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Cuckolded by Her Mother Ch. 26


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It wasn't as if, however, she was going to let her mother see that as she drew herself up as tall and as proud as she could from her seated position, raising an eyebrow as she tipped her chair ever so slightly back onto two legs.

"Alright, mom, but I think that one's for you to pay for...not me."

Such a small act of rebellion but it gave her a thrill all the same to see her mother's brow furrowing that little bit, eyes narrowing at the corners. Her heart pounded, her mouth too dry and, well, her excitement dampening her panties as she squeezed her thighs together. Just how could she want so much when everything was so wrong? So wonderfully, blissfully wrong...

Ah, those emotions were for a later time and later date, something to peruse under the cover of nightfall when what could not be explored during daylight hours could be brought to life in the secrecy of invisibility. She could wonder then but, for the moment, all she had to do was hold her mother's gaze and stand her ground for what could be. After all, wasn't she the one who held the true power in their relationship, even as the submissive?

Fyr's gaze hardened. Yes, she'd been the one to leave. The only reason that she was back, truly, was because of Kao. And that didn't mean that she needed them one bit, oh no. She could do just fine on her own and missing someone was by no means an indication of not being able to live without them.

Not at all.

"Well then," she said brusquely, getting up and brushing imaginary dust off her jeans. "I'd best get on with checking the rest of the place over but we'll talk about that table later. How about pizza for dinner tonight? I could really do with ordering in this time. As I said, it's been an awfully long day so far."

They were all very normal words that could have come from anyone's lips but they still felt strange coming from her own, as if Fyr was not the right dragoness to be speaking them. But then her mother was against her, her arms around her waist as she drew her daughter in close, the memory of the warm hugs that she used to give coming back in full force.

"Fyr," she breathed. "Oh, Fyr, oh, Fyr..."

Fyr opened and closed her mouth several times but could not help but collapse into that embrace, a little breathy sigh escaping her muzzle as, finally, she relaxed. That hug... Oh, that she remembered, how safe and warm her mother's arms made her feel. That had been one of the things that had made her fall in love with Ropes too right back at the beginning, how tightly he could hold her with his arms and all four of his tentacles. She'd never felt so protected as she did with him, knowing that the demon would always be able to keep her safe above all else.

"It's okay, sugar," Sasha murmured, wriggling against her daughter as her paw suddenly slipped lower, pushing between them. "Things are just as they were - no, they're better. Much better than that, honey, and we're so glad to have our little draggie back, my good girl."

Fyr sucked in a breath, eyes wide. There was something more in her mother's voice, the dragoness' tail wrapped around hers as if she needed to keep her daughter in one place. But it was too late to squirm away, clinging to the memory of her embrace above all else, Sasha's paw pulling out from her dungarees with something akin to a degree of difficulty.

"Mom? What are you -

And, before Fyr could react or even finish the question, her mother's fingers slipped into the corner of her maw, teasing deep into the back of her mouth as the dragoness hacked and gulped around those invading digits. Wide-eyed and straining, she flailed, but her mother's stronger arm kept her pinned against her side as she giggled wickedly, thrusting her fingers lewdly across Fyr's tongue as if she was trying to rub something into her mouth.

But she didn't need to be doing that in the slightest as Fyr's eyes rolled back into her skull, the dragoness shuddering and moaning as her tail flicked, submitting to her mother's hold. The thickness of fresh seed, no doubt scooped from her mother's pussy, dribbled into the back of her throat and she eagerly gulped it down; it was more of a reflex than anything else by that point in her life, she was sure of it. Yet there was still something different about the taste of cum - perhaps she'd been out of the game for a little too long? - that came out thicker and tarter than she was used to, the memory of drinking her husband's seed straight from the tap making her shudder in raw desire for him. Oh, it had been so long... And just where was Ropes?

"That's not just my husband's," she breathed, tongue flickering out like that of a serpent to 'kiss' the side of her daughter's snout. "But you'll come to learn that in time, don't you worry, my darling draggie slut of a daughter... There's so much more to come here, so much that's happened while you've been away."

"Why, it's your fault for missing so much fun, really!"

And all Fyr could do was suckle on that finger as if it contained the sweetest elixir, her submissive mind revelling in the moment as she shivered and squirmed. Her mind was lost and everything was back right where it was supposed to be, her body pressing itself up against her mother as that cruel dragoness withdrew her finger from her daughter's lips, knowing at just the point where her daughter craved it the most.

She had the dragoness back where she needed her and then some.

"Now," her mother purred as Fyr whimpered and leaned after that finger, tongue poking out over her lips. "Get that cute butt of yours upstairs and make sure your brother is taking care of! You'll have to set him up in the other guest room, if you're not giving up your bed to the sweet lad."

Fyr shuddered and shook her head, though whether her reaction was from her mother talking as if she was going to get on her knees and suck her brother's cock - fuck! - or the overly cutesy talk, she could not have said. Sliding her gaze away from a pair of eyes that held her like a lock, she gasped and gulped for air that would not come as breath to her lungs, chest burning and tightening inadvertently.

It was a relief to stumble her way upstairs, although admittedly a tittering, stuttering mess that could not have passed for a dragoness in any shape or form. Her room, surprisingly, was mostly as she'd left it, even though the bed sheets had been stripped from it, no doubt soaked with the sexual fluids of her mother and her husband's trysts. Or trysts, if they had really been that randy... But she could not think or worry about that as she hastened herself into the bathroom with a paw between her legs, needing the relief of the hot, massaging pulse of the shower to grind her over the edge.

And it was her husband and her mother that she fantasised about, Fyr moaning and pressing her shoulder blades back into the cold tile of the walk-in shower, humping and thrusting against her own paw and that shower head - god, she'd missed that! How could Kao live without one of those? She supposed he had more than enough fun on his plate what with Chemical being there to satisfy his every whim and desire, the dragoness pairing up with him so perfectly that they truly were an excellent example of the perfect couple. But she could not just keep her sexy mother in her mind as Kao's face floated into her vision, that cock of his clutched in one paw, hard and throbbing and desperate for her attention.

Yet again... Who was to know? Clenching her jaw, Fyr whimpered, caught up in lust that no longer seemed under her control, her mind flicking from Kao to Ropes and back again as she climaxed with a howl with the thought of his cock between her lips. Jammed into the back of her throat, she imagined sucking down every last drop of cum as the water washed away evidence of her sin, leaving her shaken and still not satisfied, mind broken and body confused as to what it had gotten out of that frenzied episode of ardent self-love.

Her mother... Yes, it was her mother that confused her, Sasha with her finger sliding over her tongue like that. But that only riled up the dragoness all the more as she towelled herself off, gritting her teeth as if she could stop her pussy from moistening and dripping with need through sheer force of will alone. She was going to soak through a new pair of panties (yet again) if she wasn't careful! But how could she be careful when her mother treated her just like her little fuck toy and tore apart every last bit of sexuality that Fyr had, once upon a time, been confident in?

Too confusing. Too much. Better to just think about wrapping a towel around herself and scooting off to the bedroom with due haste. Yet it was her fate to run into Kao just outside the bathroom door, the dragon hovering as if he had his legs pressed together a little too tightly. Tucking the towel more firmly up under her arms, Fyr frowned. Didn't he know that they had more than one bathroom there? It wasn't perfect but still usable, surely! He didn't have to wait!

"Hey, Fyr," he grinned, one eyebrow raised. "How's it going?"

She blushed fiercely and rubbed the back of her neck, eyes slipping past him. God, it was awkward with him sometimes, the drake seeming out of place in the ranch house, his frame silhouetted against a wall that was freshly painted but still devoid of any photographs of pictures whatsoever. Where was Ropes? Why hadn't her own husband come to see her yet?

"All...fine," she said evasively. "You okay, bro? Need anything?"

"No... No. I don't need anything. And I'm sure you don't need anything too now, hm, Fyr?"

Kao grinned like a schoolboy and winked obviously, making the gesture larger than it needed to be for her to catch. Nonplussed and more than a little confused as to why he was leering at her - he'd never been all that good at expressions when he was trying for a particular one - Fyr shook her head and went to scoot by him.

"Alright then, well I'll make sure there are fresh towels out so you can have a shower too. Wow, that plane air is stuffy!"

Barking a laugh that seemed to inadvertently burst from him, the dragon shook his head and smirked, clapping her on the shoulder.

"Sure, sure, it is, sis... You keep telling yourself that that's just why you had to moisten your pipes. Just let me know when Ropes is out of the bathroom so I can go in, okay?"

Fyr's eyes widened and she called after him, the hot rush of embarrassment flooding her guts as her brother sauntered off with a grin so wide on his muzzle that he may as well have considered himself well and truly the cat that had gotten the cream and drank it too. It took her frazzled mind just a moment longer than it should have to catch up with his meaning, the dragoness' jaw comically dropping even as her brother's giggles floated childishly back to her, tail flicking with deliriously wicked sibling enjoyment.

"It wasn't... He wasn't..."

But the dragoness trailed off without actually managing to finish a single sentence. Would it be worse if her brother knew that she'd been in there masturbating on her own? Oh god! He'd heard her, oh, he must have heard her! How embarrassing to be caught by her own brother enjoying herself! Just what would he think of her?

Groaning, she pressed the back of her paw to her forehead and tried not to think of it, although that seedy, salacious part of her that was ever the exhibitionist and the voyeur reminded her of the many times she'd watched him and Chemical together. How was Kao listening to her through a bathroom door any different?

That, however, was a question, like so many others, for the dragoness to come back to at another time. If at all.

The evening progressed tentatively but smoothly, in the best way it possibly could have. Fyr saw Ropes and hugged him, acting the part of a loving wife as he trailed a tentacle tenderly across her cheek. She even could have fallen for his act herself if she had not been sure that he was really looking at Sasha back over her shoulder while Kao lingered in the background, watching and observing. It was as if her brother was just waiting for his chance to ask Ropes what the hell he was doing but a demon was smart, perhaps even smarter than him, and gave him not a single opportunity as he kissed Fyr and held her close, seemingly unwilling to give her any space to breathe at all.

And yet the dragoness was set back from the laughter and the talk and even the closeness of her husband, caught up in worry for what would happen later that night. He didn't even feel like her husband anymore, not the cougar she fell in love with so very long ago. Things had changed, terribly and wonderfully so, and now they didn't even sleep in the same bed together - so just how was that going to work when it came to Kao? What would the dragon think when she, once again, slunk off into the guest room?

It was all an act and all a plot but the end result of it all was that she had to be stealthy and, above all else, she had to employ the most cunning that she ever had.

And that was just why she hunkered down at the foot of Ropes and Sasha's bed as they fucked, keeping the sound of their lovemaking, at least, down, although the headboard of the bed still smacked into the wall with each and every rampant thrust the cougar pounded into her. Sasha hissed breathlessly, letting him curl his fingers dominantly around her muzzle to keep her quiet, the only time that she let the cougar get the upper paw when they were, really, just two dominant souls who were forever fighting for control. Fyr would have been lying if she said that she didn't feel right and comfortable about being back in her rightful spot but she could not help but think that her reunion with her mother had been a side more eventful than her one with Ropes. Why, if she'd been with any other husband, she was sure that she'd be the one in bed right then getting fucked and squealing as he drove into her, not on the floor beside the bed, a helpless voyeur to his lust and pleasure with a better dragoness.

Oh, but it was exotic and erotic and had that old sense of familiarity that had her propping her chin up on the bed and watching through half-lidded eyes, a curl of smoke flowing from her nostrils as if she simply could not contain the fire inside. Ropes was almost majestic in how he powered into her, Sasha's legs wrapped up around his waist, but Fyr could only be glad that they had not chosen somewhere more exotic to fuck this time. At least in the bedroom she could relax as much as possible in the knowledge that Kao would not walk in on them, although the two of them being on such good behaviour certainly didn't bode well for the future. Just how long would it take them to get bored of that?

Of course, they didn't see Fyr leave when she determined that she had been there for long enough, ignoring her so completely that she wondered on more than one occasion if she was invisible. Maybe they'd forgotten that she could be useful in her absence, or were simply punishing her. As long as Kao did not find out what was going on, however, she did not care.

Only when she was quite sure that the drake must have collapsed into his own bed in the guest bedroom did she creep from the bedroom and close the door with a quiet click on her heels. Sighing softly, she leaned back against it, as warm and as flushed as if she'd been out enjoying herself elsewhere, a dance at a club or something that left her with a warm, drunken glow. She wouldn't get that experience out and about anymore though - not if she was stuck babysitting Ropes and Sasha. But it was worth it in its own kind of strange, sick way.

"Hey there."


Fyr jumped, shaking as she scuttled back, her cheeks and neck flushed. How had he managed to sneak up on her like that? Of course, the drake had the typical glass of water clutched in his paw and she was abruptly taken back to the first time she'd caught him and Chem fucking. Then she'd never gotten her glass of water. She gulped, trying to play it cool. How ironic.

"Hi, Fyr," he said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear (a Cheshire cat had nothing on him). "Surprised to see you...up..."

He waggled his eyebrows at her and she gulped, stepping back, her heart in her mouth. Just how much had he heard? What had he seen? Oh god, oh god, oh god - oh god! It was worse than the bathroom! Had he looked through the crack in the door? What did he...

"I'm glad things seem to be going, ah, better for you and Ropes," he said quietly, although he could not stop the smirk from pulling at his lips as much as he tried to seal it away. "You, well..."

He grinned and jerked his head at the door, tail curling back and forth with that ever pleased look on his muzzle. And then Fyr gaped, staring at him as if he had lost every semblance of his mind for what he thought she had been doing was most certainly not sitting at the foot of the bed but being on the bed itself while Ropes...

Blood roared in her ears, her alibi weak and yet fixed in his mind already as she half-shrugged, affecting embarrassment. Of course, sure, it was so embarrassing to be caught fucking her husband by her own brother, oh no, how terrible, the horror... She tried to channel those feeling rather than the pounding, sickening terror of Kao finding their own mother in bed with her husband, which was, by far, the worse outcome than her being caught up in a little bit of an embarrassing and painfully awkward situation.

He hardly seemed dissuaded by her lack of speech, however, all words stuck below the reach of her throat, and grinned all too widely. Did he ever stop grinning?

"Sooo..." He stage-whispered, slinging an arm about her shoulders to draw her in close. "You get what you needed then, sis? If he's making you moan like that..."

"Ew, Kao..." She tried, waving him off with a look. "I... I don't want to talk about that. Just go to bed, alright?"

"Sure thing, sis, but keep it down, would you?"

And, with that, the drake was gone with a sassy little sway to his hips and a face palm from his sister in the background. For what was she to say when her ruse was set in place, a lie that was, at the very least, plausible in the context of married life and a husband who was still, on paper, very much her husband. He could believe what he wanted to believe as long as it was not close to the truth or, lord forbid, the truth itself.

Fyr groaned and rubbed her temples, a headache coming on with a dull pound. Why did everything always have to be so complicated? Kao thought she was still fucking her husband - fucking like bunnies, in fact. If that wasn't so, it meant that she'd have to make it look like that, at least a little. If he thought that, Fyr was quite determined to keep it that way.

This was going to take some planning.

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AmethystMareAmethystMareabout 5 years agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to pretty much take on anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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