You I mean why I never got a ransom note or anything."

Shirley began to tell Bud how badly she wanted to come home but couldn't because she was taken to Mexico. She told him that all the time she was away she realized what a fool she has been to him and how badly she had hurt their marriage. She told him over and over again that she was so sorry for hurting him like she did and she just wanted to come home and hopped he would help them start over again.

Bud said, "Wait.....wait a minute. First tell me about the kidnapped. Should we call the police? When? I mean how did you get away?"

Shirley was so hungry she asks if they could first have something to eat and drink while she explained? Bud told them both to come into the kitchen and he pulled out half of roast and all the fixings from last night's dinner. As he heated it up in the microwave Shirley began her story.

She explained first and again that she knew she had done some terrible things to Bud and that she couldn't turn back the hands of time but she expressed how very sorry she was for hurting him. She then told him about the men who attacked her and Mandy and that they drugged both of them.

Bud sat there while they talked and ate and he had a strange look on his face. Finally he interrupted and asked, "So you were attacked then what happened. I mean you weren't in any hospital I knew the police checked them all, nationwide. We had no idea where you were. Everyone assumed you both were dead!"

Bill and Shirley ate like they were starved. As she continued her story she told him all about the kidnapping and then waking up in a train. Bud interrupted again saying, "A train! Why were you on a train?"

She said, "Well not a regular train that carries people. It was a boxcar, and we were tied to the railing inside. And...and we have no clothes at all Bud. The men who took us took all of our clothes! It was horrible!"


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