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Corporate Jerk

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A powerful CEO is brought to heel by a bevy of beauties.
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Copyright 2010 by DrDan -- All rights reserved.

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First names are coupled with surnames in this story specifically for dramatic effect. The names were chosen randomly by the author. No references to actual persons in this story, living or dead, is intended.



The fireworks screamed overhead outside, ultimately bursting into a thousand little shards of pure color dancing back to earth in the late twilight sky, the crowd ooohing and ahhhing reverently, almost on cue. I shook my head and chuckled, marveling at how supposed adults could so utterly infatuate themselves with simple explosions and rudimentary middle school chemistry.

Was it really the fourth of July? And was I really spending the holiday in my office poring over spreadsheets, crunching numbers and creating budgets instead of barbecueing hot dogs and spending time with family and friends? Of course it was true. Holiday or not, work needed to be done. I had attained the position of chief financial officer of the multinational Zorex corporation at the young age of 35 for a reason, and part of that reason was my willingness to buckle down and do whatever it took to get the company on a sound financial footing. I sighed audibly at the distractions as another round of fireworks broke the silence. Since I needed to be productive, I rose from my desk to close the window.

After taking one last look outside, shaking my head and sliding the window shut, I stretched and rubbed my temples, returning to my chair, nursing the dull headache that had been developing during the course of my work. I barely noticed my own hand being replaced by another softer, gentler hand, at least at first. But soon I jerked back a bit as a pretty, young familiar female face came into focus.

It was Denise Dye, my college intern. One of the perks of my job was the discretion to pick and choose the interns I wanted to mentor based upon their qualifications for eventual success, and it coincidentally always seemed to me that the youngest and prettiest females were the best candidates. And Denise was one of the most attractive, highly intelligent young women I'd ever had the pleasure of working with. She was 19 years old, stood about 5'10" tall, blessed with a perfectly proportioned, athletic body, pendulous breasts and dark wavy hair. I smiled as she touched my temples, her fingertips applying the perfect amount of pressure to cause the abatement of my headache. There was the faint scent of alcohol on her breath, although it was not overwhelming.

"Ahhh, yes. That's it, right there. Thank you." She continued to rub and smile as I seated myself back in my chair. As I did so, Denise moved behind me and rubbed my shoulders and neck. I looked up at her, chuckling softly.

"What are you doing here anyway? This office is for workaholic men without a life. Get out there and enjoy yourself, for chrissakes." She continued to rub and giggled just a bit as I leaned my head back.

"You don't like my massages? She already knew the answer to that, and applied vigorous, sensual pressure on exactly the right spot to relax me for emphasis. For the first time I looked up and saw that she was dressed in a thigh high miniskirt, tennis shoes, and a white T-shirt with a greek letterhead on it, presumably from a sorority. It wasn't the business attire I was used to seeing her wear, but somehow it seemed to fit her all the better, hugging her body tightly, showing off all her curves, making her look voluptuously beautiful without making her look slutty.

"Now did I say that?" I chuckled, leaning back into her busy little fingertips with eyes partially closed, barely noticing as five other women, dressed in a similar manner, padded almost silently into the room. I could sense their presence and feel their warmth as Denise finished her light massage, tapping me softly on the forehead, as if telling me to open my eyes. I did instinctively, feeling some sexual tension as they congregated about me. They were all wearing the same outfit as Denise, the same skirt, shoes, and white T-shirt. I quickly sat up in my chair, partly to acknowledge them properly, partly to disguise my own thickening crotch. Judging from the soft giggles that one girl failed to suppress, my efforts to do so were not entirely successful.

They were all young. They were all beautiful. Two were blonde. Two had dark raven hair. One was a redhead. All were caucasian except for a petite asian woman, perhaps the most attractive of the bunch. I had a budget to get done and an impending deadline to submit it to my superiors, and suddenly I was surrounded by six of the most fetching young women I had ever seen. I took a deep breath and looked around. Two blondes stood on either side of me. One of the dark haired women and the redhead stood in front of me apart, flanking me, each on the very edge of my peripheral vision. The asian woman stood directly in front of me. Denise remained behind me. I managed a smile.

"So... it looks like you uh, brought some of your sorority sisters with you. Is that it?" Denise giggled softly, stroking my neckline where it met my back.

"Well... yes, a few. These are my sisters in the Beta Omicron Psy sorority." she pointed them out, introducing them one by one. "The woman on your left is Jackie, she is a premed student. Tina on your right is studying to be a photojournalist. She was a finalist for last year's olympic team." She continued, motioning to the redhead. "Sage here is studying biochemistry and genetics. April, to her left, is studying business and economics." Finally she pointed to the asian woman in the middle. "And Tamiko is a law student, who also excels in music. She has a wonderful singing voice." I smiled and nodded to each of them, shifting my weight in my chair in order to hide my waxing erection. Denise paused for a moment, then spoke again.

"Actually, Daniel, I have a favor to ask of you if you don't mind. It's uh... for school." They all smiled suddenly, a few giggled. The asian woman had a noticeable smirk on her face. I looked around nervously for a moment.

"Well uh... you-- you wish to interview me for one of your business classes. Is that it? Well, I am rather busy right now but... I suppose I could spare... a few moments." The women seemed to close ranks, approaching just a bit closer. The entire situation seemed eerie, sexually charged. I was oddly excited and uncomfortable. I knew something was up. I had not the foggiest idea what it was. I broke the tension, gesticulating with my hands a little bit in my chair. "Well, go ahead now. Someone ask me the first question and I will try to answer it as best as I can."

The women were silent. Completely dead silent for a moment, then almost simultaneously burst out in laughter. Finally the redhead shook her head, looking at her watch, exhaling in a petulant manner.. "come on, let's do this. I have a date." THe room was silent again. Suddenly, i began to feel a bit more nervous, noticing the women's faces beginning to steel into a businesslike resolve. Denise edged closer, whispering into my ear."

"Daniel," she said.. "Have you ever been splashed?"

I looked back at her, noticed an odd, mischevious glow in her blue eyes I'd not seen before. "Splashed? Whatever are you talking about?" She ran a single fingertip across my face and forehead, down my nose, to my lips as she continued.

"Well..." she barely whispered, softly, seductively. "... you see, we are sorority pledges. In order to become full members, we have to find an important man and splash him." She held out a small, empty test tube with a cork stuck in the top of it. "And we need proof, too."

"What does this mean, splashed? You know, girls, I am a busy man, and I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time to spend trading riddles with young inebriated females.." I began to get up, but Denise put a strong arm around my shoulders, holding me down. Sage, the impatient redheaded girl, piped up abruptly.

"It means that we're going to jerk you off and make you cum like you've never cum before." She grinned from ear to ear. Denise exhaled impatiently, as though she'd been unnecessarily crude and had revealed critical information prematurely. The other girls giggled uncontrollably. I was taken aback for a moment, then collected myself.

"All right, girls. You need to leave my office at once. Denise, we will talk about this incident in the morning, but for now, please go sober up and let me get back to---" I began to rise again in my chair. Denise tried to hold me back again, but I was insistent this time. She motioned to the two girls on either side of me, and they immediately grabbed my arms simultaneously, holding them out perpendicular to my body.

As I started to protest, the two women on either side of my legs grabbed and pulled them outward, at the same time pulling me off the chair and onto the floor with surprising ease, stretching me out as far as was humanely possible. I felt the strain in my limbs as each of the girls concentrated on pinning down the body part she was responsible for. The women at my arms sat on my elbows, locking my hands with theirs and holding them onto the floor. The women at my legs did the same thing, sitting on my shins and stroking gently under my kneecap. I squirmed and fought violently, muttering obscenities, demanding my release, demanding that they get out.. to no avail. I could not free myself. Even though I was a strong man who worked out regularly, I simply did not have the leverage to counteract the women's well planned attack.

After I had been securely pinned and was unable to move, Denise knelt down by my shoulder, spreading her legs to cradle my head lightly between her thighs, reaching down to stroke my face and neck, her pendulous breasts hovering mere inches from my face, whispering.. "just relax, baby. Just enjoy yourself and stop fighting us."

"Get-get OFF of me! Let me go!! I will call security and have you removed! I WILL press charges if you do not release me at once and leave the premises!" Sage, who had my left leg, whacked my kneecap painfully.

"Shut up, you fucking fag drama queen!" Denise looked at her, visibly irritated, smirking just a bit.

"Ssssh... that's not necessary, Sage. Let's get started."

Tamiko, who had been patiently waiting for the other women to inflict total helplessness on me, moved in, concentrating on my crotch. She took the test tube, laying it down by my hip, then began to sing. Her melodic voice was high pitched with an angelic quality to it, the words utterly unintelligible. She pulled out a feminine little knife, pink handled and encrusted with little yellow flowers, which looked like a tiny letter opener, and laid it down on my thigh. She stroked my cock under my pants while she lifted her head to the sky, singing, stroking. The other girls joined in after a bit, one by one singing softly, angelically, clapping their hands as the tempo increased. Denise squeezed my head, stroking my hair and temples. I was helpless, unable to move, resistance ebbing considerably.

After a time, Tamiko picked up the knife and held it daintily, eyes seemingly glasing over. As the girls picked up the rhythm, she began to slice into my expensive slacks, cutting a long slit from the waist down to the top of my thigh, then over, around the zipper, until she'd cut out a large enough area to fully expose my cock and balls. Continuing, she sliced apart my underwear, cutting it apart and pulling it out piecemeal, until she had removed it entirely. I now lay helplessly, a huge hole in my pants, the cool breeze kissing my engorged cock, the women's rhythmic singing and clapping coupled with Denise's scent as she engulfed me with her breasts and thighs taking me to almost a trancelike state.

I felt a dollop of liquid with a syrupy sort of viscosity being applied to the tip of my cock, trickling down the sides. Not sticky like syrup, slippery and warm it travelled, coaxed along by the skilled palm and fingertips of a female hand, the substance causing my sensitive skin to tingle and then glow warm. I was in a daze, utterly unable to resist, lying weak and compliant as she worked the substance around my cock, delicate fingertips dancing in circles, allowing it to trickle little droplets onto my balls, then stroking up and down rhythmically, Denise's breasts engulfing my face as their melodious voices filled the room. Held securely, unable to move a millimeter, at this point not even trying, just twitching a little in response to the pleasurable sensations rippling through my body. So totally aroused, exquisitely helpless, being pumped hard, yet for some reason unable to climax, at least not yet. I became aware of something.... something being held under the tip of my cock. Something like a cup, or maybe it was that test tube, something cool, made of a substance like glass or a soft metal, pressed hard, stroking hard, voices melodious, tempo increasing as she whipped my cock and slapped my balls. The singing, coming to a creschendo, just as the whispers started.

"Cum" the voice said. It was Denise, mouth close to my ear, whispering to me as her breasts dominated my senses of sight and smell. "Cum" another voice said, a little louder. It was Tamiko, the woman stroking my cock, more of a command than a suggestion. Then other voices.. all repeating the same thing in unison.. clapping their hands..."Cum.. cum... cum.. cum..."

I came.

Jerking violently as a hot rope of seed spilled from my gonad into the test tube, where the women captured it. Oddly enough, my climax was exactly synchronized with the grand finale of the fireworks display outside, the light from which I barely saw flickering past my eyelids, the explosives pop-pop-pop-popping in my ear. I wrenched as the girls held me down hard, breasts pressed into my face, Denise holding onto me, rocking me just a little bit, her body language telling me that it was all right, I had obeyed them, they had gotten what they came for and now they were going to take care of me. I felt her move. Breasts leaving my face, yet her body was contorted in such a manner that I did not see the other girls. I did not see anything as she slid down, slipping my head between her legs as Tamiko squeezed the last droplets from my penis, settling on my face.. hot and wet. Instinctively I began to lick and suckle, flicking my tongue, then taking her clitoris between my lips, sucking hard as she moaned, her juices trickling down my face, lightly at first, then erupting in a searing climax, flooding my face with her secretions, as though marking her territory. Sage grew impatient.

"Neesie, that wasn't part of the plan! Get off of him and let's go."

"Just taking what's mine. What's the matter, are you jealous?" She quickly moved to another orgasm, her essence dripping down inside my hair.

"You horny little whore!" Sage growled, then pulled Denise off my still supine and quite helpless body. I blinked my eyes several times, still too groggy to make much sense of anything. Tamiko whispered something to Denise, who whispered something back. The women were clearly arguing, hurriedly preparing to leave. The rest of the girls released my arms and legs one at a time, then scurried out of the room, leaving me supine on my own office floor. They were gone.

I felt the strength returning to my limbs as the cool night air danced across my exposed cock. I looked down, then cursed as I realized they'd left a huge hole in my pants and stolen my underwear to boot. I rummaged through the office looking for something to cover myself with, finding only a bath towel apparently left as a calling card of sorts by the women. It was barely big enough to cover my waist. It had been left next to me by the floor. It was pink and decorated with a repeating pattern consisting of the female symbol of Venus and a feminine rose background. The pattern was repeated on both sides of the towel, so that I had no choice but to expose it. I wrapped myself in the towel, then left the office for home, hardly in a frame of mind to finish the budget.

Denise did not come to work the next day, an event I had expected. I quietly informed the school's business program that I required another intern for the remainder of the term. For the first time since my participation in the program, I finished out the summer with a young male assistant.



"This is wrong, Daniel! It is wrong, wrong WRONG!!" Camilla McCarty banged her tiny fist against the surface of my desk as I watched indifferently. She was going off on one of her petulant little tirades about human justice and equality again. I sighed heavily, then spoke slowly as though explaining something basic to someone very naive. Her eyes were on fire as my mouth formed the words.

"Look.. Cami. It's just not up to me to provide employment for the whole world. We are facing unprecedented losses next fiscal quarter if we don't take some drastic measures. The world economy is tanking right now. Whose fault is that? Certainly not mine." Cami screwed her face up.

"Closing the plant and moving the entire manufacturing operation to Indonesia and Bangladesh is NOT the answer to our problems!" I looked at her, genuinely puzzled. She was a petite woman, blonde with longish hair cascading past her shoulders with a tiny, compact, perfectly tanned athletic body to boot. Being CEO of the Zorex corporation had its perks. I had the freedom and the resources to hire a young, beautiful, brilliant personal assistant fresh from law school, then pay her twice the customary entry level salary for someone with her qualifications to boot. She was a damned liberal who disagreed with me at pretty much every turn, but I rather enjoyed that. It kept my mind sharp and my constant schooling of her wrongheaded views provided some entertainment in this otherwise dreary office.

"Why not? Do you have any idea how much money that will save us? Just think.. I won't have to pay salaries, insurance, won't have to worry about compliance with a myriad of nuisance government regulations involving safety and environmental issues. It will raise our standing in the global economy, and it will beef up the balance sheets considerably. The shareholders will love us!" Camilla had her head down. I could see her scowling although a mere sliver of her pretty face was visible.

"What about those workers over there? Huh?? What about them? Zorex has been a part of this community for fifty years! Generations of families have worked here, grown old here, been loyal and given their all to help you meet your goals all this time. And now you are going to reward those people by closing this plant and sending their jobs overseas in the blink of an eye?" I sighed heavily.

"No.. no not the blink of an eye. They'll get thirty days notice. They'll get a weeks' severance for every year they worked here, up to a maximum of five weeks."

"This is just awful! I can't imagine.... I mean...there are more important things in this world than money and power! Men-men like YOU just don't get it! That's why we're in the mess that we're in today!" She was spluttering with fury, spouting generalizations, trying to find the right words. I knew she both despised and respected me. "You-you are a member of this community! Making money in the short term does not trump those ties! Zorex is the largest employer in town. It is the largest customer of some of the local businesses! Closing this plant will devastate this community while you live in that goddamned mansion on the hill pulling your 33 million dollar annual salary!"

"That's not just salary, it's total compensation" I suddenly snapped. I didn't like talking about my personal income, which was exactly why she liked to bring it up whenever we fought. She liked To push my buttons. I simmered for a moment, then just shrugged. "The community will be okay. The workers will find other jobs.. eventually. It is their responsibility to reinvent themselves and carve out their own living. It is not my responsibility to take care of them from cradle to grave. I need to do what is right for the health of this company, and I will lay off every stateside worker if I have to in order to achieve that goal." I smiled at her. "Except for you, of course. You're just too goddamned pretty."

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