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Club Whore: A Naughty Nanny Story

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The Nanny Club breaks in Jeannine as the new club whore.
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*** This is a stand alone story starring Jeannine, the Naughty Nanny. Although it can be read alone, you will understand references better, if you read the previous stories. I hope you enjoy. ***

Apparently, I made a good impression on Gabby's friends, who are also serving as Au Pairs, for families here in the Laguna Beach area of California. Gabriella is a German girl, who goes by Gabby, and is by far the most outgoing and dominant of this new group of girls, I find myself in. I knew her first, and then she introduced me to the other two, Serafina and Elaine. Serafina is from France and goes by Sera. Elaine is from England and goes by Lainie. They are all very pretty girls in very different ways.

Gabby, is the picture of German womanly perfection. She is tall, probably 5'10", athletic, with a large, firm chest, and full round butt. In a way, she is most like me because our chests and butts are are about the same sizes. However, unlike Gabby, I am only 5'2", so my big tits and butt, make me look more like a sex doll, where as Gabby looks like a model. She also has gorgeous, wavy, blonde hair, where I have straight black hair.

Sera, is a red head with perfect porcelain skin and what can only be described as perfect tits. In the past hour, I got a very good opportunity to see just how perfect her tits are. They are the perfect shape, so firm that they barely move when she walks, and have perfect pink nipples which stand erect, but not in an obscene way, like mine do.

Lainie is very different than the other two girls. She has a classically beautiful face and is thin and muscular, in a very sexy way. Although, her tits are quite small, the rest of her body is amazing. I was immediately impressed with her visible six pack abs and her long legs, which are muscular without looking bulky. Her ass can only be described as perfect. It is the kind of ass that looks amazing in yoga pants. Unlike mine, that is too full and round, and I feel like it jiggles and moves WAY too much when I walk in yoga pants.

When I met these girls, I was immediately intimidated by their beauty and confidence. Even though, I am rather pretty and have always attracted a lot of attention, because of my large tits and full ass, I felt very awkward around these girls, who seemed to know instinctively, that they are better than me. I was sure they hated me, until I discovered I could serve them sexually, in ways that pleased them very much. I guess that has always been my super power, that I can always find ways to get people to like me, through sex. In fact, most of my relationships with other people, revolve around how I can sexually please them. I have become very skilled sexually, and I will do anything and everything to please others.

As a result of pleasing these girls so well, they unanimously agreed to invite me as a new member of their Nanny Club, which is a social group made up of Nannies in the Laguna Beach area. The girls even joked that I will be the club's official cunt licker. I know they are just pulling my leg because I am the new girl, but I am definitely no stranger to licking pussy, so I am not afraid to share my skills.

We are now in Gabby's car and headed back to her family's house, because they are out of town for the weekend. Gabby and the other girls want to call a meeting of the Nanny Club, so they can introduce me right. It will be nice to be able to relax with my new friends, especially after the past few weeks of working very hard for my family, not to mention the exhausting sexual service, they have had me performing.

It is not far to the house and we arrive in minutes, at a mansion, with breath taking views of the ocean. Gabby leads us in, but it seems like I am the only one who hasn't been here before. She tells Sera and Lainie to get comfortable in the living room, as she takes me to her suite in the house, where I can shower off. When we were playing around at the beach, the girls all had me eating their pussies, and in Lainie's case, her ass. Then they fucked me with a water bottle as my initiation into the Nanny Club. I am sure they all had to do something like that, right? Well, I ended up exhausted on the dirty floor of the public bathroom, with the girls' cum all over my face. So, I was glad to be able to shower.

When I get out of the shower, there are no towels, and my clothes are gone. I guess Gabby took them to wash. She is such a sweet girl. I find a hand towel by the sink, so I use it to dry off as best as I can. Then, with nothing to put on, I walk back out to the living room, to ask Gabby if she has anything I can wear.

When I get out to the living room, I see that two new girls are here. One is a beautiful, dark black girl with a body like Rhianna. The other is a Latin girl with beautiful long black hair and delicate features that make her look like royalty or something. They all look at me as I enter and I immediately feel self conscious, standing here naked, and in my opinion, being the ugly duckling of this group. Without thinking, I put one arm over my ample tits, while covering my hairless pussy with the hand of my other arm.

They all laugh at me and Gabby says, "Don't be shy Jeannine. You sure weren't shy at the beach when you got naked and masturbated in front of us. And you DEFINITELY weren't shy when you were on your knees in that dirty bathroom stall, eating all of our pussies."

I blush so red that I feel the heat all the way from my face, down my neck, to my chest. I feel all of them looking at me and laughing. I want to die in that moment. I can't look at them, so I look at the floor and can't find any words to say.

"Oh don't be like that Jeannine. Nobody here is judging you because you are an insatiable whore, who can't help dropping to her knees, even for girls you just fucking met. Now come over here and meet the rest of our little club."

I walk over obediently, and wait to be introduced.

She indicates the beautiful black girl and tells me, "This is Beatrice. She goes by Bea, and she is from Trinidad. This is Maria, and she is from Costa Rica," she says indicating the Latin girl. They are charter members like me, Sera, and Lainie, so you will have to earn their vote on your inclusion, like you earned ours. You don't have a problem with that, do you Jeannine? I mean for a slutty cunt licker like you, this should be easy, right?" she asks me.

I don't know what to say, so I just say, "No, of course not Gabby... I will do anything to fit in here."

"Well, if you really want to fit in, you really should treat the charter members with the respect we are due. So, it is Ma'am or Miss when you address us," she tells me.

"Yes of course Miss, I didn't mean any disrespect. Of course I will do what ever you want Miss.

"That's a good girl. Now come over here in the middle of the room. We didn't get a real good chance at the beach to evaluate you. Also Bea and Marie, have not seen you at all. As you can see, we have pretty high standards of beauty for our members, so we need to make sure you measure up," she tells me as she leads me to the middle of the room, where I am surrounded by the other girls.

"Now stand up straight. Put your feet out wider. Put your hands behind your neck and push your elbows back. Give us a good look at you," Gabby directs me. I obey all of her commands, even though I feel like I am completely exposed standing like this, especially with my legs spread and my tits thrust out because of my arms being pushed back. I feel my nipples get immediately hard. Just like at the beach, they are big and long, almost screaming for everyone to look at them. and DAMN, I already feel my pussy getting damp.

The girls all come close to me and examine me closely. I feel a hand behind me, trace around my full ass. Bea runs a finger up my thigh and lingers over my now very wet slit. Lainie is again taking great interest in my large, heavy breasts. She weighs them in her hands, assessing their size and firmness. I feel Bea's finger push more insistently along my sensitive pussy. She is using my wetness to glide her finger up and down. I feel my whole body start to react at once. The stimulation of my tits, my pussy and my butt, all at the same time, is overwhelming. I feel electric shocks shooting trough me and exploding in my pussy. I know that I am going to cum VERY soon if this continues. I am so close.

"OK, that's enough," Gabby says, and everyone immediately stops touching my body. I feel like my body is short circuiting. I am right on that razors edge of cumming and they stopped. I feel like my whole body is vibrating. I am desperate and want to finish this orgasm NOW.

Gabby sees the desperate look in my eyes and asks me, "What's the matter whore? Did you want us to continue? Did You want to cum? Did you want to explode and show us what kind of slut cums from just being evaluated for membership in our club? Is that what you want whore? You want to show us what kind of a slut you are?"

I am so desperate to cum, I just blurt out, "God YES, please Miss Gabby. Please let this whore cum. Please let me show you what kind of slut I am."

They all laugh hysterically at me. I feel such shame and humiliation, but I am so fucking desperate to cum, I don't care, I just need to cum. It is all I can think about. Nothing else matters.

"Oh you are going to have to earn THAT slut," Gabby tells me. Remember the rules at the beach? You can't cum, until we all have. Remember?"

"Yes, Miss Gabby, I remember," I say with dread, because now there are five girls I have to make cum, before I can get the relief I so desperately need.

Without another word spoken, they all start stripping off their clothes and sitting back in the chairs that surround where I am standing, still with my legs wide apart and with my tits stuck out obscenely, because my arms are still pushed back with my hands on the back of my neck.

When everyone is ready, Gabby tells me, "OK now get on your knees. Keep your hands behind your neck and your arms back. You can't use your hands. When I say go, you crawl over to me and start licking my pussy. When I say switch, you will crawl to Sera. When I say switch again, you crawl to Lainie. And so on and so on, around the circle. You can see that this will be very challenging for you to get us all off, so that you can get your reward. Maybe if you are lucky, we will be so excited watching you lick the other girls, that we will play with our pussies and help you out. I have to admit, it was very arousing watching you whore yourself out for us at the beach, so I may not be able to stop myself from touching my pussy."

I am thinking of all that she said, when she shocks me by yelling "Go". I jump and almost release my hands from behind my back, before stopping myself and making sure my tits stay thrust out as I get to my knees and crawl to Gabby's waiting pussy. It is difficult to keep my arms back as I kiss and lick and suck on Gabby's wet and swollen pussy lips. I nibble her clit and suck it. I so badly want to slip my fingers into her and finger fuck her while I suck on her clit. I feel her breath get ragged and I can tell that she is close.

"SWITCH," she yells and makes me almost jump up off the floor. I look up at her with wild desperate eyes, and I see her smile wickedly at me. I force myself to break eye contact and crawl as fast as I can to Sera's waiting pussy.

When I start to lick and kiss her pussy, she grabs my head and SLAMS my face hard into her pussy. She is using my face to rub on her pussy. I feel her wet swollen lips rubbing against my mouth, over my nose, then down, over and over. She is masturbating herself with my face. With my arms held back, I can't hold myself up out of her pussy. I feel like I will drown in it. I think she will be just fine drowning my in her pussy, if she can get off using me like this.


Sera pulls me from her pussy by my hair and throws me to the ground, toward Lainie. I am gasping for breath and choking as I try to get on my knees to crawl to Lainie. When I reach her, she tells me, "You ate my asshole at the beach. I can't wait to feel what you can do to my pussy. Get in here slut. Tongue fuck me you Belgian whore." I waste no time, and dive in tongue first. I lick and suck and kiss her pussy, like I am French kissing a lover. I can immediately feel that she loves what I am doing. I thought she was going to be the hard one, but the way she is reacting, she may be the easiest one. I feel she is so close. I suck on her clit... then BITE it. She screams and cums in a gush of fluids all over my face.

"Bravo, cunt licker. That is one," Gabby says. Even though I am already crawling toward Bea, Gabby yells, "SWITCH" anyway.

I do not know what to expect with Bea, since she was not with us at the beach. As I look up at her, over her dark pink lips, I see an evil grin on her face. I have no idea what this means, but a chill of fear runs down my spine. I am overcome with the beauty of Bea's dark pink pussy lips. I have little experience with black girls, and definitely none with a girl as dark as her. Her coloring is so beautiful and exotic, like a puma or something. I don't know why, but I am surprised by the sweet, tangy taste of her pussy. I lick and suck on her thick pussy lips. I am lost in the feel and taste of her pussy, when I feel the sting of her hand SLAPPING my right breast.

Instinctively, I reach forward with one hand to protect my sensitive tit. "She grabs my wrist and twists it saying, "No no no, You are a BAD whore. You moved your arm. Put it back you stupid cunt." I hear the insulting words, but all I can think about is how sexy her Island accent is, as I put my hand back where it belongs and I resume eating her pussy. She SLAPS my tit again and again and again. It seems like she will keep doing this the whole time I try to get her off. I am not sure if this is to prevent me from succeeding to get her off, or if she gets off on hurting me. I guess it doesn't matter because I can do nothing to stop it, so I try harder to get her off with my mouth.


I realize I won't find out yet, whether she did it to get off or to prevent me from getting her off. I crawl over to the other unknown, Maria. As I crawl to her, I see a look of disgust on her face, like I am beneath her or what I am doing is so degrading, that I should be ashamed of myself. I push these thoughts from my head and concentrate on her pussy. I can only describe it as delicate, like the rest of her. It almost seems to small. I cannot imagine how she could ever get a decent sized cock inside her. I kiss it and lick up her delicate pussy lips. My GOD, she smells amazing, like citrus and flowers or something. I push my tongue inside her and I feel her wriggle around my tongue. I fuck my tongue in and out faster. I think she has never had anyone tongue fuck her before. She is already panting and the way she is fucking back on my tongue, I know she will cum very easily. As I continue to tongue fuck her fast and hard, I press my nose against her clit and she GRABS my head and presses me TIGHT into your pussy as she silently screams in orgasm.

"Good for you cunt licker. That is two. And THAT one looked like you REALLY worked for it," Gabby announces for all to hear. "Now, come back to momma... eat my pussy and make me cum slut."

I crawl back to her and immediately go to work. I can tell she has been touching herself in my absence. I can smell how close she is to orgasm. I swirl my tongue around inside her as I suck her pussy lips into my mouth, around my tongue, and sort of chew on them. This drives her crazy and she is a goner. I feel her cum splash over my lips and down my chin.

"DAMN, cunt licker, You have a fucking amazing mouth. We were DEFINITELY right to make you our club whore. You can eat my cunt any day. In fact, I will make sure that happens," Gabby tells me.

"Hey, don't Bogart the the whore," Sera says. "Bea and I haven't cum yet, in case you forgot,"

"Oh I didn't forget Sera. In fact, I was thinking of something a little different. I know Bea isn't going to get off unless she can really hurt this cunt, so why don't we just jump to that plan? Lainie, grab the strap on for Bea. I think we should have Bea fuck our little club whore, while the whore finishes eating you Sera."

"I love it," Bea agrees with Gabby and adds, "You know I am going to REALLY punish the bitch with that fake cock, right?"

"I would expect no less Bea. From what we saw at the beach earlier, I am pretty sure the whore will really get off, if you hurt her real good."

I see Bea strapping a big fake cock around her waist, as Sera grabs my hair and pulls my face back to her steamy pussy. Without any warning, Bea shoves the big cock hard into me. I SCREAM into Sera's pussy. I feel her body react as she moans, from my scream vibrating deep in her pussy. Then Bea fucks into me fast and hard, like she is trying to drive my face through Sera's pussy. I start to get used to the big cock and I can feel myself building to the strong orgasm that I was denied earlier.

Then without warning SLAP, I feel a sharp sting across both of my swinging tits. I force my face out of Sera's pussy, just in time to see Bea swinging the belt again. SLAP, I feel it whip across my nipples and I cry out "FUCKKKKKK," as I realize I am cumming HARD on the fake cock, as Bea is abusing my large, sensitive tits. SLAP, she hits me again, and my arms are so weak that I fall back into Sera's pussy, as I SCREAM again, louder and harder. SLAP, again the belt hits right across my nipples as she bottoms out deep inside me with her fake cock. "GODDDDDDDDDD Noooooooooo PLEASSSSSSSSE Nooooooooooooo more," I scream deep into Sera's pussy. It is not the pain, that is too much for me, it is the intensity of orgasm after orgasm, I feel like my guts will tear. I am so distracted, that I don't even realize that Sera came.

Bea shows me no mercy and SLAP, she whips my tits another time as she continues to hammer my guts with her big thick cock. I feel my whole body sort of seize up, as one last very powerful orgasm rips through my body. I lose control of my legs and flop to the floor. The strap on, pulls from my pussy with a loud slurping POP sound.

As I am laying there on the rug spread open obscenely and unable to move, Bea takes one final shot at me, and plunges the slimey strap on, right into my unprepared ass hole. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW," I wail as I feel her stab into me. She just lays there on top of me, pinning me to the ground with the strap on cock. She coarsely whispers in my ear, "Welcome to the club, whore. Don't ever forget, you are nothing more than our toy. You are like our mascot, that we fuck, and who licks our pussies when we want it. Tell me that you understand slut, and that you still want to be our club whore."

"Yessss, Miss Bea... I understand that I am nothing, but your toy to use. Yes, I want so badly to be your club whore..." And God help me, I did. I realize that I will do anything and everything these girls want me to do... and I will make them proud to have me as their club whore.

*** I hope you enjoyed Jeannine's story about how she became the Nanny Club's official club whore. She has so many adventures to share with you. I hope you will stay with her to find out more of this Naughty Nanny's Story. ***

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great Lesdomme play. It is hard to find a lot of this here.

JR36DDJR36DDabout 3 years ago

mmmm I so want to join this club,

DunkirkDunkirkabout 3 years ago

Jeanine needs a sick in her cunt rather than a strap on.

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