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Chrissy's Trip


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They arrive at a building with no visible markings, Jennifer turns to Eva and asks, "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"This is the address I got online, had to do some digging as they want to keep it a secret. Don't want too many people crowding the place, especially at this time of year", She says as she knocks on the door.

After being carded, with no questioning of Chrissy's I.D. this time, they head into the club. Thumping dance music, a dazzling light show, and bodies writhing in time to the beat greet them. Futa's, women and men are joined in an orgy of dancing, groping, and kissing. Platforms stick out from the second level that circles the dance floor. Scantly clad futanari, women, and a few men dance suggestively in singles and pairs on these platforms. The three friends navigate their way to the bar and wait for the bartender. As Chrissy surveys the dance floor, he sees a stunning sight walking towards him. A futanari wearing a glossy purple latex short skirt, with a black fishnet covered hole showing off the cleavage from her F cups. The dress has no shoulders, a band of latex wraps around her neck to keep in it place. She has on a pair of 8 inch, purple high heels. Also, she has a massive limp cock swaying between her legs, it is wrapped in what looks like an enormous purple sock. Her face and hair bear a striking resemblance to Amy Pond from that Dr. Who show Miriam likes. (Authors Note: Yes I just made a Dr. Who reference. Deal with it). Her cock swinging with the beat she walks up to Chrissy, looking right into his eyes with desire.

Once she reaches him she leans in and whispers in his ear, "You are the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time. Care to dance and see where the night takes us?"

Chrissy turns to Eva and Jennifer with a questioning look, they laugh and wave him off. Chrissy and his new futa friend head out to the dance floor, his head still thumping from smoking. They dance far apart at first, sizing each other up, after a minute they move closer. Chrissy turns and begins to wiggle his hips and shake his firm feminine ass, he turns his head and give her an alluring gaze. She moves forward, and her immense sock sheathed cock begins to smack against his ass. She wraps her arms around his midsection and begins to kiss his neck, she slides her hands up his body and gasps when her hands meet hard plastic instead of soft flesh.

She spins him around and asks, "You're a man?!?!"

Chrissy grins wide and says, "Surprise. Hope that's not a problem."

She stammers, "N-No, not at all. It's just that I did not suspect at all. I thought you were a woman, or a futa with a smaller than average dick. Have you had any work done, or take hormones?"

"It's all me. Well, I do get filled with lots of futa cum on a regular basis, so the hormones in that may have had an effect", replies Chrissy as they begins to dance close.

Smiling at his response the unknown futa replies, "A real sissy slut eh? Good to know."

After a few minutes of dancing, Eva and Jennifer show up next to them. The four of them dance together, hands roaming all over each others bodies. Once the music slows down, Eva motions for them to find a table. The foursome head upstairs and find a low sofa that curves around a glass table lit with green neon. A waitress with a large bulge takes their drink orders, as Eva and Jennifer eye up this new futa.

Eva looks at the unknown futa and says, "I'm Eva, and this is my wife Jennifer. I see you've already met Chrissy."

Blushing the other futa says, "I didn't actually know his name yet. I'm Gia, it's always a pleasure to meet sexy people." She then asks, "So, is Chrissy your third wheel as it were, or is he just a friend?"

Chrissy laughs and replies, "A bit of both I suppose."

Jennifer looks at Gia's sheathed member and says, "I love that wonderful cock sheathe, where did you get it?"

"Thank you, I bought it at a boutique that caters to futanari, they call these CoxSox", Gia says as she runs a hand down her large member.

Chrissy asks her, "Are you allowed to wear that in public?"

Gia laughs and replies, "Good question, the clerk said that they are allowed in public during the festival, but only at night."

The four begin to talk more about her wonderful sock, their drinks arrive and they continue to talk about fashion, the sights of Amsterdam, and people on the dance floor. As they talk Chrissy and Gia begin to slowly caress each others legs, causing her massive cock to swell. Eva and Jennifer sit idly fondling each others bulges, watching Gia's member grow. Gia's fully erect cock is pressing into her chin, unable to take anymore she rolls the sock off of her cock. Her 20 inch long, 9 inch circumference futahood is in full view, Chrissy, Eva and Jennifer stare at it in awe.

Chrissy looks Gia in the eye, and asks with his mouth watering, "May I suck it?"

With fire in her eye Gia replies, "Please, I'm so horny I can't stand it."

A bit intimidated by the giant cock, Chrissy begins to kiss and lick up and down the shaft. Eva and Jennifer come over, Jennifer begins to kiss and suck on Gia's smooth orange sized balls. Chrissy and Eva both lick, suck and kiss Gia's hairless shaft, occasionally kissing as they do. Gia looks down at the two futa's and a sissy worshiping her immense cock and balls, overwhelmed with the sight. This show has gotten the attention of a few other clubbers, they begin to make out as well. Jennifer begins to massage Gia's sack with both hands as she joins Chrissy and Eva in oral worship of Gia's futahood. After a few minutes of this Eva and Jennifer get on the sofa next to Chrissy and Gia, they pull each others cocks out and begin to 69. Deep throating each others large twitching cocks while fingering each others wet, silky smooth pussies. Feeling bold, Chrissy takes a deep breath and inhales Gia's cock to the base. She lets out a yelp as he begins to caress her massive balls with his tongue while milking her cock with his throat.

"Damn, you are really good at this.", She says breathlessly as her head rolls back.

Chrissy moans his reply as he continues his deep throating, using both of his hands to play with her enormous sack. Eva and Jennifer continue to slowly fuck each others faces, completely lost in each others bodies. Chrissy pulls Gia's cock out of his throat and starts to run his tongue all over the shaft, stopping once he reaches her balls. Chrissy then begins to stroke her pulsating shaft with both hands while he sucks and kisses her swelling sack, his body still tingling from the ganja. He sticks two of his thin fingers into her smooth slit, and continues to deep throat her 20 inch futahood. Chrissy slides his free hand up her body, stopping at her heaving F cups to massage them. Eva pulls herself off of Jennifer, kneels down on the floor and turns Jennifer so that the head of Eva's huge cock is pointing at her waiting pussy. She leans in and kisses her as she slides her throbbing, 17 1/2 inch long shaft deep inside of her lover, causing them both to moan in ecstasy. Eva pulls her top off, freeing her D cups. She then reaches down and undoes the buttons on Jennifer's dress, causing her DD's to spill out. Eva then plants her face in the middle of Jennifer's breasts and begins to kiss and lick.

Wanting more, Gia looks down at Chrissy and asks, "Think you can take me in your ass?"

"I'm willing to find out.", Chrissy says with a smile as he pulls of his thong and removes his butt plug.

"You've had that in you since you got here? You're a bigger slut than most women or futa's that I know.", Gia says with awe.

Chrissy straddles her legs and points the head of her immense cock right at the entrance to his sissy hole, looking her in the eye he begins to sit down. After a moment of trying, the giant head of her cock pops into his ass, causing them both to gasp. Chrissy begins to slowly slide down her massive shaft, a long moan escaping his lips as he does. Once his sack rests on her stomach, Gia reaches up and pulls his face to hers, kissing him deeply. Jennifer moans out loudly as Eva begins to fuck her hard, causing Jennifer's long cock to fire off a single shot all over her face. Chrissy begins to grind his hips on Gia's massive member, while milking her with his ass. She reaches up and cups his firm cheeks with her hands, and begins to slide him up and down. The rest of the club goers have broken out in passionate fucking all around them, in every possible combination.

With a groan, Gia says to Chrissy, "Your ass is so hot and tight, I'm amazed that I can fit inside of it. I want to fuck you all night long."

"You can fuck me longer than that if you want", says Chrissy as he cums, shooting all over her stomach.

Eva lifts Jennifer up and sits down right next to Gia and Chrissy, Jennifer's 19 inch long cock stuck between their heaving breasts. Jennifer puts her arm around Chrissy's shoulder and kisses him as he rides on Gia's throbbing cock, he pulls back and licks at the cum on her face.

"I'm so glad I found out about this place", Gia says as she watches Chrissy bounce up and down on her immense futahood. "You three are just too fucking hot."

Eva pulls Gia's face to hers and kisses her, as Jennifer's cock showers both of their faces with another large spurt of hot, sweet futa juice. Chrissy leans down and begins to lap up the cum on Jennifer's breasts and cock head, as Eva and Gia share in Jennifer's load. Jennifer lets her dress slip to the floor, completely naked she begins to ride Eva hard. Chrissy's ass begins to spasm around Gia's giant cock as he cum again, she moans into Eva's mouth from the sensation. Gia reaches behind her neck and undoes a clasp, causing the top of her dress to drop down and reveal her gorgeous F cups. Jennifer and Chrissy each take a nipple and begins to kiss and suck on the erect pink beauties. Chrissy can feel the constant stream of pre-cum from Gia's huge pulsating cock lubricating his ass. Eva leans forward and begins to suck on the head of Jennifer's cock as it bobs in time with her bounces, making Jennifer gasp.

Gia says to Chrissy, "Turn around, I want to see that ass."

Chrissy slowly dislodges her immense cock from his twitching hole, he then turns around and wags his firm feminine ass in Gia's face. She gives it a quick smack before he begins the blissful ride back down her massive futahood. Once fully impaled, he leans forward and begins to pump his spasming hole up and down on her 20 inch cock. Eva has Jennifer do the same, once she has turned around on Eva's lap, Eva stands up and guides her to stand right in front of Chrissy. Looking down to see his face right in line with her long cock, Jennifer begins to smack his face with her futahood. Chrissy begins to suck on the head while riding on Gia's stallion sized cock. Jennifer fires another large blast of cum right into his sucking mouth, which he gleefully gulps down. Eva begins to thrust hard enough to cause Jennifer to fuck Chrissy's throat with half her length. Jennifer begins to mutter nonsense from the over stimulation of Eva's cock in her spasming pussy and her own throbbing cock down Chrissy's throat. The other clubbers go nuts as they watch this show while putting on their own. After a few minutes of this action Chrissy leans back and spreads his legs into a wide v, holding an ankle in each hand.

He looks at Eva and says, "Guide your lover into my hole, I need to get double stuffed by cock."

Hearing this Gia exclaims, "Fuck yeah, lets fill this sissy slut with futa meat."

Eva guides Jennifer down till they are both on their knees, Jennifer lines up with Chrissy's already stretched hole. She presses down against Gia's monster cock and begins to push against the entrance to Chrissy's ass. Chrissy does his best to relax and let Jennifer in, after a moment of trying the head of her long, relatively thin cock pops into his ass. Gia, Chrissy and Jennifer all let out a moan as this happens, Jennifer then begins to feed more of her cock to his hungry ass.

Gia bellows out, "I love the feeling of another cock on mine inside of a tight hole!"

This sight proves to be too much for a pair of futa's being sucked off by a man, they flood his mouth and drench his body with their hot, sticky cum. Once Jennifer's massive balls rest against Gia's larger sack, the two begin to fuck him slowly. The two giant cocks in his ass cause Chrissy to cum hard, pure ecstasy radiates out from his sissy hole, as his little clitty shoots all over his and Jennifer's stomachs. Eva begins to kiss and suck on the back of Jennifer's neck as she speeds up her own thrusts into her lovers dripping wet snatch. Gia gently turns Chrissy's head to the side and begins to kiss him hard, exploring his mouth with her long tongue. Chrissy can feel Gia's hard nipples pressing into his back, her F cups providing the most wonderful pillow. He reaches up and begins to play with Jennifer's DD's, tweaking her nipples and massaging the heaving mounds. Once Gia releases his head, he leans forward into Jennifer's welcoming breasts and begins to kiss and suck on the beauties. Consumed by hunger for each others bodies the foursome continues in this fashion for another 20 minutes.

Unable to take anymore of the double stimulation, Jennifer lets out a high pitched groan followed by, "I'm going to cum in your ass Chrissy, it's going to be a good one."

Chrissy can only moan as his ass cums around the two immense futa cocks in his ass yet again. Jennifer's cock swells as it begins to pump thick ropes of cum deep into Chrissy's sucking hole, coating Gia's monster futahood. After Jennifer has shot off a few times, Eva grabs her hips and pulls her back. She grabs Jennifer's shooting cock and points it right at Chrissy's sparkly blue dress, hosing him down. Gia begins to thrust up into Chrissy's ass hard and fast, her huge balls slapping against his. Eva cums next, she fires a few shots deep into Jennifer's still cumming pussy, then quickly grabs the base of her cock to stop the flow of sperm. She pulls out and sticks her screaming cock into Chrissy's mouth and fires a few more blasts of sweet futa cum. Eva then pulls her fire hose out his mouth and finishes off on his face and dress, Chrissy is soaked in cum and loving it. Gia scoops some futa juice off of him and shoves it into her mouth, moaning in joy as she does.

Still fucking Chrissy's sissy hole hard and fast Gia announces, "Get ready Chrissy, I haven't gotten off in a few days and I'm about to flood your ass with my hot, creamy cum!"

"Yessss, cum inside of me! I want to feel your cock throb and shoot deep into my ass!", Chrissy exclaims as he experiences yet another whole body orgasm, shooting his load on Jennifer's face.

Eva and Jen stare in awe as Gia's already massive balls swell to twice their size, then contract all the way inside of her body. They can see the base of her cock expand to an even more monstrous proportion as she begins to drench his insides. Chrissy whips his head around moaning like a whore as he feels the tsunami of hot thick cum filling him up. Massive spurt after massive spurt continue to flood his spasming hole, causing him to have one long continuous orgasm.

Gia roars out, "Too fucking hot! Your tight ass is making me cum so hard! I don't think it's ever going to stop!"

Gia's immense member continues to erupt in his ass, filling it with her futa juice, so much that it begins to shoot out around the base of her cock. Eva and Jennifer grab a few glasses from the table and use them to catch as much of the cum as possible. She drenches his constantly cumming ass for a solid three minutes, a large puddle of futa juice has formed on the floor below them. Completely spent she sits there with her head back, her cock still twitching in his ass. Once he comes to Chrissy grabs his butt plug and slowly stands, clenching his hole as it slides off of Gia's monster cock. He quickly inserts it to hold her load in and puts his thong back on.

He sits down next to Gia and Eva hands him a cum filled glass, saying, "Another cocktail for you Chrissy."

With a grin he says, "For me? Why thank you ever so much."

The orgy around them slows down to watch Chrissy slowly sip on the cum cocktail, once he finishes Eva hands him another glass. Gia returns to reality and watches him enjoy his second glass of her futa juice, her eyes wide. Jennifer hands him a third glass and as he relishes in that yummy concoction, the rest of the room looses it. Cocks, pussies and asses begin to orgasm as moans and groans fill the air. Eva hands him the fourth and final large glass of Gia's cum.

Before he can bring it to his mouth Gia says, "You want to share that tasty treat with me?"

Chrissy laughs and replies, "Well, it seems only fair since you made it."

The two of them begin to lap at the sperm filled glass, their tongues occasionally intertwining. Gia grabs the glass and pours the remaining cum into her mouth. She then grabs Chrissy and kisses him, they play with her load in their mouths, passing it back and fourth. Once they have about half of it in each of their mouths they swallow and let out satisfied sighs. The balcony breaks out in applause and cat calls, the foursome line up next to each other and bow.

Part 5: The After Hours Party

After gathering up their clothes and saying goodbye to their adoring audience, the foursome decide to head back to Chrissy, Eva and Jennifer's suite. They stop off at the coffee shop and pick up 5 grams of the same strain of sweet sweet chiba. Chirssy displays his cum covered dress with pride as they walk back to the hotel. He gets some odd looks and some very lewd cat calls as they move through the streets, and almost gives an elderly couple in the hotel lobby heart attacks. They arrive at their suite and Chrissy excuses himself to go change and empty his cum filled hole. He grabs a fresh curly red wig and fixes his makeup. Chrissy puts on a black and while lace french maid uniform with plastic C cups inside, slides his beloved large butt plug back into place and slips on a black thong. He finishes his outfit with black fishnet stockings and black 7 inch high heels. Chrissy struts out into the living room of the suite to find the three futa's passing a bong around, Gia starts to choke mid hit when she sees Chrissy.

Gasping for breath she says, "You...look...amazing", before coughing more.

"You always did know how to dress, and how to work it", Eva says with a sly smile.

Chrissy sits down next to Gia and crosses his legs, giving her a sultry look. Dumbfounded she packs him a bowl and passes him the bong with shaking hands. Chrissy takes a long, deep hit and holds it in for a while, letting it out with a satisfied sigh. They work their way through about 4 grams of the aptly named All Night Long, listening to downtempo electronica. They cover all the usual stoner topics, life, the universe, everything (Authors note: 42! Sorry couldn't help myself. If that went over your head look up Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy). Giggling like a pack of blazed schoolgirls they start to feel each other up, hands and mouths roaming all over the place.

Eva does her best to sound serious as she speaks looking at Chissy and Gia, "Well, things are heating up. But after our time with Chrissy in the coffee shop, and with both of you at the club, I think Jennifer and I would like to finnish off the night as a twosome".

His voice distant Chrissy replies, "That's cool Eva, Gia and I can get to know each other better", he places his hand right on her sock encased cock as he finishes.

Eva starts to tickle Jennifer, causing her to get up giggling, she then chases/tickles her all the way into their room, shutting the door behind them.

Chrissy and Gia can hear Eva say, "You are going to get fucked soooo hard my gorgeous little dumpling."

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