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College Knights Ch. 03

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Sandra discovers her daughter has something extra too.
4.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/06/2018
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


This is my first attempt at submitting some writing to Literotica. Please be kind!

This is a stroke story series that contains futanari, transformation, and incest. It also includes somewhat exaggerated (though not absurdly unrealistic or hyper) descriptions of human anatomy. Most sex scenes in this series are futa on futa, or futa on women. If that's not your bag, you've been warned.

This story and characters are copyright © DeepMoss, 2018. All rights reserved.


Chapter three


Sandra Knight knocked on her daughter's dorm room door. She wore tight black pants and a dark blue jacket over a white blouse. Beneath the fabric, the lacy contours of a bra were just visible, straining to contain the huge perfect orbs sitting deliciously on her chest. The tumbling locks of her brown her led to a fine silver necklace, which drew attention down from her face into her deep cleavage. The lines of her jacket subtly drew the eye to her curvy hips, and from there down to the powerful legs just hidden beneath the thin fabric of her pants. She was a vision of middle-aged sexuality, barely contained in her clothes.

She pulled her phone out of her handbag and looked down at the message from her daughter: Mom, need ur help! Something srsly wrong with me. Come today pls!

Sandra frowned. She'd tried to call Jennifer but she hadn't answered, so she'd come over straight from work. She was more than a bit anxious - what had happened to her daughter? Part of her wondered whether...

Abruptly the door opened, and her daughter's room mate Elena appeared. Elena jumped in surprise. "Hey Mrs K, didn't expect to see you! Are you here to see Jen?" she said. Sandra noted with satisfaction that Elena's eyes spent a moment roaming over her incredible body. Her eyes particularly lingered on Sandra's titanic breasts as they jiggled gently under her jacket.

"Yes, I am. Is she all right?" Sandra said after a pause, as Elena's eyes came back up to her face.

"I think she's going through a bad time." Elena said, blinking as if to clear away odd thoughts. She leaned forward conspiratorially. "Her boyfriend left her yesterday. She's been all withdrawn since then. I tried to talk to her about it last night but she said she had stomach cramps and went straight to bed."

Stomach cramps? Sandra thought. "Well, I should probably talk to her."

"That's a good idea. You know I love her but I can't get through to her right now. She got all weird and withdrawn when I tried get close." Elena frowned, as if thinking, and then looked at her watch. "I've got to run, Mrs K., I'll miss my spinning class."

"That's okay. Take care, dear." Sandra watched as Elena padded off down the hall. She couldn't help feeling the embers of arousal inside her start to glow as she contemplated Elena in her workout clothes. Long dark hair washed over the latin beauty's back, the white highlights flicking at her deliciously curved behind. That girl has a fantastic ass, Sandra thought. She immediately imagined rubbing her cock all over it before easing into it from behind. Might need to get her used to it first, now I'm so big...

Bringing herself back to the present moment, Sandra pushed through the open door to see Jennifer sitting on the bed on her side of the room. She sat on the bed hugging her legs in baggy pyjamas, her eyes closed. Sandra looked down and saw that Jennifer was using a meditation app with her headphones.

Not wanting to disturb Jennifer, Sandra took a moment to establish herself. She pulled out Elena's computer chair and sat back in it, her plush behind filling the chair wonderfully. Sandra crossed her legs, giving her nethers a delightful squeeze with her inner muscles as she did so. She closed her eyes as she felt her big cock inside her body. She'd become so used to it now that she could feel it inside, massage it, push it in and out at will...

"Mom?" she heard. Opening her eyes, Sandra saw that Jennifer was putting away her headphones. She noted with pleasure that Jennifer too wasn't above taking a moment to take in her body. Unlike Elena, however, her eyes lingered at her crotch longer than at her boobs, her gaze almost trying to penetrate the dark triangle between her long legs. Interesting, Sandra thought. She got up and walked over to her daughter's bed, sitting down next to her. Jennifer seemed to flinch for a moment before recovering.

"What's going on baby? You got me really worried with your text." Sandra put an arm around her daughter, concerned.

Jennifer took a deep breath. "Something... something's happened to me, mom. And I think you might know something about it." She got up and padded over to the door, flipping the latch to secure it closed. She turned and slowly made her way back to the bed, her gaze on the floor before gingerly looking back up at her mother. "I... well, I think the easiest thing is just to show you."

With that, Jennifer put her hands to her sides, and slowly began to lower her baggy pyjama bottoms. Sandra noted with pride the solid curve of her daughter's hips and toned stomach, before her eyes widened at seeing her crotch. The fabric slid down Jennifer's long legs, revealing a flaccid penis hanging from her vagina, about five or six inches in length. Two heavy hairless balls hung below it to complete the package.

Sandra gasped. She hadn't realised it was possible for a woman with her condition to have her penis emerge without the doctor's machine. 'I suppose that must have happened in ages past,' she thought, remembering that Dr Hamilton had mentioned many great women of ages past had packed mighty equipment between their legs. She had wondered if her daughter had the same condition that she did, and now she knew.

"I'm a freak, mom. This thing just appeared yesterday. After..." Jennifer paused. "After I saw you with Kate in your office."

Sandra's eyes widened. "That... that was you?"

Jennifer nodded, slowly. "Yeah. I saw you absolutely fuck my roommates best friend's brains out." Sandra swallowed nervously before Jennifer continued. "It was weird but so hot. Like, really, really hot. I got all fired up and came back here to cool off. But then I saw Elena." Sandra nodded in understanding. Elena was a very attractive young woman. "I got in the shower and started to, you know, jill myself off. But I got this pain inside." Jennifer pointed to her abdomen. "But I kept going and sort of, pushed, and... well, this thing came out of me."

Jennifer sat down on the bed next to Sandra. "It feels so good, mom. I jacked myself off like five times last night. My sex drive is off the charts. And I thought, maybe if I sated it, it would go away, but it never did..." Jennifer looked down at her penis, sadly.

"Oh baby," Sandra said. "It's okay. You just don't know what's happened to you. You're not a freak." She took a deep breath. "You and I - we have a condition. A perfectly natural condition. There have been women like us for a really long time. We're lucky, really." She smiled comfortingly at Jennifer. "I found out about it six months ago. A doctor - she helped me bring mine out. It had been inside me all along, it turns out."

"Six months ago..." Jennifer murmured. "Your body started changing."

"Yes," Sandra said. "Once it's out it releases all these extra hormones. It's like a second, much more powerful puberty. It'll turn you into the powerful, sexy woman you were always meant to be. I'm taller, stronger, firmer... and my cock has kept growing too." She rubbed her daughter's back gently. "You'll grow too, in time. You're not a freak baby. You're perfect."

Jennifer recoiled. "How can you say that, mom? Look at me. I'm a woman with a fucking dick between my legs. A dick bigger than any of my fucking lame boyfriends!" She stood up and gestured towards her crotch. "How am I supposed to be cool about this? What am I... how can I go out with guys again?" She looked over at the pile of clothes on her room mates bed. "Or do I seduce Elena and hope she's okay with me having a big cock and needing to screw her with it ten times a day!? I feel like I'm so nuts with this thing I just might."

There was an awkward pause. Sandra thought about her assistant, Kate. "Well, you might find she can take more than you think." Sandra felt her cock inside her pulse and swell for a moment as she remembered Elena's perfect ass. She took a deep breath and nodded to herself. "But I have an idea," she said, taking out her phone. "Dr Hamilton at the hospital helped me a lot when this happened to me. She really knows what she's talking about. You can ask her some questions, get checked out by a medical professional, and you'll see this is entirely natural. She'll help make it better, I promise."

Jennifer looked sceptical. "She's great," Sandra reiterated. "Honestly sweetie, this is the best thing to do."

And I'll be able to catch up with Nurse Adams and Dr. Hamilton again, she thought.

Dr Rachel Hamilton and Nurse Adams entered the private hospital room to find Jennifer sitting back on the bed while her mother talked to her from the chair nearby.

"...she and I had a lot of late nights together, and we just sort of clicked." Sandra was saying. "I really like Kate, and we have a lot of fun together. She's great. We're not in a relationship, exactly, we're more like..."

"Colleagues with benefits?" Jennifer said, not entirely accepting. More like my love slave, Sandra thought.

"We're two consenting adults who have fun together." Sandra said finally. "Hi Rachel."

"I hope I'm not interrupting," Rachel said, glancing between the pair. "Are you Jennifer?"

"That's me. I mean, for now. I'm not totally sure how to think of myself. Am I really a guy or something?"

"No, no," Rachel said, sitting down on the side of the bed. Nurse Adams closed the door behind her. "You're all woman. You're just... more than a woman. This has always been inside you: it's who you're meant to be."

Jennifer sighed. "I guess."

Rachel took a deeb breath. "Okay. Do you mind if I examine you?" Jennifer nodded tamely. Nurse Adams moved into position at the end of the bed. The edges of Sandra's mouth twitched upwards as she smiled in anticipation of what was about to happen. She felt her cock begin to move inside her, it's desires awakened.

Sandra leaned forward to meet her daughter's eyes. "Nurse Adams is a professional, Jen. She... she really helped me when this first happened to me."

Jennifer undid the buckle of her jeans and pulled them down on the bed. Beneath her white panties, her firm cock was clearly visible.

Dr. Hamilton leaned forward. "My goodness. It's unusual for you to be fully exposed without assistance. Are you able to extend and retract your penis?"

Jennifer looked confused. "I... it's retractable? It goes back inside me?"

The doctor nodded. "That's right. Your penis has been growing inside you since you were born. For reasons we don't fully understand yet, women with this condition these days often go for many years without their penises emerging. You're actually unusual in that yours came out without, uh, assistance."

Jennifer blinked. "Well, I had some... stimulation, I guess. I was kind of... jilting myself off in the shower... and..."

Rachel smiled. "It's okay. I understand. Chloe, do you want to, uh..." Nurse Adams nodded and gentled lifted the soft white underwear away from Jennifer's toned skin, pulling it slowly down her legs to reveal her firm shaft beneath. Jennifer took a sharp intake of breath. Sandra's eyes widened as she saw her daughter's penis hard for the first time. It was maybe an inch or two smaller than her own - but bigger than Sandra's had been when she had first seen hers.

"You're so hard. You must be so backed up," Nurse Adams said, taking Jennifer's penis smoothly into her hand. "You have a lovely penis, Jennifer." She looked at Dr. Hamilton. "Shall I...?"

Rachel nodded. "Yes please. It'll be much easier for Jennifer to learn to retract her new equipment if we relieve some of the pressure." Sandra thought she noticed the doctor shimmy her hips slightly, as if trying to subtly stimulate her clit inside her clothes.

Jennifer looked startled as Nurse Adams began to slowly and smoothly jack her new penis in her hands. The nurse smiled. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Jennifer let out a long breath. "Oooh, that actually feels okay. Don't stop."

"I don't intend to." The nurse smiled and then darted upwards and took the tip of Jennifer's cock into her mouth, nipping at the tip. "Ah!" Jennifer yipped, before grinning at the sensation. "Do you like that, sweetie?" Jennifer nodded, and Chloe slowly pushed more of her hard cock into her mouth. Sandra watched as her lips bulged over the purple head and the shaft of flesh slowly sank further into the nurse's mouth.

"Oh that's good," Jennifer purred. She reached down with her hands and began to stroke Nurse' Adams' red hair, her fingers splaying around the back of her head before grasping and pulling her down on to her cock. "Mmph!" the nurse gurgled.

Sandra was captivated. As she sat in her chair, she felt her cock slowly push out from inside, her panties tugging against it as it emerged. She was breathing heavily. I didn't even think about doing that, she realised, her cock seemingly having pushed out all on its own. She looked down at her tight black pants to see the bulge of her thick dick oozing down her left leg, the fabric darkening as it absorbed the pre-cum oozing from the tip.

In front of her, Nurse Adams slowly pulled back to concentrate on Jennifer's smooth, harmless balls. The size of golf balls, she gently fondled them with her fingers before slowly sucking one in to her mouth. Jennifer pulled her now-free hands up to her breasts, tweaking her nipples through her college t-shirt as her back arched over the bed.

Enjoying the show, Sandra shimmied down her trousers and slowly pulled out her huge cock out from underneath her soaked panties, enjoying the feeling of the fabric as it rubbed over its purple head. She grasped it with her hand and began slowly jacking it, feeling the weight. She smiled at Dr. Hamilton. "Rachel. Come here." The doctor's eyes widened as she tore her gaze away from Jennifer and Chloe's coupling and took in the sheer size of Sandra's massive organ. "I know you want this. Come and sit on my lap." Sandra patted her smooth, muscular thighs. "You can watch Nurse Adams with me inside you." Her cock bobbed in the air and Sandra flexed her muscles, making the organ bulge upward obscenely. "I've wanted you since the day we met."

Rachel looked torn. She bit her lip. "It's not really professional... " She breathed heavily for a moment, shaking her head. "I've always been worried about getting involved with my patients, the long-term effects... but I suppose... maybe just for a moment..."

Sandra grinned. "Take off your bottoms."

Rachel gingerly pulled down her scrubs to reveal a black thong underneath, perfectly framing the globes of her ass. Sandra nodded in appreciation. "Now come here," she said.

Rachel walked to Sandra and turned, taking in the sight of Nurse Adams going down on Jennifer's thick cock. Rachel shucked off her lab coat, letting it fall into a white pile on the floor, and then slowly peeled off the thong. She turned her head to Sandra. "Um..."

Sandra nodded. She reached up with her arms and grabbed the doctor's hips, bringing her firmly down onto her lap. Rachel squirmed in her embrace, Sandra's enormous organ rubbing all over her firm backside. Sandra lifted her up for a moment, lined up her cock with the doctor's pussy, and then drove inside in one rough movement.

"Ooooooooooohhhh," Rachel moaned.

"Is that good, doctor?" Sandra asked.

"Yeesssss," Rachel gasped. "You're the biggest I've ever had but its, god, it's not painful at all." She turned her head to look at Sandra intensely. "I'm so wet!" Rachel began to move up and down on Sandra's massive cock, slowly working it with her pussy muscles. "I can feel you stretching me... I'd no idea it would feel like this. You're deep... deeper than my boyfriend." She gasped. "Deeper than any boyfriend." Sandra reached up to run her hands over the doctor's firm breasts beneath her scrubs and leaned in to kiss her lover. Sandra's soft, feminine lips and thick, searching tongue greeted Rachel's tender lips, the two making out like excited teenagers as Rachel's hips began to buck on Sandra's toned lap.

"Mom!" Jennifer gaped at her mother, her head rolling to the side to take in the sight of her mother penetrating the hot young Dr. Hamilton to her core. Sandra broke from her kiss and smiled at her daughter. "I'm sorry honey, I needed relief... and so does Rachel here." Dr. Hamilton's eyes rolled upwards into her head as she lost herself in pleasure, Sandra's cock pushing in and out, touching parts of her she had never known could experience such sensations before. "Mmmm," Sandra breathed, "she feels great inside baby." Abruptly she stood up, throwing Rachel forwards, sending her arms flying out to grab the side of the hospital bed in front of her. Standing, Sandra reached her full height and then started to plough into the doctor from behind, watching the smooth pale flesh of her ass ripple from each impact as she pounded her. "You're going to love this, Jen. There's nothing else like it. I wasn't sure to begin with but now... this is what I was born for." Bam, bam, bam, the bed shook as she ravaged Rachel. "I'm a fucking goddess." Bam, bam, bam. "God it's so good!"

Rachel's eyes went blank as she revelled in the pleasure from Sandra's cock. Sandra felt the doctor's pussy tighten around her cock, her hips bucking in front of her. She squeezed Rachel's hips tightly, enjoying the feeling of the warm flesh in her hands.

Nurse Adams pulled back of Jennifer's cock, letting it sit, wet, in the cool air for a moment. She looked up at her patient. "Do you want me to climb on, Jennifer? To take your virginity?" She paused. "Do you want to cum inside me and give me lots of tasty cum?"

Part of Jennifer wanted to scream, yes!, but another part was alarmed and scared. So much had changed today. Shouldn't she wait until she was with someone she cared about? Breathing heavily, she shook her head. "No... no, I'm sorry Chloe. I'm just not ready for that yet."

Nurse Adams smiled. "It's okay. You're going through a lot. I'll be here if you change your mind. I love thick girlcock cum!" With that, she began to firmly jack off Jennifer's cock with her hand. Jennifer bit her lip and turned to watch her mom with Dr. Hamilton again, her hands squeezing her own boobs.

Sandra reached forward and ran her hands under the scrub top that Rachel still wore, unclipping the doctor's bra and tugging it down to let her tits hang free. She ran her hands across her sides, feeling the heat of Rachel's ribcage beneath her before reaching her front and cupping her breasts. She pulled her lover upwards to standing, pushing her cock even deeper inside her as she did so.

Rachel turned her head back to look at Sandra again, her eyelids drooping and her mouth hanging slightly open. "I think I made a mistake," she breathed. "I resisted my patients for so long because I was worried they would ruin me for the men in my life." She raised her hips forward and slammed herself back down against Sandra's monster cock. "I was right." Slam! "I've never felt anything like this."

Sandra caught Jennifer's wide eyes as she resumed ploughing the doctor. "We're special, baby. You and I... we're a special breed. Powerful. We dominate other women. We're meant..." Slam, slam, slam! "...to rule!"


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