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Covid 19 Coercion Pt. 03

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Deeper and deeper Karen falls.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/09/2020
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I was flat chat amongst the chaos in the Wanganoonie Base Hospital, running from reception/triage to various rooms where I was urgently required and had no more time to think of Karen.

Except when I licked my lips and I could still taste her love juices that had dried there, bringing a smile to my tired face.

I did see Simon, with his head full of bright red hair he was unmistakable in the crowd, barging out of the Hospital, crying with his grandmother, Nurse Mabel, trying to console him. I guess he didn't know his lovely granny was also a deviate, pussy eating, cum swallowing, sex maniac. Then again, up until today, neither did I. I was about to pop in and check on Karen when another Code Blue called me away.

I passed Ol Pops, the former pool attendant, who lost his job because of Karen, and was now working here, pushing his cleaners trolley and noticed he was packing a set of handcuffs and radio on a big black leather belt.

I quickly said, "What's with the bat belt, Batman?"

Ol Pop's eye's crinkled up as he smiled under his mask,

"Unions have agreed to allow workers to multitask since we are so low on healthy staff Barry, so now I am doing cleaning and security..

I's get to take out all the kinds of trash that gets in here now!"

Pops joked back.

As I walked away, I thought how much this world had changed because some dude in a far away country thought it was a good idea to eat a half cooked bat. Unions would never allow different job roles to be assigned to one worker, but we were in times unknown.

I was washing down and donning a fresh set of PPE after a very messy Code Blue, I will spare you the details, when I was paged to reception, and just before I was snowballed with demands there, I noticed Ol Pop's cleaners trolley parked by the office where Mabel and I took Karen,.. took Karen on so many levels I thought, "Ha Ha" I chuckled to myself with the double entendre. The door was open and I assumed Mabel had asked him to mop it out after all that had occurred in there.

"Damn, I never got to tell Pops that Karen was here," I said to myself under my breath, ruing what may have happened had I organised them to meet.

Time flew as I flew around dealing with all the work and before I knew it it was dark outside as I wearily walked back to reception.

"Fuck, that's strange," I said aloud in surprise, unheard over the din of the sick and ill waiting and hoping for relief, clogging the hospital entrance. I swore because Ol Pop's trolley was still outside the office, with the door still open wide, and I wondered where he was.

One of the other nurses came up to me, saw me all tired and confused and said,

"Doctor, you need to take five and eat something. The lovely people at Cafe Wanganooie have donated and sent beautiful food for all of us, bless their kind hearts."

I quickly did what I could with those waiting and excused myself to refuel. It felt great transitioning into the safe zone and removing the uncomfortable mask and PPE, as required.

I quickly grabbed a food bag and a drink and enjoyed the luxury of sitting down. Wow, sitting after being on your feet all day was better than sex, Nah.. my mind argued in my tired state. After woofing down the delicious food and having a long drink I must have closed my eyes for a second and had fallen asleep. Fortunately 2 orderlies had come in and their chatting and laughter woke me up. Slumped down in my seat I guess they hadn't seen me, as they were talking like they were at a bar,

"Man, those screams coming out of the security office were something else, hey?" One guy said to the other.

"Sure were, gave me a boner just listening to the bitch cop it, would love to know who was in there doing all the fucking?" said his coworker.

Well that bought me back to my senses real quick. I pushed my chair back as I went to stand and the rubber feet of the chair squealed loudly on the vinyl floor.

One of the guys said, "Fuck man, I can still here her screaming all the way in here!" before the other hushed him up as he saw me.

"Sorry Doc, we didn't know you were here," they apologised.

I just nodded acknowledgement as I walked out, making a bee line for the security office.

Ol Pops was just coming out of the office as I approached it along the corridor, a sheen showing on his dark skin, and his eyes wild looking.

"D,D, Doctor B,B,B,Barry, I was just about to try and find you," he stuttered to me. "I caught a b, b.b,b,bitch trying to steal critical medical supplies and she was babbling on about you gave them to her," he continued, finally controlling his stammer.

"But I didn't believe her, and guess what, it's that bitch from school, Karen Millstar!" He exclaimed.

I demanded Pops to open the door to the security office, and there was Karen, trying to make herself presentable, her face a real mess and her hair a jumbled disaster. When she saw me she gingerly rushed over to me, like she was walking on broken glass barefoot and fell in my arms, silently. I picked her up and ordered Pops to follow me out to my car with the medical goods he had detained her over and a few sets of PPE.

With Karen safely in my car I drove to her parents house, in the better part of town, Karen unwilling to talk about what had happened between her and Ol Pops. She had a look that wasn't easy to pick, not embarrassed, not shame, not fear or scared, not happy or content, just a far away numbness with a strange, uneasy glow.

Donning myself and Karen in PPE, we entered her house and went to her parent's bedroom where her Dad, with a mask and washing up gloves on, the best he could do to improvise PPE, was caring for her mother. I quickly took the poor sick lady's stats and swabbed her to test if she was Covid positive. I told, to Karen and her Dad's relief, that she was stable. Her temperature was still in the normal range and it might be a case of general flu, but the test results will confirm my diagnosis. Karen hugged me then rushed off to the bathroom and her Dad saw me out, saying,

"Thank you for coming out Doctor, I know you must be so overworked at the hospital, Karen must have waited all day there patiently, which is so rare for her, but she does love her mum."

I just said, "You would never believe what happens at the hospital!"

He replied, "I really want to shake your hand and thank you so much, you are a saint!"

I smiled, entered my car and drove away thinking, "Doctor Barry.. the Patron Saint of Anal Cherry Busters..." and laughed so much I almost crashed the car.

Boy was I tired but I had to get back to the hospital, take the swab to pathology for testing, and ensure we had the hospital as best we could for the night shift. It was about midnight when I finally arrived home and jumped in the shower. The steam hydrated all of Karen's scents still on my body and I savoured the aroma for a second before lathering up in the pungent soap I use after work and scrubbing the good and bad of the day off me.

I was asleep before my head touched the pillowcase.

What a day.

"BLATT, BLATT, BLATT...," the alarm was going off, ahh another day.. "Up and at 'em boy!" I encouraged myself.

The Hospital was still busy as and I was mobbed like a rock star on my arrival, but not in the glamorous way. A few hours in I bumped into Nurse Mabel as we both worked on a critical case, a 18 year old youth who had the virus bad.

It took us ages but we finally had him stabilised and he had a good chance of pulling through.

Mabel asked me, "Have you seen Pops around today?"

"Actually I wanted to see Ol Pops, but I haven't, why do you ask?" I replied

Mabel's eyes smiled cheekily back at me, "Well, you know, there is another thing that gets around hospitals real fast, apart from the virus," she cryptically answered.

"What on earth are you on about Mabel?" I asked.

"Ohh, just some gossip, you know those orderlies that work here are worse than old ladies when it comes to gossip," she partially explained.

It seemed Ol Pops hadn't come to work today, and with what the orderlies heard through the door to the security office the day before, the rumour was he had kidnapped a patient.

"What a load of bullshit," I said, "Do you know who was in the office with him Mabel, Karen, and I drove her home, she is fine, and that reminds me I have to check on her Mum's results."

Mabel just nodded, with her eyes smirking, she had fished the information out of me she was after and I gave it up without any resistance.. now she knew who was fucking who in the security office, damn she was a wolf in old sheep's clothing that one.

I went down to the path lab and picked up Karens mum's results, I chuckled to myself when I read the report, poor Karen, she was abused and tormented by Mabel and I into such a state that she tormented love struck, doe eyed Simon, popping his cherry with her just broken in arsehole and then she endured what ever occurred in the security room with Ol Pops, all for nothing, her Mum was clear, Covid negative.

All her Mum had was a cough and a wheeze and Karen had endured all the sleaze.

Before I had an chance to get involved with the next case I was urgently paged to see the Hospital Director.

This guy was the guy that God answered to, he was held in such fear and awe, and wielded so much power here.

After entering the safe zone via the procedures, I knocked on his office door and he said come in.

"Sit down young Barry, take a load off your feet," he kindly commanded.

I obeyed God.. he real name was Gupta, a short, rotund government career medico of Indian parents from Mumbai.

"I understand you have the covid test results for Mrs Millstar with you," he said knowingly.

"Yes Sir, great news she is cle,,,."

"I know," he said, cutting me off.

"But I wonder if you might pass on these results I have here for you to give to her daughter, Karen isn't it?" he asked.

I took the path lab report he offered and read it, it had Mrs Millstar as Covid positive.

"This can't be right?!!" I exclaimed, "The results direct from the lab show she is clear."

Gupta said, "Maybe I phrased that wrong, those are the results you are going to give the Millstars, without any further questions!"

Well, God has spoken, but I had dignity, honour and grace on my side.

I used to hate Karen, but now I knew why she behaved the way she did at school, burning and spurning all male attention given to her, to prevent another unwanted pregnacy, I was feeling enamored with her.

I stoutly said, "No way am I going to give these good people the wrong test results, regardless of you who are and what you can do to me!"

It felt good to being the defender of truth... until I saw Gupta smiling and pointing to a screen that was now playing the goings on from the office near reception the day before...

Fuck me dead, Gupta must had a hidden camera there, hang on, three of them by the looks as the vision changed angles. The video was incriminating, portraying me as a sick demented rapist and I knew the smug fat bastard had me over a barrel.

"I have very much enjoyed splicing this candid footage and I never knew some of my staff were so energetic and, might I say, adaptable," he gloated.

"You will give the bad news to the Millstars and offer Karen a chance to get her mother the best treatment at a private hospital I own if she meets with me this afternoon here," he demanded, before adding, "Rape of hospital visitors by hospital staff is a mandatory 20 year sentence you know?"

He definitely had me over a barrel and was tightening the ropes.

Bloody hell, power corrupts people and makes them demented I thought, before realising as I watched the screen that's exactly what I did to Karen the day before.

I had the power and made her submit. Now I had to lure her in to submit again to whatever sick perversions Gupta had planned for her.

Once again my mind was reeling when there was a knock at the door.

Gupta said, "Enter" and Mabel came in.

"Ah Nurse Mabel, thank you for joining us," said Gupta

I stood up to be polite.

"You are starring right now on the screen, Mabel," Gupta pointed out the video.

On screen, Mabel was rubbing her cunt into the upturned face of Karen and pulling on Karen's tits in the most obscene way, as I thrust into Karen on the other side of the desk.

Mabel froze, staring at the lewd vision presented to us, both of us were transfixed.. until Gupta said, "I need you both to strip each other for me now."

A clap of his hands broke us from our frozen state and seeing the look in his eye we knew we had no option. He could squash my medical career with a blink of his eye and arrange the courts to jail us both for medical misconduct and criminal sexual assault the way he had spliced the footage.

It felt so strange from being in control yesterday to being totally controlled today.

Mabel came to me and went straight for my pants and pulled them down along with my underwear in one movement, nurses hey! She pushed me back into my chair and removed my footwear and the clothes bunched up at my ankles.

She then pulled me back up and in no time had me starkers. Mabel presented her zipper to me and said quietly and tenderly, "Just get on with it Barry."

I unzipped Mabel's nurse outfit and it fell away to the floor. Mabel didn't carry any fat but her body wasn't young firm and the skin was wrinkled in places. I reached around and fumbled with her bra catch, and Mabel took the chance to throw her arms around my neck. I succeeded in the fight with the bra and it was hanging loose by her upturned arms. She then applied pressure on my shoulders, directing me down to her granny pants.

I turned back to Gupta for confirmation that I had to proceed, to find him pants-less himself.

What ever he was packing in the wedding tackle department was hidden by his large belly.

With a nod of his head, I pulled Mabel's undies off, and threw them at Gupta, who caught them and immediately sniffed them deeply.

Mabel's bra had fallen to the floor, revealing her old titties with their well chewed teats. Years of sex, kids and the hard life of shitfwork nursing hadn't been kind to her, but she still exuded a sexual presence that was undeniable. Maybe it was the neat way she had shaved her pubes down to a cute trident, the old shedevil!

Gupta ordered us all to join him on a couch where he sat Mabel in the middle of us.

"Now, I have a special treat for you both, and I am sure you will find it as exciting as I did!" Gupta promised.

With a click of a remote a much larger screen rose up for us to view showing the security office in high definition.

"Come Barry, let's make Mabel more comfortable," Gupta offered, as he lifted her leg over his thigh, so I mimicked his moves on the other side, spreading Mabel wide open, leaving his hand rubbing her inner thigh.

The static scene of the empty security office on the high definition screen burst into action as the door opened an a handcuffed Karen was thrown in, collapsing on the floor her short denim skirt rising looking like she had lost her g string, or had not put it back on. I was stunned when the footage zoomed in and focused on her crotch.

Gupta must have filmed this live as he worked the tilt pan zoom cameras. The other thing, this video had sound, unlike the silent movie we saw earlier.

Well, well, well, I was about to find out what went on in that office, my cock twitching and starting to swell with the anticipated vision ahead.

Ol Pops came in and dragged Karen to her feet.

"You are held in custody granted to me as a power of my position as a security officer of this Government Building pending transfer to the police on the charge of attempt to steal from a Government office," Pop's stated without stutter.

"Please, you are wrong, Mr Pops, I never stole, I was given those items by Doctor Barry," She pleaded.

"It's best you don't say a word til the cops get here Miss," Pops replied, chuffed that she actually called him Mr Pops, showing some respect to him was a first, "Otherwise I will use the pepper spray before I gag you."

Emboldened by her consolatory attitude, her head now hanging low in silence, Pops then stated:

"As part of my role as custodian I must check;

A) you are not hiding any further items on you or in you that belong to the hospital


B) you don't have any items of self harm on you."

"Please no Mr Pops, I know I have been bad to you in the past but if you could just call Doctor Barry I am sure he will explain everything?" Karen begged.

"I have to do my job to protect you from yourself and to protect my position," Pops countered as he stood towering over her, "And I will use all the tools of my authority if needed"

As Pops large hands roamed and combed Karen's hair, Karen started sobbing, defeated and hopeless.

Meanwhile my cock was throbbing and starting to rise up and I felt a hand on my thigh, it was Mabel's. I looked and saw Gupta's hand drifting up higher almost grazing Mabel's old cunt, while Mabel's other hand was rubbing his big belly.

Back on screen Pops hands were now on Karen's shoulders feeling every muscle and sinew on their slow march towards her heaving chest. With Karen's hands handcuffed behind her she just had to allow the search to continue, knowing she could not beat Pop's strength. By now his hands were feeling, squeezing and teasing Karen's boobs, lifting the tee shirt up, exposing her lace bra to his eyes, and ours, via the recorded vision.

Watching Karen being dominated whilst I was been told what to do by Gupta was surreal, like looking down and tormenting a tiny ant world while a giant looks at me in my world.

Soon Pops had Karen's tits out of the bra and was rubbing her tender nipples between his large thumbs and forefingers, her nipples swelling quickly.

I felt old Mabel grab my shaft and start to caress it, while her other hand was busy under Gupta's big belly.

Oh well, I might as well sit back and enjoy the show and service, as my cock fully hardened with Mabels experienced touch. I wonder how many times she might have relieved horny blokes laid up in the hospital, during the night shift, with her great technique of cock wanking?

On screen, Karen's skirt hit the floor as Pops continued his body search of her, revealing her C scar.

"Well look here, Miss 'Goody Two Shoes' and Miss 'My Shit Don't Stink' has been up to naughty things and some lucky boy has knocked you up," Pops taunted her. Karen's head hang lower, her well kept secret had now been exposed to 4 people in one day.

Pops lead her over to the desk and bent her forward until she had her tits squashed on the desk top and then said the words anyone dreads..,

"I am now commencing the cavity search!"

With her legs spread wide and being bent over, the vision zoomed in again and the large screen in front of us was full of Karen's privates, nothing was hidden in the twice as big as life display.

Mabel moaned and I noticed Gupta's hand was burrowing deep into her spread crotch beneath her trident of pubes, while Mabel seemed to have found a big black banana hiding under Gupta's belly and was rubbing it in perfect stroke with the way she was stroking mine.

When Pop's fingers started probing Karen's nether region Mabel's moans increased in volume and her dual cock rubbing intensified. When Pops bent down, spread Karen's arse cheeks wide and licked her from her Mons all the way to her arsehole Mabel lost it and cried out,

"Ohhh, your fingers are getting me off just like I imagine Pop's thick tongue would. ohhhhh!!. Oh shit, oh shit, holy fuck.. I am coming!!"

She released our cocks, her chest heaving, and held Gupta's fiddling hand hard to her crutch as she came fast.

As the show on the screen continued I sat there, my dick waving about in the air while Mabel recovered, but watching the debasement of Karen keeping it firm and stiff.


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