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Ana's vacation takes a turn as she joins into a risky game.
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My time at University was a great experience but I've earned myself a well deserved break! I can't wait to relax by the beach and enjoy the sun! My uber should be here shortly so not much longer. I've packed everything I need and done one final scan of my room to make sure I have what I need.

My gaze stopped at my night stand...

I shouldn't need it, there will be plenty of cuties where I'm going but this trip is about me so why not! *Ping* The driver must have arrived. I should pack this away and make sure to bring the charger.

As I drag my luggage to the car the driver politely helps me with my things. Receiving 5 star service already as they load all of my things. We both get seated, and ready to depart.

"To the airport right?"

"Yep that's correct!"

"About an hour drive, so hang-tight"

I get my headphones to zone out, but the cheerful demeanor of the driver prompts me to ask why they are in such a good mood.

"Life is just good, things are looking up for me"

"Well I need what you have, hopefully this vacation helps with that"

"Well driving hasn't been paying too much, but I've won a few bets recently that have paid off"

"Like sports or the stock market?"

"Something like that..."

I left the conversation there not to pry. But I was definitely curious about what that exactly meant. Before long we had arrived at the airport and since I promised myself I'd be more open on this trip so I decided to ask what the driver meant?

"Just look up an app called CountDown, it's sorta invite only but since you've already given me a 5 star review why not."

He gave me a code before seeing me off and driving away. Such an odd experience repeating in my mind as I made my way through security and arrived at my gate. Now with a chance to see what they were talking about, I checked every search term in the app-stores but the app wasn't showing, just a silly countdown game for kids about counting numbers. Surprisingly it had a 5 star rating and an abnormal amount of downloads.

I decided to give it a download as I had already gone so far. To my expectations nothing special, just a simple counter, so I proceeded to uninstall the app. The common question would you like to leave a 5 star review popped up. I motioned to ignore it when I noticed there was a password field.

This...can't be? I input the code and just as I did for my uber driver selected 5 stars before hitting submit. The app I had, uninstalled and a new one was in its place. "This really was a secret club!" I actually chirped with excitement! My vacation was already off to a fun start. In bold gold letters CD displayed on my phone. I opened the app to a first time visitor message. I looked up to see my gate still had time before my boarding so I read on.

"Welcome to countdown" Please enter a username.

"Being unoriginal I choose NaN", the letter swap to my name. Also meaning Not A Number. For a coder quite funny considering the game was about counting. The game didn't ask for any other details or even asked for a password which seemed strange. The next page was simple just the rules:

"Play Or Bet"

"Players have to perform a task, a certain number or specific amount of time. When the countdown ends and you're successful you receive a reward. Failure receives no rewards. Only the player is aware of the countdown"

"Those betting, will wager the amount or time a player will last during a countdown, they are rewarded the closer to the actual number they guess"

A simple game, bets and players. I didn't want to add any money to this app so I decided it would be smart for me to just play once and get enough to stay a betting person. It seemed like I could switch between whenever I wanted. This all seemed too familiar like a movie I had seen, I was already sure this would devolve into absurd or crude tasks well into playing! But I was on vacation and decided I should have some fun!

"Let's Play!"

*Ping *

I already had a countdown. "Get 3 numbers from guy's before your flight lands". What?! That's so absurdly specific I didn't want to believe I had installed some virus but I was certain more than my GPS data was in the hands of some stranger. My boarding was starting and it seemed I could decline the countdown so what was the big deal? I could turn on airplane mode early and forget all of this. However, seeing the reward amount was shocking! $300 For such a simple task...

"Okay fine I'll do it, I'm on vacation why not live a little?"

I finally boarded and sat next to a nice guy traveling with his wife. I'd hate to be a home wrecker but I decided on making him my first target. A video with us talking in the background was enough to verify the countdown, so I chatted with him during the flight but he didn't seem too interested. I wasn't exactly dressed for getting numbers today. If anything I was prepared for the opposite. I decided to go to the bathroom and a lone guy was waiting. I decided that for sure I'm getting his number. I forcefully said

"Hey! I'm're cute, can I have your number?"

This time adding only a D to my name, shamefully thinking my choice in letters might result in me actually getting a D for real.

Clearly shocked he said sure, and had no idea why I of all people would be asking this right now!

"Countdown -1, 2 remaining"

Either way I was finally up one and actually enjoying this stupid challenge. I get back to my seat and the husband still wasn't getting the hint. I do something bold this time as that seemed to work before as the flight was landing soon. I lean over and whisper into his ear, "Hey give me your number, we should chat more after this flight". He was so stunned, fumbling to get his phone since he didn't even remember it. I told him I was taking a nap so he would leave me be, but my heart was about to burst out of my chest with how bold I was being.

"Countdown -1, 1 remaining"

The final number was easy for me! I had been winking at the cute flight attendant all flight and finally I was ready to get his number. It needed to be before I landed. I pressed my call button and made sure it was him who arrived. I said I'm in a hurry but you should give me your number. Without hesitation I was 3 for 3!

"Countdown -1, 0 remaining, complete"

I landed shortly after and the upload of my coundowns began!

This all seemed so silly, I really let a game convince me to do this, and it wasn't even about the money but I did enjoy the challenge. I deboarded my plane, got my luggage and waited for my uber to take me to the hotel. Hoping this driver was a lot more normal than my previous one.

I noticed on the ride to my hotel that not only did my $300 show up but I was awarded a $200 newbie bonus shown on my account. I also saw all the bets people made were for significantly more. Many bet I would fail which made me a bit upset. But I considered this to be some silly crypto scam and decided I should put this app away and enjoy my vacation.

As I checked into my hotel the clerk let me know a $500 dollar credit had been applied to my room and they asked if I wanted it credited back to my card now or jaw dropped. It really worked! Very creepily...but it worked.

I was riled up now, I was no stranger to collecting experiences or taking risks but this was already getting my mind racing. Should I place a bet or play again?

The betting structure was interesting. I could bet a player would complete or partially complete a countdown, even betting how many countdowns they would play before stopping.

I decided that I would place a bet before grabbing a meal. I had an extra $500 to burn so I was going to treat myself to a fancy dinner. But my mind was more fixed on my options for betting than my menu choices. There were plenty of options to bet, some funny, some daring, a lot stupid, but one caught my eye.

One more sexual in nature...A girl fully dressed with a short skirt... the countdown was for her to lift her skirt up, pantyless but with her eyes closed! Although a portion of the challenge happened to be grayed out for some reason...

This was far more daring than previous countdowns. 1-240 seconds I could place my bet anywhere in this range. If I based it off myself then I would surely last 5 seconds at the most. But the mystery portion left me concerned. I still didn't understand everything in this app and the votes seem skewed towards the higher end.

I noticed her ranking was higher than mine, but still relatively low. It seemed like she could go either way. I decided I shouldn't harp on it and threw down a $100 on her getting only 30 seconds in. I made my way to get dinner and decided I should forget about this app for a bit.

Half way through my meal and 2 glasses of wine later.


A notification of the countdown beginning. I tuned in to see she was already underway.

Sitting down, legs clamped closed and her positioning the camera to begin. This was one of the few countdowns that I'd seen done live. Others, mine include all wanted proof of completion after.

Once she got everything setup I noticed something strange. It was the location. She wasn't just doing this task but she was on a bus too! I couldn't believe it! The grayed out portion now said on a bus, and I discovered that this was a 2 part countdown. Countdown 1/2 for her to get home as quickly as possible. Countdown 2/2 lift your skirt pantyless for as long as you can with your eyes closed.

Her first part ended right here on the bus, and as she ran out of time the second began immediately. However despite this she was unphased. It seemed like she was enjoying the predicament that was created. Her panties quickly fell to her ankles and were removed and held up to show the camera. She got her skirt prepped in her hands and was ready to start!

I was so glued to my phone to see what would happen that when my waiter came by to grab my plate I was startled and had to snap back to reality!

"Do you need anything else Miss?"

"No, I'll have the check please"

It was so surreal being a voyeur and witnessing such a thing.

I looked back to see she had already started, eyes closed, skirt pulled up high leaving nothing to imagination. My eyes fixed to the timer to see she was already approaching 15 seconds. She was nearing my estimate quickly, and at 25 seconds the bus came to a halt and the passengers began to shuffle about for their stop. However she had yet to give in. "You go girl!" Was all I could think, she's so brazen and confident. She had far exceeded my estimate and while my bet was lost I didn't care, I won with the show I was watching.

She was just over a minute when a passenger stopped and said:

"Miss, could you..."

She replied: " Oh sorry, just a bit longer", eyes still clenched tight.

"Oh...sorry to bother.."

The passenger walked off.

Wow...I could never be so bold. How much was this worth?! I got 3 numbers for $100 each. I could only imagine doing something like this would be a month's rent if not more. She continued on undisturbed when finally.

*Ding* Time up!

She had made the full time! Gently she lowered her skirt and with a grin of accomplishment across her face, finally she opened her eyes. Her face smug with victory. I was waiting for what words would exit her mouth.

"Here is your check Miss! You can pay whenever"

"Huh? Oh yes...sorry"

Completely forgetting where I was. So lost in a trance to her state of dress and brazen act. I left a smaller tip than I planned as I had just lost some of my earlier winnings. When I finally returned to the screen I had missed any closing comments she had, but the scores were tallied and she clearly was the victor.

I left the restaurant with a renewed feeling. It awakened something in me. I wasn't just horny, I was jealous, I envied her, I wanted to be her. She didn't just do the countdown, she beat it! She proved all those who bet against her to be wrong, me included.

I had only just finished eating but I was hungry. I was inspired. It might have been the wine but I opened the app and saw those all too familiar words "Play or Bet". When it all clicked. The best bet is always going to be on myself. I tapped Play with a new sense of that word truly meant ready to see what my next countdown would have in store!

Eagerly, I tapped play.

Surprise filled my face as the task popped up on my screen. The countdown wasn't nearly as exciting as I had hoped. I understood I was still ranked quite low, so I wasn't going to get crazy tasks, but I thought it would be more exciting than removing my heels and then walking 500 steps barefoot...

The prize matched how mundane the task was $50 for 100 steps, so basically $1 every two steps. Though I was not gonna complain about an easy $250.

Not even questioning how the app knew my current footwear, I removed the heels. They were already starting to hurt my feet anyway, and walked back to my hotel.

I started my walk recording my bare feet hitting the pavement. Uneventful to say the least, barely any bets placed on me losing and my hotel starting to come into view.

But I let my guard down too soon.


"Continue 500 steps more. Remove your underwear. Double points for bra and panties"

"Oh....I see where this is going"

Clearly the vulgar requests had started to creep in. Even so, the task wasn't so bad either.

I dropped my panties much like the girl I viewed earlier had done.Then I proceeded to pull my bra out from under my dress. Continuing to walk back to my hotel like some slut enduring a pseudo walk of shame, barefoot holding my underwear and heels in one hand and phone in the other recording my feet slapping the ground.

I had only reached 200 steps when I arrived at my hotel. I decided to loop back to not stray too far from where I was staying.

However, something was wrong. The most important part of this app, the very essence of its name. Was frozen on my screen. I was taking steps yet 298 steps remained static on my display.

A new countdown had started, this time a timer... with 30 counting down slowly. It took a while to realize, but I wasn't just taking steps I was walking where it wanted me to go. I only had 20 seconds left to get back on track or forfeit my winnings...I frantically hustled back to my initial U turn with 8 seconds to spare.

Continuing on and as I did 298 went to 297 and then 296. I was back on track. But where was this track headed....

Step after step my feet were starting to hurt as the terrain was changing.

"Only 20 steps left" I repeated this in my head as I had blindly followed this app to a more desolate part of the city.

3, 2, 1. * Ding!* Complete!

I'll be honest I was a little underwhelmed. That was all just a walk of shame. Nothing to really test my nerves. Part of me was hoping it would demand something ridiculous like taking off my dress. Not, that I was bold enough to do it! But I was still on my high from dinner seeing that girl prove everyone wrong.

"Do I Play again?"

I got my reward but it didn't feel earned. I decide to turn back and see about playing once more to test my luck. But I took one step towards my hotel when

*Ping* Notification: "Double or Nothing"

"Was there any answer but yes?" This walk seemed pointless otherwise.

I quickly tapped yes, before knowing the circumstances.

"Confirmed double or nothing"

Not yet sure what I signed up for the next instructions were exactly what I dreaded. More perverse than the last. "300 steps, dress pulled up to your waist."

Ah there it was... my stomach started to churn, but this is what I wanted. Something doable but at the same time not. I had barely seen anyone here so going back this way shouldn't be an issue. But if my math was correct I would end right in front of my hotel...

It was late enough, and I would be lying if I wasn't slightly aroused by the idea. My maxi dress was hugging my body and came just above my knees. I looked around first before I got my phone ready to record. I rolled up my dress, the fabric bunching up to rest upon my hips. Feeling a slight breeze part my legs reminding me of my nudity.

I was dressed but uncovered, both vulnerable and not, a new awkward yet liberating feeling. I started taking my steps, suddenly realizing just how aroused I was. So focused on recording that I began to ignore my surroundings. The countdown had fully gripped me. I was growing more engrossed with each step I took, enjoying myself more step after step. Barely checking for anyone, but at 150 steps left.

*Ping* Double or nothing!


How much worse could it be? I tapped to confirm. Breasts exposed for the duration of the walk. This actually got me wet. It wasn't much harder but my breasts being on display always makes me feel more exposed than my lower half. But I was too horny to think about anything else. I could only oblige, it's not as if I had much modesty right now.

80...79...78 steps remaining without a care in the world, both breasts and my lower half on display. Holding my underwear and heels and filming myself like this was some viral trend.

As my hotel was now in full view and I was nearing my final steps. I was on edge that there would be another chance to double my winnings. Did I want to take that risk? I was waiting for it. It went so well and I was thriving in this rush. I was lost in thought thinking about how much more I could gain and how I could spend it this vacation.

"Damn, what a cutie. You don't see that often"

"!!! O.O"

A man out for a smoke about 2 meters away had a clear view of me. He made no motion or other comments just staring at me, continuing to smoke. I was a deer in headlights. I wanted to move but the countdown had halted and so did I.

I was aware of my nudity now, how hard my nipples were, how dripping my pussy was. How much skin I was showing. How silly I must look holding my bra and panties and filming myself doing it all.

I impulsively went to cover my shame and as I did my phone vibrated.


"Notification: Exposed areas covered bet lost"

The man put out his cigarette and walked back inside the hotel as if I was a common occurrence. That comment being the only thing he ever said.

So embarrassing. I felt worthless...and with losing the bet I actually was.

I became too immersed and didn't pay attention to my surroundings. But not immersed enough to avoid covering myself. I quickly adjusted my dress, and straightened myself out. I made my way to my room to sort out my thoughts. I took a shower to rid my feet of all the dirt I collected. My emotions were all over the place. I looked in the mirror expecting my pitiful visage to follow, but that's not what I got. Instead I was met with a look of lust.

I might have been upset that I lost, and had to endure such humiliation, but the whole ordeal really got me going.

"I can't believe I let a stupid app get me here, I was even seen in such a state!"

In college I had stripped a bit for truth or dare games at a party before, or maybe had a wardrobe malfunction at the beach. But being seen so obviously and without an excuse...only one thought kept returning.

"It was hot!"

But why? Was I actually an exhibitionist? Was it the adrenaline? Had the wine not worn off? Why did his lingering comment "Damn,what a cutie" keep returning to my mind?

A nameless stranger saw all of me, and he liked what he saw. My perverse thoughts continued as I wondered what part of me he noticed first? Which part of me was his favorite? Where was his gaze fixed? As I relived the moment in my mind, my hands were mimicking where I had imagined his gaze. My hands ran over and cupped my breasts. "Did he like the size of them, I wonder...or maybe he noticed how hard my nipples were..." My hands continued lower as I'm sure his vision did too. Did he really have a clear view of my pussy? I really let a stranger see here?


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