by KadenceSnow
Hot guys with a sense of humor are good too. I look forward to your next chapter.
Ok, I'm putting this story in my fav's. You've done a great job and caught my interest. I hope for more soon. :)
I am most definately looking forward to the next chapter. Do not make me wait too long . .
I love your characters and the story has a great start looking forward to the next chapter.
Awesome start. You've got me totally intrigued! Please continue!
love it b/c it's sad that women who aren't thin are made to feel like they can't be sexy. Declan seems really charming, funny, hot...hope he doesn't break her heart.
I'm really interested in these characters. Please keep writing!
either your story was miss-posted to non human or you have not got into it yet??
Normally, I don't like head hopping, but you seem to have a knack for it. I can't wait to find out what Declan is!
I like it a lot. Your characters are intriguing and believable and you left me eager for more. It was a little shorter than I'm used to, but awesome read. Thanks for posting.
You have my interest. I am definitely be looking forward to more of this story.
Hi I think for your first attempt this was really good. Looking forward to part 2
You have my interest. I am definitely be looking forward to more of this story. can't wait for part 2 hope it's coming soon
Great leading chapter, what a good way to leave us wanting more! Kudos....looking forward the more chapters.
Can't say I have not had fantasies like this, but I was 16 and lonely or had a crush at the time...
As a critique on storycrafting....I don't have much to go on for what is special about Autumn and why Declan is pursuing so hotly. It read pretty much like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey: the female is a blank slate anyone could put themselves in the place of, and there is no real reason given why the guy goes ga-ga for her other than her charming shy awkwardness (read: any teenage girl),who only wants a guy to make her feel so special when she's in reality...shy and unknown.
Meanwhile, the boy just wants sex, or the man sees prey he can control in a younger girl willing to give over personal power immediately.
Don't think I can read this. It is definitely not written for anyone looking for interesting characters and story with the erotic. It is just a wet dream escapist fantasy like what's already flooded the market.
Well written and entertaining intro can't wait to read what's next
Yes I can see this being really really good, give me more please
Declan sounds like my kind of guy
Please keep writing! This story is getting hot in here! (Please take off ALL their clothes)!
This is obviously an introduction. One of the many reasons its so intriguing is because it will be interesting to see just what is so special about these characters. Especially since its in the nonhuman section. The the person below this comment that critiqued so negatively needs to just shove it. :) I can't wait to read more!!!!
It's a great start; but before you submit maybe one of you - your editor or yourself- can read over it to catch some last minute corrections? There wasn't much but just enough to have someone lose a little focus from the story. All in all its a promising start about a really great lead girl character.
...on your first sub here. This was very attention grabbing from the first sentence.
Declan seems to be totally hot, with a side of dark and mysterious added for effect!
But I have to say I think I'm gonna like Autumn ALOT! Im not a big girl myself, (twiggy comes to mind.....) however I have always had an affinity for bigger boned girls in my romance-esque stories; and I definitley don't like girls 'in that way.' She seems to be full of "sugar and SPICE" all the nice things we like to see in characters here on Lit.
Would like to know in the next chapter exactly what Declan is......?
Can't wait.
5 stars
First sub? No way! This is pretty amazing! Can't wait to read more about Autumn. She's someone I'd love to be friends with.
I very much enjoyed this. I hope you plan to continue writing for us.
Love the characters and hope you continue. Way to go on first sub.
For a first submission this is great. It an attention grabber right from the beginning, and I can't wait to read more...
You grabbed my attention and I definitely would like to read more. I'd like some more background info on our protagonists too, but I assume you're getting to that. Looking forward to ch 2.
i love where its headed. I think its great you have a full figured woman in here and not just a size 2 pretty little thing. i love his attraction towards her, and i love how shes got a shy/outgoing side. Please continue, I'd love to read more :3
5 stars. Love bbw stories and non human ones also. This was well done. Lets see ch two please and ty
I cannot wait for ch2 and 3 and 4 and how many more you plan. Excellent really wonderful!
Good start!!!! Can't wait to read more. Please continue this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep at it! Loved this first part! Personally I like longer chapters tho. :) but that's just because I'm greedy and want more. ;)
its a good start, but i agree with anonomyus. theres no real charecter building. you dont tell us much about them at all
I think you did a good job developing Autumn, but Declan is still rather mysterious. Given the genre that may be deliberate on your part. If so, well done. If not... work on him a little more in Ch02. ^^
Seriously, great start! You've got me interested in both characters, and your grammar is good so I don't get a headache trying to read this.
In short, bravo! I look forward to Ch02! :)
Loved the story and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
everyone needs to chill out on the bad commenting. Its her story so
She can write what ever she wants. And how she writes it.
Maybe that the reason why she hasent put another one on.
keep going girl. Its good
Excellent start ro a story. I can't wait to read more. Please do not. Listen to the negative. People they arre jealous of you talent. :)
hey i'm spending my night wishing you would ever finish chapter two .. this is the kind of story i'm searching for .. keep going
Thanks for an enjoyable story and please, keep writing! I'm just getting started too and I find it can be hard to know how to develop characters, plot, and the like... but just keep trying... you got the goods!
Enjoyed it enough to want to read your next chapter, hopefully soon. Good work, especially for a first submission. I liked the point of view changes. Please continue.
Good start,hoping there will be more.Noticed that it has been almost 2 months since this was posted,please dont be one that starts and then stops...too many on here already,,,good luck.
Really good! I will however say that its surprising to read 'she's far from being a virgin', and yet she's so incredibly shy...strange.
Just found this story today and enjoyed it. Bbbbuuuutttt not going to put it on my favourite list cause its been a few months since you put just this 1 chapter on. I get the feeling we will be waiting a few more months till you put the next chapter on.
How many people have told you your story sucks shit?!
Try adding them ALL...take the criticism! And probably why there hasn't been a chapter two to follow!
Great beginning to your story! Can't wait to read the rest. Please finish it :)
Great start, can't wait to read more. Love your writing style and descriptions of characters and their reactions :-)
Blessed Be,
Looking forward to the rest...hope you won't keep us waiting too long :)
You should make him dominating
but sweet, and gentleman like.
maybe put a line in there like,
"mine" he says
"yours," i breathe
Just a thought
I love the story , cant wait till the next
You should finish this story. It has a good plot, funny as well intriguing characters and some hot kissy-face. Don't leave us haning
Oh my goodness, it was getting good. I really want to know where their relationship is going. Sometimes I wish original authors would give their story up to another writer who is just as good to finish the stories. Please read your comments to see that there are people dying to find out what happens next.
please finish the story its a good , really good..... don't let a good story go to waste
I am close to tears at seeing this story unfinished. Please.... finish it for the sake of us all.
Wish you had written the rest of the chapters as well, this started out good.