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Christmas Blizzard

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Tony and Corrine find them trapped in the middle of nowhere.
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"The blizzard came out of nowhere," Tony shook the snow off his heavy coat as he entered the hotel lobby. "I've never seen anything like it." He gestured to the snow that piled out on the midnight streets.

Aside from the thick mantle of white that blanketed every surface, including the rooftops of surrounding buildings and neighboring towers, not much else was visible under the cloudy sky. There were no stars, no moon, nothing but mist and glares from the street lights reflecting off the uneven flat surface of the flurries outside.

"Let's just get a room, we can finish the drive tomorrow," Corinne answered grumpily, also shivering from the cold that stayed as she followed behind Tony. A dark mood had hung on her ever since he first informed her they would be unable to finish the trip tonight. While not verbally chastising or outwardly complaining over the inconvenience, she made it obvious that the poor circumstances were not what she wanted to happen.

"Are there any rooms available?" Tony asked as he reached the reception desk where the clerk dozed softly.

The man started as Tony cleared his throat to get his attention. Blinking and licking his lips sleepily, he stifled a yawn by clasping one hand over his mouth, while the other wiped away invisible crust of weariness from his eyes. He looked at Tony disinterestedly before replying. "One moment please..." his expression bland while his lassitude speech plodded slowly towards civility, yet not quite getting there. After checking the reservations log, the clerk jerked awake alertly once again before announcing with a feeble effort of hospitality, "Ah, yes sir. There is one more room."

"We'll take it," Corinne answered abruptly and curtly.

The clerk turned his attention to her, looking mildly surprised at her impatience. His lips curled into a wry smile as he regarded her briefly, then glanced back at Tony who returned his gaze with a weak apologetic grin. The clerk's face then turned serious and he nodded, turning around to search for a key.

Corinne huffed angrily behind him, still shivering somewhat from the cold which stayed along her delicate frame despite her entering the lobby.

Taking the keys from the clerk when it came around to them, "Your room is on the fourth floor, 4015, hopefully, it will be to your liking." He smiled sarcastically when Corinne threw an annoyed look to him before she darted towards the elevators.

"Sorry about her." Tony apologized kindly in an under-tone to him, "She was hoping to get to see her boyfriend in Denver today, and quite frustrated because of the delay." Tony's apology went unnoticed by Corinne who entered the opened elevator doors as soon as they swung open.

"I'm sure she will calm down once she gets into the room and unwinds."

"One can only hope."


Corinne was speaking on the phone, her tone was angry, impatient, "Yea, we're stuck, in some hotel in a town I don't know the name of. Worse yet the room they gave us only has one bed!"

Tony, on the other hand, was in the shower, the hot steamy water running over his body, his head tilted up and eyes closed, enjoying the feel of the droplets splashing against his face. Corinne's angry ranting did not register to his otherwise submerged awareness.

"It was the last room they had, Hello? Hello?!" She pulled the phone away from her ear, looking at it in irritation, seeing the word 'disconnected' written across the small LCD screen. "Ugh, great! Just fucking great!" She yelled, as she placed the cordless phone back in its charging station. Lying across the spacious bed, Corinne heard the TV come to life as her eyes locked with the screen that lit into seemingly random flashing colors. In between the bursts of bright colored dots was a soothing music that widdled away her sharp anger gradually. Allowing her to relax as the bits of brilliant static swept through her vision.

"What is happening to me?" She muttered, as her vision began to blur and her mind drifted into a strange trance. "Why...can't...I..move?" She forced the words from her mouth as she struggled against unseen restraints. Ensnared by the Television's influence, the mundane program converted into a signal her brain can only recognize as comfort and peace. Her anger vanished as did the desire to fight, the haze in her eyes clouded entirely as her body lay limp in the spacious bed.

Her mind drifted as a deep velvet voice cooed into her ear, a presence she sensed, was now inside the room with her, although the door was still locked and the windows were shut. "That's a good girl, nice and easy," the voice echoed around her, enveloping her, embracing her.

Corinne felt the familiar tingling sensation spreading over her entire being, her arms and legs going completely numb, her vision still focused on the TV, but no longer conscious of the images. Her mind was filled with an empty whiteness, her thoughts replaced with a pleasant blankness, like a dreamless sleep. She couldn't tell if she was still breathing, her limbs were no longer there, the sensation of touch and the sense of her body vanishing.

"Relax, Corinne," the voice purred into her ears. The sound seemed to vibrate through her whole body. "Relax, Corinne," the voice whispered, the tingling sensation increasing.

Corinne obeyed helplessly, falling deeper under the trance, succumbing totally to the coaxing melody. "Mmm..." the relaxed sound escaped from her dangling lips as her limbs loosened on their own volition, melting like wax and filling out into the shape of a recumbent mannequin upon the lush white sheets.

When she came to, she found herself in the bathroom with no recollection of how or why she was standing in the tiled room, her mind was a mess and she felt the beginning of a headache coming on, dimly wondering as to her lucidity at the present.

"What am I doing here?" A shiver ran through her as she looked around the room for anything resembling pain relievers. Her eyes met her reflection from within the mirrors above the double basins. Her hair, which was still damp and did not completely dry hung almost ethereally like seaweed framing the outer shell of her face, emphasizing her darkened eyes and delicate red rouged cheeks. She was wearing an oversized plain t-shirt that hung limply off one shoulder showing no undergarment strap. Her long legs were otherwise bare, except for pink pajama shorts drooping at her slender waist barely clung to her curves beneath the loosely worn shirt.

Turning her attention onto her hands that gripped tightly on the basin sink, her eyelids fluttered as she tried to recall any piece of information, "Why can't I remember anything? What's happened?" The headache grew worse as questions crowded her confused thoughts. She could tell though her mental state to be mild fuzziness in which she struggled to sort out from within the murky cobwebs.

Eventually, she found some painkillers in the bathroom cabinet after ruffling around frantically. Ridding herself of two tablets, she consumed them greedily and returned the bottle to where it once was. She held tight onto the edge of the cold porcelain as she awaited the medication to take effect, feeling forlorn by this unfamiliar sight. "God, my head hurts..." she murmured.

"I should really get to bed." She stumbled out of the restroom a short while afterwards, spotting the image of the large King sized bed as she collapsed on it gratefully. A long exhale exited through her nostrils as her stiff joints loosened under the soft cotton comforters.

"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Tony offered without question as Corinne claimed the expanse of the whole mattress, without responding.

No matter how deep she went under the covers, she never got comfortable, unable to shake away the chill and shivering, kept turning over and groggily waited for tiredness to take her. Tossing over onto her stomach, trying to get closer to the warmer parts of the blanket did little to help. Suddenly she sat up in annoyance and flung the blankets towards the middle, "I'm cold," she complained out loud. Looking over towards Tony who was lying across the carpet floor beside the bed looking up at her.

Tony stood up, "Want me to ask if they have a portable heater or something?"

"What? And keep you all night just to talk to some employee?" Corinne rolled her eyes then adjusted a pillow around the bulge she created with the wrinkled spread sheet, "Just get over here, Tony. Get into the bed with me. At least that way I won't be cold."

"What, uh... are you sure? It's kind of weird, I mean, I can ask someone at the reception desk-"

"I'm sure." Corinne forcefully said.

Tony crawled into the bed hesitantly, careful not to touch Corinne, and tried to make himself comfortable. Just as he got under the covers, he felt Corinne wrap around his right arm, pulling him even closer to her and pushing her face right into his chest. Tony's eyes widened with shock and his heart raced as he felt the softness of her body against him.

"You're warm," Corinne murmured, closing her eyes and burying her face in his shoulder.

"Uh, Corinne, are you feeling okay? There is plenty of space, we don't need to be so close."

"Mmm, just shut up and sleep Tony." With that, she nestled her head in Tony's neck and slid her leg onto his. Tony turned as bright red as her hair. The closeness, the light stroking as she sighed into him, her silky hair draping around his chest, none of these things helped. More the opposite. Tony fought down the blood flow heading south from panic rather than arousal. He concentrated solely on calming his excitement.

She is his best friend's girlfriend and being with her like this will spell huge problems for him with Jimmy. Oh god, now the heat of her pressed so firm against him was quickly eroding away his willpower.

"Too warm..." Corinne remarked before slipping away to throw some of the sheets off of them. Cuddling back against him. "Better," she sighed, tightening around his chest now rather then the previous hold on his arms. Tony fidgeted with a jolt unable to believe her boldness.

There was movement under the thin sheets; her leg slinking further between his legs to wrap around the underside of his knee; drawing them as flush together as possible. Corinne inhaled deeply and settled in her comfortable spot with her chest laying flush to him. Slowly she let out a pleasant murmuring yawn against his chest while tracing slow circles atop his rib cage.

"I think we should really, stop..."

"Shhh, relax," her finger rested against his lips, shushing him.

"Are you drunk or something?"

She lifted her head and gave him a puzzled look, her face a mere inch away from his. "Drunk?"

"Well, not drunk, maybe tipsy, or..."

"Do I feel tipsy?" She shifted slightly, her thigh hung over his waist lightly while pressing her upper torso along side him. She nuzzled herself, intentionally squeezing the curve of her full breasts against his bare shoulder.

Tony's breath caught in his throat and his whole body became rigid, he knew this was not right, not only would Jimmy be mad at him, but it felt so wrong and yet, so good.

"You are the reason I'm cold, you know. I couldn't stay under the covers because I couldn't get warm." She moved her leg further across his hip, bringing their lower bodies together.

Tony was at a loss, he had no idea how to deal with a woman, especially a half-naked one rubbing against him, "Um, Corinne, this is not okay." His cheeks were heating, stammering to come up with some excuse and distract the red head who didn't seem to be listening to him anymore.

"Not okay?" Corinne stroked his inner thigh. "Does that feel like 'not okay', to you?" She seemed amused more than anything when she raised herself atop his waist and flexed her hips as he sprang to attention from her gentle teasing.

"Corinne," he breathed her name as his hands came to rest on her shoulders. His eyes wide as saucers, unsure whether he wanted to pull her close or push her away.

"What is the matter?" She leaned forward, her fingers brushing across his face. "You don't want this?" Her tongue trailed across his cheek before nipping at his ear lobe.

He was frozen in place, his body reacting to her movements. He could hear the blood pumping in his ears, and the heat was almost suffocating him.

"Well?" she breathed in his ear.

"What about Jimmy?"

"He doesn't have to know. This can be our secret." He could feel her grind a little on him, trying to create friction between them. Corinne rested her wet mouth atop the area of skin behind and underneath Tony's right earlobe. "Feeling tense?" She whispered hotly into his flesh.

"Yea," he managed to grunt, his voice was strained and his muscles taut.

"Hmmm," Corinne's teeth sank into the tender flesh, biting the skin softly as her nails grazed along his sides.

Tony shuddered, her touches were sending jolts through his body, his hands fell off her shoulders and gripped the sheets as his head tipped backwards.

"Don't worry," she whispered into his ear, her lips brushing against him. "I'll help you relax."

Her tongue trailed down his neck, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed, a soft whimper escaping his throat as his hips bucked up slightly. "C-Corinne,"


She was moving lower, her teeth grazing over his collar bone, her tongue leaving a wet trail down the hard planes of his chest. She closed her soft mouth around each of his nipples before biting down to gently pinch them. He let a strangled growl erupt from deep in his throat, tightening every muscle in him even as his hips twitched upward involuntarily.

"So sensitive," Corinne giggled; readjusting herself to straddle his waist. Tony's straining member ground against the thin layer of clothing that still prevented them from really connecting.

His jaw was set, his eyes screwed shut as his hands fisted the sheets below him, trying to prevent himself from reaching out and flipping her over and ravishing her.

"Touch me," she ordered.

He opened his eyes and stared up at her, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Come on, don't be shy." She said, pulling her shirt over head exposing her perfect round breasts and bare nipples for his viewing. Her tongue reached out to lick her bottom lip slowly as her head tilted to the side slightly, her long scarlet hair spilling down over one shoulder.

"I-I don't think we should," he stammered.

"Tony," her voice was soft, her hands reached out and grabbed his, moving them up her body and placing them on her breasts.

He sucked in a harsh breath, the fabric was soft and she was softer, and he could feel the outline of her nipple through the material, a slight hardening against the pads of his fingers.

"Touch me," she said again. This time it was a demand, not a suggestion. Her words hanging in the heavy air.

She threaded one hand through his onyx locks, grabbing and tugging with each fission of pleasure that cascaded within. Tony closed his eyes again and groaned as his hands responded of their own accord, teasing, caressing and kneading the twin swells; trailing lightly around Corinne's reddening peaks. She threw her head back in a shameless display of ecstasy as her ruby lips parted.

"We shouldn't, Jimmy-" The rest of his statement was swallowed and drowned as she suddenly lunged for his mouth, catching his lips ferociously in a breathtaking and dominating kiss.

Her supple breast smashed up against his sweat dampened chest while his ministrations had resumed gently, fueled only by heightening lust. She broke the lip-lock first, red eyes watching and admiring his dreamy half-hooded expression and blushed features; not from timidness however, but due to what the past few seconds caused to him.

Tony tried to clear the muck in his mind while struggling to salvage whatever remains of reason and proper decision making ability within him. "What am I doing?!" Thoughts clamored for prominence in a failing attempt to deter him. He squeezed tighter the swell of her bust, appreciating her seductive moan from that contact. All strength waned and Tony pulled his companion into an eager liplock, arms curling around her tender curves.

Corinne's hands trailed over his well defined pectorals, feeling the hard lines and ridges of his sculpted body. Her fingers curled as she gently scraped her nails across his nipples, a low groan reverberating through his chest. She pushed herself up slightly, leaning her weight on her elbows and looked down at him, "I told you that I'd help you relax." She flexed her hips just slightly, driving both their needs higher.

"Mhmmm..." his eyes closed as the ache in his loins grew and intensified. "I can feel your cock twitch for me, and my pussy gets very, very hot," She reached down into the shorts, her hand cupping and fiddling with her puffed slits. Loud gasps fell with sporadic breaths intertwined.

Through a hazy mist Tony watched. Her enticing beauty captivating. Hair in rich, bright strands falling over her face and shoulders. So soft; the rich rose on her creamy smooth, fair, cream-white neck and heaving chest; the sensation beneath her ivory thighs. Her dark colored eyes holding longing passion that thirst to be sated.

He couldn't contain himself, his arms wrapped around her waist and turned her onto her back, he pulled the soaked shorts from her legs in one swoop and lay fully atop her. He found her center eagerly, watching her as he positioned himself outside of her clenching entrance.

She squeaked as she felt his weight shift on top of her, she grinned up at him as she pressed her wet slit against his arousal, "Someone finally woke up." she winked.

His hunger sparked. Corinne grunted breathlessly as her eyelids quavered into ecstasy when being enveloped, taking him in his throbbing fullness to the hilt and constricting around, adjusting to the bulk.

Tony was in heaven, she was so soft and warm and fit around him like a glove, "Corinne, god, you're so tight!" He began moving, slowly thrusting his length inside her, grunting with each inward movement, and reveling in the noises that spilled from her lips.

"Mhmmm, yeah! Ah!" She writhed, her hips rocking with his rhythm. His erection withdrew up to the rim, then hammered back forward with crushing glee.

It was insane the effect Corinne had on him, her walls felt so good, he growled and sped up his thrusts, encouraged by the fevered cries emanating from her.

She sank into the exquisite pillow-top mattress under Tony's undulating frame. Plowed amid and sunk under his assault over and over; enough pressure delivered to induce titillating rumbles to melt around within. Her long manicured nails danced wildly upon his back in a cadence that competed equally with her increasing moans of ecstasy.

His pace became punishing. His fingers dug into her hips and the sounds coming from his throat were animalistic. "Oh, yes! Fuck, Tony, harder! Faster, please!" Corinne cried, her head thrashing on the pillow.

Sensing he couldn't delay for too longer, he increased his pace and, at the same time, dipped inwards to let his teeth drag over the sensitive spot on Corinne's neck before nipping at the hollow of her throat.

Corinne dragged his mouth against hers, coiling her hands to the back of his skull, and coaxed open his lips with an invasion of her hot, velvet tongue as an incoming tidal wave made every fiber tense on the razor's edge of a total implosion. Her air constricted from each swallow, a rising toll in frequency until- "MMMRRHH!!! MEEEEWWW!!" Corinne shrieked in bliss, followed by his immediate withdraw coating her midriff, Tony collapsing heavily next her in a lifeless lump of spent limbs.


Corinne was the first to awaken the following morning from the stray rays of sun that broke through the curtains, still entwined with Tony on the large bed. Once the grogginess was cleared from her eyes, she jumped from the bed as she tried to recall the previous night. "Good God!" She yelled after scuffling together all of her clothing. Frantically she darted to the bathroom to dress herself, along with take some painkillers for her headache. "What the hell is wrong with me?" She questioned swallowing two pills. Corinne hung her head, angry with herself from what she could only assume happened last night. "Stupid! Stupid! I'll just tell him it was a mistake, and that it won't happen again." She mumbled to herself.

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