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Cultivating Lilly Ch. 05

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Lilly watches Cassy’s parents have sex.
2.3k words

Part 7 of the 32 part series

Updated 06/24/2024
Created 09/27/2022
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Lilly shares a secret with Cassy. Awoken from a startling dream, Lilly and Cassy secretly look on as Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt have sex. Lilly's sleepover at the Vatspalts home concludes.

The Swedish words for pussy (fitta) and cock (kuk) are used in this story. They are not misspellings.


Back up in Cassy's room, the girls looked at their social media feeds until Cassy yawned and said, "I'm tired, can you turn out the lights?" Lilly turned off the lamp between the twin beds and shut her phone down as well. She lay there in the dark, looking at the ceiling as she spread her legs and guided a hand silently into her panties. Her labia were crusted over; sealed shut from their earlier discharge. She danced her fingers lightly over the roughened texture.

"Cassy, if I tell you something, will you promise to keep it a secret?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"There is a boy I've known almost my entire life. His name is Robby. Our families vacation together at the beach every summer." She thought about her next words. "And, last summer, we saw each other naked!"

"I can't believe you haven't told me!" Cassy said as she rolled to face Lilly. "Spill it! What happened?"

As she thought about last summer, warm liquid oozed through the rind of her special place and Lilly's middle finger, accompanied by her ring finger, pushed inside her sex as she began the story:


"Lilly, we're going down to the water," her mom called from the kitchen. "Throw your suit on and c'mon! Robert, you too! Let's go, you two!"

Lilly had been in her bedroom doing just that and popped her door open a crack to shield her nakedness. "I'll be right there, mom!"

Robby's room was directly across the hall. Movement caught her eye and she glanced up to see his door was ajar. She could see Robby reflected in the mirror hung on the wall of his room. His back was to her as he pulled off his T-shirt. Dropping it to the floor, Robby turned and their eyes locked. Lilly started to close her door, embarrassed that he'd caught her spying.

"Don't," he whispered. "I want you to see."

She paused.

The sun streamed into his room and a halo of light glowed around him as he turned to face her fully. He stood looking back at her for a long time, hands at his sides, his body tan and sinewy, brown nipples pricked. Robby had turned 18 a few months prior and was starting to gain the musculature of a man but still hanging onto boyhood. His chest was coming in but his stomach was concave; his ribs well defined. Like Lilly, he was dark haired and a thin trail of it ran from his bellybutton into the waist of his shorts. His chest was still bare but his arms and legs were bathed in a light sprinkling of it.

"Do you want to see it?" he asked in a hushed tone.

She knew what he meant.

"I'll show it to you, if you want."

Outside of what she'd seen on the internet, she'd never seen a penis and was intensely curious. Lilly made no move to close her door. She nodded her head and unknowingly licked her lips.

When he unbuttoned his shorts they slid easily from his slight hips. He wore yellow briefs, the crotch already straining into a right-pointed elongated C. He looked down and cupped his testicles over the thin cotton, then pinched the shaft of his penis between his fingers. When he did this, his stomach lurched and a dark blotch bloomed at the rounded tip.

Feeling obligated to do something in return, Lilly opened her door enough to expose her breasts. The tricky mirror angles allowed Lilly to see her reflection in his mirror while also viewing Robby's backside. His bottom was firm and round and adorable; a small white moon set against his sun-darkened back and legs.

"I want to see," she whispered. "Show me." If her mother came down the hall and caught them, she'd be damned to Hell. But she didn't care.

Tugging at his underwear, Robby's cock sprang from beneath the waistband, the long shaft swollen and upwardly curved, the bloated head nearly poking into his belly button. Cut with azure-blue veins that bulged along its length, the head shone pink and wet. A milky line of mucus ran back into his underpants and then flung across his leg as they slipped to the floor. It was alien and beautiful and exciting and Lilly had no intention of averting her gaze.

He looked back up to her; his smile nervous and pensive.

Thinking he was going to turn away in embarrassment, Lilly opened her door enough to reveal her own nakedness. They stood like that, both taking in the other. Robby pinched the tip of his penis again and nursed another trailing line of ejaculate, which fell heavily to the floor. He began masturbating slowly, never taking his eyes from her body.

Her self-loathing momentarily forgotten, she discovered she enjoyed looking at his manhood. Lilly took a step closer to the threshold, a hand trailing into her thigh, when her mother called again.

"Robby, Lilly, let's go!"

"Coming," they said in unison.


"Oh my god!" Cassy said. "How come you never told me about this?"

"I don't know. I was embarrassed, I guess."

Cassy thought about that and said, "You should have sex with him this summer. After the first time, it's easy...and fun!" Earlier that year, after swearing Lilly to secrecy, Cassy admitted she wasn't a virgin. "In Sweden, fucking isn't the big deal you Americans make it out to be. It's much more in the open. It's just...normal."

"If it's not a big deal, how come you haven't told your parents?"

"Oh, they know." Cassy's words were drifting. She was falling asleep.

"We don't keep secrets in our house. My brother and sister know, too." She yawned.

Lilly was shocked, "Then why all the secrecy?"

"I swore you to secrecy because I don't want all those immature kids at school to know. They will think I'm a slut and I don't want that kind of reputation. My parents say it's a cultural thing. But I trust you. You're my best friend and I love you."

In the darkness, tears welled in Lilly's eyes. She had few friends and none of them had claimed her as their besty. She felt closer to Cassy than ever before. She wanted to climb into bed with her and snuggle; their bodies curled into a C, her hand cupping Cassy's diminutive breast as they slept. But across the room, Cassy was breathing deeply. She'd fallen asleep.

"You're my best friend, too," she whispered. "I love you, Cassandra Louise Vatspalt."


Later that night, Lilly dreamt she was in the jungle. Wild noises filled her ears and when she tried to cover them she discovered her wrists were wrapped in vines and tied to the trees. Her ankles were tied as well, her naked body splayed against the jungle floor in an X. The bushes fluttered and beneath them a snake emerged, its thick, scaly body sliding toward her. It hissed, "Hymens make me hungry." Slithering between her legs, it kept repeating those nasty words as it approached.

She was afraid of his intentions and told the snake, "Go away! It's already torn. Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt say I'm ready."

"Lilly, I'm hungry for your hymen," it said as it slid over her knee. "Girls who like to spread their legs and abuse their pussies need me."

She was suddenly in the gym, doing the splits on the balance beam. It was last year, the evening she tore her hymen. She knew this because she felt the tension between her thighs, inside her cleft, and tried to swivel her hips forward to close her legs, but they wouldn't move. Her ankles were tied to the beam with thick straps. Her hands, too, were tethered above her head, tied to a parallel bar. Her breasts hung heavy and exposed over the neckline of her leotard. She felt something on her leg and the snake was there, only it wasn't a snake. It was the school mascot, he stood a foot tall and he smiled at her as he flicked his thick red tail. Unfurling, it slithered up her thigh. "It's okay, Lilly," the Red Devil hissed. "You don't need it anyway. You're ready to accept my glory."

Another flick and the spade-shaped tip sliced open the crotch of her leotard. Beneath the leotard her Helo Kitty panties were dark with moisture. He snapped his fingers and his tail winked into a penis; large and erect and laced with veins, throbbing and slapping against her thigh. In front of her, not more than a few feet away, were all the other young women in her class. They were pointing at her vagina and giggling. "Lilly wants to fuck! It won't hurt! Lilly wants to fuck! It won't hurt!" they chanted in a sing-song melody.

The Red Devil grazed the tip of his cock against Hello Kitty's mouth and the cotton gave way without protest. Her cleft and her labia eagerly parted, her body welcoming the coming intrusion. He smiled and winked and snapped his fingers, his cock slithered forward, roughly penetrating her sex, and she coughed.

"Let's see them bounce, let's see them bounce!" her gymnastics classmates squealed.

Her school mascot stood with his pelvis pressed to her sex. He was laughing hysterically, savagely pummeling; her breasts bouncing with each thrust. "It won't go in, honey, your hymen is in the way," her mother said before bursting into laughter. Why the woman was standing next to her in gymnastics made no sense, but that didn't matter.

Lilly moaned as he tried to burrow his penis-tail deeper, the roundness of the shaft engorging to the size of a cucumber, stretching her open. It felt wonderful and shameful. What would God think?

"The Devil wants your hymen! She's a Cherry Popper!" the girls squealed. And then they also were naked, arms and wrists tied to the uneven parallel bars, other Red Devil lovers violating their vales, their moans high-pitched and filled with passion.

She mewled and her body trembled as the little beast finally tore her open, consuming her virginity. A small trickle of blood oozed onto the balance beam and he bent to lick it up. "Virgin pussy is the tastiest pussy," he said. The jungle roars evaporated into her screams of pleasure as the red monster grabbed the flaps of her gaping labia and pulled them open; like someone quickly drawing the drapes to allow the morning sunshine to slice through a darkened room. He pushed in one leg, then the other. Looking up to her, he winked, and disappeared inside, her lower mouth straining around his twisting body as he entered. She was shocked to see her mons and tummy undulating as the little beast squirmed.

She awoke with her face against the pillow and Cassy nudging her shoulder. Her body was covered in sweat, her pajamas drenched. She'd managed to insert three fingers into her sopping sex at some point during the dream.

"Wake up, Lilly. Listen!"

Outside Cassy's bedroom Lilly heard moaning from down the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt were having sex.

"Let's go see," Cassy said as she tugged Lilly's blanket away. "They always fuck with the lights on."

Lilly got out of bed. She really wanted to see.

They crept down the hall, laid flat on the floor and peered into the room. The same spotlights were on; creating enough ambient light to view what was taking place on the bed. Mrs. Vatspalt was riding her husband, facing away from him and toward the doorway, her back arched in pleasure. She was gripping her left breast, her fingers twisting the nipple and she steadied herself with her other hand upon her husband's abdomen, which rippled with each drive of his hips. Lilly looked between Mrs. Vatspalt's thighs, mesmerized by his penis; shiny and hard and alluringly large, slicing deeply into his wife's shaved sex. He picked up speed, gave one firm push and groaned, his testicles cinching then releasing. A thick stream of sperm oozed from Mrs. Vatspalt's straining fitta, down the shaft of his penis, and dripped onto the sheets.

Mrs. Vatspalt smiled srerenly and dismounted her husband, turned over on her hands and knees and took him into her mouth, her upturned bottom and gaping sex facing the girls. She plunged three fingers deeply into her vale, pummeling quickly, slurping noises echoing across the room, glistening drops flinging onto their bedding. She was racked with tremors, her moan muffled by her husband's member, as the orgasm ripped through her body. After her climax she moved more slowly, lovingly, Lilly thought, thoroughly cleaning his kuk and finally sliding lower, working her tongue over his loose-hanging testicles; suckling, washing, consuming his essence.

Witnessing Cassy's parents making love, she knew Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt had been correct: she was physically ready and her mind was opening. Lilly wondered who would be the first to open her body as well.

They quietly made their way back to Cassy's bedroom. Propping her pillow against the headboard, this time Cassy didn't even ask if Lilly wanted to watch as she masturbated. Dappled shadows fell across the darkened room as Cassy attended to herself, the pleasant hiccups she made as the tension built caused Lilly's special place drool, but she refrained from touching herself. She also made no effort to turn away from the show.

Less tha ten mnutes later, Cassy's deep breathing gently took Lilly into a dreamless sleep. Her last memory was that she'd come away from that night feeling more sophisticated and worldly than ever.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think this chapter should have been much longer and without the odd dream sequence. I get wanting to visualize her inner fears but it seemed too distracting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I agree with Enfield13, I like slow burn stories but this one isn't even burning at times. Good Plot good characters , just speed it up a little.


Enfield13Enfield13over 2 years ago

Still no forward movement in the story - one star only. Booooooring

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