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Christmas Parties Ch. 04

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Prim wife gets exposed againat company christmas party.
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Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/28/2014
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Hi, I'm Jack, and I want to share with you the sorry tale of how my wife ended up being used as a sexual plaything by a group of men who work for the same company as her, and how much I enjoyed watching.

The events that happened are all true, and I admit I'm not proud of my inability to stop what was happening, or the fact that I found it very erotic to watch.

First of all let me introduce you to my wife Jenny. At the time of the final part of this story Jenny was forty two years old, but honestly doesn't look it. She has a wonderfully slim and toned body, and still wears some of the same clothes that she was wearing fifteen years ago when we first met.

She has a lovely 35B -- 24 -- 36 figure, and stands just five feet tall. She's also quite prim and proper when you meet her. She is lovely to look at, and is one of those women that every one looks at and thinks "I'd love to have a piece of that" while knowing deep inside that it will always remain a fantasy.

Twelve years ago she went to work for a construction company, as office manager, and she's been there ever since.

As you can imagine being an attractive, prim and proper woman working in the offices of a construction company, my wife has always drawn lots of looks and comments at company functions.

But having said she's prim and proper, she does also have a wickedly teasing side to her nature. As I have said she has a lovely body, and when the occasion allows she dresses to accentuate every inch of it.

The forty or so red blooded men that work for her company first experienced this side of her at the first company Christmas party we attended when Jenny wore a short miniskirt and basques top to show a side (and other parts) that they had not seen before

This is the story of the another christmas party we attended. This part does not include any sex, just some teasing and exhibitionism.


Over the three years Jenny continued to dress provocatively for the annual christmas party, but in clothes that controlled how much was or wasn't on show.

The first year she wore a knee length cocktail dress that had a gossamer thin top which was almost completely see-through, except for a dark opaque band that wrapped around and across her delightful breasts, so the top of her breasts and the bottom curve of her breasts were both visible, but her nipples were safely hidden away behind the opaque band.

Needles to say that didn't stop her nipples from becoming prominent through the evening, but they were never visible.

Likewise the length of the dress also meant that although she was wearing stockings and suspenders underneath, there was only an occasional flash of stoking top when she danced, no matter how fast she spun.

The next year she chose a figure hugging dress that again kept her pert and pretty boobs very much undercover, although being skin tight her erect nipples were again apparent later in the evening. This dress was longer though, right to her ankles, but with two side slits that came to mid thigh, and she finished the outfit off with a pair of hold up stockings, as the dress was too tight across her bottom to wear suspenders or knickers.

Now maybe it was my imagination, or maybe because I knew she was naked under the dress, but I was sure that fro a certain angle you could see the wrinkling effect of her pussy hair underneath the dress across her prominent pussy mound. And as the night wore on and Jenny found herself out on the dance floor with a succession of men, several of whom managed to get a quick squeeze of her delightful bottom before having their hands pulled back up to her waist, the skin tight dress inched its way up over her bottom, bringing the top of the slits higher to expose a naked expanse of flesh above her stocking tops.

Neither of these two parties resulted in any actual exposure, but the style of her dress, in comparison with how she dressed for work, ensured that she got plenty of attention from the male members of the staff.

The following years party coincided with Charlie's 60th birthday, Charlie being the owner of the company, and he decided to combine the christmas party with a birthday celebration and have a photographer come along to take pictures of everyone when they arrived, and during the evening.

That summer, while we were on holiday in Spain, Jenny had found an adorable red party dress, which to be honest I hoped she would wear to the party that christmas, although given how careful she had been to minimise risk of exposure in the two previous years I didn't think she would.

The dress was made of a light satin material, and was a little similar to the famous Marilyn Monroe dress as the skirt was full and heavily pleated, although it was significantly shorter than the original, falling just halfway down Jenny's thighs, and the top was also a little more risque, as it was basically two triangles of material attached to the front of the waistband, which rose up and over her breasts and then tied in bow behind her neck. So when she wore it her entire back was naked to her tiny waist, and wearing a bra of any sort was completely out of the question.

On the night of the party Jenny finished her outfit off with vampish red lipstick, red thong, red suspender belt and black seamed stockings. I joked that she was my scarlet woman, and told her I was looking forward to undressing her later that night when we returned to the room. When we arrived there was already a few people waiting to have their portraits shot, and we joined the line, and by the time it was out turn, there was a good number of other guests behind us in the queue. When Jenny took her coat off her dress immediately caught the attention of those around us. We had our picture taken, and wandered through to the bar area. A little later when I went to the bathroom I overheard a couple of the lads talking about how hot Jenny looked, and how they hoped that her dress may end up revealing a little more than intended later in the night. I secretly hoped they were right too, because I had found her accidental exposure at previous parties such a turn on.

After meal her boss said he'd like to have some group photo's taken, so while the hotel staff cleared the tables and the band set up we all went back through for some more pictures. Eventually someone suggested that Charlie should have a group shot of him and his harem, which is how he sometimes referred to the girls in the office. So the photographer arranged the group around Charlie who was sat in a chair, with Jenny and Nicky, who is a couple of year s younger than Jenny, and almost as attractive stood the other, and took a couple more shots. Someone suggested that the girls should show a little leg for a fun picture, and so they all pulled their skirts and dresses a little higher up their legs.

When Jenny raised her hemline, her stocking tops and suspender straps came into view, and when Nicky noticed them she pulled her dress a little higher to show she was wearing stockings too. The photographer snapped away, and Nicky suggested one more pose, but with her and Jenny standing sideways with one knee on the arm of the chair leaning in and kissing Charlie on the head, while lifting their skirts to flash their thighs above the stocking tops.

Jenny thought about it for a few seconds, and while she was thinking Nicky got into position and the others that were still there started encouraging Jenny with calls of "Jenny, Jenny, show us your legs", and whether that was the deciding factor or not, Jenny put her knee onto the chair arm, and lifted the side of her dress to expose all of her thigh and the bright red suspender strap on the front of her leg for the picture.

After that shot we all made our way back through to the dance floor and a few minutes later the band started. When we started to dance it quickly became apparent how much Jenny's dress was going to lift when she moved as her hemline lifted and flashed her stocking tops time and time again while we danced. When the band played some rock and roll songs and we started to jive her dress lifted even higher, exposing her creamy thighs and stockings to the whole room.

When the band took their break I wandered off to the bar to get some more drinks, and when's returned, Jenny was out on the dance floor in the arms of Jimmy dancing to another fast song. I moved over to the edge of the dance floor and watched as Jimmy and Jenny danced and as Jimmy spun her round I got a much better view of her stocking tops, suspender straps, and thighs than I expected to.

The bright red suspender belt really stood out against the black stockings and creamy thigh, and drew your eyes. I wasn't the only one that had noticed as a group of half a dozen of the lads were also standing nearby, and were obviously enjoying the show as much as I was.

Jimmy spun Jenny from time to time as they danced, and every time he did her dress would lift and we'd get another flash of thigh, when the rock song ended they walked across the floor to the little group of men, and one of the others took Jenny by the hand and led her back out onto the floor. He carried on where Jimmy had left off, jiving with Jenny and taking every opportunity to make her hem line lift and expose her thighs and stockings to the rest of the group. As I watched her dancing I could also hear the appreciative comments from the group of guys every time her hemline lifted and her thighs were flashed, and it was obvious that they had every intention of keeping her on the dance floor as long as they could. Each time a song ended Jenny would find another of this little group of men eager to take her for another dance.

Each of them dance with her in turn, sometimes to songs where they could jive and spin her round and round causing her hemline to lift and expose her thighs again and again, and sometimes to slower songs when they would take the opportunity to hold her close and smooch around the floor, no doubt squashing her perky little breasts into their chest.

When the band came back out for their second set Jenny took the chance to join me for a drink, and then we made our way back to the dance floor. I knew exactly how much was being exposed now, and as we danced I tried to keep glancing over to the little group of men when I got the chance to watch them as I moved Jenny round the floor a little faster than before causing her dress to lift again and again.

As the band neared the end of their set, they played some slower songs, and I held Jenny tight as we smooched round the floor, and sure enough I could feel the shape of her breasts pushing against my chest, and the harder touch of her evidently erect nipples. As we danced I ran one hand lightly up and down her spine, something that Jenny really enjoys, while letting my other hand drift down her back and across her bottom,

When the band reached the end of their set we went back the the bar for a drink before returning to the dance floor as the disco played some slower songs. Jenny was quickly whisked away by one of the guys for a dance, and as they smooched around the floor I could see that he was mimicking my stroking of Jenny's back with one hand while they danced, and slowly letting his other hand drift lower down her back until it was resting across the top of her bottom.

I knew that he too would be able to feel her breasts and hard little nipples pushing against his chest as they danced. As the first song faded, one of the other guys stepped in for his turn to dance with Jenny and followed much the same pattern as the first. I saw one of the group go over to the DJ, and wasn't surprised when the slow song ended and the next song was a much faster number.

As the tempo quickened the guys continued to take turns to dance with Jenny, only now, instead of holding her tight to feel her breasts against their chest they seemed to be competing with each other to see who could get her dress to lift the highest and to expose her stocking tops and thighs the most.

The DJ was playing a mix of slow and fast songs, and whenever a slow song came on Jenny's partner would hold her close, caress her back, and try to cop a fell of her bottom, and everything a faster song was played then they'd start to jive round the floor, spinning Jenny at every opportunity to expose her stocking tops and thighs.

Then Jimmy joined Jenny on the floor for another slow smooch, and as they danced I noticed that instead of trying to cop a feel of her bottom, he was caressing her back with one hand while his other hand was resting just behind her head. Jimmy and Jenny danced to two slow songs and then the first notes of the Mavericks Dance the Night Away played and they stepped apart and began to jive.

Jiimmy was spinning Jenny almost continuously as they moved around the floor, throwing her out and spinning her under his arm, then pulling her quickly back across in front of him and back out the other way. The pace of the song and the constant twirling of her dress, first one way and then the other meant that her thighs, stocking tops, and suspender straps were constantly on show, and a couple of times the dress rose high enough for the curve of her bottom to be exposed to the room.

Then the unexpected happened and as Jenny spun out and away from Jimmy the top of her dress fell away and Jenny was naked to the waist with her pert breasts on display to the whole room. Jimmy pulled her back in and out on the other side, and carried on dancing as if nothing had happened, and for what seemed like hours, but was really only a few seconds Jenny didn't seem to realise, then she let go of Jimmy's hand grabbed at her dress and ran for the ladies.

That was the moment when I realised why Jimmy had been holding Jenny the way he had when they were smooching, he'd obviously been slowly loosening the bow behind her neck to engineer the little accident and expose her breasts.

This exposure was far explicit than the previous time her breasts had been displayed, and had lasted a little longer too.

When Jenny had rectified her dress top and came out of the ladies toilets we headed straight upstairs to our room.........

To be continued...

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26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Old cow playing the whore.

newtype2525newtype2525over 10 years ago
binge reading all 4 because they were so great!

I have to say that I really love this story! I'm not sure if it's because I worked with a similar woman that was also a seasonal slut only! At the company holiday party she would get very drunk and very slutty but only once a year!

The one note to the stories (all 4) is that the grammar is bad at times. But the only other thing I'm missing is a little detail into the way the players are feeling. It does have some emotion peppered in but there are time I wish the story would go further. In this story I would love to follow the couple into their hotel room and play out the resulting conversation and inevitable sexual explosion. But I wish that the couple would talk and tease about their experiences. Maybe add the time where his wife is selecting her clothes for the once a year fling. Giving her husband the choice of selecting or limiting her clothes. I loved the idea of her teasing her boss with another coworker and almost making it a game of dares! I think that exploring the angle with her boss and the other coworker Jimmy would be some wonderful detail to add!

But once again, I have to say that I really loved this story and can't wait to read more!

Thank you!


honey_licker1124honey_licker1124over 10 years ago
Fairly good, but...

I'm waiting for this prim and proper 42 year old slut strips naked at one of these parties and pulls a train!

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