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Curious Girls Ch. 23

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Sara reaches a new low point... and then things get worse.
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Part 16 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I pulled against my restraints. Tamara seemed to enjoy tying me to the bed a little too much for my liking. I was trapped-lying on Tamara's bed wearing nothing but my bra and panties. And the argument outside was making me even more uncomfortable, if that was possible.

"You can't tell me what to do," I heard Tamara's mother say loudly.

"As long as we share a roof, you'll show me respect!"

"No one is stopping you from leaving! Why don't you go share a roof with your whore?!"

"God, you're such a cunt. Why don't you mind your own fucking business?"

"I don't know why I even try anymore. You're drunk right now, aren't you?"

"I work hard day after day to support this family. So what if I have a couple drinks every now and then. You know what? Fuck you!" I heard a door slam and the argument faded away.

Tamara was curled up next to me, wearing absolutely nothing. Her very nakedness was an implied threat.

"I can't wait to move out," she grumbled.

Since I'd been over at Tamara's house a lot more lately, I'd started to pick up on signs that things weren't going so well at home; her parents fought most of the time they were together, and Tamara seemed generally angry at the both of them. Whether or not the two were related, I couldn't say for certain.

"Why don't you leave?" I inquired.

She sighed. "I need my parents to cosign. They originally agreed, but lately they keep fighting about who should do it. I think they're considering separating and neither of them want to take on the responsibility."

"I'm... I'm so sorry," I said awkwardly. For the first time, I felt like there was a brief moment where Tamara and I were connecting on a personal level.

"I don't care what they do. I just want to be out of here when things implode."

"If you really want to miss out on the fireworks, you should consider putting some distance between you and them," I suggested, trying not to be too obvious.

"I've thought about it," she admitted. "I can't even have sex with my own girlfriend without them ruining it." She began untying my restraints.

"I don't understand," I said, cautious but grateful.

"I'm just not in the mood anymore. Besides," she glanced at her phone, "Krista just texted me wanting to have dinner-a double date."

"Krista wants to have a double date with us?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Apparently," Tamara shrugged. "I knew she couldn't stay mad forever."

I was relieved, although I still hated that I had to go along with this charade. I was sure Krista was still hurting more than she was letting on.

Tamara smiled. "Let's go find you something nice to wear."


It had been close to two weeks since Krista walked in on Tamara and me in bed together-for the second time. For a brief moment, I had expected Tamara to chase after Krista the way she had the first time. But instead, she'd simply closed and locked the door. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Tamara simply didn't care anymore what Krista thought now that we were officially an item. Yet, Tamara hadn't given so much as a thought to chasing after Krista. She had instead returned to the bed and proceeded to have morning sex with my face as if it was the most natural thing.

It certainly woke one up at least as effectively as a cup of coffee, but there was little I looked forward to less than waking up to Tamara's wet pussy on my mouth. Her whole attitude had changed.

It had been nearly noon before Tamara released me, and I followed her reluctantly to the kitchen. She was ravenous from her morning "work-out," but I wasn't feeling remotely hungry. I was too anxious about what I would say to Krista when I saw her. I could tell Krista was hurt and confused, but there wasn't anything I could say to reassure her.

Krista was in the kitchen eating lunch, and I still had no idea what to say to her. Tamara cheerily served breakfast cereal for the both of us while Krista watched quietly. I felt so tense. I wanted to explain to her why Tamara and I were eating breakfast while she was eating lunch, but I had nothing to offer. Tamara went about her business as if she were oblivious to the elephant in the room-like it was the most natural, normal situation in the world. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt her hand on my leg. It was enough to cause Krista to pick up her plate and leave the room. I didn't follow. What good would it do?

Since that day, Krista and I had barely spoken. In fact, I'd barely spoken to anyone. Tamara had been working tirelessly to establish us as girlfriends. I knew at some instinctive level that the longer I let the charade continue, the harder it would be for anyone to accept an alternate explanation. Every few days, Tamara would pick me up for a date night. I was reluctant to admit it, but our dates were actually fun in their own way. However, it was hard to fully relax when I knew that a night out together meant a night in together.

The worst part of the situation was that simply telling people we were dating afforded her new power over me. If she felt me up in public, nobody questioned. If we came out of a public restroom together, red-faced and out of breath, people just thought assumed were too in love to wait until we got home. In fact, the bolder she was, the less people seemed to question. I could kick and scream as she forced herself onto me on a public sidewalk, and everyone would probably encourage and applaud.

Even Krista was oblivious to the ways in which she was complicating my situation. Between forcing me to sleep in my own room and letting Tamara into the house whenever she stopped by, I had no expectation of privacy whatsoever. She had even given Tamara her own key without so much as consulting me. By telling everyone else we were in a relationship, Tamara had given herself the perfect excuse to never have to leave my side. Tamara and I were together all the time, yet I'd never felt more alone. I'd tried several times to get ahold off Michael with limited success. He was always busy or couldn't talk. I had no illusions about his avoiding me. It was clearly related to him seeing me making out with someone else-a woman, no less. At least with Michael, there was a chance to talk my way out. He hadn't seen too much. Krista on the other hand, I wasn't sure she'd ever be able to forgive me.


I sat on my bed, shocked as I watched in shock as Tamara rifle through my closet.

"Tamara, I'm perfectly capable of picking out my own outfit."

"I'm sure you are, but now that we're dating, people aren't just judging you. They're judging me too."

"That doesn't make any-" I attempted to protest before Tamara interrupted me.

"This is perfect. You'll wear this." She held up a slinky dress. It was the dress I'd originally bought for my double date with Michael, yet it seemed everyone except for Michael was getting to appreciate it.

"I can't wear that," I protested feebly.

"You're wearing it," she said firmly. "You'll look amazing in it."

I sighed. There was no point in arguing with Tamara once she set her mind to something.

"And you'll wear these too." I was shocked to see Tamara pulling down her panties.

"W-wha-why?" I stammered, confused.

"Take them," she demanded. I held out my hand awkwardly, only to realize they were drenched.

"Oh, God!" I dropped them, instinctively. "They're wet?!"

"A little reminder for you on our date of what you get to look forward to tonight."


She smiled, winking at me. "I'm back in the mood now."


As we walked into the restaurant, Tamara held my waist possessively. I was acutely aware of her wet panties rubbing against me as I walked. I tried to put it out of mind, but it was difficult. It wasn't surprising to think that Tamara would want to pleasure herself tonight. After all, she had a voracious sexual appetite. However, somehow knowing with certainty it was coming made me dread it so much more. I didn't know how long I could be complacent and go along with Tamara's constant demands. Until now, the threat of the unknown had been enough by itself to give me pause. It was generally easier just to follow her instructions and avoid her wrath. At some level, I'd hoped that going along would provide me an opening at some point I could exploit. However, I realized I'd stopped asking questions. I'd stopped fighting. It was getting uncomfortably easy to just give in, despite how much everything about it still disgusted me.

As we approached the table, I was shocked to see Krista's date wasn't Madison like I'd been expecting. Sitting across from her was, of all people, Michael.


"Do you guys know each other?" Krista asked, innocently.

"O-oh, Yeah. Uh-," I paused. "We went to school together." When had she met Michael? I couldn't remember if I'd introduced them. There was no way I could tell her Michael and I were dating-not with me under Tamara's arm. Hell, I wasn't even sure we were dating anymore. I'd already stolen one of her crushes I wasn't going to give her a reason to think I was trying to steal another.

However, I was still having difficulty accepting that she was also interested in men. I suppose it shouldn't have surprised me. I had nearly forgotten about the time on the couch when I'd awkwardly watched her masturbate to a doctor on a TV show-a man, no less.

"That's-That's crazy," Michael replied, looking equally uncomfortable. "I didn't know you were sisters."

Well, I guess that settled it. Michael had apparently moved on.

Things only went downhill from there. Michael tried to make small talk with me, but it was clear that Tamara didn't like him giving me attention. She held me tightly, putting her hand on mine and kept interrupting him to change the subject. She was acting like a jealous lover. I was only too happy when the dinner was over. We split the check and went our separate ways.

What was Krista thinking? I'd spent so long getting used to the idea of her liking other women that it was hard to wrap my head around the idea of her dating a man. And not just any man, but out of the thousands of men she could have chosen, she'd chosen Michael. It was simply too much to process.


"I don't get it, why was she on a date with him? They barely know each other. And besides, he's-I don't think he's her type," I exclaimed aloud as I walk into my bed.

"You've been talking about them ever since we left the restaurant," Tamara said, already half-undressed and wearing a silky slip.

"Do you think they're sleeping together?" I asked, only half hearing Tamara's response.

"Probably," Tamara said as she straddled my lap.

"Tamara, it's not funny. I'm being serious."

"Look, I don't give a shit about Krista and Michael. There's only one person who's pleasure I'm concerned about tonight, and I'll give you a clue... it's not either one of them."

"Tamara, please. Can't we just-I'm not in the mood tonight."

"But I am. I'm very much in the mood."

"Please, Tamara. Not tonight."

"What can I do to put you in the mood?" She asked, surprising me. Did she actually care if I was in the mood?

"Actually, you can do me a favor," I replied, an idea starting to form.

"What favor?" She asked cautiously.

"You can contact Michael and tell him we're not dating. Tell him you kissed me in front of all those guys at the movie as a joke, and that we were only out as friends tonight."

"What? Why would I want to tell him any of that?" Tamara scowled.

I knew telling her anything close to the truth wasn't going to convince her, but I also couldn't come up with an explanation she'd believe.

"It's... complicated. Please, just do it for me, no questions asked?" I begged.

"Hmmm... and that will get you in the mood?"

"Absolutely," I promised.

She thought for a minute and shrugged, "Eh, that sounds like a lot of work."

"Wait!" I thought quickly. "I'll do something else to make it worth it. Just name it."

"You know what I want."

"I'm not licking you," I protested in frustration.

"Well, I tried." She shoved me backward onto the bed.

"Wait! I'll... I'll cosign your lease."

She paused, one knee already on my shoulder.

"For real?"

"Yes. You tell Michael, and I'll sign so you can get your own place."

She paused, thoughtfully. "I want one more thing."

"Name it!" I exclaimed.

"I want you to kiss me."

"What?!" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I want to record you kissing me."

"Uh, sure. Yeah. I can do that, I guess." I replied uncomfortably. It was a relatively harmless request and could help a lot if I could get Michael back on my side."

"Awesome! I've got the lease in my car."


I put down the pen, watching the ink dry. I knew I was assuming some risk, but the lease had a one month termination period. It seemed reasonable for the chance to get rid of Tamara for good.

"Thank you so much, Sara. This means a lot to me," she smiled sincerely. It certainly didn't hurt my prospects to rack up a favor or two. "Shall we move on to part two?"

"Part two?"

"The kiss."

"Oh, yeah." I'd momentarily forgotten that part of the agreement. "Let's get it over with."

Tamara reached into her pocket and pulled out a pink lip gloss, slowly coating her lips as I watched. She pursed her lips, rubbing them together. Once she'd finished, she put away her lip gloss and stared intensely at me. What was she waiting for?

"Go ahead," I offered.

"No, you agreed to kiss me. Not the other way around."

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is that's what you agreed to." Tamara propped her phone up so the camera was facing us.

"Fine, whatever." I shrugged, leaning in.

As I paused momentarily, my eyes fixated on her silky, pink lips. I realized then why she wanted me to kiss her. It was another form of control. More and more, I was giving in and just doing the things she told me because it was easier than fighting with her. Each time I gave in, it made it easier to give in again. It was only a kiss on the lips this time, but next time it could be a kiss somewhere else.

We'd done so much together, yet somehow the thought of kissing her lips right now felt like a new level of intimacy. I licked my lips slowly and mentally prepared myself. Just as I was about to lean in, Tamara pulled back.

"A real kiss," she admonished. Of course she wouldn't make anything easy for me.

"Of course, Tamara." I smiled at her. Licking my lips a second time, I pushed my mouth against hers. Our lips mashed together awkwardly, and I forced myself to commit fully to the kiss. As our lips separated, I kissed her lips a second time, this time focusing on her lower lip as she sucked gently on my upper. Our lips continued to intermingle, and I found my tongue instinctively sliding into her mouth before I realized what I was doing. I hadn't intended on French kissing her, but instinct prevailed. She responded eagerly, her tongue sliding against mine and pushing back into my mouth.

Kissing her willingly, albeit still disgusting, was more enjoyable in many respects than our first kiss had been. I felt strange as our tongues flicked playfully against one another, but it was better than Tamara shoving her tongue down my throat. Still, between the increasing intensity of the kiss, the intimacy of the bedroom, and her near nakedness, I was starting to feel very uncomfortable. After what felt like sufficient time, I pulled away. Tamara sat still for a moment, her eyes closed as a strange look of satisfaction crept across her face. After a moment, she opened them.

"So," I interrupted the uncomfortable silence, "You'll keep your promise, right?"

"I will, don't worry," Tamara reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. "I'll do it right after I release all this tension that's been building up all evening."

As she shoved me backward onto the bed and climbed on top of me, I didn't struggle. Until she contacted Michael, I had to be on extra good behavior-not easy to do when you're watching another woman's pussy about to swallow your face. I sighed and prepared myself for another long night.


I awoke, still feeling exhausted. Tamara was already up and getting dressed. I had no idea how she managed to stay up half the night, exerting such boundless energy, and then look unfazed the next day.

"Thanks for last night, Babe," Tamara smiled, looking at me in the mirror. "I needed that."

"Uh... sure." I grimaced, unsure what the proper response was.

"Sorry, I've gotta run. But we'll go out again soon. I texted Michael for you, by the way. You earned it last night," she winked.

"What? You did? How did you get his number?"

"I looked at your phone while you were sleeping. There was only one Michael."

"Thank you, Tamara!" I was pleased to hear she'd lived up to her word for once. I closed my eyes with satisfaction, perhaps things were going to finally go my way for once.


I awoke a second time, this time Tamara was long gone. I hadn't meant to fall asleep, but it wasn't at all surprising considering Tamara had kept me up until the early morning hours. I jumped out of bed, eager to meet up with Michael and iron out the rest of the details. Sure, he'd gone out with Krista, but he was just upset thinking I'd betrayed him. I wondered briefly if he'd known who Krista was when he asked her out. Had he been trying to make me jealous?


I knocked on Michael's door and waited anxiously. I needed to make this happen now. I was willing to do almost anything if it meant convincing him to help me with Tamara. Hell, I was even willing to have sex with him if that's what it took. It wasn't like it would have been a chore, but I'd been afraid to push him away or show off my inexperience. However, I could only pretend to enjoy Tamara's abuse for so long. And now that everyone thought we were dating, I couldn't sit idly by and continue watching my freedom slipping further and further away.

The door opened. "S-Sara?" Michael asked, surprised.

"Hi," I smiled. I hope it's OK that I just stopped by. Tamara said she explained to you what happened?"

"Uh... yeah. She did. And you know what, it's OK."

"I'm glad. I was worried you'd have the wrong idea," I smiled, running my hand over the crotch of his jeans.

"W-what about your friend? " He stammered.

"Tamara? What about her?"

"She told me you two were in love."

"She what?!" I couldn't believe Tamara had betrayed me like this. Well, OK, that wasn't true at all. But I hadn't expected her to actively make things worse.

"Like I said, it's OK. Really." He said sincerely.

"She was just joking," I said weakly, "She's got a weird sense of humor. She kissed me in the car. It wasn't like I wanted her to."

He cocked his head to the side. "Then how do you explain the video she sent this morning of you two last night making out in your room?"

"She sent you..." I trailed off, at a loss for words.

"Don't get me wrong, it was hands down one of the hottest things I've ever seen."

"I don't have any interest in her, I swear. I'll prove to you that I want us to be together," I said in desperation, dropping to my knees. I unzipped his jeans before his hands grabbed mine. I wasn't thinking about anything about the fact I couldn't afford to lose him. My whole plan hinged on him.

"Sara!" He replied with surprise. "I-I... I can't do this right now." He looked over his shoulder. "I will call you later, I promise" He pulled away and zipped up his pants. Before I could respond, the door slammed in in my face.

I couldn't handle his rejection on top of everything else. It wasn't even that, it was the feeling of hopelessness. I managed to hold my feelings in until I reached my car, and then I let loose. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I felt so embarrassed. I'd put myself out there in a way I'd never done before. And I'd been rejected. I'd never felt so unlovable as I did at that moment. Tamara had managed to isolate me from everyone. In fact, she was the only person I could even talk to right now, and I'd be damned if I was going to give her the satisfaction.


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