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Courtney Moore Ch. 04 - Final

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Courtney leaves him wanting more. Sexual content throughout.
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Chapter 4 - Final part

FEAR (Courtney)

Arriving back at my apartment, I went straight for the wine, Josh came up behind me. Rubbing my arms, taking the bottle from me, he proceeded to open it and pour us each a glass. I gulped mine back and held it up for a refill. As he finished pouring, my phone beeped. It was a message. I open it. Seeing it was from the same unknown number, I realise now it wasn't Josh, he was stood in front of me holding the wine bottle.

"Fucking whore" It read. Another beep. "I WILL GET YOU"

I snatch the bottle from Josh and walk fast into the bedroom. Throwing my phone on the bed, as I drink my wine. Pouring the last of the bottle into my glass, I throw the bottle across the room. It hits the wall and smashes, glass shards showering the carpet with wine splashing everywhere, Josh rushes in.

"What happened? You alright?"

As he saw the mess on the wall and the glass on the floor, he realised what had happened. I gulped the last of my wine, Josh quickly rescued the glass before I threw that as well. I walk to the bathroom, letting my dress fall on the floor, as I pass him. While I showered, Josh cleared up the broken glass and wine. He opening another bottle, pouring me another glass ready. He was sat on the bed waiting for me to return. I walk in the bedroom, with a towel wrapped around me, my hair dripping. I sit next to him. He hands me the glass and I take a sip.

"Sorry about that. It felt great though."

Looking at the wine stain on the carpet. We finished our drinks. Josh was still wearing his black suit, he looked so smart. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Those messages, do you know who sent them?"

His look was very firm, as his eyes stared at me, waiting for me to answer him.

"No, look its nothing, just someone who obviously has a problem. Its ok."

"Courtney they were threatening and abusive, you should let me..."

"Let you what?" I dart him a look.

"Help, I want to help you."

"Look it's nothing. Have you had a good day?" I needed to distract him, I open my towel, wiggling my body so my breasts wobbled teasingly in front of him. Laughing, he stood up, took off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor.

"Yes. Better now."

He began untucking his shirt and unbuttoning it. Pulling it from his body as it fell, he pulled down his trousers and removed his socks. No pants again, his penis pointing straight at me. I lean forward, grabbing his shaft, pulling him towards me, I begin licking him, rubbing my hands up and down. He was shocked by my sudden reaction. Taking a deep breath, I take his length deep into my mouth, deep into my throat, almost gagging, Josh holds my hair, pushing then tugging gently at it. I continue sucking him for a few minutes before pushing him backwards onto the bed.

I kneel over his face, hovering my moistness over his mouth, I lower, letting him smell me, as he sticks his tongue out to lick, I squat on his face, letting him enjoy me.

Holding my bottom, as I grind into his face. He explored me, enjoying licking, sucking and nibbling. My hands flat on the wall in front of me as euphoria spreads through my body, pulses of pleasure surging with every heartbeat. I could no longer hold back.

My rush floods through me, like electricity firing through my veins, I let out a loud moan. As I release, he continues sucking on me, I pause a moment to compose myself, I lift off his face and lay down next to him. Josh rolls over and begins crawling up my body, he kisses me on my mouth, shoving his tongue in deep, I reciprocate.

We kiss for some time, touching each other's bodies, feeling our warm skin, as our bodies wrapped together. Josh turned me onto my stomach, lifting my bottom up. Touching me with his fingers, he began rubbing my hole, inserting his fingers. Lifting himself, he pushes the end of his penis into me, spreading my cheeks apart as he held me open to let him push in deeper.

Slapping my bottom he moves his hand to cup me, rubbing my slit with his palm, as he pushed harder and harder, I could feel him slip in deeper. Gasping with each inch that entered. I let out a moan, he carefully pushed more until he was fully in, slowly pumping in and out as he penetrates my bottom, he comes, squirting inside me. thrusting as he released. He pulls out and lays next to me.

"Shit, what time is it?" I grab my phone. It was 8:15pm "I have a booking at 9, a works party with Peter"โ€จ

Josh looked annoyed. "Fucks sake Courtney!!"

"He is having a taxi pick me up."

"Great. Lo...." He stopped himself. "Look after yourself."

He'd changed what he was going to say. I smelt of sex again, so needed to have another shower. I slide off the bed and rush off to the shower. Quickly cleaning myself to get the smell of Josh from me. Seeing him led in bed, so peaceful as he slept made me feel sad having to leave him, though it was too late to cancel. Feeling conflicted as I wanted to just curl up in his arms. Wrapped in a towel, I search for something to wear. Oooh one of my favourites.

I spot my long navy blue dress that has a scoop neckline with a very low back with a loose fit skirt, simple but sexy. I slide it over my naked body. I select a pair of slip on blue kitten heels. Add my red lipstick and leave my hair down, it was a bit wild as it was still wet from the shower.

Ready, I lean over Josh and give him a kiss on his forehead, he looks at me before rolling over, we was still asleep, not really aware of me. A car pulls up outside the flat, it was my taxi. Taking my handbag and key I rush out the door and climb into the waiting car. I give the driver the address. He pulls away.

"You look very beautiful my dear, where are you off to?"

"Oh it's a friend of mines works party, he invited me." I locked eyes with him in his mirror, he was looking at me.

"Very lucky friend."

I watch as he smirked slightly before looking back at the road. It was the same creepy driver. The smile I saw seemed even more familiar, it sent shivers down my spine. His smile made my body freeze. No, no it couldn't be.

Panic suddenly filling me as my whole body goes cold, fear making me shake as I feel the hairs on the back of my neck tingle and stand in end, my heart was racing, pounding hard in my chest. I wanted the journey to end so I could get out of the car. After a couple of minutes I noticed we were heading out of town. Everything was tingling inside me as the fear mounted in my gut.

"Excuse me, where are you going? Isn't the address I gave the other way?" i try and hide the panic from my voice, clutching my phone, unsure if he'd just taken a wrong turn.

"This is a short cut, don't worry."

He had sped up, driving fast now, approximately 60 mph so I couldn't risk jumping out. I begin to panic, I text Josh.

"Help me!" As I press send the driver snatches my phone from me, throwing it in the footwell next to him. Shocked and scared I freeze. After a little longer he pulled the car over into a lay-by. It was a dark wooded area, quiet. I was frozen in the back. Shaking and scared to move, I just stare at the man, wondering what he was going to do.

"I think your boyfriend is busy." He turned to look at me smiling.

He opens his door and gets out. He moved to the back of the car, pulling the door open he starts climbing across the seat towards me. I lift my legs and knees to keep him away, screaming and lashing out at him. He grabs hold of my hair, pulling my head to the side, I see a flash before my eyes, followed by a sharp pain and then everything goes black. Nothing.


ATTACKED (Courtney)

I am woken by pain surging throughout my body, as I try and move the pain prevents me. I slowly open my eyes, my face is throbbing with pain. As I lift my hand, I can see blood dried up my arms, from deep cuts, scratches and bruises. My eyes try and focus on my surroundings. Looking around, I can see the road in the distance. I was led in a wooded area with leaves and rocks scattered around me on the ground. I was hurting all over, trying to get up, I could feel pain shooting deep inside me, my legs buckle preventing me from getting up.

My dress was torn and dirty, it was so ripped it was hanging off my body, my shoes were on the ground near me. I look around for my phone. Seeing my bag, leaning forward I manage to pull the handle, pulling it towards me. I quickly open it and look inside, no phone. I look around desperately. I see it on the ground within some leaves a few feet away. I reach to grab it, pain shooting through me as I stretch to grasp the corner. I manage to grab it. The screen was smashed, but I was able to turn it on, as I wait for it to start, I try and remember what happened.

Feeling confused, I look at my phone again, now activated, it was ready. I find Josh's number and call him. After several rings, it goes through to his answering machine. I end the call and ring Harley. As soon as I hear her voice, I burst into tears.

"I need you, help me, please help" Hoping she could hear me, as the line was very crackly. My voice quiet as I couldn't make much sound, the pain made if so difficult.

"Courtney?" Her voice sounded panicked.

"Please, help me." I mutter quietly, grimacing in pain. The call is interrupted, my phone turns off. Throwing it to the ground in anger, I lay back. I had no idea if Harley could hear me, even if she had, she had no idea where I was and neither did I. Closing my eyes as the pain makes it impossible to do anything. It was so intense, I felt so weak, I pass out again.


The sounds of beeping and machines fill my ears, as I feel myself waking, I try and open my eyes, a surge of pain returns as my eyelids try and lift. My vision burred and unable to focus. Trying to take in what my eyes were showing me was so difficult, it was like looking through a frosted screen.

I realise I'm in hospital. Lifting my arm, there was an intravenous line attached to my hand, giving me fluids. Moving my hand to my face, I could feel swelling. Everything was sore. Looking around the room, I see someone sat next to the bed, the smell that fills my nostrils, I knew it was Harley. Realising I am waking, she quickly takes my hand.

"Courtney, Hunny, can you hear me?" The concern in her voice alarmed me, as she was normally so loud and strong.

I try to answer, but I'm unable to speak, no sound came out and it was difficult to swallow as my neck was incredibly sore and swollen. Feeling very overwhelmed, a tear falls down my cheek. Harley leans over and gently holds me.

"It's ok hunny, you'll be alright." She kisses my forehead.

"I'm gonna get the doctor, as they wanted to know when you woke up."

I watch her blurred shape leave the room. A couple of minutes later, she returns with someone.

"Courtney, the Doctor needs to talk to you."

Still Unable to focus, seeing only a blurred image of someone stood before me, I move my head to nod, still unable to speak.

"Ms Moore, hello. Your in Central Hospital. You have suffered severe trauma to your head, face and body."

He pauses for a moment, watching to check I am understanding. I nod slowly as it hurt to move my head and neck. I listen as he continues.

"You have concussion along with lacerations on your arms and hands, extensive bruising and swelling around your neck, four broken ribs plus...."

Again he pauses for a moment. I realise I'm crying, feeling the tears fall down my cheek into my ear and on to my pillow. I nod again at the doctor. Trying to remain focused and listen to what he said.

"....you have large lacerations on your legs and you have internal lacerations indicating sexual assault. We have informed the police and they will be along to talk to you. Do you have any questions?"

I look away trying to hide my tears.

"....em. Ok. I will give you a moment, thank you."

He left the room. Harley follows him. She stood in the doorway, I could hear her asking him questions. I lay there trying to remember everything he had said, trying to understand what happened and how I got here. Harley came back, sitting down she takes hold of my hand.

"I'm so sorry Courtney, this is all my fault. I should never have..."

I squeeze her hand, trying to let her know it was ok. I felt absolutely terrible, everything was hurting. I close my eyes, too exhausted from the pain. My whole body was throbbing and hurting like nothing I had ever experienced. My insides felt like they had been ripped out. Harley told me that the doctors had already taken all the necessary samples while I was sedated, due to the extent of my injuries they had to contact the police.

Everything would be used as evidence, along with my clothing and other belongings. As she continued talking my mind drifted, the sound of her voice getting quieter and quieter, I fall asleep.



My phone was going crazy as my alarm rings, turning it off I roll over in hope to get a few more minutes sleep. Closing my eyes my phone starts to ring. Reluctantly, I roll over again and glance at the screen. I didn't recognise the number. Checking the time, nearly 6:30am I answer it.

"Hello?" Preparing myself for it to be a wrong number or a sales call. Instead, I hear a panicked woman screaming down the phone. I try and take in what she was saying, only grasping some words.

"Courtney......in trouble.....Central Hospital......get down here now."

I listen as the mumbled words register in my head, trying to make sense of it. When they do, I suddenly realise, Courtney.

"I'm on my way."

I end the call. Quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Pushing on my trainers, I quickly rush out of my apartment. I get a taxi to the hospital and rush to the emergency department.

"Moore, Courtney Moore. I had a call she is here."

Unfazed by my anxious panic. "Relative?" Looking at me.


"Ok, she is in room 4. Down the corridor on the right." She points towards the open cubicles.

"Thank you." I rush off, anxiously following her directions. I find room 4. As I rush into the room, I am instantly halted as I see Courtney led in the bed. Unable to fully process the shocking sight, machines attached to her beeping, wires everywhere.

Her face and neck swollen and bloody, medical tape covering stitches on her cheeks and forehead, her arms were bandaged as far as I could see. I stood there in complete shock. Feeling myself fall forward with utter despair. The lady who was holding Courtney's hand stood up and put her arm around me, trying to comfort me.

"You must be Josh, I'm Harley. I called you." She moves allowing me to sit next to the bed.

"What happened?" I look at Courtney, she was sleeping.

"She was attacked, really bad. He cut her up good. He tried to strangled her too." She shakes her head while looking at Courtney, her face was red from crying.

"Do they know who did it?" A bitter angry tone to my voice.

"A man was seen driving off, not far from where she was found, think they got him"


I knew I would not be able to work the case, knowing someone was seen is good, as his vehicle could be tracked. I lean over Courtney and take her hand. Putting it to my lips, I kiss it, lowering my head as the reality of what has happened to her is becoming clear. I remember where she was going, her last booking was with someone called Peter. His works party. Could he be responsible?

"Where is Courtney's phone?"

"It's with her things, the doctors bagged everything up for the police."


As I look at Courtney sleeping, I glance at her arms the bandages covering them, her neck bruised and swollen. Seeing the injuries she had, I knew it was bad, my stomach sunk and I felt myself feel nauseous. I turn to Harley.

"I have to go, I need some air.......I'm sorry." Quickly leaving the room and rush outside. Unable to stop myself, I vomit violently onto the ground. Overwhelmed with grief and anger, seeing Courtney in such a bad way. Composing myself, I call my colleague Rob.

"Hey mate. Can you check who is working the attack case, a Ms Moore?"

I think either it was my tonne or the fact that I knew of it, he knew something was wrong.

"Josh, mate...they have a guy in cells. Ebdon is working it. You ok?" He sound concerned.

"Right, I'm coming over"

"Josh, it's not your case, you need to leave it."

"Who is the guy?"

"I can't tell you anything, sorry mate. Where are you anyway?" I knew he was fishing for information.

"Alright. I'm at the hospital. I know the victim"

"Oh fuck, she's a....fuck. Josh. Oh man." He tails off and goes quiet.

"It's not...just don't..... I'll speak later."

I angrily hang up and stand outside for a moment. At least they had him. I wanted him to suffer, rage filling my thoughts, but then I realise Courtney needed me to be strong and to be with her. I had to get myself under control, the inner rage for getting justice would have to wait.

Walking back into the room and seeing her led so helpless made my heart ache so bad. Her friend Harley had to go, leaving me with her. She still hadn't woken up to know I was there.

When the doctor came in, he informed me of the extent of her injuries and that he had written a report ready for the police. Hearing the injuries she had, I knew that I had to protect her and ensure that she finally did stop her job. She had to protect herself and keep safe.

After what seemed like hours, I notice she began to stir, I stand and lean over her slightly, holding her hand. Turning her head slowly towards me, her eyes swollen and bruised, I feel myself getting emotional, wiping my eyes, I smile at her reassuringly.

"I'm here, I'm here. It's ok" Kissing her softly on the forehead.

As I sit down again the door opens. Two of my colleagues walk in, I immediately stand up, trying to hide my emotional state from them.

"Josh?" They say together, both shocked seeing me.

"David. Fin, she's just waking up." I inform them, glancing at Courtney. I had to leave so she could talk to them, the doctor I spoke to earlier and a nurse walked in, I left and closed the door. I watch from the window, feeling so helpless. Watching as the doctor gently wakes her, checking that she is happy to talk to them. I watch as David and Fin start talking to her.

As I watch and wait I can see Courtney getting upset, shaking her head. They show her some photos and she looks at them. Handing them to David, she is clearly very upset.

I wanted to go in and comfort her, but knew it was not possible. The nurse was holding her hand, but Courtney was clearly very distressed. I turn away from the door, pacing. Trying to calm down and stop myself from going into the room. Finally, David and Fin come out. I rush over.

"Did she identify him? "

"She did. We have everything we need Josh, don't worry."

David pats me on the back before leaving. I rush back to Courtney and give her a gentle hug, she bursts into tears, holding me. After such a traumatic experience, I had to help her recover and help her get justice.


LOVE (Courtney)

I was kept in hospital for over a week due to the extent of the wounds on my arms and legs. Josh had taken me back to his apartment to recover. He took time off work and refused to leave my side, doing everything for me, he was just perfect. It had been nearly three months since the attack.

With my injuries mostly healed the memory of that night was still completely blank. I have barely no recollection of it. I only remember being inside the man's car and him hitting me, knocking me out. Everything else was just blank, despite my lack of account the man responsible had been charged, he was due in court in a couple of months, though was being held due to the violent nature of his attack.

He was being held for attempted murder, though I was told the sentence may be reduced to manslaughter, I didn't care. I was happy knowing he was locked up and unable to get to me now.

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