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Copping Mother's Panties

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Law enforcement abuse! My Mother's panties that is!
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My mother and I were coming home from a fancy dinner for my 21st birthday. We had had a few drinks and had played footsy with each other all night. I knew the bright blue nylon panties with the full cotton gusset she was wearing were probably soaked by now and I really needed to hold them under my nose and have a big long sniff. You see, my mother and I have been fooling around for about six months. Ever since the day she came home from work early and found my 20 year old self indulging in several pairs of her dirty panties. I had blown a huge nut in a pair of her silky yellow briefs before I noticed her standing in my bedroom doorway. She was silent for a few moments and then told me how hot it had made her. She then proceeded to lie down on my bed next to me and had me help her get off in the shiny white panties she was wearing. From that moment on I have never wanted for dirty panties to jerk off with. She's the best mom.

Anyway back to my birthday evening. On the drive home from the restaurant, she had started to tease me with dirty talk about the panties she was wearing.

"I bet you can't wait to sniff on these." She said with a knowing smile spreading her legs so that her skirt rode up to her waist, exposing her panty covered mound to my seeking eyes.

"No," I said, "I don't think I can wait till we get home. Can I have a little sniff now?"

"Well," she said teasingly. "Since it is your birthday, I won't make you wait."

With that, she lifted her hips off the seat and slowly pulled her panties down her wonderfully muscled legs and dangled them in front of me by a finger. She rubbed them across my face and then held the soaked gusset open in the palm of her hand and brought it up to my waiting nose. I inhaled deeply and for a moment closed my eyes in ecstasy. My eyes were shut for maybe 10 seconds, but it was enough for me to start a slow swerve toward the shoulder. When I realized what I was doing I quickly corrected my steering and pulled quickly back into the lane.

All of a sudden the car traveling behind us came up on my bumper and then the red cherry lights came on. We were being pulled over by a cop that had been tailing us since we left the restaurant. I, of course, didn't know it was a cop until this very moment and now pulled gently off onto the shoulder as my mother tucked her panties under her leg and we both waited for the officer to approach the car.

As I looked in the review I could see him in the dim light of the street lights grab his hat and put it on. Then he opened his door and stepped out. I immediately notice how large the man was. Well over 6ft tall and incredibly muscular. The closer he got the more it looked like the uniform he was wearing was painted on. That's how tight it was. Because of the poor lighting, I had not noticed until he was at my open window, and leaning in to ask for my license and registration that he was also black.

As I handed my documents over he asked in a deep soft voice, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Yes sir," I said, being as polite as possible. "I swerved a bit back there and must have crossed on to the shoulder."

"Yes, son, you did." He said in that deep voice that I could feel rumble in my chest. "Were you drinking this evening?"

"Just a few drinks with dinner sir," I said. Quickly adding, "My mother took me out for my birthday to celebrate but I didn't have that much. I feel fine."

"Yes officer," my mother added. "He only had a couple of drinks with dinner and has been a perfect gentleman all night."

"If its not alcohol," he said leaning in the window so that his handsome black face was only inches from my own, "why did you swerve off the road back there?"

I thought for a minute and the decided to go for broke. I took a deep breath and said with a small shaky voice, "My mother was holding her dirty panties under my nose so I could smell how wet she was and the aroma was so intense I just had to close my eyes to relish in her musky womaness."

He held me with his intense gaze and then reached out his hand and said, "I'll be the judge of that." He wiggled his fingers as if wanting something and then said, "I said, I'll be the judge of that," reaching further into the car.

I looked at my mother who shrugged as if to say "I don't know" when I realized what he wanted.

"Mom," I said sheepishly, "I think he wants your dirty panties."

My Mother looked at me in open eyed amazement but reached for the blue panties she had stashed under her leg. She trepidaciously held them out to the officer and he gingerly took them from her open hand. He stood up so I could no longer see his face but had a straight on view of the giant lump that was expanding in his already too tight uniform pants. I heard him take a long deep inhale and knew he was sniffing the large wet spot that my mother had left in those sexy dirty panties. He sniffed again and I could see the lump in his pants grow even bigger.

My mother had, by now, leaned over on me so that she could better see what was happening. With a shaky hand, she reached out the window and cupped the ever growing bulge with it. The cop moaned and took another sniff.

"Unzip me and pull it out." He said in that deep voice that was now thick with lust.

My mother obliged and slowly pulled his zipper down revealing a very large hard red nylon encased cock that we could actually see throbbing, even in the dim light from the dash and the surrounding street lights. She then proceeded to drag her long painted fingernails up and down the tick shaft as it pressed against his over stretched underwear. She teased and tickled the crown of his cock making the lemon sized head leak a large dollop of precum through the sexy material. The cop groaned again and took another long pull of my mother's dirty panties.

"Take it all the way out." He said, barely audible with the traffic passing by.

My mother reached into his now open fly with one hand and pulled the waistband of his underwear out and then down with the other, pulling the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life out into the night air sticking into the window fractions from my open mouthed gaze. She tucked the waistband under his immensely swollen nuts and then stroked the 11 inch shaft a few times pulling it up to its full swollen length. It looked incredibly huge in the tiny palm of my mother's little white hand. She squeezed the base and another large drop of precum pushed its way out and then dropped to the back of my hand leaving a long string attaching us.

She scooped it up with a finger and popped it into her mouth cooing, "It taste so sweet and thick, try some!" And with that, she used the giant cock like lipstick and smeared the huge dripping head all over my astonished lips. My mother leaned forward and began licking the warm thick liquid from my mouth. I kissed her long and deep as the cop began stroking himself right at our joined lips. He squeezed his enormous cock from the base to the tip and another large crystal of precum burbled out of the piss slit and landed on my and my mother's entwined tongues. I couldn't believe that I actually didn't mind the taste and sucking it from my mother's darting tongue made it all the more intoxicating.

I heard the cop take another big sniff on the panties then he brought them down into view and wrapped them around his steely rigidness so that the head of his cock was completely encased in my mother's dirty wet gusset. The head was so large that her panty crotch barely covered it. It was still leaking profusely and he was now making the wet spot my mother had left in them even larger. He was leaking so much and her panties were so wet that the crotch clung to his head making them almost transparent. Even as he increased his speed the panties stayed glued to the head of his wildly throbbing cock.

My mother stopped kissing me and stared at his stiff cock and pumping hand as if she were mesmerized. She reached out and began teasing and tickling his immense smooth nuts which were practically jumping in her hand. Her red nails and white skin against his dark skin made it even more thrilling. The more she teased the faster he pumped. He began to moan as he sped up his hand. The cop leaned closer and his entire cock and stroking fist were so close I could feel the heat from his head on my lips. Every time he pumped forward the tip of his cock just barley brushed against my precum slicked lips.

His moaning increased and his hand was a blur of blue nylon around his large black cock.

"I think he's getting close." My mother said, raking her nails across the stretched and sensitive skin of his overly swollen balls. She reached behind his nuts and began to tickle his taint and I saw his nuts bunch up in their sack.

I heard him grunt "gonna cum" as he suddenly stopped his stroking pulling his tightened fist down all the way to the base making my mother's panties stretch to the bursting point around his gigantic member. He pushed the head of his dripping panty covered cock into my surprised mouth as my mother yanked down on his ready balls. It was almost too big but he pushed again and the entire head filled my mouth moments before he let loose with a huge wad of scalding cum which pushed its way through my mother's dripping gusset and filled my mouth to overflowing making my cheeks bulge out. A second volley of cum shot out almost as big as the first and I could no longer contain it in my mouth and it burst from the sides gushing down my chin drenching the front of my suit jacket. A third smaller but still hefty spray of his molten cock snot ripped through my mother's panties again just as I was trying to catch my breath and I gagged on the huge puddle of his cum that had formed at the back of my throat. I couldn't hold his swollen cock head in my mouth anymore and coughed it out still spewing through my mother's devastated panties. The last three or four diminished but abundant shots drenched my already glazed mouth and chin as he slowly and lovingly rubbed his softening prick all over my upturned face.

My mother let go of his deflated balls and turned to me and said. "I want a taste too, don't move." And she proceeded to lick every large gooey string of his black baby batter from my face and neck. When her mouth was full, she leaned over and kissed me full mouthed so we could both languish in the tangy salty taste of the cop's huge thick load.

"Put them on." The cop said as he leaned into the window with a big shitty grin on his face and handed my mother's much abused panties back to her.

She held them up in front of me and I could see that they were just dripping with his viscous fluids. Big clumps of his thick white choad clung to the drenched gusset. She rubbed them under my nose and I could smell her scent as well as the cop's wafting off the destroyed undergarment. As I leaned in for a longer harder sniff she suddenly jerked them away from wagging a finger and leaning over and stepping back into the panties pulling them up her shapely legs. As she lifted he rear end and pulled her panties up into place she reached down and pushed the soaked crotch into her dripping pussy.

"You'll get these at home." She said with a sly smile, grabbing my incredibly hard prick through my straining dress slacks, knowing exactly what was going to happen when we arrived there. She lazily twirled her fingernail over the wet spot I had created from my own leaking and it was all I could do not to shoot off then and there but I knew my mother had other plans for my stiff as steel cock

As the cop was stuffing his still softening member back into his little red bikinis and zipping up his fly, he chuckled and said, "You were right son. Couldn't nobody resist the way your momma makes her panties smell. I guess your little swerve back there was justified. Be more careful next time or you might not be so lucky." He winked and that shitty grin appeared again. "Let's just call this a warning, but if I catch you again I might just have to give you a bigger one."

"Bigger? How much bigger could it get?" I thought as I swallowed the last remnants of his giant load.

"Now remember to buckle up and keep your eyes on the road." He said as he tapped the roof and headed back to his patrol car. I saw him get in and take off his hat and then start his car. I put our car in drive and pulled out onto the road. He turned off his lights and pulled out behind us.

My mother looked at me with a devilish grin and grabbed the steering wheel jerking hard causing me to swerve to the shoulder again.

"What the...!?!" I said as the cop turned his lights on and hit his siren.

My mother brought her dripping fingers which had still been working her dripping pussy to my mouth and stuffed her fingers in so I could taste her and our cop friend's essence.

"Looks like we'll need a bigger warning." she said "and probably a police escort to the house, don't you think?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

damm that was hot!!! can you please continue this story?? I'd love to read a part 2 of this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
When we finally got home alone together, the best was yet to cum!

when we got home I wanted my mom, but I wanted her in bed, so I led her back to her bedroom. I was already naked, and hard, when mom got down to her bra and panties. She had a big mirror on her dresser near her bed, and I walked her over in front of it. I unhooked her bra, revealing her orange sized tits to my hungry eyes. I leaned her forward putting her hands down on the top of the dresser. I pulled her panties down to her feet, then I spread her legs out with my legs. Mom looked at me in the reflection of the mirror. I moved the head of my hard cock down the crack of her ass until I felt her wetness. I thrust upward, easily entering her wet pussy. I continued my hard upward motion, I could feel the head of my cock rubbing against the ribs of her G-spot. Her nipples hard, I watched her tits swing as my pelvis slammed against her ass. I leaned down until my chest was against her back, and began planting small kisses on each side of her neck. I looked at my mom's lustful face in the mirror, as I reached around to cup, and fondle her tits. I was full of desire as I began pounding into her pussy faster. I moved my hands to my mom's waste and watched her tits swing freely as I continued my battering. Her face had that of both pleasure, and pain, as my thrusting was causing a smacking noise from our skin. Mom's moans were constant, her mouth in the shape of the letter O, as her orgasm hit. My cock was a blur, as I exploded what seemed like a months worth of cum into my mother. We were breathing hard, our body's convulsing from the intensity of our climaxes!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Super hot!!! One of the hottest stories ever. I had a long term sexual relationship with my Mom. It started with me jerking off to smelling her panties. More!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This is by far the hottest story I have ever read.

I refrained myself from cumming because I was enjoying it so much I didn't want the horny feeling to go away, and plus, the main character didn't cum as well, which was extra hot. Please write a sequel with the cop, mother and the min character having a threesome and don't let the main character cum! Keep him on the edge!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Mmmm... Would like to share that BBC with someone!!!~~~

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