by supplestrawberry
Quick easy read about a cheater. Struck me as strange that he had no idea why paula would do this. No background of prior dating or interest. No history of bad blood with the fiancé and paula. So why do this? But now she has something to hold over this guy.
I think it's good I don't allow scoring for creeps and butthurt people like you to down-vote genuinely good stories that you don't like without a second thought.
It might be a good job there is no scoring. The loving wife category is just swamped with these sorts of stories and this is like just all the rest. No imagination nothing it’s just like all the rest . At the moment these stories are just making any writers that attempts to write this sort of story poor makes them look like they lack imagination. It makes them look like chumps it makes it look like “ is that all they can write about “ . What I have seen also is writers that write in other category’s. All of a sudden start to write in the loving wife category and the story ends up being so poor it makes me think. That they have either lost there way with ideas that have resulted in writing this poor story. Or they just want to say they are still alive but either way they lose there respect that they have built up by writing such a poor story. But this writer has lost all respect for the loving wife category. They are trying to make the loving wife category look like a toilet by dumping that much crap into it all at once. The loving wife category doesn’t work that way you are trying to get yourself established by only putting your stories into the loving wife category. It doesn’t matter these sorts of stories are getting you nowhere the loving wife category is saturated with these sorts of stories so it’s making you look like a complete fool. But don’t give up keep writing but try a different category that isn’t as swamped as the loving wife category. While this virus is going around other so called writers are going to keep writing these sorts of stories and keep flooding the loving wife category. So it will just make you look like all the rest a complete fool and talentless writer . But try a different category so you can build up your talent otherwise just get classed as a poor writer. The only thing making it big at the moment is the BTB stories. They are stories that show how hard the writers have done to make such a fantastic story. They are stories that push the writers talents to the limits they have to push there own imagination to breaking point then have to also have to do there research on everything to make there stories fantastic. They work hard on there stories so they earn a ton of respect from everyone they are the writers that make the loving wife category the strongest and the most respected category going. So please just keep writing but try a different category please unless you want to write a burn the bitch stories and earn that respect then go for it . But you should know it’s a tough category so please try a different category.
These people are complete and utter morons. What's erotic or sexy about that?
1 star
Not sure why anons are hating but I have enjoyed all your stories
Childish characters, childish writing, NO WIFE in the story! No wonder you don't allow scoring, you already know what you'd get. Why do the admin even moderate stories when they allow stories in categories they don't belong in.
I very seldom down vote any story that I don't read, with the exception of obvious ir troll pieces or any cuckold story. I take great exception to your idea that you have written any kind of genuinely good story here. I actually have you a positive comment on your last story as a matter of fact. Don't blame me for your failures.
I also have you a good comment on part one of your first story. Nothing since has deserved any kind of compliment. If you think this was a genuinely good story, you are delusional.
damn, I kinda don't care how many people are attempting to flame my story with no actual substantial criticism. and, no, I'm not leaving the Loving Wives category as some idiot said with that wall of text 'cause it fits nicely with all the other cheating stories because that's where it belongs :^) you spent all that wall of text to essentially say nothing. it's amazing how people can't just enjoy the piece for what it is, for fun and entertainment, or don't and move on I don't care. not everything is going to be what a "masterpiece" is to you.
This puts him way ahead of the mass of poor quality we see here.
Unfortunately he is not creative. The story is of little interest and does nothing to engage the reader. Not much happens, and who cares?
Very few stars.
I sympathise because I suffer the same problem.
It's more of a vignette than a story. It feels as if it were put together in a hurry.
You can do better.
This story has got a rather high number of faves: 22 faves out 27.16K views. Faves-to-views ratio is 0.8 (which is excellent).