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Coming Home Ch. 01

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A young man moves back home and becomes stepmom's sissy.
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My father married Sarah when I was in my last year of high school. She was a bit younger than him and much more attractive than any woman I'd ever seen him with before. Taller than both of us, straight dark hair to her shoulders, the lean, toned body of a yoga instructor, and a pretty face with a warm smile when she was pleased, and a stern intensity when she wasn't. As a teenager, I didn't spend too much time at home, so our relationship, while pleasant and friendly, wasn't particularly deep. The closest we got, even if she didn't know it, was when I'd be left alone at home and I'd go digging through her clothes. At first it was just horny curiosity encouraged by the sexy outfits she'd wear, but after discovering how great it felt to slip into a pair of her panties, her stockings, her lingerie, I became more focused. I'd copy her outfits as closely as I could, posing in the mirror, touching my legs, my ass, her soft, silky clothes. It became a bit of a ritual for me, finding the hot little dress she wore the day before, getting dressed up, then jerking myself off into explosive orgasms. Always careful not to leave any trace of what I'd been up to. I was sure it was my little secret.

Then I left for college and didn't think much about dressing, well, I didn't think about it as much. Sure, I'd miss it sometimes, and yes, I wished I had a pair of her worn panties to sniff and then slip on, but I was sure that once I got a girlfriend and had a sex life, I'd forget all about it. The fact that I never could seem to find a girlfriend didn't help, though. Which is maybe why I fell back into it so quickly after I graduated and moved back home.

And that is where the story really starts.

I hadn't even really thought about my old habits for the first few nights I was home. Dad was away for one of his typical long business trips and Sarah was going out for dinner with some of her friends -- the moment I saw her outfit for the evening I knew instantly that as soon as I got a chance I'd want to slip into exactly what she was wearing. She was in black stockings with seams up the back, a red dress that came to her mid-thighs, loose and flowy over her round ass then tight along her waist and flat belly. It was sleeveless, with a back just high enough to cover her bra strap, but loose enough in front so that I got a peak as she bent over to pick her keys and phone off the table. For a second it seemed like she caught me looking, but just smiled and told me to have a nice night. As she closed the door behind her my heart was racing. Was it from the fear of being caught looking down her dress? Or was it the anticipation of wearing her sexy outfit? I honestly wasn't sure, but I was sure that I was already excited. I spent some blissful minutes committing her outfit to memory, thinking about the glimpse of her black lace bra that I got, sure that she was wearing panties to match, imagining the joy of finding them in her dirty laundry the next time I had the house to myself.

My mind began to wander, dreaming of sliding into those stockings, wondering if they were pantyhose or was she wearing a garter? Oh, how I loved how the garter straps felt on my thighs. How I loved seeing myself in them, the bit of exposed thigh at the top, how that felt against a silky dress. How the hem of the dress felt against stockings. My hand was down my pants, my cock hard in my hand before I realized what I was doing. I snapped out of it, not wanting to waste my arousal, knowing how much hotter I'd feel making myself wait. I turned on the TV and tried to distract myself, calm down. "Just wait, she'll go out tomorrow, just wait until tomorrow" I kept telling myself. I was already so worked up, everything I tried to watch on TV seemed to be taunting me, every channel showed me hot girls in a pretty outfits I wished I could wear. I couldn't take it, I felt like I was going to lose it right there, and decided to take a cold shower.

The shower worked, for a while. I managed to play some video games and watch a movie until I was tired enough to go to sleep. Around 2 in the morning, I heard Sarah come home. I started awake hearing her climb the stairs, her heels clicking against the wood floors toward her bedroom. I checked the time and thought to myself "late night with the girls" and then, as I drifted back to sleep "her panties are going to smell so nice for me tomorrow." It was not a restful sleep. My hard-on would wake me up often, begging to be stroked, but I wanted to hold off so bad. Knowing how nice it was to dress up feeling so desperate and super horny. I held off and finally got to sleep and didn't wake up until about 10am.

By the time I came downstairs, Sarah was already awake. She had made coffee and was dressed for exercise in tight black leggings and a formfitting pink tank top, showing her toned shoulders and arms and ending high enough to show a few inches of her taught belly. Her ass looked impossibly round and firm. Her breasts full and perky in her top, her hair pulled into a high ponytail showing off her long, smooth neck. She was drinking her coffee, standing against the counter barefoot. Her toes had pink nail-polish and looked perfect.

"Well look who's finally awake!" she said as she poured me a cup.

"Yeah, guess I over slept, thanks for coffee," as I tried not to stare.

"Oh, I'm just teasing. Relax, sleep late, enjoy yourself," with a warm smile. She took a sip of coffee and turned around to lean over the counter and check her phone. Her leggings hugged her bottom, squeezing into her crack. I was staring, thinking to myself how I couldn't see any panty lines, wondering if she was wearing a thong, then thinking about what that thong would feel like to wear. I was lost in the fantasy when I realized she had turned around and obviously saw me staring. I tried pretending like I was just staring into space, not reacting to her, not flinching away.

She cleared her throat and said "Still in dream land, Brian?" with a smirk.

"Oh, I...haha! Yeah, I guess so. Sorry," I looked up at her, then quickly looked away.

"Any exciting plans for today?" she asked putting her mug down, sitting on a chair putting on a pair of small white socks.

"Ummm...I...well...I was thinking....I guess I'm not sure," her mention of my plans got me almost shaking, knowing exactly what my plans were and that I was going to get right to them as soon as she walked out that door.

Sarah laughed. Sounds like a big day for you. I laughed too. "Well," she continued, "maybe we can do something later. Catch up. I know I've been running around since you've been back, and with your father away again, I feel bad leaving you alone so much."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm enjoying some down time," I said. Almost quieting my inner excitement at running up to her room and getting out her outfit.

"Still, it'd be nice to spend some time together," she smiled, and I wasn't sure if she winked at me. Could she have? Why? Is it just my horny mind playing tricks?

I smiled back, watching her put on her running shoes. I stared maybe a bit too long at the curve of her arch and was surprised to feel the sudden urge to offer her a foot rub.

"Ok, I'm off for my run. I'll see you later!" I watched her every step of the way out the door. "I'll have to get into those leggings and her panties, too" I noted to myself.

The door wasn't closed for even a minute before I was up the stairs and in her room, digging out her outfit from the night before. I almost burst into tears of joy when I saw that her whole outfit was still just lying on the floor next to her bed. She must've been too tired to put anything away, I thought, as I practically tore off the shorts, boxers, and t-shirt I was wearing. My hands were shaking as I picked up her panties. They were silky in the front through the gusset and across the back, with black lace on the sides, matching the bra. I brought them to my face, inhaled deeply the aroma of her perfume mixed with a night of sweat and musk. I touched them to my nose and inhaled again, closing my eyes, feeling my whole body get instantly aroused. Then I stepped into them, one leg at a time, and pulled them up. So soft against my ass, my cock already hard agains the silky, scented panties. I looked over my shoulder to see myself in the mirror, running my hand over my now pantied butt.

Next was the bra. I struggled a bit to clasp it, twisted it around to clasp it in front, then turned it around, slipping my arms in. Then her stockings! "Oh! So they were pantyhose!" I said out loud. At first, I was disappointed and thought that maybe I'd find some stockings and a garter, but no, that's not what I had planned. I somehow enjoyed holding myself to my promise of wearing her outfit. And besides, pantyhose felt amazing, so tight, holding me in place, so I slipped them on. Enjoying every second of sensation as they slid up my legs, tight all the way up. I sighed deeply "Oh, how I missed this" and ran my finger tips up my legs.

Then the dress. Pulling it on over my head I gave a small laugh, thinking how it was totally worth being teased for being a small guy if it meant I could squeeze into dresses like this. I straightened it and smoothed it down my torso, adjusting the pantyhose to make the seams along the backs straight, checking myself out in the mirror. Rubbing my thighs, hiking up my dress to look at my panties under my pantyhose, bending over, posing. I was in heaven. I couldn't believe how great I felt, I was lost in every feeling, which is why I didn't hear Sarah come home, or walk up the stairs, or even notice her standing in the doorway watching me.

"Oh shit!" I shouted and nearly jumped out of my skin. I immediately started pulling at the dress to get it over my head.

Sarah laughed and shouted back "Stop this instant! Don't you dare pull at that dress like that. Just DO NOT MOVE."

I froze. Blushing deeply, head down, hands folded in front of myself. I felt myself starting to sweat. Sarah walked over to me, held up her phone and started scrolling through the pictures she'd just taken, "Oh, aren't these cute? I wonder what you father will say when I show him. What do you think he'll say, Brian?"

I remained silent and she grabbed my face, pulled it up to meet her eyes and asked again "What do you think he'll do, hmmm?"

I shrugged and mumbled "I guess he'd be mad."

"Oh, mad? You think?" and she laughed again. "Maybe he wouldn't let you stay here rent free anymore. Would you like that?"

I felt tears well up, "Please Sarah, please, I was just goofing around. Please don't tell him! I have nowhere else to stay," I begged.

Sarah sat on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs, looking at me, with a sly smile. "Ok, honey, here's the deal then. I'm going to need you to do everything I say, no questions asked, no negotiating, no disobeying, and absolutely no lying. If you can prove to me that you can be 100% obedient to me, then I can forget to show these to your father. Do you accept?"

I was terrified. I really didn't have anywhere to go. "Yes! Yes, thank you! Anything!" If I had known what she had in mind, I might have taken more time to consider her arrangement, but it's way too late for that now.

"Good. First rule. You refer to me as Miss Sarah or Ma'am. Every time you address me. understand?"

"Yes, ok. No problem." She raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly added "Yes, Ma'am. I understand, Ma'am." I'd never called anyone that before and doing it now, like this, stirred something inside me. I felt like I'd given something up.

"Better. Now, get those hands folded behind your back, stand straight up and look at me when I address you. NOW!" I flinched when she shouted the last word.

"Y..yes, Ma'am." I moved my hands, hoping my arousal didn't show through the dress, but I knew it did, straining against the tight pantyhose, poking gently at the silky dress.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and you will absolutely tell me the entire truth each time. If I even suspect you of lying, this is over and I send him the pics now. To start, is this the first time you've worn my clothes?"

"No, Ma'am." She let a smile through.

"I know." I looked up in shock and she saw the questions I had, "No, no, I'm the one asking the questions here, honey." She sipped at her water bottle. "Are you aroused right now? Does being dressed in my pretty clothes, standing there, obeying me, turn you on?"

I choked on the words, I couldn't believe what she was saying. My head was swimming.

"Don't think too much, honey. Just answer," she said with another one of her laughs.

"Yes, Ma'am. I am."

Another smile, "I know that, too. When you looked down my dress yesterday, were you looking at my breasts or my bra, Brian?"

I was shook. I hadn't thought about it that way, but I saw her point. "I...I guess I was looking at your bra, Ma'am."

"You guess?" she asked.

"I am sure, Ma'am. I was looking at your bra. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize until I tell you you've done something wrong. So far not only haven't you done anything wrong, you haven't even done anything that surprises me. Now, remember to be completely truthful and tell me why you were looking at my bra."

"I, well, I wanted to wear your exact outfit, so I tried to see which bra you were wearing."

With that she let out a real laugh. "Well, now I am surprised, and impressed! I thought it was just because you thought it was so pretty, but you really take dressing up seriously! Such a good sissy already!"

I looked up at being called that, somewhat taken aback. She saw my reaction and questioned me about it.

"That's not the first time you've been called that, is it, honey?"

I was mortified. Some bullies had called me that in high school, and they got some of the meaner girls to go along with it. As much as I hated the name, I couldn't help answering to it. I told her all of this, almost crying with shame.

"Awww, I know, sweetie. Don't be sad about it, you'll learn to accept what you are, and that is what you are. I've known it since we first met, and I bet most other women know it as soon as they meet you. It's part of the reason why you don't do very well with girls. Which I also know. Tell me, did you make it all the way through uni a virgin, honey?" she leaned back, sipping her water bottle, watching me squirm and blush.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Just one more question for now, ok, honey?" she waited for me to nod and then continued, "Is sniffing my panties and dressing up in my pretty clothes the closest you've ever come to having sex? Hmmmm?"

I was frozen, humiliated, but still so nervous that I was obeying without a second thought. I was straining to tell the complete truth, worried about even telling a lie accidentally, so I confessed "Well, Ma'am, it depends on what you consider closer, because I have made out with a few girls, Ma'am."

She nearly spit out her water she was laughing so hard now. "And how far did they let you get with them, Brian? Hmmm? Did they let you touch their breasts, did you get their pants off? Were you ever close enough to their pussies to smell them like you smell mine on my panties?"

"The truth is that I didn't get very far with anyone really, Ma'am. One of the girls in college let me feel her up, but I, well, I got too excited and finished in my pants as soon as I touched her, Ma'am." It was a humiliating memory that I didn't even like to think about and now she knew, and was laughing at me.

Catching her breath she said "Well, I'd say that sniffing my panties is closer to real sex, though not by very much. God, I can't believe you came so quickly just feeling a girl up! Can you imagine if an actual woman allowed you near her pussy? You wouldn't even make it out of your pants!" She laughed again, and I stood frozen, afraid to move. Sarah stood up and walked up to me. She stood only a few inches taller than me in her running shoes, but I felt as though she were towering over me. She put her finger under my chin and pulled my head up so she was looking into my eyes. "This is the beginning of a new chapter for us, a better chapter where you can be who you really are, but to start off right you have to learn your place. And you have to learn that sneaking into my things without permission is very, very wrong. So I'm going to have to punish you now, do you understand, honey?" She didn't wait for a response, but instead gripped my chin and nodded my head for me. "Good sissy. Now, remember, no more disobeying me."

Sarah sat on the edge of the bed again, and motioned me toward her lap. I approached and started to sit on her lap when she stopped me. "No, honey. You bend over Miss Sarah's lap, that cute bottom in the air for me." I had to catch myself from protesting, remembering the pictures she had of me, and laid down across her legs. Gently, she lifted up the dress and reseted her hands on my butt. "This is going to hurt, but remember, do not move your hands to block me. Understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

The first smack was like an electric shock, much harder than I was expecting, the stinging started almost right away. But I didn't have time to think about as she followed with WACK after WACK, taking only the time in between to raise her hand up and gather her strength. At first I was counting them, but as the stinging and burning continued, I lost count. I felt my face sweating and flush. Finally, she stopped, I heard her panting, out of breath from the effort.

"Now stand up and lower your pantyhose to your ankles and your panties to your knees." She pushed me to my feet and I staggered, my legs shaky. My hands were shaking, but I did as she said then moved to get back over her lap. "No! Wait for instructions!"

I stood frozen.

"Lift your dress. I want to see how your little friend is reacting to your first punishment." I slowly lifted the hem of the dress, revealing my throbbing hard-on. As I stood there, the tingling pain from my ass seemed to go straight to my cock, exciting it. "That's what I thought. Now, back over my lap and do not even THINK about cumming!"

I did as she said, the air felt cool on my exposed bottom which was burning from the spanking. Then came the first smack on my bare ass. The sound was an intense SMACK, the feeling was intense. I gasped and let out a little whimper with the following smacks. "Take deep breaths, honey. Breath through it" as she hit me again and again and again. It felt as though my ass was on fire, the pain was deep, and pulsated with my heartbeat. I felt like screaming for her to stop, but knew I couldn't. I stifled my screams and they came out as meek whimpers. "Shut up and take it, honey. You deserve every bit of this and you're going to take it" and somehow she was hitting me even harder. I felt as though I might pass out, but then she stopped. My cock was painfully hard, pointing down through her legs.

"Stand up. Hold your dress up and look at yourself in the mirror. See what you punishment looks like so far." I stood up, even more unsteady now, holding the back of the dress up, looking back over my shoulder in the mirror. My ass was red all over, deep red in some places, pink toward the edges. I ran my hand over my burning ass and it felt hot to the touch. It was tender, almost numb but stinging all over, slightly raised where Sarah had landed particularly hard smacks.

Sarah stood next to me, running her own hand over my exposed, reddened butt. She smiled at me in the mirror and raked her nails over it, leaving fresh claw marks. I winced as her scratching burned across my flesh. She whispered in my ear, "We're not done yet, honey," and walked to her dresser. She picked up a hairbrush, it had a broad wooden handle. She slapped it against her open palm, watching my reaction. "Are you scared, sweetie?" she asked, then came closer, looked me in the eyes and continued "because you should be. This is going to hurt."


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