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Couples Therapy Vol. 03

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Connie explains her past.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/28/2019
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Things had a strong chance of going south after Mom's first time with Rich. Getting them together had been my idea to make up for my cheating, but if it was a one-time thing, it wouldn't solve the problem. I knew Rich was the type of guy who could end up feeling guilty about the whole thing if Connie wasn't into it, and I wasn't 100% sure about how she would feel after she sobered up. Rich, I was sure, would be happy as long as believed two things: 1) my proposal was for real and he had a green light with Connie, and 2) she wanted it, too.

Connie (or "Mom" if you prefer), had been willing to do anything to get me and Rich back on track, but would she do it again? If not, things would get weird. I had blown it badly with Rich, so the whole thing had been worth the risk, but now I had to make sure it paid off. I was pretty sure Mom would keep going along if she thought it would save things for me and Rich. But if that was the only reason she was doing it, Rich would figure that out quick, and he was definitely not the type to fuck someone who wasn't going to fuck back.

I had to get everyone over any awkwardness, but I figured there was a big factor in my favor: Mom and Rich had been amazing together. If I was right, and Rich was game, then it was really Mom I had to worry about. Turns out it wasn't a worry at all. I'll let Mom take it from here!

---- Connie's Story -----

Since I had had Kat at such an early age, and she had been an accident, I didn't feel I had much to teach her about men. She ended up with a rocky history with guys, and I felt guilty for a long time, knowing I had not really given her any guidance. Seeing what she went through with so many different guys, I regretted being so "hands off" when she was younger. When she finally met a great guy, and needed my help to keep him, I wanted to do it. (And now I was "hands on" in a way I never imagined!)

She cheated because her own insecurity made her think Rich was cheating. He might be able to forgive her once she explained things, but she had to forgive herself, too, if they were to survive this. She needed me to balance the scales. Kat's proposal was crazy, of course. But I could see how it would be logical in her mind - or at least, it sounded logical enough when I was drunk. Plus, Rich is a great guy, he is gorgeous, and I truly wanted to help them.

Does that make it right that I had just given my daughter's boyfriend a really dirty blowjob - while she watched!?! Or was I just rationalizing? I was definitely rationalizing! When I thought about it, I was embarrassed, and worried, and a little guilty. But I hoped there really was something right about it, too. I was really sad to see them in trouble, and they would have been over if I hadn't done it.

I should also tell you why it wasn't that hard for Kat to talk me into it. Rich is handsome, and a great guy. And I had walked in on my daughter sucking his cock, and I've given up pretending it didn't turn me on. And what Kat and Rich didn't know was, I am not exactly a prude, and Rich would not be the first younger man I'd been with. (Kat gets her sex drive from somewhere, and it's not her dad!) To explain, I have to go back a few years...


I got pregnant in high school. My boyfriend wasn't much of a man, but I've long since forgiven him for that. We were kids, and when his parents pressured him to stay away from me, he did. All I felt was shame, and both his parents and mine made it worse than it could have been. I assumed no one would want to date a girl with a baby. Plus, I HAD A BABY! I loved her, like any mother would, and there was no time for dating. I was an early bloomer already, and having a baby accentuated breasts and hips at an age when most girls were still skinny. I didn't get it at the time, but boys my age didn't try to date me because they were intimidated. And older guys - if I had met any, which I didn't - scared me. So, after my one experience, I did not date again for almost ten years.

When I finally did, it was a man I met at work. He was older, and experienced, and I had been starved for affection of all kinds. When I started having sex again, it was like a dam had burst. We got married, and were happy, but he died just as Kat was starting high school. He left me financially secure, but now that it was just me and Kat again, I packed up my sex drive again and put it away.

As Kat got older, our place became a hang-out for Kat and her friends. I didn't pry when she started dating, and the summer after her senior year, there were kids at our house all the time. Sometimes there were boys with them, sometimes not. (Looking back on it, I bet some of the girls were using our basement rec room as their sex den, but I left them alone so I can't be sure.)

On one occasion, I was in my bedroom, which overlooks the pool, when I heard Kat and some friends come in. Kat was telling one of them to use the bathroom downstairs, and a herd of others started up the stairs towards Kat's room. I could hear them talking about changing into bathing suits, and then whispering conspiratorially as they headed down the hall towards Kat's room.

After a while I heard them going back down the stairs and out to pool. I heard them chatting and giggling, and then I heard the patio doors slide open and shut again, and the girls all sang out "Hi Scotty". Something in their voices made me check the window, and as soon as I looked down, I had a pretty good idea of what they had been whispering about.

All three of them had on something beyond a basic bathing suit. Amanda was petite, with perfect legs and butt. Not much up top, like most girls her age, but she knew where her assets were. She was wearing a very tiny bikini bottom that showed off a round, tanned bottom. Becca was a little bigger, and fuller in the chest. She also had on a two-piece, with a regular bottom and a top more like a sports bra. It held up her boobs to great effect, and was cut low to show off her cleavage.

Then there was Kat. She was wearing cut-off Daisy Duke-style shorts and a cropped tee shirt. Kat was tall, with great legs, and the shorts were cut high up on the hip. These were not shorts that mom had cut for her, but as I said, I was pretty hands off about Kat's personal life. By this time, she was older than I was when I had given birth to her. Kat had not inherited my chest, but whatever she had on under the tee was showing her off to good effect, as the tee shirt was held up and away from her body.

With them was Scott, a boy I had met but had not seen in a long time. He was a year ahead of Kat and had already graduated, but he was one of the older boys in his class, where she was one of the youngest in hers. He was nearly two years older than Kat. I watched as Scott came out to the pool and sat in one of the chairs. The girls began to talk, and then Becca asked Amanda to put some lotion on her shoulders. I don't know if it was obvious to Scott, but it was obvious to me: the girls had planned this out. Becca was in the shallow end of the pool. She leaned over and tossed her hair to the side. Amanda bent over and began rubbing Becca's back.

Poor Scott had Amanda's nearly bare bottom, AND Becca's cleavage, right in front of his face. Meanwhile, Kat had picked up the net and was on the other side of the pool. She was pretending to be scooping leaves from the pool, but was secretly keeping an eye on Scott.

started keeping an eye on him too. He had on sunglasses, so I couldn't tell where he was looking, but his head was turned as if he was trying to avoid looking at Amanda's butt and Becca's cleavage. Amanda was now on her knees and adding icing on the cake. She was rubbing the lotion into Becca's back in a way that made her butt wag, and Becca's boobs jiggle. Scott's head was still turned as if he were trying to see Russia from his house.

Scott had three hot girls showing off in front of him, and if I were a teenage boy, I might have thought that was awesome. But I wasn't a teenage boy, and I could see Scott shifting around in his chair and trying not to squirm. My mom's instinct made me feel like he needed to be rescued before these girls teased him to death.

They kept it up for a while, and then declared a bathroom break. Becca and Amanda proceeded to "towel off," which meant bending over to shake out their hair, and then wiggling their backsides against a stretched-out towel. Kat wasn't much better, having gone in up to her thighs. She put one foot up on the table and dragged a towel slowly up and down each leg.

Then they piled hurriedly into the house, and up the stairs, until stopping on the landing to look back out on the pool deck. Scott, of course, didn't know where they were. He took the opportunity to "readjust" and then I saw what the girls were after. It wasn't that they just wanted to tease this poor young man to distraction. They wanted to see the reaction, and it was obvious why.

Scott looked around to see if anyone was looking. (I was thinking to myself "Um, yeah, EVERYONE is looking" but he didn't know that.) He got up, and started walking, half bent over, to get in the water. As he stepped onto the first step, he straightened up, and I could see plain as day his semi erect cock pushing out from his shorts.

From halfway down the stairs, I could hear the girls giggling again, and then I heard one of them say "Good job, girls. But we can do better!" There was another burst of barely contained laughter, and they charged up the stairs and into Kat's bathroom.

For the next hour I watched as Scott was subjected to a barely concealed version of girls gone wild. They played in the water, tugged at each other's clothes, and otherwise rotated around him like bees around a flower. Every once in a while they would ask him to do something to try to get him out of the pool, or get up out of his chair, and he would make excuses as best he could. Sometimes he felt safe enough to get up, but when he did, I could tell even from my perch upstairs that he was not completely "relaxed."

I don't know what Scott thought was going to happen, but it was clear to me none of these girls were going to give him any relief after getting him all charged up. After a while, the objective had apparently been satisfied, or they were bored of teasing Scott. They started getting out. Kat had to go to work, and the other two were talking about getting something to eat.

Scott was on a chaise lounge, with one knee up. The girls were pestering him about whether he wanted to go with them, but he made no sign of going anywhere. I felt bad for him; it was time for a rescue.

I threw some cups on a tray and poured a pitcher of lemonade. I threw on a pair of sunglasses and walked out onto the patio. I could see Scott start to panic. Clearly he was thinking it would be rude if he didn't get up to greet me, but he was struggling with how much more awkward it would be if he DID get up and there was a tent in his shorts big enough for the whole boy scout troop. I quickly set the tray down and walked over with two glasses of water.

"Don't get up sweetie, I'm going to sit down for a while myself. Help yourselves, girls!"

I sat down on the chaise next to his.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Scott. How have you been?"

We made small talk for a little bit while the girls dried off. They were much more subdued now that I was around, and

I wasn't wearing anything particularly revealing, just walking shorts and a long sleeve tee. But my figure is quite, well, womanly. (My girlfriends joke that I was a body model for whoever supplies men with their sex fantasies, and when I looked at it objectively, they are right. I was well-endowed from a young age, and my breasts have stayed firm and high, and quite large. My hips are curvy but not heavy, and my stomach is still flat, with chest and hips that give me a natural hourglass shape.)

Of course, when I thought of myself, I saw myself as stubby. Kat was already taller than me, and skinny and leggy like a model. (It just goes to show, ladies: we're always critical of ourselves.) But I was old enough now to have gotten wise to reality: Men stared at me. As the girls dried off, I caught Becca and Amanda casting a glance or two my way. Apparently it wasn't just men that wanted to take a look. I suppressed a smile. "Yes girls" I thought to myself "this is what a grown woman looks like!"

All I intended to do was give Scott a chance to compose himself so he could stand up. Unfortunately, I could tell that while he was trying hard not to be distracted by me, but it was a losing effort. He at first had looked me carefully in the eyes, then eventually his eyes were darting all around at anything BUT me, and now those same eyes were starting to dart back to my legs and my chest and my neck and everywhere else.

The girls were going in, and Scott was starting to sweat. I started smiling, and realized I was pleased at the reaction I was having. I was immediately ashamed for thinking it, but the fact was, this sweet boy was no longer really a boy, and the reaction the girls had to work for, I was getting without any effort at all. I was nearly twenty years senior, and I had to admit, it felt kind of good.

But I still didn't want to embarrass him. The girls had gone in, and now was his chance to get away, but if he was still aroused, then I had to give him time to get his feelings under control. I told him I was going to go into the garage to move some items, so he would know he could get to the bathroom unobserved. I collected the drinks and went back inside.

I was still unloading the tray in the kitchen sink so I could see out the window when Scotty got up off the chair. He moved quickly to the pool, but the bulge in his bathing suit was more than obvious, and it was enough to give me a jolt like I had not felt in quite a while. It wasn't at "full tent", if you know what I mean, but it was clearly aroused. His penis was pointing down, trapped under his shorts, and pressing out trying to get vertical. I could feel my face blush as the ridged head was clearly visible under his shorts. Then he jumped in the pool and started swimming laps.

I took a breath and went into the garage, and gradually focused on that rather than the three teasing teens and the seriously over-stimulated Scott. Not long after, I heard the kids leave and the house got quiet. I finished up in the garage, and by that time I was a sweaty mess. I decided to get in the pool myself, so I stopped in the laundry room to change my clothes. I pulled a bikini off the drying rack, pulled my shirt off, and stepped out of my shorts. I pulled up the bikini bottoms, and headed through the house as I tugged the top up and over my chest.

Out on the pool deck, I had my arms up to adjust the bikini string around my neck when I noticed the blinds of the bathroom window moving. Thinking my cat, Orville, was locked in there, I went back inside.

As far as I knew, the house was empty, and the bathroom door was even open a crack. I feel like I have to say this in my own defense, because when I opened up the door, well, let's just say there was no Orville, but the cat was definitely out of the bag.

Scott was standing at the sink, and his penis, now very much erect, was in his hand. He was frantically trying to slide it back under the leg of his shorts, without success. Even if he had, it would not have hidden anything. Scott may not have been full-grown yet, but his cock was: it was long, and thick, and I could now totally understand the girls teasing him to try to get that thing going.


I jumped back out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut. My heart was pounding. I leaned against the wall to catch my breath and then realized something else: with the bathroom door slightly ajar, someone could see directly into the laundry room. Minutes ago, I had been completely naked in that very room, and then walked through the house with no top on and then onto the pool deck in a bikini. For all but about 20 feet of that walk, Scott could almost not have helped seeing me

"Oh my God" I thought. "What the hell am I going to do?" The poor guy had already been teased to distraction by my daughter and her friends, and I had just paraded myself in front of him when he was already halfway hard. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I didn't wait for him to answer, I just started talking.

"Scotty, please don't be embarrassed."

I waited for a minute. He didn't answer.

"I just want you to know I didn't think it was very nice what the girls were doing."

This time, after a slight hesitation, he responded.

"What are you talking about?" he said cautiously.

He was too embarrassed to acknowledge what we both clearly knew, but I didn't want him to be embarrassed by what had happened.

"They were teasing you. I'm older than you, but I'm not blind. And I was their age once. They were teasing, and it was having an effect."

No answer.

"I understand it's a little awkward, but it's natural. Once you understand it, you'll understand why you shouldn't be embarrassed. And eventually you'll be able to have more control over it."


It was my turn to pause.

"Why what, honey?"

"Why do they do it?"

"Oh. Well, I can explain that. But why don't you come out and we can talk, okay?" I waited for a response, and then said, "I'm going to go back on the patio, and you can join me there."


I was sitting on the patio when Scott came out. He still looked a bit flustered, and was carrying his big beach over his shoulder so that it covered his crotch.

"Come and sit down" I said, patting the chair next to mine.

He sat down, but he didn't lie back in the chair. Instead, he stayed hunched over with his elbows on his knees.

"You asked me why the girls would tease like that. I'll tell you why. They're curious, and they don't know about sex. It makes them feel powerful, and they don't really know how it feels for you. They know boys want to look at them..."

He started to shake his head in protest, but I cut him off.

"Of course boys want to look, Scotty. It's natural. And girls want to look, too. They want to see what reaction they get. It's exciting for them. Not in the same way it is for you, exactly, but it is."

He didn't look like he was quite getting the picture.

"Can I be direct, Scott?"

He shrugged.

"They want to see what your body looks like the same way that any boy wants to see what a woman's body looks like. They disguise it among themselves by pretending with each other that they're doing it for a bit of fun, and maybe that's part of it, but in the end, they are as excited to see what a hard cock looks like as a boy is to see a woman's body."

He was still sitting there silently, so I invited him to open up. "Do you want to ask me any questions?"

He shook his head.

I turned to face him, and put my hand on his knee. "Okay" I said. "But you can if you want to. Okay?"

He nodded.

"Alright then. You can think about it, and ask me anything you like. In the meantime, can you put some lotion on my back?"

I turned around so my back was to him and he could get up without me seeing him. He stood behind me as he took the suntan oil that I handed him.

"Start with the shoulders. Put a lot on, please."

I held my hair aside and tilted my head. I had my eyes closed at first, so he would know I couldn't see where he was looking. But I knew that from where he was standing he could see straight down my chest at the cleavage held together by my tight bikini top.

"Are they going to keep doing it?" Scott said.

"I don't know. Probably. Do you want them to?"

"No" he quickly mumbled. "Of course not."

I laughed and turned my head back to look at him.

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