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Come for a Visit, Stay for Life Ch. 07

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Brian discovers some new duties.
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Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/13/2022
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Come For a Visit, Stay For a Lifetime

Chapter 7

If you have not read chapters 1 through 6 of this series, you should go back and start at the beginning. This may not make much sense otherwise.

I lay on her bed with her on top of me for quite some time before she moved. I felt Mildred shift her weight and begin to lift herself, the damp skin of her breasts sticking as they separated from my back. The pressure in my rectum released as her dildo slid out of my ass. She told me to get up as she started to undo the harness from around her waist. I lifted myself from my bent over position on the side of her bed and felt the stickiness from where I had ejaculated onto her sheets. She handed me the dildo, still attached to the harness.

"Go get yourself cleaned up and clean this up while you are at it. When you are finished, put on some clean shorts and come back here."

I did as she asked and when I returned to her bedroom, Mildred had just finished putting fresh sheets onto her bed. "I did not expect that reaction from you your first time. I don't count those times during the hunt. Those were acts of violence and not tender possession. I like that you were able to get off that way. How do you feel now, not sore or anything?"

I answered: "My ass feels fine but I don't know what to think about it. It felt like my body was betraying me. I became excited without wanting to and I feel ashamed like the time my mom caught me masturbating."

Mildred laughed. "Sorry to laugh. I'm not laughing at you it is just the image of a guy masturbating and his mom walking in at the wrong moment. Girls can hide such activities far easier and I never pictured what a guy might have to go through. It is a pretty silly picture."

"Well, it's not so funny when it happens." I explained.

"Look, there is nothing wrong with masturbating and your mom should have knocked first. You don't need to worry that getting off from a woman's dildo up your ass makes you gay somehow. Plenty of guys get off during a pegging. It just means that you have a fully functional prostate and that you are open to new ways of looking at sex. It also kind of validates my tastes. Besides, I think it makes you sort of cute."

I blushed at this remark. I was not sure I wanted to be thought of as cute. If anything I wanted some time to process what just happened. I was hoping she would let me go back to my room. She had other ideas.

"I don't want you to sleep alone tonight. You will sleep better if you feel less isolated and alone. I want you to feel part of something even if that something is something you don't understand. Go ahead and get into my bed. I will join you after I get a shower."

I did as I was told and got into her bed. I must have dozed off for a bit and I was awakened by Mildred getting into bed next to me making me the little spoon with her one leg wrapped over mine and her arm around my chest. A few minutes later we were both asleep.

I awoke the next morning with Mildred nudging me awake. "Go ahead, get the coffee and breakfast going. We have a busy day ahead."

I got out of bed and stopped to use the bathroom on my way to the kitchen. A half an hour later Mildred joined me. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She sat down at the table. I served her coffee the way she had instructed me to and went back to finish the pancakes. She sipped her coffee until I placed her breakfast in front of her and took a seat in front of my own steaming plate.

As we ate she detailed my duties. "When you are finished the dishes and your basic household chores, I want you to go next door and give Sandy's house a good cleaning. Don't bother with her laundry if there is any, just make sure her house is clean from top to bottom. She and I are going snorkeling this afternoon and should be gone all day. I have invited her to have dinner with us, so find something in the fridge that you can use to make a nice meal. There should be a chicken in the freezer. You do know how to roast a chicken don't you?"

I acknowledged that I did and added: "Roast chicken is my specialty"

"Good for you. I'm happy to hear it. Sandy's first dinner from you needs to be a good one. Make sure to chill a bottle of white wine from the rack and try to be ready with some hors d'oeuvres around five. Sandy is part owner of you and it is time she received some dividends.

Seeing no other alternative, I got to work. Tidying up Mildred's place didn't take much time since I had been keeping it clean as instructed. A few dishes, a bit of laundry and I was able to walk over to Sandy's next door. Sandy was a bit of a slob and I was glad that I still had most of the morning available to make some headway. I decided to concentrate on those things that I could do the quickest that would have the largest visual impact. Putting stuff away, doing dishes, cleaning the stove, doing the floors and making the place smell clean were sure to make a good impression. By the time 2 pm came around I had the place looking quite nice, especially the bathrooms. I felt I could go back to Mildred's place and get to work on dinner.

The chicken was easy enough as were some veggies but those hors d'oeuvres stumped me. I decided to go the simple is better route and made up a fruit plate with tightly rolled, thin slices of pork wrapped around some cheese that I found in the fridge. I arranged everything nicely on a platter and put two wine glasses in the freezer to get frosty. At 5 pm everything was ready and I felt some pride in showing that the male half of the human race was at least as capable as the female half when it came to household chores. After all, it was a male writer that I admired, Robert Heinlein who wrote, "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

Mildred came in first telling me to bring the wine and hors d'oeuvres outside. I carried the wine with the frosted glasses out first and returned with the platter on the second trip. Both women were seated as I sat the platter on the table.

"Nice touch with the frosted wine glasses Brian;" Mildred said. "shows good initiative."

"Yes, Brian," Sandy added, "and nice job on cleaning my house. I don't think it has ever looked so good. I have always dreamed of having a maid but don't worry, I'm not going to make you dress like one. Well, maybe not; I am getting an idea that could be fun."

"What are you thinking about Sandy?" Mildred asked.

"When I mentioned him not dressing up as a maid it gave me an idea. What if we gave a party and invited some of our friends who really dislike males. It could be pretty interesting to watch their reactions as a man dressed as a maid served them drinks and waited on them in the traditional woman's role."

Mildred giggled. "There is a delicious irony with that idea Sandy. I think you and I should talk some more and make it happen. How about you Brian? Do you fancy dressing up as a maid?"

"Not really." I answered. "I have no problem with serving drinks and food to people, even to people who may not like me, but I don't see how me dressing as a maid needs to be part of it."

"Then that is all the greater reason for it to happen." Sandy answered.

"We can talk more about this later Brian. For now, go and get yourself a glass of wine and join us at the table for a few minutes. Sandy has a few things she would like to tell you."

I checked on the dinner returning with a glass and a chair. Once I had seated myself and taken a long sip of the wine, Sandy spoke up.

"Brian, I want you to know that there was nothing personal in that beating I gave you during the hunt. I am sorry I got carried away and it scares me to think about what I might have done to you had not Annie been so impatient to have her turn. I am not a violent person but once I picked up that strap and saw you tied and helpless, something snapped inside my brain and I was someone different. Someone I didn't recognize and who I never want to be again. It was as though you were my husband and it was right after he had given me a beating. I could feel the pain and swelling on my back and ass as if it had just happened. I was all anger, rage and revenge. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling only more so. Only he was not there on the receiving end of the strap, you were. I didn't even realize that Annie had pulled me away. In my mind I was still reliving my many beatings alternating with beating you until Annie shook me and told me it was time to go. When I looked over at you and saw what we had done to you, I was ashamed of myself and I knew I had to do something to make it better. That tube of cream was the best thing I could think of at the time."

I looked at Sandy as she was saying this and saw a tear running down her cheek. I felt I had to say something to my abuser. "That cream was a lifesaver as was the information you gave me. You two left me in pretty bad shape and it was all I could do to make it to that hut. There is no way that I would have made it without the directions you gave me. I guess I should thank you."

"I would rather you forgive me." Sandy said. "At least for the beating. I'm not sorry about your other circumstances but that beating was not like me; at least not the me I want to be. It is out of my system now and maybe you can find some solace in knowing that what I did to you seems to have released the man hating demons that have lived in my head for so many years."

"Don't take this the wrong way Sandy, but while I could say I forgive you, I don't think I am ready to say it and mean it just yet. However, hearing what you just said and knowing how you saved me back at the hunt, I will say that I don't hold the beating against you. Maybe I will feel differently in time but for now can we just leave it at that?"

"I guess we will have to." Sandy responded.

"Go on back inside now Brian and finish up getting dinner ready. We will ready for it in a half an hour. You may join us at the table."

Getting dinner ready was easy enough to do and by the time the two women came inside I had the table set and a fresh bottle of wine opened and ready to be poured. As they took their seats I refilled their glasses before sitting down.

"See what I mean." Mildred said to Sandy. "He really was a good choice. Not only can he cook and clean, he knows when to serve the wine."

"Are there any other talents I should know about?" Sandy asked.

I blushed as Mildred answered. "After dinner, let's see what we can find out."

I ate in silence as the two women talked. What the hell were they thinking about? What kind of talents?

Once dinner was over, the two women adjourned to the living room with a fresh bottle of wine. I cleared the table and cleaned up as I was ordered. I finished off the bottle that was still on the table and listened to them laughing in the other room as I worked. I strained to catch what they were saying but they had turned on the TV and their conversations were lost in the television chatter.

I was just wiping off the table when Mildred called out. "Are you finished yet? If not, hurry up and bring a bottle of that Cabernet Franc with you."

I found the bottle of red that she had asked for and took it to them along with two fresh glasses.

"Look at that!" Sandy remarked, "He knows to bring different glasses for red wine. You must be training him right, Milly."

"Not my doing. It must be some native talent. Any other talents that you would like to tell us about Brian?"

They both sounded a bit drunk, so I decided it was safest not to answer. However, not answering was not going to be allowed.

"Come on Brian, speak up. You were a married man. I'll bet you learned how to give a good foot rub didn't you? Maybe some other things too?"

"Yes," I answered, "my wife loved to have her feet rubbed."

"Well mister, get over here on the floor and show us what you've got."

They moved their chairs next to each other and Mildred pointed to a place on the floor between them. I sat down and each slipped a leg over my shoulders to present me with an unmatched pair of feet. Mildred spoke up, "Two hands means you can do two feet at the same time. We'll let you know when we are ready to trade places."

I began to rub and they both gave little moans of pleasure while they offered a giggling commentary on my technique. After fifteen minutes of this they traded places and I repeated the process on their other feet. Mildred's feet were fairly large and calloused for a woman's foot while Sandy's were at least two sizes smaller and a lot smoother. They both continued to drink while I was doing this and every once in awhile one of them would take their other foot and use it to toss my hair or play with my ears. Their running commentary on my technique seemed to be a contest of who could make me blush the deepest shade of red.

Finally, Mildred used her feet to turn my head to the side and asked: "Oral sex Brian, you old widower, how do you like oral sex?

"I like it just fine. I think nearly every guy does." I answered. "However, my wife didn't like doing it so after a couple of times, I stopped asking her."

"Whoa there Brian." Sandy cut in. "We're not talking about the same thing. What we want to know is how you fell about some snorkeling south of the equator."

"Yeah," Mildred added, "How good are you at cleaning the old carpet?"

Sandy: "Feasting on the yeast?"

Mildred: "Eating a boxed lunch? Kissing the little man in the boat? Speaking in tongues?"

Sandy: "Doing the old cooch smooch? Yodeling in the canyon? Eating at the Y?"

Mildred: "For God's sake man, can you eat pussy?"

By now I was a bright shade of red. Meanwhile, Mildred had risen as she made her last remark and stood with her crotch at eye level in front of me and her shorts pushed down to her knees.

"How about it Brian, you know a good thing when you see it and what to do with it?"

I felt myself getting hard but Mildred did not wait for an answer. Maybe she noticed my penis answering for me. With one swift move she used both of her hands to grab the back of my head and pull it firmly into her full and glistening bush.

As the old sci-fi saying goes, "Resistance is futile." I began to lick and nuzzle as Mildred pulled me tighter into her crotch. I could hear Sandy laughing as Mildred ground herself into my face. I was pushed back onto the chair as Mildred pinned my head between her hips and the chair's cushion. I could tell she was getting more comfortable and I became more excited as I felt her juices running down the sides of my cheeks. My tongue made frantic circles between the walls of her vagina stopping only to dart a lick or two up and around her swollen clitoris. This seemed to set her on fire and I felt her full weight compress my head to the deepest reach of the cushion as she rocked and ground herself on my nose, chin and tongue. At last it was all about the clitoris and she worked it back and forth between my lips as I gently sucked and licked at it. I felt her legs go stiff and she arched onto the balls of her feet, her hands dragging my head with her as a massive orgasm broke the walls of its dam and washed over my face. She fell forward onto the chair and rolled to her side letting me gasp for a deep breath of the moist air surrounding her thighs.

It did not take her long to recover. Looking down at me she smiled and gave a short laugh while saying, "You are mess Brian, go wash your face."

I let to wash my face and rinse out my mouth. I was only gone for about five minutes but when I returned Sandy was missing. Mildred had pulled her shorts back up and was sitting in Sandy's chair.

"Tomorrow you are going to need to use the upholstery cleaner on the cushion Brian." She paused for a sip of wine and continued: "If you are wondering, Sandy went back home. I suggested she could be next but she said she was not ready for that. Don't take it personally. However, she does feel a lot more comfortable being around you now so you can start taking care of her household chores, including the laundry tomorrow. We will work out a schedule later but starting tomorrow you can go over to her place after breakfast and get busy. Now lay down on the floor and slip this pillow under your head. I think a more leisurely round two is in order."

I laid down on the carpet with my feet facing the TV, raising my head slightly on the pillow. I saw a pair of shorts fly over my head and catch themselves on my already erect penis. My last sight was of Mildred's full and red haired bush closing in on my mouth as her ass cheeks covered my eyes.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How superior is anyone that does not take responsibility for their actions?

What Sandy did was give an explanation.

"Brian, I want you to know that there was nothing personal in that beating I gave you during the hunt. I am sorry I got carried away and it scares me to think about what I might have done to you had not Annie been so impatient to have her turn. I am not a violent person but once I picked up that strap and saw you tied and helpless, something snapped inside my brain and I was someone different. Someone I didn't recognize and who I never want to be again. It was as though you were my husband and it was right after he had given me a beating. I could feel the pain and swelling on my back and ass as if it had just happened. I was all anger, rage and revenge. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling only more so. Only he was not there on the receiving end of the strap, you were. I didn't even realize that Annie had pulled me away."

An explanation that may be understandable from her bad experiences with men but it is not an apology. Especially not since she did not express a single sentence of empathy with the suffering she inflicted on Brian. Furthermore the trigger she mentioned is one that can happen again but no word of what she would do to prevent abuse if that happened again. As an apology this simply is too poor. Still she expects to be forgiven.

That is not taking reponsibility.

I see the same type of explanation without taking responsibility in your own answer that "stories sometimes develop a life of their own as they spring from the mind". That can happen, and often does, but in the end the author makes choices, consciously or unconsciously.

I loved the addendum 2 comments down, and would like to know: wouldn't it in your mind have been a change for the better, a more humane development of your story. Or not?

If not, what is your reason for feeling your own version of Sandy's answer should serve the story better?

maybemaymaybemayabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback and I can see how the story could go the way you suggest but stories sometimes develop a life of their own as they spring from the mind. This story is written from the viewpoint of a female superior society and one in which women are allowed to always have the upper hand much in the way men have throughout history. Your alternative is plausible but in my imagination things happened differently.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

1st off, gave it a 5. Understand it's fiction/ your story which everyone should accept. Would like to throw a slight addendum to your story if I may. Brian is seemingly a Renaissance man, by his understanding of Robert Heinlein. So my take as he listens to Sandy apologize for beating him so badly and then telling him it wasn't personal, I would proceed from: "Don't take this the wrong way, Sandy, but while I could say I forgive you, I don't think I am ready to say it and mean it just yet." ~ 'I believe you are sorry, but please don't tell me it wasn't personal. I understand all of the women here have suffered at the hands of some male; boyfriend, husband, father, etc. But to brutally beat me, someone who has never wronged you, someone who his entire life has protected and cherished a woman, you made it it extremely personal.' Mildred had quietly entered the room behind Brian as she heard his voice becoming edgier and was listening intently to see what he might do to Sandy. 'All of you, Annie, Valarie, you, and even Mildred, have brutalized me, humiliated me, and terrorized me. THAT has made ALL of this personal. I was brought here under false pretenses. Mildred, and the rest of the women, can use semantics to justify their actions, and she has even admitted it to me in her own way, but in the end you know you've lied to me. That has made it personal. Then to humiliate me by hunting me down as a worthless animal and then torture me when I am captured and releasing me to do it all over is PERSONAL. So please, don't sit there and shed a tear as you apologize and tell me you're sorry and expect me to accept it isn't personal because I will not allow it. Obviously you, and Mildred, and who knows how many others, will continue to abuse me and physically and mentally torture me for who knows however long I am alive.' (At that point Mildred let out a gasp as she remembered what Brian had said during the argument with Annie as to who actually captured him and what he might do to himself.) 'But let me say this, every one of you is now as guilty as your abusers. No matter how you justify it in your own minds, you are no better than those who hurt you.' Sandy and Mildred both started to speak but Brian immediately put up his hand to silence them. 'So again, do not embarrass yourselves, and certainly do not challenge my intelligence, by saying it wasn't personal. Every sadistic act going forward you inflict on me is PERSONAL.' Glancing quickly behind him at Mildred he turned back to Sandy and told her, please excuse me while I check on dinner. It should be ready momentarily. As he walked out of the living room Sandy and Mildred could only stare at each other.

maybemaymaybemayabout 2 years agoAuthor

As soon as the moderators decide to approve it It is in the system.

BramblePestBramblePestabout 2 years ago

Can we expect next parts ?

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