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A chemical reaction drives a wife crazy.
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She had fucked him once. It was a grasping, clutching, heated fuck that was over much too quickly, but the gigantic orgasm had gone on and on. She had never forgotten that fuck, but had never been able to put aside the guilt, either. She had cheated with him. There was no excuse for her behavior, but there was a reason. It was chemistry, pure and simple. There was no other reason for her attraction, because the man wasn't attractive. The chemistry had been too much for her to resist and so,when the opportunity to fuck him arose, she did. Then she felt badly. When she remembered his hugely fat cock penetrating her, though, her pussy got wet and her clit swelled and throbbed. It was a problem, especially when he called her out of the blue more than a year after their quick, hot fuck.

This had happened almost a decade in the past, and Lauren is still beautiful. She was beautiful then, too. Thick, shiny, light brown hair. Big, bed-roomy eyes. Lush curves. Full, well-shaped breasts, and a round, plump ass. Best of all, Lauren is richly, deliciously sensual. She loves to fuck. It's no wonder that, despite the fact her one-time lover no longer lived in our town, that he would call her. He had never forgotten her and that single, hot, delicious fuck. Who could? He had gripped his cock and masturbated countless times remembering her, and he wanted her again. Somehow, he wanted to meet her, to taste her, to have her at least one more time.

At first, Lauren put him off. It was impossible. He was hundreds of miles away. More importantly, she had never been able to resolve the guilt she still felt from cheating. Beneath it all, though, the knowledge that he still wanted her gave her a tingling sensation. The memory, too, of the chemical reaction that had led to that scalding, furtive encounter made her nipples hard and her pussy moist. Meeting him again would almost certainly never happen, but fantasizing about it was unavoidable. Later that night, with her husband at a meeting, she lay naked in her bed and masturbated furiously, imagining another encounter with this man. She rubbed her throbbing, swollen nub and fingered her soaked pussy, writhing as she pictured in her mind what it would be like to fuck him again. She climaxed hard, shuddering on soft, clean sheets. She fell sound asleep.

He started to phone her on a regular basis. While she continued to put him off, with the distance between them there was no way she could actually meet with him, she rarely refused to talk to him. She enjoyed hearing him speak of how desirable she was, how he so frequently masturbated thinking of her, and how desperately he longed to have her again. She laughed at his words, but their effect was undeniable. Finally, one day she admitted to sharing his desire. She even told him that she, too, had been masturbating to fantasies of a new encounter between the two of them. It was at this point they began to try and figure out some way to arrange a meeting, but it certainly appeared to be hopeless.

Lauren hadn't heard from him in several days. In fact, her sexually charged thoughts had begun to fade as real life presented itself starkly before her. Busy at her desk, she reached for the receiver as the telephone rang.

"This is Lauren," she said in a business-like voice.

"I've been thinking about you again," he said.

Lauren was shocked at her body's immediate response. Her breathing instantly became more rapid, her nipples began to stiffen, and there was a tingling rush of excitement between her thighs, "Hello to you, too." She quickly rose from her chair and took a half step, closing the door to her office.

"You are the most delicious woman I've ever been with."

"Am I now?"

She heard him breathing into the phone, and the sounds in the background made her suspect he might be touching himself. That thought only served to increase the excitement she felt. Lauren's pussy was getting wetter.

"God, yes. I think about fucking you all the time."

"Hmmm, I see. How do you get any work done?"

"I jack off. A lot. I'll bet I do it five or six times a day, and I think about your naked body squirming underneath mine, how hot and slick your tight, little pussy feels when I'm fucking you."

He was almost grunting the words he was speaking. Lauren was sure now that, while he was talking to her, he was stroking his cock. She remembered that cock, not overly long, but incredibly thick, fat, and very, very hard. Lauren was throbbing with desire. What she really wanted to do at that moment was to get naked, play with her swollen nipples and rub her swollen pussy, definitely not something she could do at work.

"Are you doing that right now?" she asked.

There was a brief pause, muffled breathing, "Yes."

"I like that," she said.

More muffled noises, more breathing, then, "God, I want to fuck you."

"You're making me very wet."

"Oh, God." The breathing was more frantic.

"I love your cock," she said, "I'd like to kiss it, suck on it and then sit on it."

She heard the grunting expulsion of air from his lungs as he convulsed through his orgasm on the other end of the phone.

"All done?"

Another pause before he answered, "Yeah. Whew."

"You're a bastard. Do you know that?"

"What? Why?"

"Because you came, but you're leaving me sitting here all horny."

"Baby, I'll be happy to help you get off."

"I can't! I'm at work, you shit!"

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Come on! You called me here, for God's sake! You knew exactly what you were doing. Thanks a lot! How'd you like it if I did that to you, huh?"

"Hmmmm. Would you?"

"Oh, shut up. I have to go."

"I'm going to be thinking about you."

"Yeah, right."

Two days later Lauren was just finishing up an important phone call when her assistant buzzed in.

"Hold on just a minute," she told the person to whom she was speaking.

"No," came the voice from the other end of the line, "We're all done here. I'll let you go."

"Okay, well I'll be talking to you again soon." And she disconnected. She hit the intercom button, "Yes?"

"There's a call for you on line four," her assistant said.

"Who is it?" Lauren asked.

"They didn't say."

"Okay, thanks." She punched line four, "This is Lauren."

"What time's your lunch?" It was him.

"Goddamit! What are you doing calling here again?"

"What time is your lunch?" his voice was insistent.

"I don't know, whenever I can get away."

"So, when can you get away?"

"What difference does it make? You're four hundred miles away."

"No," he corrected her, "I'm only a phone call away."

"What do you mean?" she asked, adding, "I really don't have time for this."

"Look," he said, "I feel bad about leaving you hanging the other day, and I want to make it up to you."

"And how do you propose to do that?"

"Lunchtime phone sex?"

"What? No!"

"Why not?"

"Because I have work to do and, besides, what if someone comes walking in the door at home while I'm having phone sex with you? Ever thought about that?"

"Is there anyone at your house right now?"

"Well, no. Not right now."

"And what are the chances of anyone coming home in the middle of the day?"

"That doesn't matter. It only has to happen once. I don't even want to think about it."

"Come on, baby. Live dangerously."

"No! I am not going home and having phone sex in the middle of the day."

"Okay, okay. It was just a thought. Speaking of thoughts, I've been having a whole lot of them. All about you."

"Have you, now?"

"Oh, yes. I keep thinking about your delicious body, your ass, your nipples, your beautiful mouth, your eyes."

"Sounds interesting."

"Interesting isn't the word. When I think about running my hands all over you, my cock gets really hard and I just have to jack off."

"Is that right?" This was making her horny again, in spite of herself.

"Yes, that's right. I came twice last night just picturing it."

"Did you?"

"Yes, I did. And I'm hard right now, too."

"Hmmm. And what are you going to do about that?"

"I'm going to take my dick out and stroke it and, while I'm doing that, I'm going to think about you on your belly in front of me while I fuck you doggy style."

"Sounds like fun."

"It'd be a lot more fun if you joined me."

"I can't."

"Sure you can. You just won't."

"I can't!"

"Yes you can."

"What if someone catches me?"

"Oh, come on. Who's going to catch you? Isn't your house completely empty until, like, five o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Most of the time."

"When's the last time anyone was at your house at one in the afternoon on a weekday?"

"I don't know."

"Live dangerously. I really want to give you a nice, big orgasm."


He interrupted her before she could finish, "I want to strip off every piece of clothing you're wearing and throw you on a bed. I want to kiss you everywhere. I want to suck your nipples and trail kisses all the way down your belly, then dip my head between your thighs and..."

This time she interrupted, "Give me twenty five minutes, then call my home number."

She slowly stretched across her bed and dropped the receiver back in its cradle. She was naked and just a little oily. She had dribbled baby oil in various places on her body some time earlier. She was feeling a little droopy, still tingling just a bit from the several large orgasms she'd thoroughly enjoyed. It was tempting to just lie here and doze, but she knew she had to go back to work shortly.

"This was bad!" she thought, "I sneaked off from work and had phone sex with someone, someone who was not my husband!"

Worse yet, she had really liked it. She wanted to do it again sometime. Even more, she wanted to see this person for real. She really, really wanted to fuck him again.

"No!" she told herself, "Don't even think about it! If you start to think about it, you'll just get horny again. You're not going to fuck him, because he's hundreds of miles away."

The problem was that, anytime she allowed herself to remember that one, furtive, explosive coupling she was awash with desire. Reliving that single, brief encounter never, ever failed to bring her to a feverish state of arousal. If another opportunity ever presented itself, she knew there was no way she could resist the temptation. She'd fuck that poor guy's brains out. His name was Roger, and it was a number of years before. He had lived here back then, and they had actually worked at the same place. There was just something about him. It was chemistry. It had to be. He wasn't what anyone would describe as attractive. He did have personality, so that was a plus. Still, on the surface, there seemed to be no apparent reason for Lauren's strong, physical attraction to this man. But there you have it. Almost from the first moment she was around him, she found herself becoming sexually aroused.

At first, her flirtation was subtle. A typical male, he just didn't pick up on it. The flirting became a little more overt, and that was enough. He responded. The little mating dance was on, but not that much came of it. Lauren alternated between guilt and excitement. The other side of this was less complicated. Lauren was a beautiful woman who was flirting with a singularly unattractive man. There was no guilt on his part. Roger was just excited.

The dance went on for a couple of months and then, one day Lauren was much more excited than guilty. There was no one else around at work. Lauren wanted to make a move, but it was still work and there was always a possibility someone else could show up unannounced. She would have to use caution, but the danger only served to incite her to action. She asked him to help her retrieve something from the supply closet. Once inside, she flicked on the light, pulled the door closed, and grabbed him. They kissed and groped each other for quite some time. Finally, though, Lauren became nervous and called a halt to the fun. Still, the supply closet did see some more action over the next couple of weeks.

Roger was selling a coffee table, and posted it on the bulletin board at work. Lauren decided to buy it. He offered to deliver it to her house and she accepted. Delivery day was not a work day for either of them. Lauren was the only one home. The doorbell rang and she answered the door and there he stood, coffee table at his side. She smiled at him. He smiled back, and she invited him in.

Lauren wasn't dressed seductively. She was barefoot, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. She stepped aside, pulling the door wide open to allow him to muscle the table into the entryway. He made it in the door and carefully set the table carefully against the wall, moving to allow Lauren to close the door. She did so, then stepped back inside the entryway to face him. Then he grabbed her.

Pushing her roughly against the wall, Roger pressed his body firmly against hers. She did not resist in any way. His mouth found hers and they kissed passionately. She whimpered into his mouth.

Her nipples became stiff and sensitive and her pussy flooded with moisture. She clutched at him and pulled him against her even harder. She could feel his incredibly thick, hard cock against her body, and she wanted it desperately.

His hands drove up under her shirt and worked the catch on her bra. It popped open easily and his hands were instantly squeezing her naked breasts. Lauren moaned.

A few moments of this and his hands snaked down her waist to begin fumbling with the button of her jeans. The button was undone, the fly of her jeans was unzipped and his hands slid effortlessly into her panties and around to roughly grip her ass. Lauren had to break their kiss as she gasped and groaned loudly with desire. In the back of her mind, though, the fear of being caught like this sparked like static electricity. She just didn't care. She was too far gone.

Now Roger was fumbling with his own pants, making short work of them. He pushed them down his thighs, freeing the fat, dribbling hard-on. Lauren felt the heat of it against her bare belly. He pulled her face back to into a kiss, at the same time dragging her jeans down toward her knees. She felt his fingers raking through her pubic hair, pressing into her. He started slightly when he discovered just how soaking wet she really was. The fingers were quickly replaced by the bulbous head of his dick trying to force its way into her, despite the fact that her jeans kept her from spreading her legs. Fucking her up against the wall of her entryway just wasn't going to work, so she stopped him.

Awkwardly, they moved around the corner into the living room and dropped onto the couch. He dragged her jeans mostly off, although they still dangled from one ankle. He kicked his shoes off and, in record time, wiggled out of his pants and underwear, placing one knee on the couch between Lauren's legs, one of which was on the floor.

Rather than allowing him to just slide his cock in her, Lauren reached for it and pulled him up to her mouth. As her lips made contact with the massive purple head, she sipped the dripping pre-cum and licked. Quickly she engulfed the head and shaft, but found that it was so fat that she could barely fit it in her mouth. Roger groaned loudly and, for the very first time since his arrival, spoke.

"If you do that one more minute, I'm going to come in your mouth, and that's not where I want to do that."

She allowed it to plop from between her lips. He pushed her bra and T-shirt up around her neck and, easing onto the couch between her legs, kissed and sucked her nipples. She moaned loudly and, one last time, experienced another little zing of fear about being caught. This was completely forgotten as his thick, hard member penetrated her.

Lauren clutched at him, drawing him down fully on her body. Their coupling was intensely hot, furious and over quickly. Less than two minutes after his cock slid into her, Lauren reached climax. Wave after wave of powerful, shuddering orgasms washed over her, the most intense she had ever experienced in her life. She began to believe they would never end. She was so overcome, she didn't even realize that he, too, was coming. Spurting and spurting deep into her body, he pounded her throughout. The mutual orgasms almost lasted longer than the actual fucking. When it was over, what had been small sparks or zings of fear became a flood of both fear and guilt for Lauren.

He was spent, literally lying on her. She pushed him off until he knelt on the floor next to the couch, and she began to cry.

The next few minutes were as uncomfortable as the earlier few minutes had been passionate. Lauren sobbed as she arranged her clothing and ordered him from the house. Roger was bewildered, but quickly dressed and left.

The next day at work, Lauren ended their affair. For several weeks she lived in fear that she would become pregnant, but it didn't happen. Even more mercifully, he left the company and the state not long after. The problem was that, despite the guilt, whenever she remembered that encounter, she became intensely aroused. She even masturbated thinking of it from time to time. It was, in fact, the most erotic encounter she had ever had in her life. That had not actually been a real problem before, but it was now.

Lauren's employer scheduled a temporary, out-of-town assignment that would take her through Roger's town. She would fly in, stay one night in a local hotel, and then fly out for a seminar in Cincinnati. All of this would transpire within two weeks. She was stunned and instantly aroused at the possibility.

She broke the news to him at their next lunchtime telephone escapade, but not right away. Lauren had arrived home several minutes before the phone was to ring. All the way there, in fact ever since she had gotten the news of her trip, her pussy was tingling and she could feel the fabric of her bra against her ultra-sensitive nipples. She threw her coat on a chair, making her way to the bedroom and disrobing quickly. Lauren kept glancing at the phone beside her bed, waiting for it to ring. Her clothes, which she would have to put on again later, were neatly folded in a chair. She wiggled out of her panties, deciding she would have to change these before returning to work. She lay down on the bed and began to lightly caress her body. She imagined what it would be like to have his hands all over her, and her fingers slid down her belly and between her legs.

The phone rang. Lauren picked it up and said, "Hello?"

"Hello, yourself." It was him.

"I'm naked. I'm touching myself and thinking about you."

His breathing told her he already had his dick in his hand, "Tell me more."

"I'm thinking about kissing you. I'm thinking about your hands and your mouth all over my body."

"I want to wrap myself around you and feel your ass, your skin."

She moaned.

He went on, "I want to suck on your nipples and kiss all the way down your body. Then I want to kiss and suck your pussy."

"God, I'd like to have your mouth on me right now." Lauren rolled to one side and, reaching into a drawer of her bedside table, pulled out a huge dildo. It was quite a bit longer than his cock, but it was just about the same thickness. His cock, as she well remembered, was amazingly fat.

"I want to crawl up your body after I suck you and kiss you. My face would be all covered with your juice and I'd let you taste yourself on my mouth."

"Hmmm, sounds like fun," said Lauren. She coated the dildo with lubricant, and began to slide it up and down between her legs. "Guess what I'm doing right now," she teased.

"Do tell," he answered.

"I'm getting ready to fuck myself with a great big dildo, and I'm going to pretend it's your cock in me."

The only response she got was an atavistic groan from the other end of the phone line. It sounded as if he had redoubled his stroking, which meant he wouldn't last much longer.

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