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Chemical Exhibitionism

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Japanese candy and the Scientific Method.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/20/2019
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"Did you see that?" I asked no one in particular.

Attending a Chemical Engineers convention in downtown Kyoto, I decided to venture out past the touristy area, hopeful I would find something interesting. It was nice to stretch my legs. I had never been one for the pomp and circumstance of large groups. I left my nametag in my room, and walked off premises to find better food and take in the sights.


I stopped for a soda at a little newsstand, and stood in line behind a group of elementary students. They were small, dressed in uniforms, talked very quickly, and purchased things like drinks and candy.

What caught my eye was the candy. There was so much of it, so I decided to stick with just a bottle of water. Anyway, I watched as some of the students purchased their treats. One boy quickly ripped open the package of something shiny resembling square candies, then popped one in his mouth. Nothing extraordinary here, except the candies were individually wrapped, and he left it just like that as he consumed it.

"What is this madness?" I again asked only myself.

I grabbed a new package of the candy at the register, and paid. The candy itself wasn't anything special, but damn if that thin film didn't dissolve in my mouth.



It was like an explosion in my head. What if I could make a swimsuit from this material? Surely, I can overcome the chemical deficiencies to hide the fact it will disappear when wet. Oh, the possibilities.

First, I need a good amount of this material. Second, I need to work on it quietly so as to not freak out my wife. Finally, when can I get started?

The first question was actually the simplest. It just took the longest amount of time. Using my newly acquired engineering connections in Kyoto, I was able to secure two bulk rolls of the material. They have to be carefully shipped in humidity free containers. No problem, but definitely not cheap.

Secondly, I was able to work both in my office and at home. I probably ordered too much, but good gosh it was going to be fun. I started just a few weeks after I returned from Japan.


I narrowed my ideas down to developing swimsuits for women which would carry varying amounts of the material, allowing the wearer to determine how much skin they want to reveal.

As women begin to share more and more of their skin, these suits will allow them to determine how much.

Conversely, men will find these suits to be the perfect surprise in many situations, planned or not.


The results are fairly predictable. Men can surprise and shock their women; women can likewise surprise and shock their men.


Having been married just a few years, even I know now this test shouldn't embarass her in any way. However, we can certainly have some fun at home in our pool. The first part of my plan is simple.

"Hey hon, I'm jumping into the pool. Wanna join?" I ask Bonnie.

"Sure, let me get dinner in the oven, and I'll be right out." She replies.

Smiling inside, I head outside and jump in. Bonnie joins me outside quickly.

"Hey Zoo. Did you wash my suit in regular detergent? It feels funny." She asks while walking up adjusting her bikini top.

"I'm afraid I did. I tried to rinse it out and let it air dry. I hope I didn't ruin it." I respond.

"It seems okay. Just the strings got a little stiff it seems. I'll wash it right away after we swim." Bonnie tells me.

As she jumps in toward me, I keep my eyes on the strings holding the two parts of her suit onto her body. I made my first attempt at modifying a suit by switching out the strings. Here in the privacy of our yard, Bonnie just became my first swimsuit tester.


Bonnie emerges from the water, facing me, and does a light breaststroke to get to me. Suddenly, she stops with a puzzled look on her face. Able to stand in our small pool, she reaches around and behind her neck. Then, her hands go underwater, presumably to her bikini bottom.

"Well, whatever you did in the wash, you'll want to try again." Bonnie says as she pulls four triangles out of the water.

"What the...?" I feign surprise.

"I know. The strings are completely gone!" Bonnie exclaims.

Bonnie swims up to me, bikini parts in hand. I take the two top pieces, and we inspect the intact parts. After a moment, I take my naked wife into my arms and pull her body as close as I can.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Chemist guy." Bonnie says, pushing me away. "What are you up to?"

I reply, but first I firmly put my right hand around Bonnie's torso, left hand on her right breast, and pull her back.

"Guilty as charged. I discovered a way to create a dissolving swimsuit, and I hope to market them online for fun." I say, smiling.

"Well, you need to join me." Bonnie says, and quickly dips down to pull my suit off. She rises from the water, body to body, and throws my suit behind her.

Grabbing her legs with my hands, I pull Bonnie's legs around me, and we dance together underwater, our bodies quickly becoming one.

"So, how do these work?" Bonnie asks between kisses.


If the sex in the pool is any indicator, the suit was a hit. I had Bonnie on the edge of the pool so I could lick her.

"I don't think we'll have to overthink the marketing. The trick is to get men to see these suits, but I'm hoping women will buy them as well. These suits make a nice surprise like today, or are perfect for the nude beach down the coast." I explain, taking intermittent bites of the delectable pussy in front of my face.

Bonnie grabs my head.

"What if I wear this to a regular beach?" She asks.

I pull her back into the water, right onto my hard cock.

"You would do that for me?" I ask.

Bonnie begins grinding on me.

"I would. I would love to have you take the cam and get video of me running out of the water pretending to be in shock at being naked." Bonnie gasps as she approaches a climax.

That visual is too much. I empty myself into Bonnie, and she rides me to several consecutive orgasms.

"Well, this idea worked out well." I tell her. "I have a few other suits to design. Will you be my prototype tester?"

"Sure. Do you need more than one tester?" Bonnie tiredly asks.

I hadn't thought of that. Time for some more testing, and subjects to do it.


For my next test, Bonnie asked for 6 suits. Her plan involves inviting 5 friends over for a pool party. No men allowed yet, not even husbands.

I agreed of course, and worked up several more prototypes.

This time, I was able to refine the total fabric where the strings remain intact, but the actual bikini triangles mostly dissolve. They start off with complete coverage, but end up resembling the naughtiest bikinis you can imagine. Imagine nipples sticking out of a few strings, and completely visible pussy.

I also made a few more of the first prototype, and then bagged them so Bonnie wouldn't be able to know who got which bikini.

As her friends showed up, Bonnie escorted me out of the house to my car. I was rewarded with a round of golf and 19th tee drinks with some buddies.

Bonnie's Iteration #2 Report:

With Zoo out of the house, I grabbed the packaged bikinis and started handing them out.

"Zoo has been working on a new bikini fabric which allows sun exposure without the sunburn. I don't understand the science behind it, but these are prototypes of the fabric, and you are test group number two if you want to join in. There's no payment, just the free suit, and hopefully some fun." I explained to the girls.

All of us opened our packages, and I was surprised I couldn't tell how these suits were going to change. The strings are all either much improved, or still the regular swimsuit material. Of course, all of us held the suits up to the sun. The translucence gave no hint of the actual material.

Several of us continued drinking wine while some scurried off to try on the suits. My only concern was timing, but I decided to drink and let things play out. I also got on my suit, trying to wait until everyone had theirs on.

I had a thought as I got out to the pool.

"Hey, let's all jump in together, just like we did in high school." I told the girls.

And so we did. I knew I better have an explanation as soon as I emerged from the water.

"So, these suits are very unusual prototypes. Please don't judge me. I'm not a pervert. But, Zoo and I are hoping to market these suits to online stores for couples." I told them.

To my left, Melinda let out a squeal of sorts.

"You see, your suits are about to dissolve. Maybe not the entire suit, but enough to reveal your body." I continued. "Apparently, Melinda just noticed."

"Oh wow!" Exclaimed Samantha.

"My suit just fell off!" Melinda yelled. "This is so cool!"

To my relief, the responses were quite funny, and somewhat unexpected. Melinda gathered the four pieces of her suit from the water, so she was completely nude. Samantha got out of the water to show off the four strings hanging around her tits and the solitary string surrounding her pussy.

The other three suit were similar to Samantha's. Once again, I was completely naked, and in all honesty, quite glad to be so. I got out of the water, and sat down in a lounger. Soon, I was joined on our other loungers, and we began talking.

"So, the idea is to surprise our husband? Or, is it the other way around?" Julie asked me.

"All I can say is that Zoo surprised me with this same suit, and we had incredible sex. All I could think about was wearing it to the beach and walking out of the water in complete shock. Zoo loved the idea, too." I said.

I went inside and got the wine we had started, still naked, and returned to find the girls all giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You just walk around naked like it's normal, but who are we to judge." Samantha explained.

"All I know is that the idea of total exposure makes me horny as hell." I responded. "This yard is completely safe, and you are all my best friends."

From there, I'm not sure who else started sharing, but everyone had a fantasy about wearing the suit. From beaches to public pools to even the downtown fountain, the ideas were fun. All of us stood up to model the results of the bikinis, then we sat down to take in some serious sun.

I was sitting closest to Julie.

"Hey, don't judge me, but I have to let loose a little." I told her.

With that, I started caressing my tits, spread my legs, and touched my wetness. I closed my eyes and imagined not only my friends watching me, but also their husbands.

"Go ahead girl." Julie encouraged me. "You look so hot and tasty."

"Our next party will be for our husbands. We'll invite all of them, and all of us will end up naked for them together." I said to anyone listening.

Soon, I was grinding on my fist, not sure who might be watching, but that didn't matter. I wanted to be naked for a large group in this place. And that realization sent me over the edge. Two strong orgasms made me shudder and I opened my eyes.

Julie was still next to me, also working on her beautiful hard nipples and cleanly shaved pussy.

The other girls were seated in different spots, all working off their fantasies. I stood up.

"You women are all amazing, and we are all going to get naked for all of our husbands here, then show them a good time. I can see all of your pussies, and your husbands will love eating you out here while we watch. You will love being naked in such a strong group of women. You will have the power and choice to cum however you want. You are safe here." I probably shouted this like a preacher.

I'll end my report here, Zoo. Needless to say, the women are ready.


Bonnie retrieved all the suits. All worked according to design, and I was able to get better proportion measurements so I could customize the suits for each woman.

Bonnie climbed on top of me, and rode me to climax while we discussed our upcoming surprise couples pool party. All it took was telling her how everyone will watch her, then take turns cumming. There will be some surprised men.

Now, I have to decide if Iteration #3 will occur then, or at a beach like Bonnie wants. Either way, my wife will choose to show off just like she wants.

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gpetagpetaalmost 4 years ago

Interesting start for lustful adventures

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