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Cuckolding in the Biker Bar!

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B/F forced to watch me getting gang banged in biker bar!
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"Do you mind if I go out on another date with Mark?" I asked my husband?

My husband and I, (my name is Brandie), had been living a HOT Wife sexual lifestyle, sharing me with other men for sex, for over a decade, at the time, and we had met Mark at a key party several weeks earlier.

Although my husband and I generally do threesomes, another man joining my husband and me, and the two of them having sex with me, (my husband is very straight), there had been a few times when I went off on a "date" with other men, alone. Such had been the case, several weeks earlier, when I had pulled Mark's keys out of a bag in a random drawing at a key party, then went off all night with him until he brought me home the next day.

"When," my husband asked?

"Friday night," I answered.

"I suppose if you want to," he responded, then adding, "I'll go out with some buddies that night, rather than sitting at home all night, and, as long as I get all those intricate, sexual details you know I like to hear, when you come home. Is this going to be an 'all nighter' again? Or just, out for the night and back home late?"

"I think we'll just be out for a few hours, and you know I'll tell you everything when I get home," I smiled a sexy, wicked smile at him, as I said it.

So, with my husband's permission, I emailed Mark and told him I would be available on Friday night.

Mark was a kinky sort of fellow, in that way, he was much like my husband. He liked to take me out to public, or semi public places, show me off in sexy outfits, and get a kick out of the reactions of other men, who saw me. Mark even liked to have sex in semi public places like in the car in a parking lot. His wife wouldn't indulge him in these sorts of sexual situations, so she was OK with him getting other women to play out his kinky sexual games with him.

It was by the luck of the draw, that I had pulled Mark's car keys out of the sack at that party several weeks earlier, because it just so happens that I am a bit of an exhibitionist. I love having people watching me in sexual ways, whether it's just men ogling me while I'm dressed provocatively and me knowing that they're thinking about wanting to fuck me, or whether I'm actually having sex and other people are watching me, that always heightens my sexual enjoyment and pleasure. So, we were a perfect match.

And, it helps that my husband doesn't mind sharing me with other men for sex. I mentioned earlier, that we normally do threesomes. But he doesn't mind, if occasionally, I go out with a man on my own, as long as afterwards, I give him all the sexy details of exactly what we did and what happened.

Mark had mentioned wanting to take me to a biker bar, dressed very upscale and sexy, and having bikers drooling over themselves all night, looking at me, and maybe even having me, teasing some of them into thinking that "maybe" they could have me, but then leaving at the end of the night with Mark. He thought that would be a fun night of sexual tension that would lead to some incredible sex in the bed afterwards. It sounded like fun to me too.

Mark lived nearly an hour away from me, in another city, but I told him that I knew of a local biker bar, outside the city limits where I lived, that was pretty secluded, and just the kind of 'dive' that would make this game fun.

So, on Friday afternoon, I started getting ready for a fun night out, by taking a shower and shaving myself silky smooth. Including my pussy, which I always kept smoothly shaved because that's the way my husband prefers it, and I have come to learn, that many other men do, too.

Then I did my shoulder length, blond hair, in a pretty style, that parted in the middle and hung down on both sides of my face. I applied just enough makeup, (my face, as well as the rest of my body stayed tanned year round from my tanning bed), to give me a smooth and consistent skin tone, and added some bright red lipstick to my lips.

Then I dressed, in a short black, leather mini skirt, that came to about mid thigh, but had a daring zipper in the back that I unzipped about halfway up, showing off plenty of my inner thigh when I walked, and possibly a bit of my ass cheeks if I was bent over a pool table. On top, I slipped on a white silk camisole top, that only had thin spaghetti straps over my shoulders. The top of the camisole, ran straight around me just above my nipples, which stood out, through the soft, thin, silky material of the camisole. When I got sexually stimulated, and my nipples hardened, they stood out even more! The bottom of the camisole, hung loosely over the waistband of the skirt, down to several inches below my waistline. The camisole was a Harley-Davidson camisole, and it had a small, Harley bar and shield symbol cut out, in the middle of the cami, between my tits, that showed the bare skin of my breasts and confirmed for anyone, who hadn't already figured it out, that I wasn't wearing a bra. If I twisted too far either way, my brown areola would show through that little cut out.

I put my favorite gold anklet on, the one with the heavy gold chain and the oval medallion that had my name on one side and the word, "SLUT" on the other side, being sure to put it on with the word, "SLUT" on the outside, tonight!

I finished off my outfit with a pair of bright red, shiny high heels, that had straps around the ankles with little gold buckles on the outside of each ankle. The little gold buckles were shaped like the Harley bar and shield emblem.

Knowing I was going out to a biker bar, I put on some cute gold, Harley-Davidson earrings, and two Harley necklaces on gold chains around my neck, that hung down onto my bare chest and my cleavage. I wore a wide, black leather bracelet, with rhinestones that made a Harley bar and shield symbol on it.

Once I was dressed, I looked at myself in the full length mirror of my bathroom. I was just over 50, and carried a little bulge around my middle that I would have preferred to not have. But I was pleased with my appearance. The loose hanging camisole hid my little spare tire, and the rest of my outfit showcased my best features; my legs, which I've been told are the envy of women half my age, my ample bosom, I had a lift done on my 38C breasts just a short time before this and so they hung firm, with just a slight bounce, much like they did when I was 20, my nipples, stimulated, or not, stood out through the thin, white camisole, and I've been told that I have a pretty face. My bright red shoes and gold anklet brought your attention to my legs and feet, and the brightly colored flower tattoo on the outside of my left ankle.

So, without a bra, or panties under my clothes, and my outfit showcasing my best features, I figured I would stand out in the crowd at a biker bar, and I could get the attention of a bunch of horny and drunk bikers.

When I came out of the bathroom, my husband whistled, and jumped up out of his chair to embrace me in his arms, then give me a quick kiss, after which he said, "My God! You are fucking gorgeous! And sexy! Any man, who sees you in that outfit and doesn't want to fuck you, has got to be gay!"

I know I blushed a little, I could feel my face get warm, even if he couldn't see it under my makeup and tan. Even though this was my husband giving me this compliment, I was still pleased and a little embarrassed that any man, even my husband, would find me so attractive. As he stepped back to get another look at me, and he asked me to do a little 360 turn around for him, I noticed that his cock was hard inside his jeans, and I thought to myself, "Now THAT is the effect I was hoping to have with this outfit!"

Mark was due to pick me up a little after 7:00 pm and it was just now about 6:30. My husband was so turned on with my appearance, that he wanted to have sex with me before Mark picked me up. But I laughed and told him I didn't want to mess up my hair and makeup. Then he jokingly suggested I could just bend over the back of the couch and he wouldn't mess up a thing, but my pussy!

I slapped him on the shoulder, laughing, and told him, "Stop it! You'll get plenty of sex when I get home."

"Well don't give it all away to Mark then, save me some," laughing, he said.

Giving him an evil, sexy grin, I joked, "Have you ever known a man to wear me out so much that I couldn't fuck you when he was done?"

My husband paused, put his hand to his chin in an exaggerated pose of thinking, and replied, "No, I guess I haven't."

Then my husband gave me another kiss and left quickly, saying that some of his buddies were waiting for him at the VFW where they were going to have a BBQ and dart tournament. Before leaving, he said that he would probably be back around midnight, and asked if that would be before, or after, I got home.

"I don't know," I told him, "but I will definitely be home tonight."

Mark pulled into the driveway just a few minutes after my husband had left. When I opened the door for him, I saw that he was riding a brand new Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra motorcycle. I had been to Mark's house the night that I first met him, and I had seen his Harley in the garage then, but this was a brand new one. It even had the paper drive out tag still on it.

Shocked, I said to him, "I didn't expect you to be riding a bike, if I had, I would have dressed differently."

Smiling as he was looking me up and down, Mark grabbed my arms and pulled me to him, as he said, "You are gorgeous! Very sexy! I'm glad you didn't dress differently," then he embraced me in a passionate kiss. I didn't really kiss him back and broke it off quickly.

Mark and I, were standing in the doorway of my home, that my husband and I, most often used, going in and out, that led directly out onto our driveway behind the house and in front of our garage. I was concerned that one of our neighbors might see Mark kissing me, so I pulled him inside and closed the door. Once inside, we embraced in another passionate kiss, and this time, I let Mark take more time with it, as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth and his hands onto my bare ass, under my skirt. I think he then understood why I wasn't so responsive to his first kiss in the doorway.

When we broke it off, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry about kissing you outside like that in broad daylight here, at your home. I was just so taken by your sexy appearance that I was overcome with desire."

"It's OK," I responded, "but I'm going to have to change clothes if I'm going to be riding on that bike."

"I wish you wouldn't," he pleaded, "you are so damn sexy in that outfit! I would be honored to have your sexy ass, dressed like that, on the back of my bike. We'll get out of your neighborhood quickly and it'll be dark before I bring you home."

I was beginning to wonder about this plan of showing me off in a biker bar. The place we were going to wasn't a yuppie biker bar. These were real bikers that went there. And Mark was a very nice, handsome man, but he had the yuppie, millionaire biker look about him! He was a millionaire, and every piece of his clothing looked brand new, from his Harley shirt, to his Harley boots, and even his Harley belt looked brand new. Not to mention the obviously brand spanking new bike with the drive out tag that he was riding. He had yuppie millionaire biker just stamped all over him! He was going to stand out in the crowd at that bar, as much as I was going to, the way I was dressed. But then I figured, what the Hell, that's what we were wanting to do anyway, get attention, so I decided to go the way I was dressed.

I grabbed a different small purse, one that had a strap I could sling over my head and across my body as we rode, and I had to go into my garage and get my helmet. My husband and I, both ride Harleys too, that's how I knew about this bar, I had been there a few times before.

Once Mark was on the bike, I grabbed his shoulders, put my left foot up on the floorboard, and with a little hop, I stepped up, swung my right foot across the back seat, putting it onto the other floorboard, and then sat straight down. I had done this before, usually not with a short skirt on, but I had done it with a skirt on a few times, so I was able to do it without completely exposing my bare ass to the entire world as I mounted the bike behind Mark.

Once I was sitting, my short leather skirt rode up quite high on each side of my thighs, so I was showing nearly every inch of my tanned legs. I had my purse slung diagonally across my body so the strap went down between my breasts, pressing my silk camisole against me, and making my nipples stand out quite clearly through the thin material. As promised, Mark sped out of my neighborhood, quickly, going the way I directed him.

Once we were out of my neighborhood, I got more relaxed, because I was less concerned about someone seeing me riding this bike dressed like a hooker, who might know me! Once I was more relaxed and started enjoying the ride, I noticed that I could feel the air blowing up my short skirt onto my bare, uncovered pussy. No one could see it, because even though my legs were spread wide in a very unladylike way of sitting in a skirt, I was riding behind Mark and so no one could see up my skirt.

As we headed out of the city, we were on the last four lane stretch of city streets, before we would get to the two lane county road that led us out to the bar, when a pick up truck with three young redneck boys in it, pulled up beside us. The boys started hooting and hollering, whistling, and making suggestive remarks about me and how sexy I looked, riding that bike in my short leather skirt and red high heeled shoes. Mark was laughing and I was a little embarrassed, but then I thought I would make these boy's night. I pulled my camisole top down and showed them my tits!

That really got them going, hollering for more! I told Mark what I had done, since he couldn't see it. He laughed, goosed the throttle, and sped out onto the two lane county road, as the pick up truck turned off onto another road.

Turning his head so he could speak to me over his shoulder, Mark said, "I'm glad they didn't follow us out to the bar to see more of you. That's all we would need, to drag a bunch of rednecks into a biker bar!"

I hadn't even thought of that before I flashed them my tits, so I was glad they hadn't followed us too.

A few minutes later, Mark pulled into the parking lot of the bar and we got off the bike. I used the same method getting off, as I had getting on, so that if anyone had been in the parking lot, which they weren't, I wouldn't have shown any ass getting off the bike either. I took my helmet off, laid it on the seat, then looked into one of the mirrors on Mark's bike and fluffed my hair back up with my fingers. This I had done before, too, so I knew how to make my hair presentable again after taking off a helmet.

When we stepped inside, you would have thought that we were two green Martians with antennas coming out of our heads, everyone in the place stared at us, as we came through the door and took a couple of seats on empty stools at the end of the bar.

At first, I was nervous as Hell! But everyone quickly went back to their own activities, playing pool, watching the TV, drinking, and talking with each other. Mark ordered himself a beer, and I ordered a margarita and two shots of tequila. I was thankful the bartender chick didn't take long serving them up as I downed the first shot quickly, and sipped a big gulp of the margarita to help start settling my nerves. Then I started to relax and I surveyed the crowd, to see if there was anyone here, who I knew.

As I looked around the bar, there were maybe fifteen to twenty bikers in the place, and four, or five other women. Two of them were wearing Daisy Duke shorts with their ass cheeks hanging out of their shorts and all of them were showing off lots of cleavage in button up shirts, or cut down T-shirts. Both of the girls in the shorts were wearing heels too, so that made me feel a little less out of place, the way I was dressed. Thankfully, I didn't see anyone I knew and even the barmaid was someone I hadn't ever seen before. She was wearing a very revealing Harley top that showed plenty of her cleavage and a short assed skirt with short heels on. When she bent over to get beer out of the coolers she showed her ass, but she was wearing a pair of white panties that concealed her slit between her thighs.

I downed the second shot of tequila, before I finished the margarita, and ordered another round before Mark had finished his first beer. That had the effect of settling my nerves and making me feel a little more at ease.

Mark and I began chatting casually, he was rubbing my bare leg, and leaning over to kiss me once in awhile, as I sat on my bar stool with my legs crossed, showing off a lot of bare thigh on both sides of myself.

Mark leaned close to me, smiling, as he said, "Did you see the way all those guys stared at you when we came in the door? I'll bet every one of them wants to fuck you!"

Yes, I had noticed the way everyone stared at us as we came in, but I figured they were staring at him, as much as at me, but I didn't tell him that! I noticed that Mark had a large bulge in his jeans, that told me his cock was hard and he was already enjoying showing me off to this biker crowd.

During the next two hours, we sat at the bar, drinking and talking, while Mark rubbed my legs and tried feeling me up. But at first, I wasn't letting him slide his hand all the way up, under my skirt, there, at the bar, where we could be seen from all over the place. Around 9:45, or so, I had to pee, so I uncrossed my legs, and before I slid down off my bar stool, I leaned over and kissed Mark and let him slip his hand up, under my skirt, and briefly touch my pussy with his fingers. As his finger tips made contact with my slit and he quickly rubbed them up and down me, I moaned with pleasure, into his mouth, while we were kissing. When we broke it off, I slid off my bar stool, and walked across the bar to the ladies room. While I was making that trip, I noticed that I had been so engrossed in talking with Mark at the bar, that I hadn't noticed that the crowd in the bar had nearly doubled in size, and now there were several other women in the crowd, a couple of them with short skirts. By now, I had downed three or four margaritas and five or six tequila shots. The relaxation the booze was bringing to me, combined with the fact that I now felt less out of place, the way I was dressed, was making me feel much more comfortable in this bar.

I also noticed that I caught the attention of several of the bikers, as some of them weren't at all shy about letting me know they liked the way I looked as I walked by.

As I passed one table, with four guys at it, one of them said to me, "Hey Baby Doll, you're looking good in that short assed leather skirt."

Another guy at the table said, "Those are some fine looking legs, Sweet Thing!"

All four of the guys stared me up and down as I approached and passed their table. I smiled and thanked them for their compliments as I slipped by, towards the bathroom.

After I passed them, I heard one of them say to my back, "If ya need any help in there, just holler. I'll be glad to wipe for you...with my tongue," and then they all broke up laughing!

I stepped into the bathroom and out of earshot then, of any more comments. In a stall, as I pulled my skirt up to sit down on the toilet, the last guy's words were ringing in my head, about him licking my pussy, and as I started to pee, I was also getting horny!

When I wiped myself, I took a little extra time doing it, and rubbed myself real good, enjoying the stimulation I brought to my own pussy through my clit. When I was done and stood back up, I thought I would unzip that zipper in the back of my skirt a little higher and show those guys a little more thigh as I walked back past them again. That split in the back of my skirt was opened about halfway up by that zipper, so I unzipped it about half of what was left, leaving the top of the split open, just below my butt cheeks as I was standing up.

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