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Suddenly, he pulled his member from her. Sticky strings of fuck juice clung to his fat, pulsing cock. Roger gripped her thighs as he rose to his knees, and forced her onto her belly. Lauren knew what he wanted, and the thought caused her to shiver with delight. She grabbed pillows and drew them beneath her. She positioned herself face down on the mattress with her soft, white, perfectly round ass tilted upward as an invitation. Accepting, he moved directly behind her and placed his hands on her smooth thighs as he re-entered her soaked vagina.

Long, slow strokes in and out drew almost pitiable wails from Lauren, which were muffled by the sheets and mattress into which her face was pressed. His hands caressed her ass cheeks. Her beautiful face was burrowed into the bed clothes but, from time to time, she surfaced just enough for him to see the contortions of pleasure. She would turn to one side or the other, moaning loudly, licking her full, soft lips. The sight drove him mad with lust and he thrust into her with vigor, and this only served to draw even louder sounds of sexual excitement from her. It fed their passion and their fucking became ever more animalistic. Roger pounded into her, and she drove back against him roughly. His hands grasped at her ass as he fucked her, and he realized he could not keep this pace without coming very soon. He began to slow down even as Lauren gyrated her hips and wiggled against his hot, pulsing cock. His grip on her ass became more firm. Roger used force to control her wild movements, and one thumb slipped between her cheeks to tease the puckered rosebud of her ass.

This made Lauren even more crazed. Her head tilted up from the bed and she wailed, "Oh, God! Oh, God! Yesssss!"

Roger smiled. Lifting one hand from her back side, he moistened his thumb and, as he stroked in and out of her at a painfully slow pace, he returned his thumb to her sphincter and continued to tease it, rubbing and very gently probing. This was driving Lauren insane. She pressed against his grip, but he controlled her movements with force. The teasing by his thumb continued for a short time, then he pressed the wet tip of the thumb just barely inside her. Driving against his grip, Lauren thrust her hips up and against his thumb, an action which pulled the entire end of the thumb up inside her ass. The sensation of double penetration elicited loud, long, almost pitiable wailing from her which, fortunately, was largely swallowed up in the mattress.

Roger entered into the "double fucking" with real enthusiasm. He alternated between pumping his thick, hard dick deep into her pussy and easing his entire thumb as far up her ass as possible. They settled into a rocking motion, which allowed both penetrations to achieve maximum effect. The concentration required to manage this alternating action kept his orgasm in check, but just barely.

Then he felt Lauren's hand reach back and grab the shaft of his dick. She was pulling it out of her. He released her ass and held his hands out at his sides. Lauren's grip on him was firm. She drew his member up just slightly as she tilted her hips just so. Then his cock was poised at the self-same spot that his thumb had recently occupied. She wanted him to fuck her up the ass!

Carefully, he pressed the tip of the bulbous head against her sphincter. He applied ever increasing pressure until he could feel it relaxing just enough to allow a small penetration. The sensation was incredible! The heat was the most amazing part of it! Hungry for more, he applied more pressure. More of his cock eased up Lauren's ass. She was holding quite still. More pressure. More penetration. This continued in very slow fashion until Roger's belly was pressed quite firmly against her ass cheeks. Only then did allow himself a small, but firm thrust into her. When he did that she howled into the mattress and thrust her hips back up against him. He began to fuck her, relishing the sensation of heat and the caress of the rubbery, muscular walls of her rectum. For her part, Lauren felt both pain and pleasure. She felt completely taken, completely penetrated, almost ripped asunder, helpless. It was an almost slave-like submission. One touch of her finger to her clit and she would rocket into uncontrolled orgasm. She withheld her finger to prolong the painfully delicious fuck.

But the incredible sensations were causing Roger's self control to break down. The increasing pace of his thrusts up into Lauren's plump, round ass was involuntary. More and more rapidly he pumped. The strokes, gentle at first, morphed into a pounding. She could hear him huffing and grunting as he fucked her, and knew he would come soon. She quickly licked her finger and reached down between her legs to rub herself.

"Unnngghhh!" was the noise that escaped from between Roger's clenched teeth. His eyes scrunched closed. Sweat dribbled from his forehead to his chin. His gut clenched as his entire being condensed into his fat, throbbing cock now buried completely up Lauren's tight, hot ass. There was a single, violent thrust up into her and then, behind his eyelids, Roger saw white stars exploding as jet after jet of steaming, thick semen shot far up her welcoming rectum.

"Ooooohhhh!" was the sound that was swallowed by sheets and mattress as Lauren's forefinger stroked her juicy pussy. The first of countless orgasms roared through her being and she was lost in the white hot intensity of coming and coming and coming.

It seemed to both of them that it would continue forever. Eventually, though, Lauren's violated rectum spit out Roger's slowly softening dick. As it plopped downward, a huge gob of semen dropped to the bed. Lauren's exhausted lover slumped on his knees. For her part, Lauren fell forward directly onto her face and belly, and yet another dollop of thick, white liquid oozed from between her ass cheeks.

A little more than a minute passed before Roger got up and slipped into the bathroom. The door closed quietly and Lauren heard the shower begin to run.

Guilt and regret began to bleed into her consciousness. "I really am insane," she thought, "I'm here in a hotel, cheating on my husband and, even worse, having totally unprotected sex. What the hell am I thinking? What if I get pregnant? What if I turn up with some sexually transmitted disease? I mean, my God!" Lauren could still hear the shower running. She rolled over onto her back. She could feel another thick gob of her lover's cum oozing between the cheeks of her ass. Strangely, the sensation made her tingle just a little.

"Yes," she thought, her arms crossed upon her chest. She stared up at the white hotel room ceiling, "There's no doubt that I'm crazy. But this was really fun. I did something insane, and I've been a very bad girl. Hmmm, maybe I need a spanking?"

Her fingers traced up and down her belly as she lay there thinking about everything. The anxieties began to recede as Lauren remembered the heat of the afternoon's sex, especially since the unmistakable odor hung richly in the air about her. The fingers that had been lightly caressing her belly now dipped a little lower. She could feel the crinkly hairs of her pubic region. She closed her eyes and slid one finger between the lips of her pussy. It was still swollen and very sticky with cum. The shower was still running. Lauren was amazed at herself. Just moments ago she had been gripped with fear, regret and guilt. Now she was aroused. She began to rub her pussy with one hand and caress her breasts with the other.

"I'm a slut," she thought, "I'm just a hot, little slut. I loved every second of this. I loved sucking his cock. I loved the way it tasted. I loved the way it felt when he fucked me and oh, God, yes, I loved the way it felt in my ass!" She breathed in deeply as she fingered herself, savoring the musky odor of sex that was pervading the room and the bed. She drew her legs up and splayed them widely. Both hands were now between her legs. With one hand she rubbed her clit and with the other she finger-fucked herself, moaning quietly. The shower was still running, but she didn't notice. She was lost in her masturbation.

Lauren's entire universe shrank to the small, sticky area between her legs. If the room had caught on fire, she would not have noticed. It was the thrill of being bad, the crazy abandon with which she had given her body. It was the chemical reaction caused by this otherwise unattractive man. It was his lust for her. It was the ease with which she coaxed him into passion. It was the danger arising from unprotected sex. It was the tossing aside of every inhibition and the complete free-fall into lasciviousness. Her steaming sex was set afire by the expert ministration provided by her fingers. Lauren's hips thrust upward, then wiggled back and forth on the hotel bed. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open, forming a small "O." The shower had stopped, but she took no notice.

Having dried off in the bathroom, Roger stepped naked into the room and was stunned to see Lauren writhing and masturbating on the bed. He made a small sound of surprise. Her eyes opened slightly and she looked at him. She wiggled and squirmed around just enough to give him a clear view of what she was doing. She wanted him to see this very intimate act. She wanted him to watch her self pleasure and to have it arouse him to fresh lust for her. She thrust her hips at him, her eyes on his. She slowly licked her lips.

"I want to suck your dick," she said.

"Damn," he replied, "I don't know if it'll get hard again but, what the hell?" He kneeled on the bed near her face, "Lauren, you are without a doubt the horniest woman I have ever met in my entire life."

She softly turned her head to one side and, her tongue outstretched, slowly sucked his flaccid member into her mouth. She felt it begin to swell almost instantly.

Furiously, Lauren humped and masturbated. Her legs were drawn up close, her feet together and her knees spread wide as she rubbed and fingered her wet pussy. Roger could hear the squishy sounds as he watched her writhe and suck. Her mouth was hot as she sucked and licked his hardening prick. The sight inflamed him, and he was more than a little surprised at his response. After all, he had already fucked her how many times today? Still, her lips and tongue were starting to drive him crazy, and the sight of her masturbating like a sex-crazed little whore was absolutely delicious.

The sensation of this swelling, hardening, incredibly fat dick in her mouth was propelling Lauren ever closer to yet another orgasm. She was loving him watching her, loving the way he was getting hard in her mouth, loving everything about this totally wicked sexual experience. She whined and whimpered, sending the vibrations all the way through his fat cock, which was now beginning to throb against her tongue. Lauren inserted a second finger in her pussy and began to speed up both her finger fucking and the rubbing of her engorged clit. Her hips writhed, bucking up and down in a simulated fucking motion. She was getting very close to coming. And then she did.

She clamped down with her mouth on his cock. It was completely involuntary. She sucked hard, rolling the entire length of her tongue over both the shaft and head. She grunted as she came and did something that she only rarely did. She squirted cum all over her hands and even onto the sheets. The sight and sensation were enough to propel Roger to orgasm, too. His spurting was definitely not copious, but he did shoot several thin streams of cum into her mouth, which she swallowed greedily as she continued to convulse in pleasure.

Although his dick was becoming extremely sensitive, Roger allowed it to remain in her mouth while Lauren's orgasms rolled through her soft, curvy body. As she began to relax, though, he pulled it out. His balls felt totally empty and he knew it would be very easy to just drop down onto the bed and sleep for, like, a week.

Roger got dressed and left not long after that. Despite all that sex, Lauren was still tingly and, for her part, she probably could have fucked him again. She knew she had drained him, though. She knew he had to leave, so she gave him a deep, passionate kiss at the door. It was something he would remember, as if he would forget all that steamy fucking and sucking.

So, Lauren leaned with her back against that hotel room door wearing just a T-shirt. Her eyes were closed, and there was just the hint of a smile on her face. Suddenly, the telephone rang.

"Oh, shit!" she said. She knew it was her husband and her nerves jangled with alarm. Her brain kicked into overdrive, and she allowed the phone to ring several times before she answered. When she did so, her voice was soft, sleepy and almost croaky. It was pure deceit. The conversation lasted less than a minute. Lauren allowed him to believe he had wakened her from a sound sleep. Telling him she was exhausted, though, was not entirely without truth. Promising to call him from Cincinnati, which was her destination of the next day, she broke the connection. Guilt landed on her like a huge pile of sandbags, so it took some considerable time for her to fall asleep. The exertions of an entire afternoon of sex, however, eventually overcame her guilty mind, and she slept soundly until the next morning.

There was no time for guilt until Lauren was safely seated on her plane to Cincinnati. Even then, a chatty woman in the seat next to her kept her occupied for much of the flight. After landing, Lauren rushed with her bags to the hotel shuttle and got her things settled with only enough time to dash to the conference center on the ground floor of her hotel. She registered quickly, then made her way to her seat for a long day of seminar speakers interspersed with meetings.

Finally returning to her room that evening, Lauren was bone tired. She took a long shower, put on a clean T-shirt and crawled into bed. Her guilty thoughts quickly invaded her consciousness.

"I'm a cheating slut," she thought, "It's not as if my husband is a complete asshole who drove me to some other man's arms. I mean, my God, the only thing I wanted out of this little encounter of mine was a hard dick! I wasn't looking for 'emotional fulfillment.' I'm really not looking for anything. I'm just horny. I had an afternoon of sticky, sweaty sex with someone who made me wet and it's time to move on. You know, come to think of it, why do I need to feel guilty at all? I mean, it's not like this whole business has any real chance of being exposed. And it's not like I'm going to do this again anytime soon. I have no intention whatsoever of leaving my husband for some other man. I mean, I love my husband! My problem is that I love to fuck, too. Okay, so I fucked someone. Case closed. Let's move on. I can't go back and erase what I've done. In fact, I wouldn't want to. It was fun. I loved it. If I let myself start to think about it even now, I'll get horny. So, what I've got to do is put this little adventure behind me and get back to being myself, being a good wife. What's done is done. There, now go to sleep."

Lauren pulled the covers up around her neck, rolled to her side and closed her eyes. Almost immediately she began to drift. Then the noise started. There was a soft moan or sigh. There was the sound of movement, like an irregular thumping, furniture being moved. She heard more moaning. Her eyes came open and her head rose from the pillow. In the dark, she peered around, trying to determine the source of the noises. The room adjacent to hers. She sat up in bed.

The sounds became just a little louder. If she'd had on a television or some music, Lauren wouldn't have been able to hear them at all. This wasn't the most expensive hotel in Cincinnati, but it wasn't Motel Six, and the walls were not tissue. Still, sitting quietly on her bed, Lauren arrived quickly at a conclusion. Someone in the room next to hers was having sex. Just what she needed to hear right now but, in spite of herself, she listened more intently.

"Suck my cock," said a male voice through the wall.

It was electrifying. To Lauren, it almost sounded as if he'd said it to her. A soft, female moan was muffled by what was surely a hard dick being inserted in her mouth. Listening very closely, Lauren could almost hear the sounds of sucking. It wasn't difficult at all to make out the deeper sound of a male groan offered up in pleasure to those lips. Lauren's nipples hardened.

There were long moments of quiet after this, as the woman in the next room got her mouth fucked. Lauren sat silently and pictured this. Without a thought, her hand trailed down between her legs. She was wet and swollen. Touching her pussy felt good, and she kept on doing this as she continued to listen intently for more sounds from the adjacent room.

"Fuck me," said the female voice.

Lauren quickly pulled her T-shirt up over her head and tossed it on the floor. Piling pillows behind her, she laid back, spread her legs, and began to masturbate in earnest.

The sounds from the next room became much more audible. The sex that was happening just inches from her sounded hot and delicious, and Lauren wanted very much to just get up, leave her room and join the two people on the other side of that wall. Instead, she squeezed her naked breasts and rubbed her pussy. Lauren's lush thighs humped lasciviously on her bed as she fucked vicariously along with the couple in the next room.

After a few minutes of this, Lauren flicked on the bedside lamp and, rising, stepped to her bags strewn carelessly on a nearby dresser. She rifled through a couple of them before finding her well-hidden dildo. She'd packed it in the event her tryst didn't work out, and she was especially glad that she'd taken that precaution now.

She pulled the pillows off the bed and spread them on the floor. Kneeling, she faced the wall from which the noises were coming. They were louder now, even more delicious. Standing directly in front of a full length mirror, Lauren dribbled some lubricant onto the huge artificial cock, placed it carefully, then lowered herself onto it. Watching herself, she began to fuck.

The couple in the adjacent room was now in the throes of passion, and Lauren was about to join them. She began to moan, softly at first, then with more volume. She actually hoped the people next door might hear her. If there was any way to be a part of their sex, she wanted it.

Then, something happened. Lauren's mind strayed in another direction. She imagined herself back at that other hotel, the one from yesterday. In her fantasy, she was riding Roger's hugely fat cock, bouncing and wiggling in ecstasy. Suddenly, her husband was standing in the doorway of that hotel bedroom. He looked straight at them, seeing her writhe on that thick, hard dick, seeing her tits bouncing all over, seeing the look of extreme sexual arousal on her face. In her fantasy, her husband's face was a study in sexual arousal in its own right. In her fantasy, her husband quickly stripped and Lauren watched him begin to stroke his own cock, which was as hard as a metal rod.

"Fuck me!" cried Lauren, probably loud enough to be heard by the people next door. She was lost in her own fantasy, though, and did not even hazard a guess as to what effect extraneous sex sounds might have on the coupling happening in that other room.

Lauren could see her naked body writhing on that stack of pillows. The way she looked in that mirror only served to accentuate her own arousal, and she slid easily back to her fantasy of being watched by her husband. In her imagination, Lauren wiggled up and down, back and forth on her lover. She taunted and tantalized her voyeuristic husband, licking her lips and moaning as she fucked. Then, she imagined her husband stepping into the room, up to the bed and offering his hard-on to her. She imagined sucking it greedily as she fucked her lover. Two cocks at once! The thought was intoxicating, and it pushed her right over the edge into convulsions of orgasm.

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