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Coming Home Ch. 02

Story Info
Zoey and Matilda learn about Sean's return.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/09/2022
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Chapter 2

Zoey Conners was over the moon. She'd gushed and promised and demanded promises from her older brother for a full half hour before Mom took over and said they had to get going. "Send Pictures!" was the last thing the bubbly teenager managed to shout into the phone before the line cut out. She flopped back onto the sofa with a silly grin on her freckled face, reddish-brown hair splayed out around her head like Sleeping Beauty as she hugged the phone tight to her chest. A sweet, high pitched giggle burst from her and she raised both legs up into the air as high as she could to make a tower out of her body supported by her elbows. Weekly gymnastics classes kept her lean and fit, but she found she loved pushing her body to see just how far she could stretch, how deep she could bend. Rubbing it in her sister's face, who could barely touch her own toes when put on the spot, was a delightful perk.

She held the spontaneous pose for almost a full minute before rolling into a sitting position, her hair loose around her shoulders and down her back. A bright blush turned her cheeks pink and another burst of excited giggles threatened to overwhelm her. Sean sounded so cool! So charming! He'd spent the last ten years in the glamorous coastal city of Vancouver which only added to his mystique. Zoey had barely traveled a hundred miles outside Regina Saskatchewan and often fantasized about jetting to exotic locations on the arm of a worldly lover. Curiosity burned within her, her young mind suddenly desperate to know more about him, what he looked like now, when he was coming to visit.

She sprang up to do a couple of cartwheels back and forth across the living room, her bare legs splayed out, small feet angled perfectly for the landing. The exercise did nothing to curb the excitement that made her feel like she'd chugged a two-liter of full-sugar soda. She grabbed her phone again and texted as she walked, pranced really, towards the stairs and up to the second floor. 'Please send pics Mom?' she sent off along with a row of pink heart emojis.

It took an hour for Mom to answer her prayer, giving Zoey plenty of time to text three of her best friends with the news and devolve into another round of gushing, speculating and demands for pictures. Mom started with the usual reminders for patience and consideration, 'Sweetie I was driving and you KNEW I was driving' and the like. The first picture to blossom on the screen looked like it was taken in front of a cheap motel. A young man who looked about Mattie's age stood beside Mom's old sedan in a black suit. His collar, tie and short brown hair looked charmingly disheveled, his handsome face touched by a slightly embarrassed smile as he gazed earnestly into the camera.

Zoey bit her lip HARD and squeezed the phone between her hands, slender thighs rubbing together as an intense heat grew within her core. Almost on instinct she sent the picture off to her friends in a group text, their excited replies coming in just as the second picture arrived so Zoey suppressed the urge to answer right away and opened the new pic.

This one made her already big blue eyes grow into saucers and a loud moan passed her lips ending in a high pitched squeal. It looked as though Mom had caught Sean just as he was starting a shower. His body was blurred out from the chest down by the smoked glass of the shower wall but she could see his arms and shoulders, lean muscle glistening with water droplets, one hand pushing back through his wet hair and a surprised smile on his face. Zoey's fertile imagination begged to know what it felt like to be held in those arms, hugged tight against that warm body, kissed by those lips.

The heat spreading from her core ignited into a blazing inferno and she glanced nervously towards her bedroom door as if the police would suddenly burst in and drag her away for being the dirtiest girl in town. Her attention soon returned to the phone, her fingertips caressed the screen to expand the picture and pan slowly down along the blurred shower wall, then back up to that handsome face. Her left hand touched her lower belly, fingertips teasing the edge of her pink panties before slipping down beneath the hem to find her little lovebud. It was swollen and ready for attention, the first graze of her fingertip making her twist and moan loudly into her pillow.

She wasn't inexperienced at making herself feel good, despite the waifish figure that made her a perfect candidate for gymnastics she'd had just as many birthdays as her more full-bodied friends, but with the image of her big brother so fresh after talking with him there was no need for the usual foreplay. When her fingertips teased down between her smooth petals she found them already swollen and sensitive. Her pink flower had become so slick that her panties were completely soaked! She held the phone in the air above her, stared at the image on the screen as she pushed two fingers deep inside her tensing core. She moaned, eyes fluttering but refocusing on the picture as she stroked and teased and rubbed at herself, imagining that playful smile above her in the dark, that warm body covering her smaller form and pressing between her legs. She raised her pelvis from the bed, pushing with the balls of her feet and spreading her thighs wide as she masturbated furiously, moaning with abandon and almost dropping the phone on herself when that mind-numbing wave of pure bliss hit her like a tsunami.

She came down slowly from her high, small teacup breasts pushing against her rumpled shirt with each panting breath. Her thighs twitched as the aftershocks of her climax teased her exhausted body. Slowly, she picked up her phone again and sent out the second picture to her friend group with the push of a button. No message attached, the image explanation enough.


Shalia Danorin, famed adventurer, master ranger and princess of the Elven Realms peered out between the leaves of the tree she'd chosen as her hiding place. The shifting greens and browns of her magical cloak concealed her slender figure from those she hunted, leaving her free to keep watch with keen eyes. Her traveling companions, Elros the fighter and Bakan the cleric had already passed by making as much noise as they dared, temping the orcish brutes to creep after them in hopes of an easy kill.

A twig snapped, then the crunch of clumsy feet on thick foliage reached Shalia's pointed ears and a predatory smile touched her lips. Slowly she drew a long arrow dowsed in cobra venom from her quiver and laid the shaft across her enchanted bow. The first orc appeared from between the trees, a hulking green skinned beast with a dirty loincloth around it's waist and a chipped war axe in it's hand. Shalia raised her bow and drew the arrow back to her cheek but waited for more orc's to enter the killzone. Two, five, seven of the brutes appeared, skulking behind trees and moving low, thinking themselves the hunters. The elven ranger loosed her arrow, the shaft flying true and striking the lead orc dead in an instant.

Her companions leapt from their own hiding places and charged the orcs with weapons held high but two more of the beasts were felled before their blades even clashed. Elros slashed at his foes with two long blades and Bakan called down holy fire to burn the remaining orcs alive. The battle was over in mere moments, the ambush a success. Her companions cheered and clasped hands in the boisterous way humans did, but Shalia just smiled and made her way down the branches of the great tree with the grace of a natural woodland creature. They looted the bodies but found little of value, the reward offered by the local lord for the orcs' extermination would have to be enough.

Shalia's long pointed ears picked up the snapping of a branch, then another. She spun about and drew an arrow to her bow just as a massive orc riding an armored dire wolf burst into the clearing. The heavy battleaxe it wielded was stained red, no doubt with the blood of innocent villagers. "Bah!" Elros snarled, raising his blades once more "We've celebrated too soon it seems!".

Bakan stepped up beside his two companions and raised his staff of holy power "No matter! This monster will burn like all the others!".

The orc spurned his monstrous mount forward and the heroes charged into the meet it. Elros slashed, Bakan struck with a staff charged with holy power and Shalia sank arrow after arrow into the beast's hide until the creature fell to the ground and the orc himself leapt into the fray with a powerful blow to Elro's armored chest. The fighter staggered back, the fresh wound bleeding down his front and called to the cleric for healing. Bakan raised his staff and began a prayer to his god but the orc took advantage of the lull to swung with all his might, cleaving the holy man in two at the waist.

"Bakan!" Elros cried out, raising both his blades again and charging the monster in a blind fury. He landed two stabbing blows before he too was struck down by the orc's heavy axe. Shalia loosed another arrow, then another, backing away slowly while cursing under her breath in ancient elvish. Her poisoned arrows seemed to slow the brute, leeching away his life with each moment and the princess felt a spark of hope in her slender chest.

A sudden blow knocked her forward onto the ground and rough hands grasped at her arms, pinning her down with her bow just a few feet away. She kicked and struggled, trying to reach the poisoned knife on her belt.

"Alright, roll for grapple with disadvantage because two of the orcs already have you pinned." Billy said with a grin from behind his Dungeon Master screen of stacked game manuals.

Matilda groaned and picked up her twenty sided die, rolling it back and forth in her hand with a firm jerk-off motion "But strength is my WORST STAT!".

Kevin and Seth, the two other players around the table, glanced at each other nervously. Seth, who'd been playing Bakan the Healer until a few minutes ago, pleaded "Just give it a shot Mattie! If you escape you can find a way to get our bodies back to the temple and my order will resurrect us!".

Mattie swallowed loudly and pursed her plump lips as she tossed the die out into the middle of the table. The anxious players watched it tumble and bounce across the wooden surface before finally coming to a stop with the number '3' facing upward. "NOOOOOO!" they cried in unison, arching back in their seats and pulling at their hair.

Billy sighed and shook his head before moving some pages around behind the screen with pudgy fingers. "Alright...you struggle to free yourself but the orcs keep you pinned until the but of a heavy battleaxe strikes the back of your head and knocks you out cold."

Mattie groaned again, hanging her head against her chest and letting her light brown hair fall over the thick round lenses of her glasses "Ugh...we were so close to level five too. Am I dead?".

More shuffling of papers and the clatter of rolling dice came from behind the stacks of books before the game master spoke up again in that matter of fact tone of his "Shalia slowly regains consciousness around nightfall. You find yourself bent over a fallen log with your arms tied behind your back. Your armor has been removed an a fat orc is humping at you from behind.

"WHAT?" Mattie gasped, pushing her thick glasses up onto the bridge of her nose to gawk at the game master properly.

"He's having sex with Shalia from behind."

"He's RAPING me!?"

"Yes, and I'll say that Shalia knows her body well enough to be able to tell, without a roll, that this is not the first time today." Billy picked up his dice again and made a roll behind his screen.

"What are you rolling for now!?" Mattie whined, slumping back in her seat and folding her arms over her the chest of her 'Critical Role' sweater.

The game master scratched a couple of notes onto a piece of scrap paper with a pencil "Pregnancy chances for orcs and elves."

Kevin bit his lip and gave Mattie an apologetic shrug "Well...I mean...this means their keeping you alive right? You still might be able to level up and get our bodies somehow...".

Mattie narrowed her blue eyes at the boy and cursed in elvish under her breath "You know what? If I get out of this I'm leaving you two for dead, and the next characters you write up should be girls!"

Seth elbowed Kevin hard in the ribs and mouthed the words 'shut up!' but Mattie rolled her eyes and stood up from the table with a sigh "I'm getting more pizza.". Then, turning to Billy with that 'gotta be nice to the game master' smile on her face said "Can we fast forward to um...to the first opportunity to escape?".

Billy narrowed his eyes and nodded with a sigh, obviously disappointed that he wouldn't be describing every moment of the elven princess's violation. Matilda crossed Billy's well furnished gaming basement to pull a couple more slices of meat lovers pizza from the open box on the counter.

Though Matilda and Zoey were only ten months apart in age, the elder Conners daughter had missed out on the 'adorable forest nymph' gene the younger flaunted without care. What frustrated Mattie even more was how Zoey played up the innocent little girl act whenever it suited her and groaned about not being taken seriously the rest of the time.

Physically, Matilda was the opposite of her sister and the elven princess she'd created for her fantasy adventures. With a round rump, soft belly and heavy breasts that strained the comfort bra she wore under her sweater, her genetics leaned towards their mother's side of the family. She didn't even get a few extra inches in height or a face free of freckles to make up for the injustice. Years spent staring at computer screens and reading textbook-sized fantasy novels had ruined her vision and made the embarrassingly large glasses a necessity, making her an even bigger target on the social hunting ground of highschool. Even her friends called her 'Dinkly' after the nerd she resembled on Scooby Doo. She didn't mind that so much, Velma was always her favorite.

When the group of friends got back into their game the Dungeon Master picked things up with Shalia making her escape from the orcish warcamp after being brutally raped 'every day and every night' for three weeks straight. The two boys across the table from Mattie groaned when they learned their characters had long since been eaten and the bones made into war trophies so they would have to write up new ones after all. She only rolled her eyes and cooed sarcastically "Oh you poor boys...". Kevin and Seth shut their mouths, glanced nervously at each other and got to work filling in new character sheets.

The gaming session slowed down to a crawl as the usual back and forth between player and dungeon master regarding new characters took over. Mattie let them negotiate, wandering over to the sofa on the other side of the room and stretching out on it to look at her phone. She could feel Billy and Kevin's eyes wander her way as she stretched out, they never resisted the urge to ogle her chest whenever she laid back like this and Mattie was pretty sure Seth would come out as gay or ace someday. She didn't worry about them trying anything though. Like her they were introverted nerds who lived out their fantasies in role playing games and avoided taking risks in real life.

A string of texts were waiting for her when she switched her phone off silent mode and lit up the screen, most of them from Zoey but also an old fashioned voice message from Mom. She opened the one from Mom first, assuming her little sister had just gotten exited about something trivial and couldn't wait to share it with everyone she knew. "Hey Sweetie. You've probably heard about Sean from your sister so I just wanted to let you know that I'll be home a few days later than planned. Don't hesitate to call or email me if you need to talk ok? I know it's a lot to take in but we're gunna work things out together. I promise. Ok, have fun with your friends Honey. Love you!"

Mattie frowned in confusion and wriggled upward to lean her back against the armrest of the couch, opening up the digital clusterfuck that was Zoey's mass text chain. She scrolled through a long list of nonsensical exclamations and clusters of brightly colored emojis before finding something she could actually piece together. Her twin brother, who Dad had taken with him in the divorce ten years ago, was with mom right now and had promised to visit as soon as possible. Mattie was dumbstruck.

She'd been eight years old when her parents split up. She remembered the crying, the shouting, not knowing why Mom was so unhappy or why Dad hadn't been home in weeks. Matilda and Sean had shielded Zoey from a lot of it, driven by some sibling instinct to protect the innocence she'd somehow maintained longer than they had. Mattie had screamed a lot when Dad took Sean with him, threw tantrums, broke things. She recovered after a while but there was no going back to how things were. She didn't laugh or talk as much, and eventually withdrew even deeper into books and games of fantasy.

The character creation process ran long and the group ended up calling it for the night without getting any more dice rolling in. Mattie packed up her rulebooks, sheets, dice and said her goodbyes before starting the short walk home. She stared at the sidewalk as she marched along, lost in thought. Those pictures Zoey had sent out were a surprise. Apparently their brother inherited Dad's lean masculine handsomeness that had won Mom over in their youth. No telling what he was like as a person, but Mom seemed happy spending time with him so far and she was VERY good at spotting red flags nowadays.

When she got home the house was quiet and the door to her sister's bedroom was closed. 'No family meeting scheduled to discuss recent events' she mused, hauling her heavy bookbag down the hall to her own room and locking the door behind her. Her bedroom was decorated in shades of green with posters depicting a dozen different video games and fantasy shows covering the walls. Her computer desk dominated the room with two large monitors, a complicated looking desk chair and a massive hard drive she'd upgraded herself to play the latest games without so much as a stutter.

It was late and she was tired, but she still hit the power button and stripped down to nothing while the complex system powered up. Her heavy breasts wobbled against her soft body as she landed in the seat, her fingertips racing across the keyboard to log into her favorite MMO. In minutes her avatar strutted into her guild's meeting hall, slender and cute with gorgeous blonde hair and perky tits that stayed high on her chest through the magic of video game physics. A playful smile touched her lips as she blew kisses to her guildmates, flirting heavily and flaunting an armor set that looked more like a cocktail dress.

She'd gained an in-game reputation as a shameless sex pot who happily accepted sacks of gold or rare magic items in exchange for a round of cyber-sex. A few sultry words purred into her microphone to prove she wasn't a fat old man pretending to be a woman was more than enough to get most boys onboard, and it didn't take long to find her guild's leader who had unofficial dibs on her services. Her fingertips flew into motion again, typing out lewd descriptions and whispering playfully into the mic here and there while caressing the freckled slopes of her pale breasts whenever a hand was free.

The guild master was a regular of hers, and she knew just what to do to earn a nice big tip. As her slick warm sex demanded more and more attention she made greater use of the microphone. When she whispered into it she was a different woman, a cute little elf slut, a whore for frustrated adventurers to use as they wanted in exchange for coin. Mattie leaned in close to the mic, her arm bumping her soft breast as she stroked her smooth petals vigorously and moaned for her guild master exactly how he liked "Mmmmmph! Daddy...daddy it's too biiiiiig!".


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