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All Comments on 'Change Of Life: The Return Ch. 05'

by NeedYou

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Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 20 years ago
The end

That's the end of Shirley, no doubt! She'll be moved/sold to cheaper whorehouses till she's useless, sick, infected, and dying.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Bud is a man????

Bud seems not to be a man, but rather a deceptive coniving whimp. He could not handle Shirley, so he sold her to a friend who turned her into a prostitue. I hope Mandy returns and finds out what has happened and rescues Shirley. Since Bud is responsible for their disaperance and they had taken out insurance policies on their wives, maybe they will go to prison and becomes Big Bubba's little girls. It would server Paully and Bud right. At the same time, maybe someone could put Max out of commission permanently.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
I feel sick

To me, Bud is an unfeeling bastard

gusteufgusteufalmost 20 years ago
Some things never change.....

When she first meets Billy, she plans on deceiving him to get him to help her escape. When she finally gets home, she plans on keeping Billy even if she has to lie and cheat, but she hopes to screw him in front of her beloved husband!!!!

Wait... Maybe I am not understanding her. Maybe I should be more accepting. Maybe I, or rather Bud should accept my loving spouse and go into the closet with the two Anonymous's and stroke off watching my loving wife and her lover in my bed. That is what a real man....a loving man....a compassionate man....an understanding man would do!

Nahh!!! Cheating got her into this. She still wanted to continue cheating. What better place for her than a whore house? A respectable home in the suburbs and a shame marriage? In the whore house she gets all the cock she wants.

Before anyone thinks that I am uncaring.... I enjoy happy endings. Anyone can make a mistake. Two loving people can get through a infidelity. However, can anyone read this and think that she really loved him? I just wish that the other conniving bitch was caught too.

DavefoDavefoalmost 20 years ago
And he didn't have to split the insurance........

Serves her right. Bud outsmarted her, got a real wife and a

real family. As for Shirley, she makes a great ex.

If there is such a thing as Karma, Bud might want to start

looking over his shoulder. I thought divorce, with proof of

adultery would have sufficed, but to each his own.

I remember the part of the story where he begged her not to

screw those two pimps and wanted her to come home. She laughed at him and screwed them anyway. I am not sure she got what she deserved, but she deserved what she got.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

The best damn story on here. The ending was very well done and I enjoyed the fact that she was taken and lsot everything. Damn good Bud! V

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
I am sorry, but I didn't like

the return at all. Couldn't he just told her the truth two years ago and be done with it. At least let Billy go and be with the other woman.

gallatingallatinalmost 20 years ago
Do You Really Hate Women That Much?

Bud could have divorced his wife, he certainly had enough grounds. He, and the author, went totally off the end. He is guilty of kidnapping, a RICO conspiracy, violations of the MANN Act, and attempted murder. This wasn't a "loving Wives" story, it was a vicious woman hating get even at all costs. How can someone who is this vicious to another human being be a good loving husband and father. His new wife better not step out of line, he might just kill her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

she got what she deserved

sherlock40sherlock40almost 20 years ago
Did some of you even read the first story?

She treated her husband like dog crap. She cheated, lied and humiliated him several times. She crapped all over their marriage and now she expects to just waltz back into his life and dictate to her husband what she wants and doesn't want.

Now he has what he wants; a true loving wife, a son and a future without his cheating whore of an ex-wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Yes, I just reread the story!

Bud started the cheating with Mandy and her husband. Shirl wasn't giving him enough sex, and Mandy was giving Paul more than he could handle. The two of them had been married for over twenty years so this woman is in her forties of fifties. How good a whore would she have made? NeedYou forgot that in the beginning of his story he said that he had a vasectamy after their second child was born and they are already grandparents, so how does he have a child with the new wife?

Bud wanted Mandy to loosen up Shirl and when she did he couldn't take it. Then he goes so far off the deep end that he has to totally destroy her.

Some of the comments about what should happen to her are just plain sick and I hope you guys don't have women that have to rely on you for support.

I've looked over your stories and have read just about all of them. There is a thread about them where all of the women seem to get hooked up with a guy with an enormous cock and guite often it is a black man. Is this about penis envy?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
What a Pair!

She may be a promiscuous cheating slut, but he is not really any better. Any man who drugs his wife, sells her for $20 and then claims $200,000 in death insurance is not only a vicious bastard but is also a criminal. Last time I checked, making false insurance claims for big bucks can put you in jail for a long time. They deserve each other. the Ct Yankee

gizzmo301gizzmo301almost 20 years ago

A good story with the theme of a cheating wife who just kept wanting more and more. A husband who tried to get his wife to stop, but she wouldn't and over the top revenge for her cheating and being a whore.... now she is one and she was warned that it could happen if she didn't stop.

DavefoDavefoalmost 20 years ago
Glad Shirley is reaping what she sowed......

For those of you who don't know, selling women across the

border happens quite often.

As for the story, I was so pleased to see Shirley and Mandy

found their niche.

All we have left to settle up is Mandy, perhaps she will find

someone who can truly appreciate her...like Satan. She would

make a great "water girl" for a Georgia chain gang, or maybe

she could find......awww never mind. Glad I never met her.

Good job with the story...Dave

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Money maker?

How could she really be worth all that much? Whores of all colors are available cheap in Mexico. Shirley is at least in her late thirties? So how is she supposed to make Max a dime, especially after all the time and effort he spent chasing. Does not compute!

thelonewalkerthelonewalkeralmost 19 years ago
An insane writer - great pornstory

this story was good... the revenge should have been better.. i liked the previous commnet very much... same here, bud.... and, readers, there are somethings i wanna tell about this writer... and, oh, i am giving it 50 or 75 only for its porn qualities... i personally don't regard his or her stories as erotica....

hey, i haven't commented on any of ur stories before.... beacause, i thought i should take time and read ur stories with carefull attention... which i believe i did... first of all, let me say that - u r not a good erotica writer, not even close, erotica is of passions and events which dwell with love and desire ... u haven't showed that sign in any genre... better to suffice, u r a very good pornstory writer, where morals are necessarily absent and lack of human sanity is essential.. ur sex scenes are good, probably great... u have surpassed many in that area... but, emotions and events that led us to those scenes eventually make a reader almost nonplussed and a bit annoyed... i should particularly talk on ur Loving Wives stories... u see, all of these stories have same patterns... big cock, sudden sluttish attitude and heartbreak of a purely gentle and innocent male... don't u think if anyone knows that he or she can't stay true or they are not just of faithful type, then they shouldn't have chosen the path of relationship or marriage? if any one, like female characters, likes just to fuck and get orgasms, then let be it.... why bother with marriage or something? if that's what they want, give them that chance... i just don't understand, why they marry? ur female characters ceratinly have the greatest sexual appetites and they would like to meet that by getting big, bigger and biggest cocks ..... and, the most upsetting fact with ur writing is - u have tried to justified that... well, if u r singly, do whatever u want, go for 15" black cocks... but, why u do that in a marriage? that's why ur characters are insane like u.... never try to justify that.. u r preaching slut behaviour.... that's not just good... however, who am i to tell these? it's just that when i see people are voting quite generously for ur stories, i get a bit hurt that how can people support things like u advocated.... in literotica, i am particularly happy to see that almost 99% readers are against cheating and they are at it very firmly which assures that themes u profess are yet far off to come to reality....

if u r a male, then, ur pattern tells us that u got this treatment urself from someone u loved and now trying to create that vile character with contempt which we feel too to those characters...

and, if u r a female, which is a big possibility, u urself betrayed someone for a bigger dick... and, u, pathetically, tried to justify some of it, the betrayal.... the orgasmic bliss and better sex turned to have priority over a marriage that the female character chose previously... it's again a shame that in ur stories, female characters are nothing but pieces of meats... always wanting to mate and breed with a better specimen of the opposite sex... and that's why, when ur female characters utter the words 'i love u' or 'love', it is pretty evidient to the readers of my like, that she loves bigger cock and more and more intercourse.. the concept of love in ur storeis is quite bizzare to me and frankly unusual... oh, if u mean, physical love, then, i understand... but, otherwise, my head hurts....

and cheated husbands were portrayed poorly... husbands with small dicks and warmth of a good person.... have u done it intentionally to hurt guys? because, no man really is a wimp... a person may have a beautiful wife, if she cheats.. that shows her character... and, who doesn't know, however great a person's physical attraction can be, if u want to be with that person, he or she has to have good and great characteristics too... beauty doesn't always feed...

however, u and another almost insance Loving Wives writer vastiesmith are quite similar.. even ur and her location in ur biographies are identical.... u both have quite evidently shown us that yes there are really beautiful (outwardly women out there who are full of sexual desire and that only.... u two have shown that women are pieces of meat only... with no heartfelt warmth, true feelings... perhaps i am wasting these... u know, from ur writngs, i have come to realize that there are people who relate to the word Love completely in the physical sort of way... and, a whorish sort of way of course...

pls, do read Mused or Bob Clark Jr. or VetigoJ or haremgirl's stories.. then, u may improve some... the first three dealt with incest... but there also lies the greatness of human mind, how much we are capable of loving the people we care for... do read....

i am earnestly hoping a reply... if u feel upto it... but, pls try to feel the fact that sex is just a part of life, not the core... with ur talent, u could produce great stories.... which i hope u would someday.... and, don't degrade woman that much... most of the woman and man for that matter don't love because of cock size or tit size.... love is something u can't explain...

if i have talked too much, pardon me.... but, ur stories do tend to make people believe that u r insane... hopelessly...

and, last but not the least, human beings are vindictive, the way ur female cheaters get away is quite unbelievable... things really don't happen like that.. measures are always taken.... i suppose it has to do with u again... u urself perhaps got away with it....


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
More Stupid than Previous Stories

Drones on and on.

And one does not "shake their head yes." They nod. I'm done trying to read NeedYou.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I know it's late to comment but ...

I think I read it all some time ago. I know for sure I did with the stories about their return from the whorehouse. However, I seem to have missed the part where she has been whoring around for a long time before he caught on. Did she fuck in the Country Club where she worked ? Did she do many of their friends ? What was she going to say about other cheating ? ... If that was true, then she did let him waste nearly 25 years and took away the sex he begged her for. 25 years, for many people half of their adult life.

Of course she deserved what she got. Even now, she was plotting again to cheat on him while she was going to take her back. Some readers suggested another chapter as follow-up on Mandy and Shirl. Why not. Good or bad, makes no difference.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Once you whore the first time, you are a whore for

life. Nothing you do can change it. It is who and what you are.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago


huedogghuedoggalmost 14 years ago
need you

yes we do need Navy man in the house.............whoohaa

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 13 years ago
Fine ending...

I know it is just a story, very entertaining. Bud should have taken her in hand about the second time she refused to have sex with him so in a way it is his fault, too. I hope Mandy gets hers, also. Keep writing.

IronDragonIronDragonover 11 years ago

BTB done right. Bud turned from a wimp into a hard ass. Outstanding!

5 Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Even Nympho's Want Love

I read every chapter over two days. Good story writing but I was sad how my views of most men were confirmed- they want a woman who will fuck them like whores at night but be totally immune to other men or sexual desires in the day, while Mr. Holyman does whatever he pleases. Most will disagree with me, but there was no justice here. I was very disappointed in the ending and wish that Shirl and Billy would have been allowed to leave and live their own lives. If the author was telling this story theough the eyes of Buddy, you are a very sick, small man. I didn't think that about you until the very end. But you won me over. Bye.

Patricia RN BSN (Florida)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
really great story!!

love the idea and the plot. Gave you a 5

johnadpjohnadpabout 7 years ago
Pathetic Story, Pathetic Writing

First, repetitive rambling telling the same thing paragraph after paragraph. Just awful writing. In addition, there is a big discrepency in facts between the "Return" and the earlier story.

But besides that, anyone that thinks Shirley deserved what she got is a sick predator that absolutely hates women. First, the husband cheats first. Second, he knew the wife and dated her since she was 14 and he could do that to her. Third, she says she wants to explore her sexuality and hopes that the husband wouldn't leave. So you cannot deal with that then fucking leave her. Just an absolutely sick story!

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Great revenge

Beautiful revenge. Que siempre sea asi para enqanar a las putas. Damn all cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I don't know.

I feel kind of bad about Billy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

WHEN we win, we’ll treat the sick like you in the cobalt mines of Congo

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very late to the party

But hey. If you're still around, thanks for a very enjoyable story. She got was what coming.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Good ending, such a same Mandy got away.

A great BTB


inka2222inka2222almost 2 years ago

Great BTB ending. Honestly I didn't bother reading the first chapters - they seems like too much sex and humiliation for the husband. The whole two series could have been 5 chatpers total, 1 chapter the whole beginning of first series, 2 last chapters of it; one chapter beginning of this sequel and 1 chapter this last one.

The biggest problem with the revenge was that they let the two pimps live.

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