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Click hereI, my fiance, and a group of friends were getting increasingly bored as the days just rolled by us. Waking up at the same time, brushing our teeth at the same time, going to work at the same time, complain about traffic, work, coffee, work, break, work, come home, shower, go to bed. There was no magic anymore; the monotony was rotting our brains. Humans aren't supposed to live on autopilot, like machinery. So one of our friends, Derrick, suggested a camping trip. All of us perked up, and instantly agreed. It was the perfect time too, as the sun waned its oppressive heat, the air chilled, and the leaves on the trees started to brown and fall. Personally, it was my favorite time of year we could wear sweaters, boots, and scarves without sweating like a sow.
My fiance and I packed up our own rations and equipment, and headed straight for the hiking trail. She and I excitedly conversed about experiencing the chilled, crisp air after a season of pure heat and disgusting sweat. The surrounding crimson, pumpkin, and chestnut foliage that captivated the eye. Cute little woodland critters scampering towards their cramped dens, preparing for winter. To sit in amidst it all at midnight, underneath a blanket of shining stars with all our friends; roasting marshmallows above a toasty, crackling campfire; wrapping yourself with a heavy blanket to warm yourself from the creeping coldness darkness brings. I felt a warmth in my heart growing, knowing that's what living was all about.
We met our friends at the campgrounds at three in the afternoon. My guy friends and I lugged all the heavy equipment, as Camilla, my fiance, and her girl friends carried the lighter stuff. The guys and I agreed how nice it was just to get out of the house finally. Out of the blue, Derrick confided his marriage was on the rocks, and he sensed a coldness from his wife. As bros, we all gave him knowing looks to each other and patted him on the back, assuring him this is exactly what they need. And if they disappear in the woods for a while, we'd understand. He laughed, but playfully ignored the suggestion. We weren't marriage counselors, or have enough experience in marriage (me, none at all) but we were bros and we had each other's backs.
After a bit of cursing and frustration, our large, spacious tents stood high, beautifully secured into the ground. We were proud of our handiwork and took seats around the campfire with the girls as a reward. One of my other guy friends, Greg, came back with a cooler full of cold-ones. We enjoyed a refreshing sip as the sun was starting to dip into the twilight and the moon was emerging from the shadows. Our group told stories about our glory days, in high school and college; funny ones, embarrassing ones, wholesome ones. My fiance's best friend since high school and maid of honor, Paula, shared her own stories featuring my betrothed. They giggled and engaged in a playful fight when Sophia shed embarrassing details we wanted to hear, but Camilla denying it ever happening.
Paula was pretty good company. She was actually funny that could take banter and fling it right back. She was objectively attractive, but never thought of her anymore than as a friend. Presented femininely, but acted really chill. However, for a cute and funny girl like her, I wondered how she could possibly be single.
We shared stories well into the night until the moon hung over us, and the mood went quieter until only the jostling of leaves spoke. I had only one beer, wanting to keep my wits about me. On the other hand, most of the group including my fiance were hammered and couldn't peel their eyes open. One by one people would resign and go back into their tents until it was only Sophia and I still up. I wasn't surprised, she wasn't much of a drinker. She, in fact, loathed alcohol, something to do with her dad.
Anyway, feeling a little tired and sluggish, I said goodnight to her, hoping she rests well. I went into the tent with my fiance already in a deep sleep. After zipping up the tent, I turned my back to her, nestled inside the covers. Uncomfortable, I fidgeted and turned onto my back. After a few moments, I felt my subconscious faltering until I heard my tent unzip. My heart leaped in my chest, but I pretended not to hear it and sleep. I cursed myself at my stupidity for not hiding my gun inside. My fiance may not like it, but I like to protect my fiance and I for situations just like this.
I heard and felt the rustling of the synthetic tent fabric as they came towards me. I felt a hand gently rubbing my crotch. I was more than shocked, but let it play out. It couldn't have been my wife, so... was it Derrick's wife? He did say his marriage was rocky. Not wanting to betray a friend, I peeked through one slit-open eye and saw it was Paula staring at me lustfully. Should I scare Paula away and save myself from temptation, or should I give into it, I thought. But when she stuck her hand into my waistband to pull my cock out, it was over.
Camilla made me promise I wouldn't try anything sexual until we were wed so it would be more special. She was staunchly abstinent and didn't want to go further than holding hands and kissing. I respected that, despite it being oh, so hard to follow. But as we got more and more serious, she felt guilty and started throwing handjobs and blowjobs into the mix, but not full penetrating sex. Her idea, not mine. After I proposed, she completely 180'd and told me we should start waiting again, to make it even special. As she puts it, building up the sexual tension; besides, it would only be a few months. I guess she had a point, but feeling Paula jerk my throbbing cock made the tension and stress in my body melt away. I had no idea why she was doing this, but I wasn't going to stop her.
Beads of precum would lube her hand as she jerked the tip and engulfed it in her mouth. I let go and stifled a moan. Paula stopped moving, half my cock in her mouth. I opened my eyes and pet her hair. This vindicated her, encouraging her to go quicker and deeper. I breathed deeply, savoring every swirl of her tongue, every time the head hit the back of her throat. Her moan vibrated my pulsing cock. My fiance stirred, snoring a bit. We waited in silence, and only continued when we were confident she was still passed out.
I was so erect, my mind was clouded, I wanted to fuck my fiance's best friend hard while she slept next to us, completely oblivious. But I didn't. I held my hand against my mouth as I helplessly moaned lowly and came when Paula slurped my cock and played with my balls. The maid of honor swallowed everything, every single drop, down her throat. Satisfied she pulled up my shorts and flashed me a smile before exiting our tent. My head was swimming from my orgasm and slept nicely.
None of us, except my fiance's best friend and I, knew about that night. I never even found out why she did what she did; we never spoke about it. I didn't even look at her across the altar as my bride graciously glided towards the altar. I went through with the wedding because I love my wife. I just have a dirty secret no one will know, until death do we part.
This story has got a rather high number of faves: 22 faves out 27.16K views. Faves-to-views ratio is 0.8 (which is excellent).
It's more of a vignette than a story. It feels as if it were put together in a hurry.
You can do better.
This puts him way ahead of the mass of poor quality we see here.
Unfortunately he is not creative. The story is of little interest and does nothing to engage the reader. Not much happens, and who cares?
Very few stars.
I sympathise because I suffer the same problem.
damn, I kinda don't care how many people are attempting to flame my story with no actual substantial criticism. and, no, I'm not leaving the Loving Wives category as some idiot said with that wall of text 'cause it fits nicely with all the other cheating stories because that's where it belongs :^) you spent all that wall of text to essentially say nothing. it's amazing how people can't just enjoy the piece for what it is, for fun and entertainment, or don't and move on I don't care. not everything is going to be what a "masterpiece" is to you.
I also have you a good comment on part one of your first story. Nothing since has deserved any kind of compliment. If you think this was a genuinely good story, you are delusional.
I very seldom down vote any story that I don't read, with the exception of obvious ir troll pieces or any cuckold story. I take great exception to your idea that you have written any kind of genuinely good story here. I actually have you a positive comment on your last story as a matter of fact. Don't blame me for your failures.
Childish characters, childish writing, NO WIFE in the story! No wonder you don't allow scoring, you already know what you'd get. Why do the admin even moderate stories when they allow stories in categories they don't belong in.