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Could You Be Mine?


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"RJ, were you dating robots?"

She laughed, "No, I've been trying to figure this out, actually, and the biggest difference is that no one set me up with you. Honestly, I've been so reluctant to date that most of the dates I've gone on have been set ups. They always felt forced. And then inevitably, either the person ended up liking me more than I liked them, and we would break up... or we would decide that we didn't like each other, and then we would go our separate ways... or there'd be this initial attraction that would wear off..."

"RJ, you don't suck at relationships. You suck at blind dates. Two totally different things."

RJ nodded, "Yes! I guess I do!" Oh there's that smile again. And now there's a thatch of hair that's fallen over her eyes. So dreamy...

I lightly brushed the hair out of the way, "I'm glad you like me back."

"I used to feel trapped, when I felt that someone liked me more than I liked them," RJ grimaced, "It made me want to just end things. And I usually did. But with you, before I knew how you felt, I was the one pining after you. It made me feel bad about how I behaved in the past. Unrequited feelings are hard to handle... as I have come to learn."

RJ rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, "Last night, at the bar, when I found out about Keith, I felt so sad. And then I felt this deep urge to tell you how I felt. But I didn't know how. So I just blurted it all out to Mona."

"So that's what you guys were talking about."

RJ nodded. She started grazing her fingers up and down my arm. It was the most mesmerizing thing ever.

"I told Mona that I was drawn to you," I confessed, "She told me to be careful. That you, uh, don't like getting personal."

"It's fair. But when I told Mona I wanted to tell you about my feelings for you, she realized I wasn't kidding around. So she hinted that you might be interested. I was skeptical, because it didn't track with what Ian said. Anyway - then you know, you totally surprised me."

I just looked at her, running my eyes all over her face, "You totally surprised me, too. Although, RJ, I must say, I kind of wish you didn't have to do that thing for Mona last night."

RJ laughed, "Me too. But it wasn't a thing I had to do. It was a promise. She made me promise - before I left the bar with you - that I would take it slow. That I wouldn't just seduce you and jump into bed. You spraining your ankle's kind of perpetuating the theme..."

"I wanted to jump into bed with you last night. I'm pretty annoyed at the current situation," I placed her hand on my breast. It felt divine.

RJ lifted an eyebrow, "Ellie, you can't even roll over without screaming in pain."

"True, but it doesn't hurt to let you know."

RJ folded me into her arms and whispered in my ear, "Oh the things we're going to do together..."

The door banged open again and Ian came striding back in.

"Hello lovebirds," he trilled as he held up a large brown paper bag, "How much do you adore me?"

"Normally, I adore you a lot, but you're in the penalty box tonight, Bishop. And, new rules, you need to knock before you come into my room from now on."

"Fine. Here. I picked up some tacos!"

RJ took the proffered bag, and looked inside, "How did you know what I would like??"

Ian grinned wickedly, "Oh, Lauren's given me a blow by blow of practically every minute that she's spent with you, so I think I have enough of your personal data such that I can pretty much steal your identity and run off with all the money in your savings account if I wanted to."

I covered my head with the blanket. After coaxing me back out and apologizing to RJ (again), Ian handed me my food and the three of us plowed through the meal. I didn't realize how hungry I was. Not long after, I felt myself starting to doze off. I heard Ian and RJ cleaning up, but I couldn't keep my eyes open.

The next thing I knew, RJ was brushing her lips with mine. "Good night," she said softly.

"I was hoping you'd stay," I protested.

"I want to, but I fly out tomorrow first thing." That woke me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "What?"

"Mona's been wanting me to meet a handful of clients in Asia for a while now. I kept putting it off because I didn't want to be gone while you were still at the firm. But I can't delay any more. Two of them are pharma companies and it would be a coup if we got them to engage us as their bank."

"This is a client team thing. Why you?"

"Because of my background and I speak the language, so it's easier."

"You speak Mandarin?"

RJ nodded, "My dad and I speak in Mandarin. It's come in handy for work."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Two weeks. I also need to stop off in San Francisco on the way back. I finally sold my house there and I have to close that deal up. I'm sorry Ellie."

Maybe it was the exhaustion, but my eyes teared up. I hated being so weepy, so I tried to blink them away.

"Shhh, it's okay. I don't want to go either," RJ whispered. I saw her eyes were moist, too.

I grabbed her shirt and pulled her in for a deep kiss. "Hurry back."

Chapter 6: High Heat (Three Weeks Later)

"Everything looks like it's in good shape," Dr. O'Donnell shook my hand, "Put the boot back on if you feel any instability but use the brace for at least another three weeks. Do your exercises and you should be fine."

"I can walk on this though, right?" I'd been gingerly walking around. The ankle brace was so much better than the boot. Lighter, smaller, and I could move my leg without bulldozing everything in sight.

"IN MODERATION," Dr. O'Donnell said sternly.

"Okay. Okay. I got it."

She shot me a look. I held my hand up, "I promise. No monkey business and I will do my exercises. I promise."

I hobbled out and caught a taxi. When I got home, I shouted a quick 'hello' to Ian and went straight to bed. I rolled around...no pain. I moved my legs up and down... no pain. I sat up and shifted my weight... no pain.

I called RJ immediately.

"Winchester Brown; Rowan Kan's office."

"Hey is this Denise? It's Lauren!"

"Hey girl! We miss you around here."

"Thanks - I miss you guys too. Is RJ around?"

"No, honey, she's in a meeting with Mona. She's been in back-to-back meetings since she got in from the airport this morning, do you want me leave her a message?"

RJ took the red-eye back from SFO and went straight to the office. Our time apart has been torture even though we talked every day. We skirted around phone sex multiple times, but both agreed we would hold off. Tonight was the night, but I was done waiting. I wanted her. Now.

"Uh, actually, can you please patch me through to Mona's office?"

"Sure, please hold."

I felt my heart speed up as the call was transferred. I couldn't wait to hear her voice. She'd called me from the cab this morning and given me her schedule for the day, so I knew her meeting with Mona was about to end. She had two other meetings coming up, but I wanted to see if I could convince her to postpone those in order to leave work early and come ravish me.

"Hi Lauren!" Mona said cheerfully. I could tell she had me on speaker.

"Hey Mona!"

"Everything okay?"

"Yup, can I just speak to RJ for a quick sec?"

"Of course!" Mona handed RJ the phone.

"Hi Ellie," RJ's voice was heaven.

"Am I off speaker?"

"Uh, yes, you are. You okay?"

"Mm-hmmm. I have three things for you. You ready?"


"First: Do you still have my apartment keys?"

"Yes, why-"

"Good. The second thing is, the doctor says I am officially boot-free; I just got home from seeing her."

"Hey! That's great, what's-"

"And the third thing is, I'm ready to have sex now."

I grinned when I heard her gasp.

"RJ? You still there?"

"Uh, yes am. I mean, yes, I am."


"Uh, I agree with what you said, I get what you mean."

I grinned wider, "So you'll come over now?"

"You bet."

"Bye RJ..." I dropped the call and screamed.

I immediately shouted out, "EEEEEEEEE-AN!!"

He shouted back, "What??!!"

I shuffled over to his room and poked my head in, "RJ's coming over now. What are you doing?"

Ian smiled, "Oh, that's great. I've no plans. Don't have to be at work until four."

"Ian, sweetie, RJ's coming over," I wiggled my eyebrows, "Are you sure you don't have any plans?"

I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"Oh right," Ian grinned, "I'm going to the gym and I'll go straight to work from there."

"I love you."

Ian grabbed his gym bag and keys, "No sex in my kitchen or my bedroom."


I guesstimated that it would take RJ roughly thirty minutes to get to my place. I took a shower, dried off, and got back onto my bed. Not long after, I heard the front door open and RJ's footsteps approach my room.

"Hi," I said quietly when RJ walked in. I watched her eyes roam hungrily over my nakedness. When her gaze swept over my sex, I opened my legs slightly.

RJ was on top of me in a flash and I wrapped myself around her. But then I remembered the part about her having to be naked too and started popping open the buttons of her shirt. I couldn't get to her pants because she was grinding into me and I lost control of my limbs for I don't know how long. I yelled out with pleasure when her lips found my nipple and she was saying things as she did things to me and I think I just started screaming. I've never been a screamer, but I was basically at her mercy. Her tongue was a wonder all on its own; with every lick, every thrust, RJ was creating high-octane waves of rapture I'd never experienced before. I felt her tongue trail a warm, wet path downwards, and when she took me in her mouth, I stepped into the beginning of a climax that stripped me of reason.

RJ kept going, and I just kept coming.

I never thought of having sex as being sexy in and of itself, but sex with RJ was sexy. It made me feel sexy. She was sexy. She was touching me everywhere. She was licking me, oh my god, the licking. I didn't know it could be like that. I didn't know I had so many places that liked to be licked. It was like her tongue was saying, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" and holy shit I was coming so hard.

Aftershocks were pulsing through me and when I looked at RJ, she was still making love to me with her eyes. It was just about enough to make me come again, but I had other pleasures to attend to. Her shirt was open and I - at last - could see what I'd been fantasizing about for months. I swept the shirt off her shoulders and ran my fingers up her arms, skipped them lightly over her collarbone, and my hands met over her chest. Her breasts fit my palms perfectly, and I delighted in how hard I made her nipples. I raked my fingers over her stomach and stopped when they reached the waistband of her pants.

We held each other's gaze as I undid her pants... as I pushed her backwards onto the bed... as I pulled down her underwear... and as I thrust my fingers into her. She bit her bottom lip as her hips met my thrusts. I loved possessing her like this, but I knew there was more. I lowered my lips and tasted her, and I knew I would be addicted for the rest of my life. I had a brief moment of self-doubt, wondering if I had the prowess to do to her what she did to me, but I pushed it aside, in favor of realizing the full force of my desire for her. My mouth devoured her as I tuned into her moans and thrusts. My fingers explored the depths of her nerve-endings and I memorized all the good spots. I knew they were good spots because RJ had her fingers buried in my hair and I felt her release flood my lips and tongue.

"Fuck!" RJ panted, "Fu-u-u-ck!"

I scooted back up her body, kissing as much of her skin as I could. We kissed again, slower this time, but for longer.

"Was that okay?" I asked, hoping my efforts did not betray my inexperience.

RJ nodded, "Oh yeah. That was okay... more than okay. Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

Those words did wonders to my ego, "RJ, if I'd known how good doing that would feel, I'd have come onto you months ago. I want more."

I was craving her again. I whimpered as I pressed my hips into her, and her fingers - those strong, straight fingers that I'd been staring at - were inside me, twisting and pushing. My kisses escalated in urgency as she brought me to the brink, until finally I buried my face in her neck, my hands gripping her shoulders as she rocked me with another orgasm.

I lay there, on top of her, recovering.

"Okay, holy shit," I sighed, "Gay sex is, like, totally awesome."

"There's more to gay sex than what we just did..." RJ wiggled her eyebrows.

I sat up, intrigued. I blushed when I saw RJ's eyes latch onto my breasts, which had done a little dance as I moved.

"Like what you see?" I did a little shimmy.

"Oh yes," RJ murmured.

"You were saying something about more gay sex?" I loved the way she looked at me.

"Mmm, yes," RJ sat up and faced me, "I had a lot of time to think about all the things we could do together... and so I picked up some stuff on my travels... wanna see 'em?"

Ooooh! She got us toys! I nodded.

RJ rolled off the bed, "Hold on... wait, is Ian here?"

I shook my head, "He went off to work... he knows to give us some space today."

"We'll have to thank him later, wait one sec," RJ slipped out of the room and rolled her suitcase in.

RJ moving around in the nude was a visual feast and I was the lucky glutton that got to consume it.

"I got some stuff in Tokyo... and picked up a couple things in San Fran... I didn't know what you like so I cast a wide net..."

I shrugged, "This is pretty much all new to me, so your guess is as good as mine!"

I watched with interest as RJ pulled out a smaller bag from her suitcase. It was like a kinky version of Mary Poppins's bag. RJ dumped out a pile of toys... some of which I was familiar with, some not.

It was hard to tell if this was the sum total of RJ's preferred repertoire of accessories, or if this was the result of a horny shopping spree. Either way, I was arousingly intrigued. A little intimidated, but mostly intrigued.

RJ scratched her head, "I think I went overboard..."

"I'm surprised you got through immigration!"

RJ suddenly looked uncertain, "Too much, right?"

I grinned, "I have no idea. Have you um, done stuff with all of this?"

RJ shook her head, "Nope. Just a few..."

She looked embarrassed. It was charming.

"Come here," I reclined on the bed. She crawled up on top of me.

"This," I whispered, "You. And me. Like this. This is heaven for me right now. You know that?"

RJ kissed me and our tongues did something magical that made me open my legs to wrap around RJ possessively. She pressed into me and my hips started writhing with wanton desire. That pretty much encapsulated RJ's effect on me.

I wanted her in me. And in a happy burst of revelation, I realized I had some choice in the matter.

"Are those ready to go?" I gestured over to RJ's purchases between kisses.

RJ nodded, her eyes searching mine for reassurance on my comfort level.

I unwrapped my legs, my heart pounding with anticipation of the newness of it all. I tilted my hips up, "Good. Because I am, too..."

She and I both looked over. "Which one?" She asked.

I felt like Goldilocks, "The blue one."

It wasn't humungous, but it had some length and girth to it. RJ cocked an eyebrow, "Yes, ma'am."

RJ with an electric blue cock was an Amazonian fantasy made flesh. I shifted my knees up, "I need you inside..."

RJ hovered over me, "Ellie..." Her fingers traced a slick, fluid path up and down my slit and across my clit, "You're so wet..."

Our eyes met and with one mind-blowing thrust, RJ plunged into me.

Oh. My. Effing. God. I was trying to grab hold of everything that I was feeling but it was everything at once so I was tossed from one thing to another: how smooth her body was, how full I was, how deep she was, how it all felt so good inside as she fucked me, how hot her breath felt against my skin, the noises we were making... the massive climax we were chasing...

RJ in full flow of making love to me was a sight to behold. There were muscles and rippling contours, but mostly it was the way she looked at me. I wanted more. Harder. Deeper... and be still my heart, RJ knew what I wanted. She knew.

She somehow scooped me up and flipped us around and suddenly I was on top and oh, I was so full of her...

I started grinding and the pool of pleasure deep in my core started flooding outward.

RJ and I were rocking back and forth against each other for countless delicious minutes and then she shouted out my name and that tipped me over into a new kind of climax that left us a quivering, panting mess. As I emerged from the stupor of it all, I felt totally and utterly mated with the woman in my arms.

"Okay," RJ breathed out as she undid the harness, "Wow."

"Yeah," I tapped the blue dildo, "This was a good buy."

RJ laughed. I snorted into her shoulder. We held each other tight as we shook with laughter.

"So, um," I panted, "For the record, I'm totally gay. And I want to have gay sex with you for the rest of my life."

RJ chuckled and kissed the top of my head, "Me too. I love you."

"Hmmm..." WAIT, WHAT? I picked my head up and looked at RJ. Her eyes were twinkling.

I blinked, "Did you say something?"

"I said I love you." She swept some hair off my face.

"Why?" Of all the things I thought RJ would say to me, that wasn't it. I had half expected to wait a long while for such an utterance, and half dreaded never hearing it. Naturally, that led me to be wholly unprepared to hearing it. Twice.

RJ wrapped her arms around me and flipped us around so she was on top. "Because you are intoxicating, because you keep me off-guard, because you found a way to set my heart on fire, and it terrifies me... but not in a way that makes me want to run; it terrifies me in a way that makes me want to be worthy of you."

"You. Are. Such. A. Liar!" I narrowed my eyes at her, but I knew I had a shit-eating grin on my face.

"It's the truth!" RJ exclaimed.

"I'm calling you a liar because you said you didn't believe in love and romance and you pretty much swept me off my feet with what you just said."

"I didn't know this was possible!"

"Honestly," I ran my fingers over her amazing lips, "I didn't either. I thought you'd have your way with me and leave."

"That's not going to happen." RJ kissed me softly, "I promise."

"Good," I kissed her back, "Because I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. You got me, heart, body and soul. And this is not unrelated, but if we keep having sex like we did just now, we need to invest in some sound-proofing for this place."

RJ laughed, "I love you," she said again, her hands started moving lower.

"I love you, too."

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish

I'll be your fantasy

I'll be your hope, I'll be your love

Be everything that you need

I'll love you more with every breath

Truly, madly, deeply do

I will be strong, I will be faithful

Cause I'm counting on

A new beginning, a reason for living

A deeper meaning, yeah

I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

I want to lay like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me.

Savage Garden Truly, Madly, Deeply

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A lovely story of hope, and love. Made me cry, laugh, shout in Triumph of love. Thankyou.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This was brilliant. Perfectly paced with winning characters.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

too too long.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai64310 months ago

This is a really great love story!

You describe love at first sight so well and the build up between them is so realistic, fear, nerves, jealousy and uncertainty makes this story work so well!

Thank you!

texlootexloo11 months ago

This is everything a love story should be! If you can cut the sex scenes from a story, and it is still a great story, then you really have something.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This is an amazing story. Love the proper use of the English language. Love the build up. Love the confidence . More please

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The best lesbian romance I have ever read. I liked it that you had such a powerful woman as RJ be unsure of herself when it came to love. Both she and Ellie were so nervous that the object of their desire would not want them. When they kissed it was magic and it was so neat that you preceded it by Ellie asking to hold her hand, just like young teens. I can now enjoy imaging how their lives proceed into the future.

jni551jni551about 1 year ago

Remarkable. Amazing.

BelindaTvDKBelindaTvDKabout 1 year ago

Love this story..

Also because it doesn't just dump into the sex, bul slowburn instead..

Keep on the good work

Greetings, Belinda

AtomicAegisAtomicAegisabout 1 year ago

Really wonderful story. I really appreciate the way you let the relationship build over a reasonable length of time in the story, even despite Lauren’s initial infatuation. You were patient and the characters and story are better for it.

Please keep writing for us, it’s a gift and a true pleasure.

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

A truly beautiful love story. We love a person for who they are not just their sex.

As to those who say straight women don't suddenly become gay, 50 years ago the wife of one of the group of couples we socialised with, with two children the same age as ours, left her husband to be with a F work colleague and they moved away together to a new city and new jobs. I never heard from her again, but learnt they were together for at least the next 30 years.

I have another friend who also was married and had children but has been with her F partner for over 30 years.

S9808S9808over 1 year ago

great story, beautifully written. might look for another one to read. thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wait. There’s more? OMG.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of the best stories I’ve read on Literotica. A rare 5Star from me. Thank you.

roveroneroveroneover 1 year ago

I've read this several times...still think way hot, love the characters-very likable


LiebethLiebethover 1 year ago

Wow, everytime I read it, it gets even better. Thank you. Your talent of painting with words is amazing.

TruthvsTraditionTruthvsTraditionover 1 year ago

This story was exquisite in so many ways!

Anticipation to life

As spice to meals

With both you notice

And not for granted

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I have read this at least six times, and probably will again.

okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

Your ability to choose exactly the right word for the situation is excellent. I struggle with it continuously; sometimes I think I read more dictionaries and thesauruses than actual fiction. It really makes me happy when I come across a word or phrase in your writing that is so perfectly dead on.

MaezedMaezedover 1 year ago

Every time AFreakingAmazing!

Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrelalmost 2 years ago

I'm about to give this story 5 🌟's but that's only because I can't give it 6. I did want you say a couple of things.

The first is, don't listen to those who think the story is too long. Many people are somewhat hurt by the time they find their soulmate and it takes time to be sure that both are really on the same page. Some will find a story about the dance intriguing others may not. Just know that your story is beautiful.

Sexond, to those who believe that the story isn't realistic, I say their view of the world is to narrow. The heart knows its path, and some are willing to trust fate. Having shared both straight and lesbian relationships I found you characters, dialog, and story quite believable.

I too have felt a woman look at me as a "challenge" and felt the wildness in the blood that it can cause.

UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

Loved it! Easy favourite.

roveroneroveroneabout 2 years ago

ditto Anon 14 days ago...at least third, if not more...

love the suspense, and passion...and Ellie choosing the electric blue for their first...gawd!

this easily in my Best Ever folder

PS and, I think for first time, glanced right and saw there a Pt 02-damn!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is also a comment for Lexi

I have a female freind that considered herself straight until her late 20s. A teamate from her softball team spent a few months wooing her and they have been together now for over 20 years.

LiebethLiebethabout 2 years ago

One of the best stories ive read and it gets better everytime.

To the critics…..if you can do it better, please do or otherwise keep your negative remarks to yourself. Not even life is perfect but you expect it from a storie????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

One of my favorite stories ever. This the third time I have read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Regarding Lexi's comment: A college female freind was pursued by a gay aquiantance and they fell in love...that was almost 25 years ago and they still together, now happily married.

It may not be common, but it happens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Superb! The romance was beautiful, the sex electric.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry, I know this is fiction but straight to gay doesn't happen like this. From no lesbian thoughts to full on sapphic lust is a huge leap and usually made up in the sordid minds of males who think with their dicks rather than even researching how these things actually happen.

Nice story but, sorry, pure fantasy.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If they grew up together going to the same summer camps how was she "adopted" when she moved to the city 5yrs ago?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well done, Carey. You should be proud of this.

kaleonanikaleonaniover 2 years ago

This was a love story in the making, sad for the reader that it took so long, but priceless for those that patiently wait for the enormous prize that awaits them. My only pet peeves are that how lot of straight women are missing out and that there are just too many beautiful gay and bi-women in this world that it would be tough for lesbians. This story took dedication, experience and knowledge to write or possessed with quite an imagination. Definitely a 5 star rating.

liz33ndliz33ndover 2 years ago

four stars i like this alot, so romantic,

liz33ndliz33ndover 2 years ago

four stars, i like this alot, so romantic,

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Took a while for both RJ & Lauren to show each other their feelings but all in the lead up to engagement of bodies, minds in Ch 6. Enjoyed the story. Good work Carey. Both girls fell deeply in love & last took over

its very possible being straight & then lesbian. Just the thought stirs me! Cuple more chapters would be great. Again we'll done.

Sausage17Sausage17over 2 years ago

Wow that was really really really good! AND THERES ANOTHER PART?! Hell yeah!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The best of the best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love it, love it, love it!!

Crazytaff1Crazytaff1over 2 years ago

This is an excellent story, beautifully written. I am looking forward to reading part 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I loved it, an entertaining read, with fun, believable characters. Just beautiful.

An Anonymous wrote "A previously straight person doesn’t suddenly flip and become gay."

Granted that may be correct if the person is definitely confirmed as straight (and how do you do that?)

My closest friend all through our school days was 'straight' apart from when we explored and practiced together at around 14 years. She had a number of boyfriends, two really deep relationships before meeting and marrying the ONE. Two years into a happy marriage she met her RJ, fell for her immediately and although she tired to fight it, fell for her and had an affair. She confided in me. She was so emotionally torn but fell deeply in love with her RJ. She was honest with her husband, divorced him and is now married to RJ. She had never had desires for a woman before hand and only has eyes for one woman. They have two children and are still very much in love. Call her bi, lesbian or pansexual. Fact is the rules do not always apply. The heart does not care about rules.

Again congratulations CareyThomas on a wonderfully written story.

Raelene Maroney

Kaori86Kaori86almost 3 years ago

Oh, how much I loved it. The story is so sweet and the writing so incredibly.

Thank you ❤️😌

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A fun story and entertaining to read. I have one little nit to pick about it, however. (This was commented on previously but I feel it needs to be emphasized again.) A previously straight person doesn’t suddenly flip and become gay. I could see a situation in which the heretofore straight woman slowly falls in love with another person who happens to be female and then subsequently identifies herself as gay, at least with that one person. Here there was nothing to suggest Ellie was even bi prior to these events. Nice story otherwise.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Well, honestly I couldn't put this aside until I finished this chapter. Very well written and I loved the dance between these two as they slowly moved into a relationship. Almost dreading moving onto the next chapter as I'm sure you're going to throw some obstacles in their path. 5 stars,.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love it, love it, love it!!

longing4anallonging4analabout 3 years ago


bi_cyclerbi_cyclerabout 3 years ago
No pun intended

“All things come to those who wait”. I love your style. Keep us waiting and .....

roveroneroveroneover 3 years ago

WHEW...SO hot!

Didn't recall reading this before, but did and glad I gave it 5 then, totally worth it.

hadn't realized there was a Ch 2-so looking forward to it, and promised more stories about them

telecomtomtelecomtomover 3 years ago

This story was so everything, I couldn't put it down. I had to read it to the end and I'm so glad I did. LOVED IT.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This was just purely amazing

MrTylerWpgMrTylerWpgover 3 years ago
So beautiful

What an amazing story

ramblin2020ramblin2020almost 4 years ago

that was smoking....wow!

ukdukeukdukealmost 4 years ago
Great Writing Great Story!

Just wow!!

Love the way it was written and interplay between the characters!

Definitely on my list of favourite stories!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Loved every word

I truly loved every word. From the beginning, i imagined myself to be 'Ellie'..I couldn't wait to have sex with RJ, who I fell in love with. Thank you so much.

Love, Lisa Palmer

MartyMBMartyMBabout 4 years ago
Carey, you're a rare person

Because you write a great story, believable, correctly done, one that is a great mix of sex, relationships, and life in general. I'm happy that this story has a part 2, even when it didn't need one. The story ended as if it was planned to have only one chapter. Thank you.

ErinzeasyErinzeasyabout 4 years ago

I love your writing style, the multiple layers of interplay between the characters, and the added touches of humor. Thank you very much. One of the very best I've read. You are a truly amazing writer.

paulyepspaulyepsabout 4 years ago

That’s was breathtaking.. it made me teary .. what a great love story .. thanks !!

v22omkv22omkover 4 years ago
Holy shit, that was amazing!

That is hands down the best story I've read here. The humor, the interplay between L.E. and Ian, and the glorious happy ending. Bravo! It made me cry.

Nightfall64Nightfall64over 4 years ago
Dammit Girl

That's all I can say Damn Girl!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Wow. Just wow. Amazing Story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved it

I really liked this story a lot. I could totally see this being a regular movie.

I giggled several times and then when the finally got together I was just like aww..

All in all a nice read and I liked the slow build

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Theres a lot of good stuff going on here. Your prose itself is decent. It doesnt really falter anywhere. The concept of the story is great as well. A newbie carefully seducing an emotionally unavailable lesbian. I like the character dynamic.

My biggest issues were centered on some of your character decisions.

I dont really buy, personally, the whole "switch flip" reasoning behind Lauren's gay-ifying. Maybe you've had a different experience, but for me it was a longer series of internal arguments and was nothing as simple as a "switch". I feel like you've burned a lot of interesting character work by simplifying it so much

I also have a problem with how you've handled RJ. You say shes never had a good relationship, but then casually undermine it with "oh you've just had bad blind dates". And then simply falls in love with ellie anyway. RJ didnt didnt do anything or experience anything that shlukd have changed her mind. You could have played a lot with RJ learning to open up and be vulnerable. Ellie teaches DJ how to love. Rj teaches ellie about being gay.

Having said that. You did do some good work here, and I did enjoy it. I havent read the second chapter yet but I will. Good work :)

SD_CA_LesbeauxSD_CA_Lesbeauxalmost 5 years ago
Wonderfully done!

Really enjoyed the slow buildup. There's even a lot of room for additional storyline as they develop their relationship. Well done!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Bollocks. No fair blaming IT for that

Love this story!!

It just happened to me again. Monday morning, two days ago. The manager making the hiring decision told the new senior group leader Friday evening over drinks, "You're hired. Can you start Monday morning?" Even HR didn't find out until the new guy was being introduced to everyone around the office. There he is, already "working" without even being covered by the corporate insurance plan.

As for me, I found out after 10 am when the New Employee form showed up in my e-mail. It takes 10 business days to get one of those sexy slimline executive laptops onto my desk. So why am I to blame when IT equipment isn't ready the day the new person starts?

This shite happens at least 10 times a year where I work. Most often with senior hires, which is typical and stupid.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 5 years ago
Simply the best ...

Your writing carries the reader along with the skill only a born writer can command. I am hardly the first, and will not be the last, to say not to worry about the slow build up; as in any romance, that can be the part that makes the heart ache most, which, in reading a love story, is the sort of thing many of us like. The "will-they, won't they" part was done to perfection, and despite being sure they would end up together, you managed to make me wonder. If I could give this 10 it would not be enough. Thank you for a superb story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
LOVED this!

Omg my stomach was full of butterflies reading this! This is one of the best love stories I’ve ever read on here! Great job!

maribel_fmaribel_falmost 5 years ago
Absolutely loved it!

I clicked on 4 by mistake - meant to click on 5.

The way you gradually build the RJ-LE relationship is spellbinding, and the sexual blossoming of the romance is totally gorgeous!

This is the first story of yours that I have read. I am delighted to have discovered you, and I will definitely be reading more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
first time on this site, my first time reading here

As a first time reader here, i can say, i love it hehe, and i will surely gonna come back hehe. Thanks. I wish like Lauren I can experience it too haha not just out of curiousity but to experience the real feeling of having a gay lover.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
We are waiting

Fourth time I’ve read this this year. It makes me laugh, in the right places, and takes me by surprise every time as if it were the first. The days drag whilst we wait for your new writing. Although the bar has been set high with Could you be mine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Previously Carey, five years and four days and now, THIS! The story and characters were so well developed. I have a mental picture even for the supporting characters like Ian and Mona. So vivid. Carey Thomas, you are my favorite uthor!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Loved it

Very sexy build up, I'd be keen to read the same story ageing written from RJs perspective! Great characters and solid writing

playingforyou70playingforyou70about 5 years ago
Slow burning romance...

The build-up was perfect, and the release was exhilarating.

I was in Loren/Ellie's shoes the whole time. To have Rowan (LOVE the name, BTW!) reciprocating the flirting and building up the tension made me wish I were there.


hopeless_not_so_romantichopeless_not_so_romanticabout 5 years ago

I officially love the author. Been reading through your stories and so far I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
loved this

This was my first story by you and I loved it... you are great at story telling..

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This was an amazing story...almost too good to be on here thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Your stories jump out from the screen and come to life. I can never put my phone down until I have slurped up every last word... Thank you CT

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So Good, So NICE!

I Loved this story, the long slow burn, the build up, the Payoff!

I'd say you're a lesbian Hemingway, but that would be akin to damning you with faint praise, how about a Lesbian Phillip K. Dick?

I'd babble on for hours, but I need to read Part two, NOW. Its only 2 o clock in the morning, here.

plumberdonplumberdonover 5 years ago

You took us into your life and have is the answer to your feelings . What a beautiful trip it was. Thanks for a lovely story..

bravebombadierbravebombadierover 5 years ago

I was so totally absorbed, I felt I was there not just reading.

Absolutely wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Gay but afraid

This is a very beautiful story. I really enjoyed every bit of it. I am gay but in a hostile country, wish I could be free to express myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good read

I really injoyed your story. I know what it’s like to have the wind taken out of your sails!

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 5 years ago
Wonderful story!

After reading chapter 2, I just had to re-read this chapter again, and you know what? it's still a wonderful story!

I'm really hoping you write more, I'd love to read more of your work. Thank you for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This is by far my favorite story I've ever read on here! If you'd published this I would read this all the time!

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 6 years ago

This is so the _hit!! It grabbed my attention from the word go til the very end. Never say never cause the Universe has a way of saying, "Oh yeah, we'll see about that" and bring you life experiences to test your gall. I'm so glad these two got to be each others. What a wonderful read. And thank you Carey for sharing your creatve work and energy with us yet again. All the best

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Read this story after reading another of your submissions, excuse me for forgetting the name but you manage to keep the reader intrigued without too much sex. Wonderful im going to enjoy reading the rest of your submissions. Slow build up with an explosive end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This was just flawless. I felt like this could be something I read about in a book, or see in a movie. MC falls in love with sexy, successful businessman/woman and they start to fall for each other. This story was just so sweet all the way through, I connected with the characters so easily, even though I am a straight guy. I could connect with how RJ was feeling when she was describing how her dates would be set-ups and she wouldn't feel any attraction, that's exactly how I felt. Communicating is one thing that my Aspergers isn't good with, I have a tendency to not communicate my feelings with significant others very well and my parents now that, so my mom always used to say and still sometimes says, "You'll know when she's the one because she'll love you for all of your flaws, including your shyness and lack of verbalizing how much you love someone, they'll always love you for your positive sides too."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
One of, if not the best read so far

A really well put together story, thoroughly enjoyed it from start to the excellent end! More of the same please

VyresOfTheArtVyresOfTheArtalmost 6 years ago

Loved it from beginning to end.

slfoxxslfoxxalmost 6 years ago
Now a fan.

This is my introduction to your writing. I’m captured. Beautifully written. It flows with the characters and they become real people. Sophisticated story teller. This wonderful story requires more than one reading.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

6th time reading this. So hooked that I keep coming back. Thank you for this story.

YourLinkYourLinkalmost 6 years ago
Wonderful! Brilliant!

I am such a sucker for good romance stories, and this is one of the very best! I fell in love with all the characters (save the doofus finance guy). This is my 4th go around with this one...won't be the last. I watched "The Orange Shirt" Sunday night on PBS. Kleenex city. I think this would be a great story to see visually. I love happy endings. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meabout 6 years ago

My second time reading this and it's just as wonderful as the first time. I am one who loves the long building ups; the longing, the anitcipation, the romance. So beautiful.

HardredtoolHardredtoolabout 6 years ago

That was Soo heartwarming and erotic at the same time.. thank you for coming up with such a great story and hope to see more excellent reads from you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thank you thank you thank you!

This was such an awesome story thank you!

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenabout 6 years ago
Excellent story!

I love all of your stories, but this one was just so good! This is my second time reading it (within a very short time), and it was just as good, or even better, than the first time I read it. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Oh, and I keep checking to see if you've uploaded any new stories! :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Huge fan of your stories but also wanted to thank you for writing such well-developed Asian characters that never feel exoticized or fetishized. Descriptions of physical appearance is a big part of these stories, understandably, and I really appreciate that in your stories a wide spectrum of women are considered attractive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

One of the best stories ive ever read on this site! Sensual & so sexy but not over the top!!!!

IdiosyncraticElfIdiosyncraticElfabout 6 years ago
I love your characters

I thoroughly enjoy your stories mostly becaue I can relate to your characters. They aren’t perfect. They’re realistic with flaws and do and say dumb embarrassing things like we all do. I feel like they could be people I know and would like. I find them engaging and they draw me into your stories. I can’t wait to find out what’s next for RJ and Lauren (as well as an update on Sasha and Sienna and Cal n Annie). Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I just loved this story. I am a Lesbian in a mans body. I loved the developing story and felt it was so real. Just enough sex towards the end. Thank you.


cdlaurabcdlaurababout 6 years ago
holy smokes

This is by far one of the best romance stories I have read on this site. Carey Thomas,

you have the smooth wonderful ability to put great stories together.

I thank very much.... Laura

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I've read lots of good stories here on Lit, but this is by far the best! It's the 1st one that moved me so much, I had to comment. Plan on reading all of your stories asap. Great character development, good buildup and believable sex. Hope you plan on a Part2...

GymTeacherYouDeserveGymTeacherYouDeserveabout 6 years ago
Great Dialogue

I really enjoy it when someone includes a great story with realistic dialogue--not just a pornographic sex romp. Will be checking out some more of your stories!

bella143donnabella143donnaabout 6 years ago

Carry this is by far one of the best written stories I have read .. You are able to weave a narrative of a slowly running stream. into a raging river of desire and emotion.. thoroughly enjoyed.. I won't mention what it did to my body as I read it.. Luv Donna

janny54janny54about 6 years ago
one of the best!

one of my very favorites. the characters and storyline were perfect. i am sure there will be several more rereads of this story. touched my soul. thank you for putting this in print and sharing. deserves 10 stars.


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