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Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 12 Pt. 02

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Chris's fantasies are brought to life.
4.9k words

Part 13 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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Part 2.

Stepping forward slowly into the room, heart still beating madly from the shock discovery.

What is going on? Why is Chris's mum sat here quietly sipping wine? Why didn't we hear her coming back? And how long has she been here?

The last question looming large in my thoughts as I engage in conversation, saying hello and quickly informing Barbara that I can't hang around as I'll miss my get out of jail free card.

"It's alright pet...I know...I heard you talking with Chris."

Barbara's big green eyes pierce my own, making me feel somehow smaller...insignificant.

Like a child being addressed by an adult.

She is clearly tipsy, rocking gently in the chair as I park my damp rear down on the sofa arm.

Glassy eyed, slurring the odd word here and there...she's not even trying to hide it.

As I take in the situation I see an empty bottle of red at the woman's feet and another half empty on a small table next to her.

Again that burning long has Barbara been sat here drinking wine...and listening.

She asks where we've been that night, anywhere nice?

I lie and tell her we went to a pub and played pool, then for a walk in the country.

This question however, does give me a clue as to how long dear old Barbara has been here.

It indicates to me rather worryingly, that she must have been already here when we arrived back from putting on our little show for the truckers.

So why not make her presence known then?

As we chat I try and recall if the living room door was open on our return but can't, Chris was all over me as we made our way to his bedroom so my mind was elsewhere.

All the time we are talking she stares solidly into me, unblinking.

I can feel my face burning as a tidal wave of embarrassment engulfs me...she must have heard everything.

And unlike in the car, I hadn't held back vocally in Chris's bedroom.

Also my shame is magnified by the fact that I am so wet downstairs. Although I got most of it cleaned up, some is still leaking, a testament to Chris's youthful virility.

During our brief chat, what with me being so nervous and rambling on I put my foot in it by making a comment about how much energy Chris has, when we are out, wanting to go on long walks etc, ending my sentence with, "He runs me ragged that lad."

I realise too late as it leaves my mouth.

Barbara takes a drink from her glass, never taking her eyes off me while doing so, then says, "So I heard..."

She gives me a little sly grin before continuing, "...our Chris does seem to be making you very happy Pippa...wouldn't you agree?"

It's now obvious that Barbara has heard everything, but what's worse is that she appears to have enjoyed it.

She's giving me such a look of smug satisfaction, and dare I say...pride.

This realisation hits me hard and for a moment I'm speechless as Barbara's stare holds me captive.

Before I can muster a reply she goes further, having a little giggle at my embarrassment first, then saying.

"My boy sure can bang a headboard..."

At this I drop my gaze to the floor in surprise and shame, what the fuck is wrong with this woman?

Why would she as a mother, derive pleasure from listening to her own son giving it to his girlfriend?

And then taunt her with this fact?

She continues.

"...awww's alright need to be's only nature."

At this point she leans forward in the rocking chair and traces a finger across the back of my hand.

Dragging my eyes up off the floor I join them reluctantly with hers, and end our conversation before she can embarrass me further.

"I....I'd better be going now or I'll miss my bus."

Going to stand up as I say it, Barbara's proud grin following.

I feel like I need to shudder, but I'm too creeped out even for that.

She says one last thing after I say goodbye.

"Goodnight sweetheart...and thank you for making my boy so happy."

I don't reply, just walk out the room feeling unclean.

Once outside in the cool night air I take a deep breath before walking briskly away in a type of subconscious shock at what has just happened.

All the way to the bus stop and riding home I'm numb.

That question keeps coming back, why? Why would she do that?

Back at home John notices something different about me straight away, asking what's happened? And am I alright?

After telling him about Barbara's unusual behaviour, John plays it down, saying that she was probably drunk and not really aware of what she was saying.

Although I rather suspect that my hubby's relaxed attitude to what happened is more to do with not wanting to spoil his part of the night.

That being, his slut wife returning home after being used by another man.

It is after all, one of the highlights of the whole experience...our erotic routine.

And as I relate to John the other things that happened on my evening out with young Chris, I do feel myself becoming aroused once more.

Relieved to have something good to focus on I go into detail, especially about the show we put on for the truckers...leaving nothing out...John gets all the juicy details.

And shortly after delivering my report, he has my juicy fanny...several times.

It's a very exhilarating distraction and I do briefly forget the creepy Barbara.

However, as I will find out in the near future Barbara's strange behavior is far from over, it's just getting started.


Saturday evening.

Suddenly and rudely awoken from my thoughts by a loud bang and simultaneous jolt, John's curse completing the trio of interruption, "Fuck me!....I wish they'd get this bloody road fixed."

A pothole, they are abundant on our roads, as John seems to gleefully enjoy pointing out.

I'm on my way to Chris's place, John this time being able to drop me off nearby.

We are nearly there, however I do find my mind wandering back to the email Chris sent me a couple days previous.

In it he went into detail about Mrs Taylor, what she used to wear, her hairstyle, make up etc.

I'd asked him to give me a detailed description of her attire and also her mannerisms, any make up, hairstyle etc, I wanted to be as like her as possible to...enrich the young man's experience.

He'd also revealed what he wanted me to do during our role play this evening.

Over the years Chris had explored many scenarios involving the strict head teacher of his high school.

He'd also had some interesting wet dreams both at the time and also one recently.

It appeared that with us discussing the subject, it had stimulated the young man's subconscious.

His latest dream had actually started out as a nightmare.

He was back in high school and at the end of the day had been summoned over the PA system, rather ominously, to Mrs Taylor's office.

Chris described what had happened next in great detail in his email, and as I recalled what it involved, a familiar and welcome warmth began to spread from my groin.

Crossing my legs and gently rocking a foot back and fourth doesn't go unnoticed by my hubby.

John is highly attuned to my body language and knows immediately if I'm experiencing even the slightest elevation of arousal.

Seeing him turn to glance at me I do the same and we share a special 'knowing' look.

John looks briefly away to check the road before his gaze returns to mine, this time with a grin forming on his face.

Grinning back, letting how excited I'm feeling show through, showing my hubby how much I'm looking forward to this.

John returns his focus to the road ahead still beaming, he shakes his head while letting out a little chuckle then says, "This...this is the best isn't's just fucking amazing."

Beginning to frown, I ask if he means Chris? Does he like me being with Chris the best?

"No." John replies.

"No I didn't mean that exactly...I mean this what we're doing now...and have done...all of's the best feeling."

As we approach my dropping off point near to Chris's place, John goes on to describe how exciting our lives are since all this began...exploring our ultimate fantasies together.

"Looking back you know?... to before...I never dreamed we'd be doing anything like this...and just look at us now...look how far we've come."

I know exactly what John means and how he feels.

We have come a long way and I intend to go a lot further.

However, this is not the time for reminiscing, as John finishes his reflections on our exciting achievements he pulls the car over to the kerb... we have arrived.

We are only a few streets away from Chris's home so I discreetly check nobody's watching before leaning in to give my hubby a deep, meaningful kiss goodbye....another important part of our special routine.

Giving him a meaningful look as I go to exit the car before retrieving a large carrier bag from the rear seat.

Telling John I love him and I'll see him later that night, then closing the car door, giving a little wave.

Briefly watching as our car disappears around a corner. Suddenly alone, I shrug off a feeling of anxiety.

What's wrong with me? I wonder, as I walk to Chris's bungalow.

Although deep down I know what the answer to that is.

It's her....Barbara, Chris's weirdo mum.

Once again shrugging the unpleasant feeling off, this time succeeding.

Letting my mind focus on what Chris wants me to do with him tonight is the best antidote.

The brisk pace I'm keeping has me outside my young boyfriends home in no time, and I'm presented with a familiar sight.

Opening the gate and going down the garden path, Toby is out in his front garden, this time talking with Chris who is leant out his open living room window.

Greeting them both, it's Toby who immediately steals the conversation, much to Chris's annoyance.

"Here she is...ey up lass how yer doin love?"

Toby has a very broad yorkshire accent, I won't try and recreate it too much but you get the idea.

Smiling, I say hi and tell him I'm ok, asking how he and his wife are.

Toby tells me that Edith is not feeling well this evening and has gone for a long soak in the bath.

This information from the old man brings a fantasy I have to mind.

The one where, while his wife is having a lie down me and Toby are busy in his little shed out the back...

Added to this delicious imagery wafting through my thoughts as we the fact that I now find myself chatting to two men who are attracted to me, one young, one old...and we have an empty bungalow at our disposal.

The result of all this fantasy innuendo building within my mind, is a very obvious blush.

Despite the warm evening I can feel the heat in my cheeks and neck.

We continue chatting all three, for a little while longer and then bid Toby a good evening as I let myself in through Chris's front door.

Closing it behind me I hear the window close at the same time.

Finally alone we embrace in the living room doorway, it's passionate as always and I feel a growing bulge pressing against me as we hug.

Always ready, this one.

Breaking our kiss, he asks if I'm alright? appears he noticed me blushing while talking with Toby.

What's interesting is that the lad thinks I was feeling embarrassed under the old man's lusty gaze, little does he know that my flushed appearance was actually caused by arousal.

I just agree with him, well, it's not like I can tell him the real reason is it?

Chris has a few choice words about his elderly neighbour but despite this I feel that deep down he does like Toby, I've noticed how they interact.

It wouldn't surprise me if Chris looked upon Toby as a kind of father figure.

Anyway, with Chris's rant over with he indicates to my carrier bag of clothes on the hallway floor.

"Is that?"

I confirm nodding, before looking warily about us, down the corridor, the open kitchen door...the living room...

"Are we alone?"

Chris nods his head positively, "Yes she won't be back while gone 11..."

He was going to say something else but I interrupt, "Are you sure?"

Chris confirms once again by positively nodding and reassuring me, telling me he wouldn't lie.

I had phoned him the night of the incident with Barbara and he confirmed he'd been as surprised as me, believing his mum to be still out while we were busy with each other in the bedroom.

Her unexpected presence had actually made him jump as he bumped into her while exiting the bathroom after his shower.

And shortly after that I'd phoned him to express my concerns.

So, with my worries about Barbara eased for now, my mind refocused...on what we had planned.

It was time for my transformation into the strict Mrs Taylor.

Picking the bag of clothes up off the floor I give Chris a special meaningful look before heading off to the bathroom to get changed.

Stopping briefly at the door I turn to see him still stood like a statue in the hallway, watching me closely...transfixed.

In that moment he looks so young, so firmly under my spell.

Asking him to make sure he locks the front door then adding, "We don't want any surprise visitors now do we?"

Chris slowly shakes his head, and I give him a cheeky grin before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

Putting the bag down and quickly undressing, it doesn't take long as I'm only wearing jeans and a thin t shirt, oh and the special skimpy white panties which I've had on all day.

These clothes chosen for two reasons, one being I want my transformation to be as much of a contrast as possible, I'm going from very casual to formal.

And secondly, well, I'm a tease.

The t shirt is very thin, vaguely see through.

I kind of knew Toby would be out in the garden and desired the presence of his, oh so hungry, lusty gaze.

It gets me so wet...the undivided attention of a sex starved old man.

Sure enough he was glued to my breasts.

And when I began imagining those erotic scenarios involving both Toby and Chris, my hardening nipples did not escape his attention.

While beginning to dress I wonder...would Toby take part in a threesome with myself and Chris?

I think maybe.

But would Chris? A definite no, my greedy possessive young boyfriend wants me all to himself and would never share.

Sitting on the edge of the bath and pulling on first one 15 denier white pull up stocking then the other, I consider...what about Toby and my hubby John?

Again the same answer, maybe.

However, I reject this exciting idea.

Toby comes across as a blabber mouth, a gossip.

He would tell, perhaps a friend, and it would all come out.

Although I find the idea of submitting to Toby, letting him loose on me very exciting... it's not worth it.

The secret life that I share with John is just not worth it.

And so, with my blossoming transformation underway, I avert my thoughts to the task at hand, Chris's fantasy role play.

Which is part long held desire and part recent wet dream.

The first wet dream he has had for some years, testament to the desire he holds for his old headmistress.

She, must have made quite an impression upon him.

I am intrigued by the woman. Obviously she was excited by young Chris's attention, responding as she did so provocatively by breaking with her own ingrained strict facade by showing the young man an albeit brief glimpse of the woman underneath.

Her predatory smirk...still etched into Chris's memory to this day.

Putting on the grey skirt, white bra, I consider what it must have been like in Mrs Taylor's shoes.

Her position of power at the high school.

What where her desires? Secret fantasies?

Perhaps a fellow teacher caught her eye, or maybe she became moist thinking about scenarios involving the elderly caretaker...who knows?

Or perhaps she was aroused the most by her young students, all that... eager attention.

It must have drove her to distraction. I know that it would have with me.

And now, as I slowly become her in appearance I prepare too, my frame of mind.

Taking on a dominant role has been made easier by Chris's naturally submissive nature.

During the time we've been together I have slowly gained in confidence to a point where, when I'm with him, it's automatic.

The boy is so compliant and easy for me to control.

So much so that whereas in the recent past what I'm about to do would be daunting, now I relish the prospect.

With my white blouse and suit jacket on, the clothing is done with.

As I go about fixing my hair in a bun, watching busy hands progress in the bathroom mirror my thoughts return to Chris's recent wet dream, which we intend to re-enact.

As mentioned earlier it had started out as a nightmare, most of the student's and staff had gone home except for Chris who was finishing an essay.

Alone in a little classroom his written work was suddenly disturbed by a mechanical voice announcing his presence was requested by the head, in her office immediately.

In the dream Chris was struck with a strong feeling of foreboding... he was in serious trouble.

On his journey out the classroom and up to Mrs Taylor's office, the high school resembled more of a haunted house attraction than a place of learning.

Dark corridors with creaky floors etc, and a strong sense of being followed by something unseen and very unpleasant.

And then, he arrived outside Mrs Taylor's office...

The rest I knew well, having been through it many times in my head.

I knew what I needed to do, to say, and exactly how to act.

Now, with my hair complete and pink lipstick applied, black high heels snugly on my feet, one last look in the mirror... and it was time.

Notifying Chris with a loud, "I'm ready."

I hear him vacate the bedroom and enter the living room, allowing me to get in his bedroom unseen.

He doesn't want to see me as his first crush until everything is just right.

Going from the bathroom to my young man's bedroom I see he has been busy moving his desk.

It's now away from the wall and near the french window, facing towards the bedroom door.

I know my role well and know what to do, seating myself behind the desk and getting ready, I am Mrs Taylor.

"I'm ready."

This announcement is lower in volume, more relaxed, I am after all... in charge of the situation.

A brief moment later I hear movement toward the bedroom door and a knock.

Taking a deep breath..."Come."

A single word, but so important.

It must sound commanding, and I get it just right.

The bedroom door immediately opens and in comes Chris.

To make things as authentic to the dream as possible, I'm meant to be working at the desk doing paperwork, so Chris has left a writing pad and pen for me to write on.

As Chris enters the room I don't initially look up, pretending instead to be finishing off some important form or other.

But when I do...oh my goodness...the look on his face says it all.

Chris is awestruck, mouth slowly dropping open as he takes in my altered appearance.

Grinning inwardly, my confidence boosted by his reaction I don't give my young friend time to recover and go straight into character.

"Ah..Chris...close the door and come here."

He does as he's told, closing the bedroom door approaching the desk looking both amazed and a little apprehensive.

I go on, "I need to speak to you regarding an important matter."

Chris slowly nods, wide eyed and appearing to still be in shock at my resemblance to his old headmistress.

Continuing with the script, not taking my eyes off his I question him about what he saw earlier.

In his dream it was the same day he'd accidentally seen right up her skirt at the meeting in her office.

Mrs Taylor had wanted to know if he'd told any of his friends what she'd been wearing.

Apparently she was very guarded about what hosiery and underwear she wore.

Once Chris had satisfied her that he'd told nobody...that's when the dream had changed...the nightmare became something very special.


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