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Country Club

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A hot barista makes a second attempt at seducing a customer.
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I didn't see Tom for a little while after that first "recording session." I texted him two days later, then again after three. Four days later he responded: Sorry been busy. Roped into a work dinner with my girlfriend at the country club.

My shift had just ended when he sent the text. I was straddling my bike by the rack outside the coffee shop, looking at the phone. Getting back to my apartment would take fifteen minutes, but the country club was only twenty minutes away.

Besides, I had the next day off. Spying on Tom and his girlfriend sounded fun. I put my phone in my bag and started west, toward the edge of town. It was around six o'clock in the evening, so most of the post-work rush had ended. There wasn't too much traffic, and I had plenty of time to daydream about what Tom and I had done in my apartment earlier in the week.

I rode to the woods at the edge of the club. There was a dirt trail that must have been known about by everyone except the country club owners. I had used it before to sneak into the place with boyfriends, and, once, a girlfriend.

I had to walk my bike through the trees because the trail was narrow, but I didn't have to go far and there wasn't anyone else out there that day. I finally reached the hole in the club fence. I parked my bike in some shrubs and gave my appearance a quick once over.

I took a hand mirror out of my bag. My makeup still looked fine--you could hardly tell I had worked except for the smell of coffee beans, which, if anything, helped cover up the fact that I had sweated a little during the ride over. I was wearing a red t-shirt from a college I had applied to but never taken a class at. I also had on jean shorts that left very little to the imagination.

Hardly country club attire, but it's what I had. In the end, all I could do was reapply deodorant and straighten out my hair, which was tied back in a ponytail. I snuck through the hole in the fence.

On the other side of the fence were more trees. These had more space between them, and the lawn was well manicured and free of any twigs or debris. I walked to the edge of these trees and hid behind a trunk. Down a small slope, I could see the country club, and the tables set out in front of it.

About fifty well-dressed people wandered between tables where food and drinks were laid out. Everyone there looked the same, so it took me a while to find Tom, since he was dressed for the occasion, probably as his girlfriend wanted him to be.

She was talking to a coworker, a black man who stood about a foot taller than Tom and two feet taller than her. He had a gold watch on his wrist, and his head was shaved. He kept smiling and Tom's girlfriend kept laughing, while Tom himself stared into the distance, bored.

I tried to get his attention, waved a little, but he couldn't see me. I took my phone out of my bag and texted him. I saw him touch his pocket where the phone had vibrated then excuse himself into the country club, probably to "go to the bathroom."

How exciting. I could get into the club through a back door, meet him in the bathroom, and probably get him to ditch his girlfriend for the night, and forever. I was a little surprised he had interest in her at all after he had throat-fucked me upside down on my bed.

Maybe that didn't prove as much as I thought, but a girl who wasn't afraid to kneel on a bathroom floor or take it from behind in a stall would have to be a keeper, right?

I was getting ready to move further down the tree line, toward the back door of the club, when his girlfriend started walking toward me, and her coworker followed.

Now this was more interesting. I silenced my phone and put it in my back pocket.

I moved further back into the trees and watched them enter the woods. I followed them from a distance, careful not to be seen or heard.

The pair walked all the way to the fence, not far from the hole I had come in through.

Now that I could see her more closely, I felt better about not stealing Tom after our first encounter.

His girlfriend was short, with very wide hips. She wore a white dress with a brown sash around the center, and her brown hair fell past her shoulders. Her face was smooth and pretty, but her eyes were hidden by a pair of wide, dark sunglasses. She was at least a C-cup, maybe more.

There was a type of girl I thought of as "the kind men want to put a kid in" and she fit the model perfectly. Not that I thought Tom was the type to want kids.

While I was thinking this over, her coworker kissed her. She giggled and pulled away, backed toward the fence with her hands behind her back. Her butt rattled the metal, and she gasped in mock surprise.

I took out my phone and started snapping pictures.

He kissed her again, pinned her against the fence. She kissed back, and he reached under her dress to grab one of her breasts. The fabric slid up with his arm, and I saw her panties peek out: light blue printed with yellow ducks. Not what I had expected, but very cute.

In any case, it made a good picture.

Her coworker pulled aside the panties and started to finger her while she unzipped his slacks. His cock fell out, and he began to finger her harder. She pressed her face into his bicep and bit while stroking his cock. It was only half hard, and I was still a distance away, but I could tell he was large. Not the biggest I'd seen, but bigger than Tom.

They were distracted enough for me to move up to the next closest tree.

He pulled her panties down and she gasped, smiled. He smiled back and threw the panties over his shoulder.

"Hey, those were a gift."

"Did Tom get them for you?"

"No," she said, then giggled and pressed her fingers against his chest.

He laughed, then grabbed her by her shoulders to turn her around. She yelped, but started to laugh when her sunglasses fell off. She grabbed onto the chain link fence, fingers slipping through the gaps.

Her panties were only about two yards away. Did I dare?

He thrust into her, and her eyes shut. The fence shook as he fucked her, and I watched her calf muscles flex trying to hold him back. He was powerful. If she slipped, he was going to press her whole body against the metal.

He slapped her ass, and I went ahead to the next tree. I went on my knees, crawling through the dirt in an attempt to reach the panties with only my arm sticking out. A loud gasp startled me and I pulled back behind the tree. I peeked around the trunk and saw they were still distracted. I leaned out and grabbed her panties.

"Put it in your mouth."

I watched as he turned her around and forced her onto her knees. His cock was shiny slick from being inside her. She started to bob her head up and down. He pressed on the back of her head.

"Choke it down."

She pulled back and gasped for air.

"You're going to ruin my hair."

"You'll be fine. He knows anyway."

She smirked and started to suck on him again, this time working deeper. I got a few good pictures of her eyes watering as she stared up at him.

I ran off, starting the long way around to the other side of the country club.

I sent Tom the picture of his wife taking out her coworker's cock and added: Looks like she found something to do ;)

I kept walking. A minute passed and he didn't reply, so I sent him one of her bent over against the fence. I texted: She looks really happy.

Once I was further away, on the other side of the club, near a white gazebo, I looked around to be sure I was alone. Tom still hadn't responded.

I walked into the bushes by the gazebo and wiggled out of my shorts, then my panties (purple, with text reading "tasty" on the back). I pulled on his wife's panties and snapped a shot of my crotch and thighs. I said: Look familiar? They were already wet when I put them on ;)

Finally he responded: Where are you?

: By the gazebo

: Wait there. Leave your shorts.

I smiled and put my phone back in my bag. This was going better than I could have imagined.

Not too long after that I saw Tom walking across the grass toward the gazebo. He was dressed smartly but casually: a blue button up shirt (no tie) and khakis.

I don't know how I expected him to behave. Looking back, maybe I should have seen it coming, all the rage for his girlfriend being directed toward me. He didn't even bother speaking, just kissed me, hard. In a moment he bit my lip, and he clenched his hand around my jaw as if he wanted to snap it.

Maybe if he fucked his girlfriend like this she wouldn't cheat on him.

I pulled away.

"You're in a mood," I said.

He stepped closer. We were well hidden from the main party now, and some distance away. He was staring down at my crotch like he was possessed. I felt a little childish wearing panties with ducks on them.

"Turn around," he said.

"Why should I? You don't take me on fancy dates to country clubs."

He grabbed hold of my pony tail and pulled my head back. He leaned over me, blocking out the sun, and kissed me again. He pulled the panties aside and started to finger me. I was already wet from watching his girlfriend.

He put his thumb against my clit and started rubbing at the same time. I started to feel very warm, as if my bladder was going to burst, and I had to squeeze my thighs together to stop him before the end.

"You're rushing through it," I said.

I started to say more, but he reached up and stuck his wet fingers in my mouth. He ran them down my tongue, reaching as if he wanted to put a print on the back of my throat. I closed my lips around him and started sucking, moaning. I didn't like my own taste that much (I had only had the one girlfriend after all) but this was a day to use all the tricks in the bag.

With his free hand he reached down and squeezed my ass. He lifted upward as he squeezed and I had to stand on the tips of my toes. My eyes went wide and it wasn't acting, but I settled and went back into my performance, pretending to blow his fingers.

"Turn around," he said.

I did as he asked. I even bent over without being told, going above and beyond with service.

He reached down pulled the panties, snapping them against my labia. The impact came with a slight, not unpleasant, shock. He smacked my ass and I wiggled for him, letting him know he could hit harder if he wanted.

And he did. I bit my lower lip and arched my back. I heard him fumbling with the zipper on his pants, then I felt his cock fall out, the shaft landing right between my cheeks. A little bit of pre-cum drizzled onto me like a liquid tramp stamp.

He grabbed the panties and I got ready to step out of them, but I didn't need to. He pulled, hard, and I heard the fabric rip. He pulled again and nearly toppled me over. Tom pushed my shirt up so that the bottom half of my spine was exposed, and he laid the torn panties out on my skin.

He slowly parted my labia with a single finger, then pushed his cock in, holding one hand against my hip to help my balance. I could tell he would come quickly. Even on the first thrust he went all the way in, filling me up. It was so much more satisfying having him rub against my g-spot than against my tonsils, but I realized I would like it better if I had a little trouble breathing.

"This is just what he was doing to your girlfriend," I said.

He spanked me, right on the same cheek as before. He thrust harder. I was glad his cock wasn't any bigger than it was. I thought of his girlfriend and wondered how she was handling her coworker.

"I think he was about to put it in her ass when I left. Does she let you do that?"

He picked up the panties off of my back. Before I knew what was happening, he was reaching around, stuffing the torn fabric in my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but he packed it in tighter with his hand. Part of it dangled into my throat. The crotch pressed against my tongue--I tasted my own fluid as well as his girlfriend's.

He clamped a hand over my mouth so I couldn't try to spit it out again. He drove down hard into my pussy and forced a muffled moan from me. For a moment my knees buckled, and I reached out to put my hands against the gazebo. I pushed back into him, and his cock hit a new spot inside me.

He fucked harder and faster. He uncovered my mouth so he could put both hands on my hips. I tried to spit his girlfriend's panties out, but they got stuck halfway. They were wet with saliva, and a strand of it landed on my wrist.

This time I came before Tom. I was breathing hard from it, and I had to take air through my nostrils because my mouth was clogged. My nose was running a little. I closed my eyes and pressed back into him so he would finish faster, giving a muffled yelp each time I felt his stomach touch my ass.

He came soon after me. His cum filled me, and I felt a little of it drip down the inside of my thigh. It made me wonder just how long it had been since he had fucked his girlfriend. I tried to say something to him about it, to rub it in a little, but my legs were weak, and I still had the panties in my mouth.

I fell into the mulch around the gazebo, and pressed my forehead against the wooden railing. He spat and it landed on top of my head. I reached up to pull the panties out of my mouth so I could tell him to fuck off, but when I turned around he was already gone.

The bastard had taken my panties and my shorts. All I had for bottoms was his girlfriend's ripped panties. My bike was still on the other side of the country club, and my apartment was on the other side of town.

I stood up and brushed the mulch off my knees, tried to straighten my hair. I left the panties in a shrub for some lucky groundskeeper to find and started to slowly make my way home.

It was evening now, and soon it would be dark. My only hope was that the shadows would help cover my naked ass during the bike ride home.

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