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Charismatic Billy Belair


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Our apologies ma'am," Billy oozed. "Miss Smith is upset. Her dog called Missy died last night, attacked by two wolfhounds."

"Oh dear. How tragic. You have our condolences," said the elderly woman. She and her even older companion left minutes later and the waitress arrived with a bottle of sparking wine. This is with the compliments of Mrs Elsa Waters-Ottoman and her mother. They are very concerned you lost your dog Missy ma'am."

"You liar, see what you've done." Monique snapped.

"Well, they didn't look too upset. I rarely lie so was out of practice. Please help me drink this wine and take me somewhere and seduce me."

"Stop talking to me like that. This pressure from you is relentless."

"Bet it's toughening you up as an attorney."

"It's probably is. God that might be the only sensible think you have ever said to me in conversation."

"What about the investment partnership proposal?"

"Well I assumed you would have known I placed that aside."

"Oh yeah""

"Yeah. Well one glass of this and back to the office," said Monique.

They finished the bottle and she ordered another before Billy cancelled it.

"You are actually rather pleasant company when relaxed Billy," she said as if talking about herself.

He managed to get her walking, propping her up with one hand around a tit and the hand was allowed to remain there for the duration.

In the elevator she unclasped his hand and kissed him.

"What was that for?" he demanded.

"Do I need a fucking reason if I want to kiss you?"

Two younger women in with them giggled.

"Oh fuck, I'm drunk," Monique wailed.

"Only a little – if Jan is in I'll get her to take you to the restroom to get a wet flannel on to your face and neck and please darling try to moderate your language."

"Yes darling. Whatever you say darling."

Jan was all sympathetic and just what Monique needed.

Two days later the relationship between Monique and Billy slumped. Billy received a call from an attorney representing Mace-Toohey.

"A change in council thinking requires us to purchase your lease."

"We invested speculatively. We are prepared to talk money."

"I'll make it easy for you. We are offering max for rights to that cornerstone property. My client agrees to pay you and your partner a million bucks."

"Tell him to be generous and offer two million."

"Is that your final word on this?"

"No, I will be prepared to negotiate higher."

"That ends our negotiations Mr Belair," the attorney said.

Billy told Monique the bad news and she burst into tears.

Monique did everything to avoid him during the next two days, not even looking down the room at his cubicle.

Two days later Billy was called to reception. He met two dark-suited guys from Straightwell Development's who wanted to talk business. He showed them into an interview room and excused himself to fetch his partner.

"Oh god, we're saved."

"Monique, you have to learn to toughen up. Now just show some tit and leg and keep your mouth shut."

"How dare you speak to me like that."

"Well I'll be polite. Show tit and leg and suck your thumb. If you talk to them it will break their focus on me. No, I know what. You carry out these negotiations and I'll sit picking my teeth."

"No, no. You deal with it, please Billy."

"Okay, I want a steep learning curve from you. In future we must work as a team, but working on the same team, because half of it is your money."

"I'm not sure if I want a next time. Okay, please yourself. Do you wish to die poor?"

The negotiations went smoothly. Monique just closed her eyes when Billy said although he was glad Straightwell Development's had taken over the development there would be other developers lining up to do if Straightwell Development's stumbled over the cornerstone property. My partner and I want 2.4.

"Be realistic. 1.8."

The one-way game continued until the leggy Monique stopped playing with her left breast when Billy yawned and looked at his watch. The team leader on the other side then said, "Deal, $2.4 million." The attorney with him pulled out documentation that was signed and the check handed over. The guys left. Monique pushed Billy into the interview room and was all over him.

"Okay, I know you're pleased," he said. "Stop it, you're making me horny."

She pulled away, red faced.

"It feels like the prelude to adultery when you are still with that jerk."

"You can't mean that."

"I do. Don't expect me to fuck you while he's still around."

"I wasn't."


For a moment Billy though she was going to hit him but then her shoulders slumped.

"You have to toughen up and don't lie to me Monique; you are not a good liar."

"You overwhelm me at times and at other times make me strong. I'm having difficulty coping with it."

"I've learnt to be strong. You can be strong without losing your innate femininity."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and I bet your law assistant-professors talked to you about that."

Monique sighed and said, "God, is that anything you don't know?"

"I don't know how good your are in bed."

"Give it a rest Billy. I'm off to bank this check into our joint account."

"Thanks. When it comes times to withdraw remember you need both signatures."

"I'm not proposing to withdraw any money if granddad agrees for me to continue with his interest-free loan."

"Likewise two G's to Uncle Lance is play money. I'll suggest tonight when he says he's so proud of me he could make his loan interest-free.

* * *

Leon De Luca's PA called to say Leon wished to see Billy. He went up and Katie said Leon was on a call to Japan. She came from behind his desk to sit opposite him, taking sometime to arrange her legs. He looked at those long legs and she smiled, looking at him and he said, "They are a pair of beauties."

"So I have another pair of what you call beauties?"

Billy looked at his breasts. She was not cupping them thank goodness.

"What is this Katie?"

"Oh Leon is still on his call," she said, looking at lights on her desktop. "This is a little aside, about you and me. Leon leaves at 4:00 today. I would like to invite you up to our meeting room for a drink at 4:15."

"You are married Katie."

"Oh lucky me. If you think that's a problem I would like you to think of it as my problem. Have you been getting any lately?"

Billy scratched the back of his head and grinned. "As a matter of fact no."

"Well today is your lucky day. Ben is away this week and I am as they say, in need."

"Well, providing nothing comes up Katie this could be your lucky afternoon. I've seen you walking around and have watched you."

"I know Billy," she cooed. "I might not get another chance so I'm going for it."

They chatted until Katie saw Leon was off the call.

Leon hurried around his desk and shook Billy's hand. "This is marvelous news about the deal you and Monique have pulled off. Your contracts with us prevent you from dealing but in the case of you and Monique the partners have decided to be tolerant and business experience will round off your education before you both become junior partners. What I want to talk to you about is confidential between you and me."

"You have my agreement."

"Monique has mentioned to Rosemary and me that you have hounded her quite a bit, meaning sex."

"That's true but I want more than that from her. She appears to me to be a perfect companion, girlfriend if you like."

"Jumping catfish. Rosemary will be delighted. She's asked me to invite you to go out with us three to dinner. Now is a great time as we could profess to have super interest in your deal. We do of course but Monique knew not to come for me for money as Rosemary and I a building a vacation home in Florida that is lapping up money."

"I bet. Money gobbling is an industry down there."

"You use your perception agreeably Billy, so what am I asking you exactly?"

"You would like a certain jerk out of Monique's life and a handsome guy showing some promising signs of knowing how to make money installed in his place."

"Oh no wonder Monique likes you heaps and Rosemary will be out to seduce you when she finds out how smooth and likeable you are."

"Before you go overboard Leon, there's something I must tell you. Monique and I are now business partners. I'm out to toughen her up and fucking her is my way in to her confidence to really work on that.

Leon turned a little pale.

"Come on Leon, I won't brutalize her – far from it."

"Well Rosemary says she'll have to stiffen her backbone if she wants to succeed as a top attorney. You won't be aware of this but Rosemary was a junior partner until five years ago when she had a severe car accident, but she's fully recovered now."

"I promise you I'll toughen up Monique but she's remain soft and lovely. She just needs to know more about resolve and how being tough is mostly a mind game. I don't believe she had that concept installed within her yet. She's a lovely young woman in need of the right man and I'll bet she'll make a better guy out of him.

"Well, whatever you say. Her mother is a predator, like a cat, and you know where you are with her. Monique is like a kitten, full of flair and fun but emotionally charged and some of those emotions needs to be controlled better."

* * *

At 4:15 Billy entered the meeting room. Katie glided up to him and kissed him, tonguing him immediately to signal she wasn't there merely to serve him drinks. Billy lowered his arms around her, pulled her skirt right up and slapped bared ass to signal 'message received'. She moved beyond him to lock the door and then went to the bar.


"Fine," said Billy, sitting on the two-seat sofa. If she sat opposite him he'd be surprised. She came over with the drinks and cooed might she squeeze in beside him?

"On the condition you take your top and skirt off."

She handed Billy his drink, put hers down and did what Billy had asked, without any pretence and without attempting to look beguilingly at him. She just gave him a look that said she was ready for sex.

They sat and talked with Billy stroking her body. Katie occasionally tugged softly at the shape of his erection under his pants and would then leave it. Finally he said, "Time to fetch the towels."

She scampered to get them.

Fucking Katie was a pleasure. The sight of shine in her eyes and soft ooohs and aaahs and yes-yes-aaahs indicated she was riding on a high. Actually she was riding high. After the kissing and pussy licking she'd chosen to ride cowgirl. Then with Billy on his last gasp recovering from shooting up her tight chute, she'd flopped over the end of the sofa and waited patiently for him. He eased upright and moved forward on his knees to feed in the length slowly that had her groaning ecstatically. They went at it slowly, she waggling her ass like a whore prospecting on the street in front of a bar, although Katie certainly was no whore. In a rare sense of propriety, Billy thought hubby should be home with her making babies.

Katie yelled 'boobs!' The call was not unknown to Billy so he leaned forward, grabbed them and squeezed; there was enough to fill both hands. He squeezed harder and she bucked, he dug in her fingers and she went 'aaaaaarrrrgh', giving Billy the impression of a train roaring from a tunnel. She flopped lifelessly over the end of the sofa and Billy grinned as he felt warmth tricking down the side of his left thigh. He leant to one side to give even more friction and he grunted into satisfaction.

Billy used a towel and as Katie groaned and sat upright he threw her a towel, grinning because he knew it had been a very successful forty minutes.

A smile radiated and Katie fluttered her eyelashes. "That doggie, it was absolutely beautiful. I had a shattering release. That is so rare for me unless I'm having a toy fiesta with my girlfriends."

The concept of women in a party mood drunk and shrieking with sex toys filling every opening rather appealed to Billy and his erection returned.

Katie looked at it wide-eyed. "Oh no, please Billy, I feel totally fucked and need to strength to get myself home. Billy's offer to see Katie home was declined with a smile and she kissed him, patting his ass. "That was the offer of a gentleman was it Billy?"

He grinned and lied he had no other motive.

The next day Billy was called in across town as a 'fresh face' to try to get stalled parties in mediation up and going again. Uncle Lance was leading the team representing Allied Industries and being briefed that every avenue had been explored Billy called for everyone to leave the room except for the president and senior vice-president of Allied and Grand Horizons Investments.

Billy had decided to use a technique an associate professor at law school had spoken about to circumvent the need to spend hours of even days learning the facts and issues of the background to the dispute.

He said what had stalled the talks really wasn't an issue for debate. What he'd like discussed was something that probably hadn't been debated. The question was what did each side have to lose if Allied's proposed $838 million buyout of Grand Horizon's airline division did not proceed?

That immediately became clear. Allied would lose the opportunity of strengthening it's own airfreight operation and achieve the desire to build a transatlantic service while Grand Horizons would lose the opportunity to see it's flagging stock price rise with news that it had quit it's loss-making airfreight operation.

One hour, thirty-five minutes later the lawyers were called in to sign the transaction, the price remaining unchanged. Lance looked at Billy in admiration and everyone from both camps waved goodbye to Billy.

"Job well done thanks to you Billy," Lance breathed.

Billy sat in a coffee shop and called Mr Gold who said he was well and gathered Billy and his female pal were ready for another transaction.

"I was actually calling to find if you are missing your wife."

"How could I? We haven't lived together for years and she no longer calls to beat my ear to pulp with her bellowing. I now have a lesbian couple with me for company. There's no scrapping between the three of us and they both suck me off when I feel like it and both are good cooks. What more could I want?"


"You have a lovely sense of humor Billy. This one is my last free one because of what you did for me getting my wife off my back. I bet she's happy as well?"

"Yeah, the other week she sent me two air tickets to France she won in a raffle and she added pre-paid bookings at a great hotel for five nights."

"Good on the bitch; she used to be sweet when she was young."

"I bet you were too Mr Gold. It's just you both got screwed up with one another along the way."

"So you're now a shrink Billy?"

"Nice humor Mr Gold. What's the proposal?"

* * *

Rosemary De Luca answered the door when Billy knocked and one look at her and he'd knew she was a woman who liked to be fucked recreationally. She was voluptuous and had sex written all over her. She was just the type who preferred younger men, he reckoned. Although she was perhaps fifty she looked she'd swing her ass. Yeah, she indicated sensuality in moments like this and her principal hobby was to tease and please.

"Ah, Mr Belair. Better than expected, I must say."

"Is that because I remembered to shave and wore a suit?"

"Oh Mr Belair, you are hilariously funny," Rosemary said, faking a laugh.

"Rosemary call me Billy and may I say privately you look to be in great shape."

Rosemary played it absolutely cool, not even her eyes changing. "Thank you for the compliment. Come in Billy."

He entered thinking he ought not to have said that. But that doubt was short lived. When he stopped for Rosemary to lead the way she came in behind him and grabbed a handful of ass. "Nice butt Billy," she whispered, and said that was private conversation. Billy decided he should not lay a finger on Rosemary because she could become his mother-in-law. Anyway his morality was set by the thought Monique would be off him forever if he played around with her mother. A guy had to set his priorities.

Rosemary was off somewhere and Billy was standing with Leon having a whisky when Monique entered the room and gaped. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been invited to accompany your parents and you to dinner."

"That's... um... very nice."

"Is it now?"

"Why are you being aggressive? Do you want me to say I think it's lovely?"

"Oh great idea. A welcoming kiss would go down well. I'm not supposed to be the enemy."

"Daddy, see what I have to put up with?"

"Not really darling. Kiss him, say it's lovely he is coming with us providing you mean that and then go find your mother. It's time to go."

"It's lovely to have you with us," Monique said.

She was swamped in a huge kiss.

"God, what was that?"

Billy just grinned at her. If he said anything she would dispute it."


In the restaurant Leon lead the conversation. Probably aware of his wife's willful ways he had her sitting next to him in the large booth, Monique on the other side of him and then seated Billy beside Monique. There was no way Rosemary could get her foot into Billy's crotch. Working this out, not knowing whether it was fact or fiction, Billy silently complimented Leon for his strategic placements. The De Luca's talked to Monique and Billy about how they worked up to making their short-term invested and how the sell-on was executed. Leon then told his family what Lance had told him about Billy's tremendous work in breaking a deadlock over an airline deal earlier that day.

"Oh Billy, that is yet another big one under your belt. You are junior partner potential," Monique said, digging her father in the ribs.

Leon said "Oh right, yeah, it appears so."

Rosemary said nothing, preferring to pour herself another wine and look at Billy with smoldering eyes. Finally she said, "What's the next big deal Billy?"

He scratched behind an ear. "Well I've been waiting for the right moment to talk to Monique about it."

"Now's a good time Billy," Monique giggled. "You are among friends and I'm drinking."

"Okay, but promise not to wet your pants?"

Leon snapped, "Billy!"

"It's okay dad, this is what I have to put up with. Go on Billy."

"It's a shared deal. We have to come up with $6 million."

"Of Christ," wailed Monique, grabbing a handful of tablecloth and almost upsetting wineglasses.

"Monique, for heavens sake," Rosemary said. "At this stage it's only words."

"But he'll push me into it; I know he will."

Leon topped up his glass, giving his daughter a moment to settle. "Like he pushed you last time and let's review where you ended up over that deal."

"Dad, mom – you're ganging up with him."

"It doesn't matter darling. I want you to look at me. Good. Now as your mother says it's only words. If we proceed and fail it's own money. Money is simply a tool, not a death warrant, as you appear to see it. I'd like you to focus on standing beside me and proudly looking at the completed project we have invested in. Look to the hills, not to the gullies darling."

"Well I feel better about it already. You have a compelling way with you Billy."

"Ohmigod Billy," Rosemary said in awe. "You have development persuasion into an art form."

Leon sat impassively, staring at Billy.

"Well, here's the deal..."

"Will you stop calling me darling. I still haven't dropped the guy you keep calling a jerk," Monique said severely.

"I wonder why I know what Billy is on about?" her mother said dryly, earning a glare from Monique.

"Monique, I want more that to be working in the same office as you and to be in a business partnership with you but this jerk is standing in my way. I've told you I'll not seduce you until he's been dumped."

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