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Chrissy's Trip


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Miriam and Gia are rock hard again, Miriam looks at Gia and says, "It's our turn to stuff this sissy slut."

Chrissy puts his hands up and says, "I'm going to need a strong drink and a lot of pot before I try taking on those two monsters."

They all laugh then head out to the living room, cum and sweat all over their bodies. Chrissy fixes himself a large gin and tonic while the four futa's begin passing around the bong. Sipping his drink Chrissy sits down between Miriam and Gia, they both lean in and kiss him on his cheeks.

After 20 minutes of smoking and finishing off his drink Chrissy speaks with slightly slurred speach, "Okay, I'm ready for a clash of the futa titans in my sissy hole."

Pulling her face out of Jennifer's cleavage Eva laughs and asks, "Would you guys mind if Jennifer and I retire to our room?"

Miriam smiles and replies, "I think Chrissy is going to have his hands and everything else full enough."

They split up, Eva and Jennifer head to their room while Chrissy leads Miriam and Gia by their cocks to his room. Miriam closes the door behind them as Chrissy drops to his knees, staring in awe at the two monstrous futahoods before him. Timidly, he reaches out and takes one in each hand, feeling them pulse in his grip. He begins to rub the giant heads together as he licks them, Miriam and Gia kiss as he begins to suck their cock heads. Chrissy takes Miriam all the way to the base, moaning and licking her balls while stroking Gia's pulsing cock. He alternates, deep throating one while stroking the other massive member, milking them with his throat.

After 5 minutes of this Miriam says, "Enough of the appetizer, lets get on to the main course."

Gia asks, "How should we do this?"

Chrissy looks up and suggests, "How about I ride on Gia facing away from her. Actually, I'm going to need her to fuck me for a bit first, gotta warm up."

Chrissy drops down on the king sized bed on all fours, Gia stands behind him and slowly pushes her monster cock into his cum lubed ass. Miriam takes up position in front of his face and begins to fuck his throat with her throbbing member. Gia and Miriam alternate their strokes, one deep in his ass while the other has the tip of her cock in his mouth. Chrissy feels like a pig on a spit and he loves every second of it. Chrissy starts gyrating his hips and pushing back into Gia as she thrusts into his quivering ass, his little clitty spraying a load on the already soaked sheets. Miriam's large balls begins to smack into Chrissy's chin as she speeds up her thrusts.

After a few minutes Miriam pulls her throbbing cock from Chrissy's throat and asks him, "Think you're ready lover?"

In a daze of weed, gin and cock Chrissy responds, "Oh yeah, almost forgot. Come on, double stuff my sissy hole with your monster cocks."

Gia rolls over so that Chrissy is sitting on top of her immense futahood, Miriam gets into position and presses her spit lubed cock against Gia's.

She looks him in the eye and says, "It's time to see just how much cock that ass can take."

Miriam begins to push against Chrissy's already overstuffed hole, for a moment it will not budge. She gives a quick thrust and the head pops in, Chrissy lets out a yelp as Miriam and Gia suck air through their teeth.

Miriam looks at Chrissy and asks with concern, "Are you okay?"

Chrissy nods his head and replies weakly, "Yeah, just give me a minute. That almost hurt for a second."

After a minute Chrissy nods at Miriam, very slowly she and Gia begin to slide their cocks in deeper. Chrissy's nails begin to dig into Miriam's firm ass cheeks while a long high pitched moan escapes his lips. Slowly but surely they feed more of their monster cocks into his hungry sissy pussy. They all let out a sigh as Gia and Miriam's massive balls firmly rest together. Chrissy now has a combined 38 inches in length and 17 inches in circumference of futa meat in his quivering hole. His ass is sending a constant stream of pleasure over his whole body as his mind goes blank. Chrissy gives Miriam a tap on the ass and she begins to slowly pump him with a few inches of her cock. Gia begins as well, her timing the opposite of Miriam's. Chrissy lets out a sigh as his clitty sprays all over his stomach, his eyes are rolled up in his head. Miriam leans in and kisses his neck as Gia nibbles on his ear, their thrusts gaining in speed and force. Chrissy is sure that he is dead and in heaven, two incredibly beautiful and ridiculously well hung futa's are stuffing his spasming ass. Miriam leans past Chrissy and begins to kiss Gia deeply, their tongues rolling around in each others mouths. Chrissy hooks his legs around Miriam's hips and wraps his arms around her back as they begin to fuck him faster.

He clings to her as he experiences a world shattering orgasm, while screaming out, "Don't stop! Don't ever stop!".

Miriam pulls her mouth from Gia's and kisses Chrissy hard, he reaches up and grabs the back of her head as they ravage each others mouths. Gia reaches around Chrissy and starts to play with Miriam's beautiful DD's, pinching her nipples and groping her glistening mounds. Chirssy's body begins to writhe as his orgasm continues, milking Miriam and Gia's immense cocks.

Gia speaks, her voice burning with passion, "Your cock and balls feel sooo good rubbing against mine Miriam. I can't believe we're both in Chrissy's tight sissy hole, your boyfriend is the biggest whore I've ever met!"

With a mix of pride and lust Miriam replies, "He's the biggest sissy slut in the world, and he's all mine. Well, mine and anybody else who wants to fuck him."

"Anyone can have my holes, but you're the only one who gets my heart Miriam.", Chrissy manages to say before his orgasm increases in intensity.

The two futa's begin to plow him as hard as they can, Chrissy screams his orgasm incoherently as the world disappears. He is now only aware of Miriam and Gia, a parade of elephants could go through the room and he wouldn't blink. Drawn by his cries of pleasure Eva and Jennifer poke their heads in the room and gasp at the sight. They watch while stroking each others throbbing members as Miriam and Gia use their monster sized cocks to send Chrissy into nirvana. Giggling they close the door and race back to their room to fuck some more. As his orgasm subsides Chrissy buries his face in Miriam's heaving breasts and begins to worship the heavenly mounds with his lips and tongue. She kisses him on the top of his head as he licks and sucks her breasts. A constant flow of pre-cum leaks from Miriam and Gia's enormous cocks, lubricating each other and Chrissy's sucking hole. The two futa's fuck Chrissy's ass with their titanic cocks for 30 minutes, guiding him through orgasm after orgasm.

Grunting Miriam looks at Gia and says, "I'm about to lose it in this sissy sluts tight ass, cum with me."

Through gritted teeth Gia says, "Finally, I've been holing back for what feels like forever!"

Miriam and Gia continue their frantic thrusts as their balls begin to swell, pressing against each other. Their massive cocks grow thicker as they prepare to drench Chrissy's quivering sissy hole. Miriam and Gia thrust up into his ass one last time as they erupt deep inside of him. As he feels the first massive spurt from their immense futahoods deep in his ass, Chrissy cums hard. He begins to spray his stomach and face with an almost futa sized load from his little dick, as his sissy hole contracts and releases around the two cocks imbedded in it. Thick ropes of hot futa juice fly from the swollen heads of Gia and Miriam's pulsing members, covering each other and drenching Chrissy's ass. A river of cum begins to flow out of his sissy hole, covering Miriam and Gia's balls and soaking the sheet. A mind numbing 4 minutes pass, Chrissy is covered in his own cum and filled with massive deposits from Gia and Miriam. The three of them lay there motionless as their minds drift in bliss, Miriam comes to first, pulls her mammoth cock from Chrissy's ass and falls back onto the bed. Panting, she smiles while looking at Chrissy still impaled on Gia's immense futahood, drenched in his own cum and breathing hard. Gia lifts Chrissy up and places him on the bed next to Miriam. The two futa's curl up on either side of him as he lays on his back, their flaccid cocks nestled together on top of his own. Utterly satisfied, they drift off to sleep drenched in sweat and cum.

Part 8: The Sluttiest of Them All

The next day is much like the previous four, sightseeing and shopping followed by partying and fucking. They spent the sixth day at a spa, relaxing and getting ready for the orgy. They even manage to abstain from sex, wanting to save their energy. Chrissy is awakened on the seventh day by Miriam and Gia showering him with kisses, their morning wood poking him in the sides.

"I thought we were waiting for the orgy.", Chrissy says playfully.

With a pained expression on her face Miriam replies, "You're right, let me go slam this thing in the door....maybe just a really cold shower."

Laughing they get out of bed and prepare for the day. Chrissy puts on a purple lace corset with plastic D cups, a matching garter belt and stockings, inserts his faithful butt plug and puts on a very small purple thong. Finishing with a pair of 7 inch high heels. He gets his face all sexied up and dons a strawberry blond wig. Gia slips on a crotchless, nearly see through blue string bikini, puts on a matching CoxSox and steps into a pair of blue 6 inch stiletto heels. Not one to be outdone, Miriam slaps a pair of black pasties over her nipples and slides on a matching CoxSox she picked up. She pulls on a pair of red, 7 inch fuck me boots. The walk into the living room to find Eva and Jennifer waiting for them. Eva's whole body except for her face, is painted in zebra stripes with a matching sock over her member, she has on a pair of flip flops. Jennifer is sparsely painted in green, yellow and red floral patterns with most of her skin exposed, a floral patterned sock adorns her cock and a pair of similarly patterned 6 inch heels on her feet. They spend a few minutes complimenting each other while munching on some very potent weed brownies before donning trench coats and heading to the start of the parade. Miriam managed to pull some strings and get them on the Futanari Palace float, it is done up as a miniature club, with a bar, dance floor and a few small beds.

She turns to the group as they all remove their coats, and says, "Okay, lets go over the rules one last time, kissing and light petting are allowed during the parade, but nothing overtly sexual.", she emphasizes the last part looking at Chrissy and Eva.

Feigning innocence they both say, "What?"

"Looks like she has you two pegged.", Gia says with a chuckle.

The floats move through the side streets of Amsterdam, people in a variety of outfits cheering, waving and yelling suggestively line the sidewalks. Chrissy and his futa friends dance, throw beads and do their best to not fuck each other senseless. After two hours the floats stop at a large park with no buildings nearby, everyone piles out and heads into the park. Miriam leads the four of them to a grouping of small beds surrounded by a 3 foot fence and walks up to an attendant at a booth.

"What's she doing?", Chrissy asks Eva.

With a sly smile Eva responds, "She's entering you as a contestant for the Queen of the Sluts."

"The what now?", Chrissy inquires as his left eyebrow raises.

Jennifer puts her hand on his shoulder and tells him, "It's a competition to see who's the hottest and sluttiest in attendance. Don't worry about it, you'll win with no problem."

Gia chimes in, "Yeah, I took a pass at all the contestants last year, most of whom are here today. None of them are as attractive as you, or as talented with their holes."

Miriam walks up and hands him a large circular sticker with the number 8 on it. Chrissy peels it off and sticks it on the middle of his corset.

A woman walks up to him, her voice oozing overconfidence she says, "So you're competing huh? Well you don't have a prayer, I've won four years in a row and I plan on making it five. No woman or futa here can beat me."

Chrissy smiles politely and replies calmly, "Guess that means I have a chance. I'm a man."

Her jaw drops as Chrissy pulls out the hairpins keeping his wig in place and pulls it off his head.

She stammers out, "I-I'm not losing to some dumb sissy faggot.", and storms off.

"I'm going to enjoy beating that bitch.", Chrissy says coldly while replacing his wig. He turns to Miriam and asks, "So, what are the rules?"

Chuckling she replies, "Well, first off you have to suck off a futa who just masturbated. First one to make them cum wins that round. Then it's a 6 futa blowbang, points are awarded for speed as well as style and enthusiasm. After that it's pretty much a free for all, you get judged on the number of partners and overall performance. Repeat visitors are worth double, and the length of the size of the group waiting their turn also comes into play. Only down side is there will be men as well as futa's, I know you aren't big on having sex with guys but that's just how it is."

After taking all that in, Chrissy says, "Well, I'm not thrilled about the men, but a cocks a cock, even if they are smaller."

Miriam leads Chrissy to his mattress where he waits for the contest to start, his head thumping from the brownie. After a few minutes the announcer explains the rules again and the futa's walk out, their limp cocks swaying in time with their steps. They take their places in front of their assigned contestant and await the go sign.

The announcer looks at his cards, reacts with surprise and says, "We have a rare contestant here today folks! Number 8 in the purple corset is a cross dresser.", he looks over at Chrissy and says, "The hottest woman here is actually a man, go figure!"

He signals to start and the contestants leap at their assigned futa's. Chrissy starts slow, he kisses up and down the shaft while looking into her eyes, using his hands to knead her large balls. Maintaining eye contact he starts to run his tongue in circles around her slowly growing cock head. Chrissy removes one of his hands from her balls and begins to gently stroke the shaft of her semi-erect cock. He wraps his lips around the head and starts to suck like he is trying to pull a golfball through a garden hose. Her eyes cross as she gasps, her cock springing to full attention. Chrissy wastes no time and begins to deep throat her, still keeping his eyes locked on hers. He slides two of his fingers in her pussy and begins to giver her a g-spot massage. A thought shoots through Chrissy's mind, he pulls his mouth off her cock long enough to get the middle finger of his free hand wet. He continues to skillfully milk her cock with his throat as his free had reaches around behind her. Chrissy slides his spit lubed middle finger in her ass and finds her prostate. Chrissy's deep throats her furiously while vigorously massaging her g-spot and prostate.

After only 15 seconds of this, the futa calls out, "He's making me cum!"

"A new record!", the announcer yells.

Chrissy continues to milk her cum shooting cock as it sprays into his stomach. He pulls his head back and catches the last shot in his mouth, he opens his mouth, gargles and swallows while giving her a wink.

She leans down and whispers to him, "I'm going to stay and fuck you as many times as I can you sexy sissy."

The other contestants eventually finish, some take as long as 5 minutes. Chrissy looks over at the bitch from earlier, she is staring daggers at him. He sticks his tongue out at her as the next round of futa's walk out. Miriam steps up next to him and hands him his favorite 16 inch dildo and a bottle of lube.

"Is this allowed?", he asks as he takes it from her.

"It falls under the style points category, most contestants forget to do something extra.", she says with a wink.

Chrissy turns his back to the judges and bends over, showing them his lovely feminine ass. He slowly pulls down his thong while looking back at them, Chrissy pops out his butt plug and gives it a few licks. The judges watch in awe of the sissy slut as he lubes up the 16 inch dildo and squats down on it, waiting for the futa's. The other contestants are trying to get the judges attention with their own shows, but all eyes are on Chrissy. A large group of futa's approach the contest area and split up into groups of six around their assigned contestants. Chrissy is idly sliding up and down on the dildo while eyeing up the futa's, planning his attack. A whistle blows and Chrissy grabs the two smallest futa's, both around 12 inches long and 6 inches around. He jams them both in his mouth and starts to deep throat their cocks, the crowd goes wild. While bouncing up and down on the dildo he sticks a pair of fingers in each of their pussies and starts moaning around their cocks. The other futa's smack the top of his head and sides of his face with their throbbing members, smearing pre-cum all over him. After two minutes of this the futa's in his throat are sweating and grunting, their orgasms imminently approaching. He pulls their twitching futahoods from his throat and strokes them at his waiting mouth and face, looking up at them with begging eyes. Their heads snap back as they begin to cum all over his face, corset and into his mouth. As they step back Chrissy rides up and down on the dildo while scooping cum off his face and gargling.

"Number 8 has finished off two of his futa's in style!", the announcer shouts.

The judges sit and take notes of his performance as Chrissy swallows and grabs more cocks. He shoves one down his throat and furiously strokes another two, Chrissy cums a little onto the ground, making him moan around the cock in his throat. He begins to switch deep throating and stroking the four remaining futa cocks, pivoting on the dildo as he does. Occasionally he stops to suck on a pair of cum laden balls while the other futa's smack his face.

He can sense that they are all getting ready to cum, he looks up at them with big, bedroom eyes and says with a sensual tone, "Cum for me. Give this sissy slut your yummy futa juice."

One of the futa's he is stroking loses it, spraying cum all over his face. Chrissy opens his mouth and turns his head to catch it as another futa cock starts to erupt, hosing him down. The remaining two futa's let out roars as they cum, Chrissy does his best to catch as much in his mouth as he can, greedily gulping it down. As the four futa's finnish he sits there scooping cum off of his body and the tarp that he is on, giggling as he enjoys their delicious sperm.

"Number 8 is finished! I think that's another record! That sissy is one hot slut folks!", the amazed and rather turned on announcer yells.

Chrissy gets up off the dildo and sits down on the bed, waiting for the final part to begin.

Miriam walks up to him, her voice a mix of lust and pride she says, "You're blowing them away, literally. I knew my sissy slut would win."

"Well, there's still the free for all.", Chrissy says with a hint of apprehension.

Pointing behind herself Miriam replies, "Look at all those people, every one of them is waiting to fuck you silly. And that's just the first wave, if you think you can manage that is."

Chrissy squares his chest and perks up his head, with determination he says, "I'm the biggest slut here, and I'm going to win."

The rest of the contestants finnish up, miss ego taking the longest. Some of the women do stretches or jog in place to prepare, Chrissy just sits legs crossed smoking a small joint. He looks at the crowd in front of him licking his lips and winking between puffs. He see's Eva, Jennifer, Miriam and Gia are all near the front of the crowd, they wave and cheer.

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