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Click hereNote: Any actual sex described was between willing adults. Any reference to kids was completely non-sexual and given in general as background information. (Story begins) My sex life came on fast and furious, because of the age rules here I cannot speak to it. Nor can I speak of the ten months of my marriage, for the same reason married or not. But understand on the day after my eighteenth birthday I was married and father to our first child. Now the cuffs are off.
Although my wife was older than me it was just months, not like the circle I got involved with prior. She was my first after the crash and burn but that was fine, with her was real love. The only drawback was our sex drives were not the same, not even close. And being a new mother wasn't a help, understandably.
But things improved over time and she was mostly always a willing partner. Her previous experiences were again, things I can't speak of but one can imagine and limited to two guys, one time each.
So a few years in I could not complain about the sex, just how often we had it. Which again, is more about me than her. Sex two or three times a week and most run one to two hours. But for me, it was ten, three, and seven to keep me fully satisfied.
Although we never got to that three times a day, things did improve over the years on how often and the kink of things. I found keeping my wife wound up was the key. Lots of loving notes and gestures, encouragement for her to masturbate, and the tools to do so when I was at work and such.
Things heated up when I added how I wanted her to place whatever she used under my pillow so I would know. From that came our first mutual masturbation outing, timid to the things we were doing but another act that had monstrous results.
A few months later another such outing my wife said "Now you."
It took three attempts to fully understand her meaning. First was or at least in my mind for me to masturbate, but clearly, I was already. Then I thought it was for me to come, "Okay Baby, give me another minute." (While quickening up my pace.)
"No Honey, I want to see you take this cock." (Waving the rubber dildo fresh out of her pussy)
To be honest, it would not be my first rodeo at such. One of those early ladies was extremely kinky and with her, I had been there and beyond.
Anal was already on our menu so reached into the nightstand and instead of coating her I coated myself. She teased me with the head of her rubber cock until I needed it badly. "Now Baby, fuck me." I was what I remembered and more.
"Oh my God, you really like this."
"Yes Baby, fuck me faster."
Another new first (kinda) happened that night when I came in her mouth. While doing so wasn't new, this time she didn't gag and spit it out. No, she drank ever but if it and searched for more. It was then I realized she had more room to run, she just needed to be led there.
Sex notched up from there and to the point where it was my wife using my words against me saying how she had something new in store for us tonight. I'm not saying that phrase ever got old but it was the first time it came out of her mouth instead of my own.
Things started pretty much like our normal, the best of them anyway. When my wife was extra horny she would ask me when was I going to shower, meaning she wants to fuck. Of course "Right now." was the normal response. Which was the case this time.
The only difference was when my wife came in to do the same she closed the double doors between the bedroom and bathroom. Normally I get to watch her shower which has me at the ready when she joins me. But this worked too, not knowing what she was up to.
I was already stroking my cock, my pre-cum as lube when the double doors opened. It seemed like my wife did a bit of shopping herself, in a black quarter bra and matching harness. Her dildo was just as black but bigger than we had ever used before. Not huge, but bigger than me, and to that date it was the unwritten rule.
She began to stroke it, matching the pace of my hand stroking my cock. Her eyes were peeled on me as mine were up in her, both extremely excited. She asked me if I would like her to suck my cock. "Yes, please."
"You first," she said. And with that, she approached closer. I moved to the edge of the bed, grasping her by the hips and drawing her closer. My mouth opened wide I took her rubber cock into my mouth. (Gaggling) "Sorry, this is my first time."
"That's fine, we all learn along the way." And with that, she took hold of herself and now plunged her manhood into my willing mouth to the point it hit her gripped hand. "Oh yes Baby, I love fucking your mouth."
Who was this woman, surely not my timid wife... with all that I felt my balls begin to tighten. I tried to think of other things but it was too late and I splattered the bed below with my seed. "Oh crap," I screamed not wanting this to end. (As I moved to my side of the bed)
"That's fine Honey." She said. Then I watched her run her finger through the mess I made, "Yummy." after tasting it. Then she rolled her cock in it, sticky wet she joined me. My limp cock nestled under her hot pussy, watching her play with her hard nipples. It was clear she wanted more and only a matter of time until I could give it to her. "Oh, look who's coming back to life." But instead of directing it into one of her holes, she moved up higher upon me. "Like me clean so I can fuck you," she commanded.
This was a first for me, even if the thought wasn't. A unique taste to be sure and saltier than I imagined, but what a turn-on. Task complete she shimmied down my body feeding her right breast into my face, or so I thought. Her real reasoning was to get to the jar of lube on the nightstand. "Are you ready to be fucked?" My response was to place a heavy coat of lube on her cock and across my back door.
She rubbed her soaken wet pussy across my cock and balls before lifting my legs, instructing me to take hold of my ankles. She strokes both of our cocks together until my one-word plea. "Please." Even then she took her time, running the head of her cock up and down the crack of my ass.
Finally, she slowly pressed her head into me. Unable to wait any longer I pressed toward her, taking every inch of her manhood. "Oh yes, Baby, fuck yourself with my cock." she moaned.
Of course, I was into it but that fact she was too made it all the better. She fucked my ass good and when she was done she requested that I return the favor. Having already come earlier I gave her ass a good pounding and in the end we were both sore but very satisfied.
We were in the sweet spot then and the happiest I had ever been. I had it all, the love of my life and the best sex ever. But how life seems to happen, just when it gets good shit happens. We were not ones to argue often or the way they were bad when we did, but this one got bad and in a hurry. Her dumb move and my stupid reaction ended up with me leaving. We even spoke of the dreaded D-word even if it wasn't what I wanted, nor her past tense.
But that said we still walked the walk toward it, unsure of what would happen. None of this relieves the need for sex, it only makes it worse. At the time my brother was the Doorman to a nudie bar, nude and served booze which was a bad combo. Of course, I got in free and paid for a few drinks if any at all. One of the girls took a liking to me, always ending her dance in front of me and never taking my offering. We began a broken conversation between her turns, just a few words as the next girl came on stage. But by the end, I was to come back the next night where she was to get off at nine.
Everything went as planned until two of the other dancers did not show up to relieve her and another gal. After her friend refused to stay the pressure was really on her to stay, and she agreed to until someone could come in to relieve her. That took two more hours and a few more drinks in me, leaving her exhausted and me a little rummy. Neither of us was up to anything worth doing, so we made plans to try again soon.
I had some time to think and call me what you like, but I was kinda glad nothing happened as I still loved my wife and felt it would if been some kind of betrayal. That held me over, at least until I got word she was going out. Although I knew no details my mind thought the worse which was nature.
Fired back up I went to a hotel bar near me, many single guys I knew had said how they always had luck there. Mostly married women looking for more but at that point, my opinion of marriage was at a low. I went and within the first couple of hours, I bought a few drinks and even had a couple bought for me. It wasn't that my standards were set high, none were unfuckable. But I couldn't pull the trigger even if was a sure thing.
The whole time I sat at the bar, so under the eye of the bartender. When the fifth lady and I parted ways he came over to me. "Are you looking for something special, I know most of them and you could have had any of them."
I gave him the bullet points of what had me there and I could tell he felt for me. Maybe that was why he invited me to come over if I was willing to wait until he got off. I'm not sure why I agree and with the wait only twenty minutes, I didn't have much time to figure it out. The next thing I knew I was pulling into his driveway, just minutes away from the bar.
As soon as we walked in he excused himself saying how he smelled like cigarettes. He returned shortly, hair still damp and wrapped in a towel. He joined me on the couch, sitting at the other end. Our conversation varies greatly but when he asked me to explain what was going on in more detail I didn't mind doing so. If nothing else it was therapeutic to get it off my chest and because of that I held nothing back.
I gave him all the sorted details risking our new friendship, and even surprising myself in doing so. By the end, he knew everything. "Wow dude, that's a lot. And look at what it did to me." (opening his towel and reviling his hard cock) I offered nothing in return and watched as he stoked himself in front of me.
I can't say any of this was in my mind but I soon found myself joining him. A few minutes in he moved closer and took my cock in his hand, I returned the favor stroking his and it was my first time touching a cock that wasn't my own. I had not yet formed an opinion on doing such when he stopped his moans, "Suck me." And with being horny and knowing this was my chance I did exactly that.
I had no experience but I surely knew what felt good to me, so I did those things, and his moaning was taken as a sign of approval. He warned me to stop or he was going to come into my mouth. Although I was into the idea I had other plans, "No I want you to fuck me."
An interest built, if a rubber cock feels that good the real thing must be even better. And my god was it, mostly my moans now filling the room? He fucked me to his completion and then sucked me to mine. I gave him my thanks and hoped to see him again.
When I got home there was a message on the machine, my ex asking me to come by on Sunday for our daughter's birthday. Her birthday didn't escape me but I had no idea how we would approach it, I called her early the next day saying that I would be happy to attend.
When I got there I forgot myself, kissing my ex on the lips. "Oh sorry," I said.
"It's fine, I miss you too."
I gave my girls a kiss and a gift for the birthday girl. Looking back at my ex, "I guess I should go now?"
"No, stay. The girls would want you to, and we are going to have cake and ice cream soon."
After watching her open her gifts and the cake and ice cream, again, "I guess I should leave."
"No, no, stay for dinner. The girls and I want you to."
Dinner turned into dinner and a movie, as well as the girl's bedtime. "Well, I should go now."
"No, please stay for me." My with asked.
We talked in general until we were sure the girls had fallen asleep, that was when my wife stood up and after taking my hand she led me to the bedroom. We lay on top of the bed fully dressed. "Well, I guess you have been getting lots of pussy."
I didn't have the heart or balls to tell her the truth, "Yeah, some."
"Good, I have had a few too." Then she proceeds to tell me all about them. Two were once-and-done but the third guy (Mark) she had seen a few times. "The sex is great, but without love, it seems missing to me."
I began to think about her with those other guys, at first a little pissed at how they are now reaping my hard work of making a shy young woman into the woman she is now. Also, I knew her well enough to know she was extremely horny too. I mixed emotions about how I wanted to yell at her but also fuck the shit out of her. But for at least one time in my life, I played a long game. I kissed her and said goodbye doing neither.
She called me the next morning to say thanks and asked me to call her later after the girls went to bed. For the first time in months, I saw hope and I planned to do my best to find our way back. When I did call her I was quick, "I am so sorry, I do not know how it got away from us so quickly."
"Me too, I wish it never happened. You know I love you."
It was then that I confessed the details of what happened to me, all the details. I could tell she was excited and even masturbating as I went into the details. "Fuck, that is so hot. I knew you were kinky but oh my god, so fucking hot I'm masturbating,"
I laughed, "I know." Meaning the masturbation part, but it was also a turn-on knowing her pleasure was taken from it.
She elaborated more on her goings and my turn to find my creamy ending as she did. I started to get turned on by the fact she fucked other men besides me. I was saying my goodbyes when. "Wait, can you come over on Friday?"
"Absolutely, would love to."
"Great, come over early and I will make something nice."
That gave me a few days to process what had happened to that point. Mixed reactions but mostly good and surely on top was the want of getting back together, that point never varied. As to the rest, I thought of what happened with the bartender and myself, most enjoyable and I would be lying if I said it didn't raise more questions than answers, especially with my wife's reaction. Then on to her and hers, the thought of her with other guys ran the gambit. A bit of anger and a slice of doubt in myself if to be honest, more so with that Mark character. Was he better, is his cock bigger, was mine big enough? But by the time Friday rolled around, there was only one thought in my mind and that was getting my family back.
I arrived with flowers for her and gifts for the girls, only to learn they were at their grandma's for the evening. The gifts could wait and how great to have the place all to ourselves. Dinner was good and the conversation was even better since we were in agreement that we should get back together.
Being thankful I excused myself, giving her a warm bath. Then my pleasure undressing her, her body still turns on. I got her a glass of wine and a promise of a massage afterward. About twenty minutes later I heard her call that she was ready to get out, that gave me plenty of time to light some candles and get things ready in the bedroom.
I padded her body dry and took her by the hand and led her to the bed where I laid her down. (Some private words that I will keep to myself) then I began her massage. No nook or cranny was missed nor unexplored and at that point, you might say she was putty in my hands.
"Now your turn," she said. And soon she skillfully pleased my body and soul. Then she sucked on my cock and we were both ready for it when she climbed on board. I missed her warm pussy and it felt like being home again. She came quickly but no signs of stopping any time soon, then the doorbell rang.
"Let it go, this feels too good."
It rang again and four more times. In her frustration, "Fuck, I better go see."
I stroked my cock to keep it peaked, not bothering to stop when my wife re-entered the room. But I did when some guy followed her in. "Honey, this is Mark. Mark, my husband."
"Ah, hey?"
"Sorry Honey, I had forgotten Mark and I were getting together tonight. I just got so excited about how well things were with us again, that it slipped my mind.
"Ah, okay." (Still not finding many words to say.) Surprisingly Mark stuck his hand out to be shaken, cock and cunt juice aside.
Now closer I could get a better look at him. A good ten years older than us but not bad looking and in good shape. "Sorry, I guess I could not have come over at a worse time," he claimed.
Maybe not my wife said and then she confessed how the thought of a three-way has been rattling in her head these last few months. "Oh Baby, can we?"
"You know I can never say no to you."
With that, my wife climbed back on the bed and sat on my willing face. A minute later my cock was being sucked and since my hands were filled with my wife's breasts I knew it couldn't be her. I guess more good came from that other night as I wouldn't be sure of my reaction if this was my first male-on-male experience, not the mention it most likely would have ever happened if I hadn't confessed to it.
Mark was good, maybe too good as I filled his mouth with my hot cum. My wife had turned around by this point watching very interested. "Oh, no. I guess Mark will have to fuck me now."
With that she peeled off of me, laid at my side, and parted her legs wide for Mark to take her. I was kissing her but I knew exactly when he entered her, now it was my turn to watch. From the side, I watched his sizable cock slip in and out of her as I played with her nipples as per her request. Ready to come she began to massage her clit, then after she came she brought her finger up offering them to me. Her nectar was sweet as always and wanting more I squeezed my way down between them, licking her clit as Mark's cock passed by. At some point, Mark took his cock out pressing it between my lips. Back and forth at will between the two of us, then when my wife figured out what was happening she pulled away to watch me suck on Mark. "That's it, Baby, suck that cock for me." I had never been turned on more than that moment, and happy to comply.
When he came the first blast went straight down my throat, but I was careful to save the rest and share it with my wife in a big wet kiss. She sucked on my tongue and I sucked on hers, the salty treat lingering.
My wife got up from the bed, looking at both of the guys with our cocks spent. A finger to her lips, then into the air, "I got it." We watched as she fumbled through the nightstand exiting with her harness and dildo in hand. "Now, which one of you should I fuck?"
(Together) "Me!"
She laughed saying how unlike us her cock can go all night. Then she instructed us to get in position, the both of us side by side heads down, and asses up. I felt the chill of lube but Mark was moaning too so it was yet to find out who was being taken first. Then I felt the pressure of her cock entering me. As much as I liked it before it was even better this time, not sure exactly why but there it was. To be honest, it was more me fucking her, sending my hips back over and over again.
Then came Mark's turn, he was enjoying it just as much as I did. This left my wife exhausted and both Mark and I at the ready once again. My wife removed the harness and laid between us, she kissed Mark and then turned to me doing the same. "Come fuck me, Honey, I need to feel you inside of me."
I happily complied and how wonderful it was. Having spent my seed earlier I could go on much longer this time, maybe too long as Mark asked for his turn.
My wife: "No need, just fuck him. You're my Bottom Boy aren't you?"
"Yes Baby, anything you want."
With that, I laid deep inside my wife's pussy as Mark drug his cock up the crack of my ass, still well-lubed and wanting it to slide in with no pain or effort. Mark found the right distance and it was more me pushing forward and back, taking and giving over and over again.