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Cuckquean Conundrum Ch. 03

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More Than Kristin Can Handle.
8.6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/10/2023
Created 08/07/2023
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Third chapter! For those of you here for emotional devastation this is where it really begins

Contains: futa on female, hyper cock and cum ridiculousness/inflation, cuckquean/ntr, threesome, impregnation, emotional devastation, humiliation, small vagina humiliation are for the story as a whole!

Comments and feedback are appreciated :)


Kristin tried her damndest to enjoy her day of shopping.

Driving her small two-door to the biggest outlet mall around, Kristin tried to occupy herself by blasting loud pop music during the journey, singing at the top of her lungs like she didn't have a care in the world. She'd kept her phone on its usual mount above her dashboard just in case something went wrong and Nia needed her to come back early - which didn't happen. A part of Kristin, of course, was glad that everything was probably proceeding as planned, while another she tried to keep buried was saddened by the lack of an urgent text beckoning her. Despite the confidence she had shown off to Nia during her ambitious convincing only a week ago, she really hated the idea of her wife sleeping with someone else!

Shopping proved to be a decent distraction for the busty blonde. She wandered from store to store, enjoying the beautiful weather and the lust-filled ogling she received from strangers. Savoring her free time, she tried on every outfit, pair of shoes, and accessory that caught her eye, not hesitating to pick pieces that looked like they didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of fitting her - Kristin wanted new everything to surprise Nia with! It was her favorite way of saying 'thank you' to her wife in general, dressing as sexy as she could the best method she could think of to reward the futa with. Well, dressing sexy and plenty of home cooked feasts!

Kristin giggled to herself as she posed in front of a changing room mirror, her obscene proportions straining the pink lingerie she'd brought in with her. She looked even more ridiculous in the matching set than usual, and that meant that Nia would absolutely love the undergarments! Kristin could picture it perfectly. Laid out on the bed lit by the glow of candles, her curves on obscene display, stretched out like a model. Nia walking in, her jaw dropping and her pants tearing at the sight of her amazingly hot wife from how quickly her giant cock erected - something that had happened more than once in their relationship! Sadly, it wouldn't be tonight that she would get the chance to seduce Nia so brazenly!

Bending over to reach for a pair of potentially-purchasable stockings that matched the lingerie, Kristin paused to check her phone. She'd done her best to ignore the rectangular device while she spent dollar after dollar on things that would only fill up her walk-in closet further, having set it to its loudest volume before she even started her car - but that didn't stop her from peeking at it here and there just in case! But, as there continued to be no new notifications that appeared on the brightly lit screen from either Nia or Lori, Kristin found herself worrying more and more, only able to hold off her dwelling, regretful thoughts on what was going on in her home for so long.

Especially once the minutes since her departure turned into hours.

As a salesgirl rang up another of her four-digit purchases - and checked her out the entire time as well - Kristin tried to rationalize the lack of contact from her wife and friend to herself. She reasoned that they'd probably fallen asleep together after all was said and done, exhausted from mating. But what if that wasn't the case? Nia rarely seemed tired after a single orgasm, her cock always staying hard after the deed. Her next thought was that must have just been taking their time; while Lori couldn't have been as tight as Kristin herself was, Nia was still humongous by anyone's standards and sex with her couldn't have been easy even for the ultra promiscuous likes of Lori.

Kristin's anxiety was growing dire. Exhausting all the stores she regularly patronized faster than she'd expected, she was left to busy herself with her less-frequented, not-as-desirable options, aimlessly strolling through shops she hadn't been in since she was in college, dawdling, her arms filled with weighty bags of new clothing and shoes and jewelry and the like; she eventually found herself sitting an outdoor cafe sipping on a sugary parody of coffee, her phone laying face down on the table in front of her. Her eyes strained as she forced herself to not stare at it, gazing into the distance like she was people-watching instead.

Finally relenting, she checked her watch - the electronic kind that was hooked up to her phone - both looking for notifications and to see what time it was. Nothing! Its screen was completely blank and the clock showed that nearly four hours had passed! The Sun was already beginning to set in the sky, for God's sake! What could they possibly still be doing!? Bouncing her leg rapidly under the table and tapping her long-nailed fingers across its surface, Kristin could feel her heart begin to race as every single fear she had about the lurid affair passed through her brain, her rate of breathing intensifying.

Were they still having sex? Was one round not enough? Had Nia decided that Lori was the woman for her and was packing up all of her stuff to leave as Kristin sat there!? Okay, that last scenario was incredibly unlikely, but that didn't stop Kristin from considering it anyway! She simply couldn't push these kinds of thoughts from her brain, each new one to enter as horrifying as the last - and all were centered around Lori stealing Nia from her. Even Kristin's credit-card- limit reaching trip couldn't quell these notions any longer, unease crushing her confidence in its powerful hold.

She couldn't fucking take it anymore!

"Fuck fuck fuck!" She whispered sharply through grit teeth, standing up, her hands furiously picking up all of her plastic bags and her purse, "Why am I like this? What the fuck is going on!?"

Knocking over her coffee in the process, Kristin didn't even spare it a glance as she raced to her car, huffing and puffing; she ignored all the curious glances from the crowds of shoppers around her, some of concern and some of desire that only annoyed her instead of stroking her ego. Fuck, why did she feel the need to dress up like a whore today!? Putting one of her arms over her enormous chest to try and control her huge heaving breasts that threatened to spill out of her top from the smallest movement, she practically sprinted through the outdoor space, bumping into everyone in her path like they weren't even there until she reached the parking lot. Haphazardly tossing her numerous purchases into the passenger's seat of her vehicle, she charged out of the outlet mall without putting on her seatbelt, safety the last thing on her mind.

"Come on, pick up!" Kristin whined into her phone, breaking yet another law as she steered her vehicle through the heavy traffic, "Why isn't she answering!?"

Attempting to contact her significant other, her phone went to voicemail after several rings with no answer. Kristin immediately called Nia again, scarcely paying a single ounce of attention to the traffic in front of her. Nudging her phone between her cheek and shoulder, she counted the rings, waiting, wishing her wife would pick up; she didn't, however, and Kristin threw the device into her cupholder in abject frustration. Fretting reaching a whole new level, Kristin hopped up and down in her seat, bouncing on her fat ass, her knuckles white around the steering wheel, tears welling in her eyes. What the fuck!?

Pulling up to her suburban home, Kristin's confusion heightened as she passed by Lori's vehicle, which was still parked across the street. Coming close to barrelling into their garage door and slamming on the brakes hard enough to almost send her through the windshield in response, Kristin didn't give herself a second to gather her bearings before she leapt out of her car; she didn't give herself a second to gather her items either, her purchases going ignored in the passenger seat. Arms and hands bare, she jogged to the front door, the trek feeling much longer than usual. Kristin burst into her home, panicked and frazzled.

"Hello? Nia?" She yelled, not pausing to wait for a response, "Lori? Is anyone home? Hello?"

It wasn't silence that greeted her.

A whole cacophony of sounds reverberated through her abode, mixing together in an unfamiliar raucous, each noise as horrifying to the platinum-blonde as the one that followed. The most noticeable was a steady, rhythmic thumping that was akin to someone hammering a nail - but Kristin immediately guessed what it actually was. It wasn't a hard guess by any means, the muffled screams and moans that punctuated the violent knocking leaving little doubt as to what was happening in her home. There was a third disturbance as well, one that was similar to the loudest of the bunch, but it came through in a distinctly fleshy, wet resonation instead.

They were still having sex. They were still having sex after over four hours. They were still having sex and now Kristin was currently there to hear them do it. Her whole body went slack as she tried to process the sounds, her knees shaking, her arms hanging limply at her sides. What... what did she do now!? Should she check up on them? Or should she leave and pretend she never heard anything in the first place? Biting her bottom lip, Kristin held her breath involuntarily, her vision growing blurry from holding back the flood of tears attempting to escape her sockets.

Kristin didn't know if there was a right answer to the storm of questions pounding against her skull, but, like she had no control over herself, she found herself walking to the bedroom on autopilot, her feet shuffling together, only lifting off the ground enough to stop her from tripping. The rest of her home was completely normal besides the torturous raucous filling her ears, nary a single item out of place - but Kristin didn't notice any of this. She didn't see anything as she trudged sluggishly through the house until she reached the dreaded hall that led to her and Nia's bedroom.

Before she even made it to the bedroom door - which she could see was slightly ajar - Kristin finally noticed something out of the ordinary. Something other than the sexual racket shaking the foundation of her house! Seeping into the hall from the bedroom, was a familiar off-white and noticeably thick liquid, more akin to pudding in appearance than what Kristin knew it actually was. Cum. Nia's cum. Her wife's loads were always packed with sperm, but even Kristin had never seen it possess such a sludge-like consistency. And she'd never even so much of it at once! This made her immediately question if Nia had actually ever had a real climax with her.

Gingerly, she took her first, cautious step in the puddle of growing goop, thankful she hadn't taken her sandals off. Shuddering as she could feel the heat of the fuck fluid even through her shoes, Kristin tip-toed towards her bedroom, trying not to make a sound, in an attempt to hide her presence. She was only partially successful though, her steps making a grotesque schulrp through the dense mixture, the blonde having to put in actual effort to lift her feet from the glue-like slime lest she get stuck. Once again the small distance she had to bridge seemed to never end, and once she arrived at the open door and peeked her head around its frame, she wished it hadn't.

It took everything in her power not to burst into sobs at what she walked in on.

There was more cum than Kristin had ever seen in her life, so much so that she almost got snow blindness from looking into the room. It was fucking everywhere! Her wife's loads - of which there had to have been a multitude of - covered the bedroom floor in an inch-thick deep sea of semen to the point that the brown carpeting was no longer visible. The tacky substance dripped from the ceilings and coated every wall, pictures and artwork alike hidden under layers of the futa's progeny; Kristin even saw that her vanity and all the expensive makeup on it hadn't been spared either!

She had no idea Nia could even cum this much! While she understood that her wife - and futa in general - were prodigious in their virility, it never occurred to her that they were capable of anything like this. It made the loads she regularly coaxed from her wife's cock with her body look like a single raindrop in a storm! There were literal webbings of sperm hanging from every surface, interconnected cords strung together like birthday streamers, unbroken where they attached to each other - and more seemed to fling across the room in random spurts wherever she turned her attention!

Suddenly, acutely aware of it, Kristin was nearly blown backwards by the steaming miasma that filled the air. She recognized it as Nia's musk, but its overwhelming power was degrees more intense than what she'd experienced previously; her wife always carried a strong scent that wafted directly from her genitalia, its potency enhanced when she didn't shave for a while. But even that couldn't compare to what Kristin was smelling now! It was akin to having Nia's sweaty, unwashed balls smother her face for an entire day!

Due to the mixture of the pungent aroma blasting her in the face and sheer quantity of semen filling her vision, Kristin had to take a moment to collect herself before she stared into the room any further. She covered her hands with her face like she was trying to save herself from the disturbing, senses-dulling deluge of sexual attributes, scarcely able to even breathe through it all, her eyes watering from something other than sadness. Wavering where she stood, she blinked in time with her inhales, nearly knocked unconscious by what she'd walked in - and that wasn't even all that was left for her to see!

When Kristin finally did look over to the bed, she had to clamp a hand over her mouth to stifle the scream that tried to escape her lips.

As she suspected and feared, Nia and Lori were still having sex - and from the looks of it they weren't anywhere near close to finished! Her loving wife was laying on the bed on her back, her body partially submerged in her own semen, an expression of pure, unbridled lust on her face. Kristin could hear her panting, growling as she brutally thrust upward, her knees bent to give her the best angle with which to do so, sweat coating her figure as much as her cum did; each powerful piston was made with such ravenous speed that Kristin could barely keep track of how many she made a second, Nia's hips a blur before her eyes.

Nia's massive testicles - which were more swollen than Kristin had ever known them to be - were smacking between the bed and the ass of the woman on top of her. Lori's ass! This gave the blonde the knowledge of the last set of noises she'd unwillingly heard, and, like she'd expected, the bed was violently slamming into the wall behind it from the force of their mating; it was beating against it so hard that several pictures had clearly fallen to the floor, and Kristin swore she could see cratered holes being formed behind the headboard. And all this was just from fucking one person - Lori.

Kristin's friend, the one she'd specifically chosen to do just this, was riding the blonde's wife rapidly! Her pert behind wiggled back and forth as she bounced on Nia's gigantic cock, taking it down to the base with every drop she made on its enormity - something Kristin had thought was impossible until that moment. Every hilting of the futa's fantastical fuckstick drew screams and howls of pleasure from Lori, her hands raised and tangled in her cum-matted curls, her face a mask of unfathomable pleasure. She cursed and blabbered encouragements at Nia to fuck her harder, like the awesome pounding she was on the receiving end of wasn't enough to satiate her disturbingly-high libido!

A change had occurred in Lori's body, one that made Kristin's eyes bulge when she spotted it. She looked pregnant already! Her formerly pudgy stomach ballooned out in front of her, packed to capacity with the only thing that it could be: the sheer volume of cum Nia had shot into her womb! Her rotund, taut tummy bounced in sync with her up-and-down motions, nearly slapping into Nia's fit abdomen. And that wasn't all Kristin noticed either; sticking out in front of Lori's face was a huge dent, one that was undeniably in the shape of her wife's colossal cock. It was clear that Lori had only so much room inside of her, so Nia's monstrous member had to stretch her skin just to fully fit!

Watching them for several more minutes, Kristin simply couldn't take her eyes off the lurid sight she'd walked in on. Neither Lori nor Nia seemed to notice her, completely enraptured with each other, giving every bit of themselves they had into the breeding Kristin had requested of them. Nia's fingers clutched Lori's hips tightly as she forced her to take all of her cock again and again, driving her shaft into the brunette's extra-fertile canal like her life depended on it; it was only when she suddenly groaned and forced Lori to meet crotches that Kristin snapped out of her trance. Nia was going to orgasm, Kristin knowing the expression on her face well enough to tell right away.

She didn't think she'd survive seeing her wife climax inside of someone else!

Turning around, Kristin bolted away from the scene, her feet loudly plopping through the sperm swamp which had flooded even further into the house, uncaring if they heard her or not. Salty tears dripped down her cheeks as she ran, her arms pumping at her sides as she raced back to the outdoors as fast as her long legs would allow her, cum-outlined footprints following in her wake; she even slammed the front door when she exited like she wanted them to know she'd been there for even just a brief moment. Hurling herself into the driver's seat of her vehicle, Kristin buried her head in her hands and let it all out, her knees pulled up to her protruding, scarcely-restrained chest, curling into herself in the cramped confines of her car.

All she could do was cry. Kristin yelled and hiccupped and cursed the Heavens, slamming her fists onto the steering wheel in frustration, kicking her legs out violently like a toddler having a temper tantrum. She quickly exhausted herself and fell sideways, her head buried in her pile of expensive purchases that now seemed utterly frivolous. Smeared rivulets of makeup dribbled off her face, her tears painted in all the colors she applied to make herself look as appealing as possible; the fact that she'd gotten so dolled up for nothing just made her feel stupid and angry at herself, having the opposite effect it was supposed to. What was the point of being so hot if she couldn't even please the love of her life!?

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