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Curious Girls Ch. 30

Story Info
Tamara realizes just how important Sara is to her.
7.8k words

Part 21 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I opened my right eye first, squinting as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. My vision was blurry and my thoughts sluggish. My limbs felt as if they were weighted with lead. I was still lying on the bed, but I was now prone and wearing what felt like sweatpants. Despite the soft fabric, I could feel something cutting into my ankles as I tried to move my legs. As I took a deep breath, a strong, musky scent flooded my nose. Screaming in silent panic, my brain jolted me to abrupt awareness as recollection of the seconds prior to losing consciousness returned. I had said some very unkind things to Tamara--which likely explained the restraint around my ankles. Obviously, Tamara had no way of knowing with certainty that my memories had returned, but it did not appear it was a risk she was willing to take.

I shivered, feeling the brisk air against my exposed skin. The air felt particularly harsh against my cheeks, still wet from Tamara's recent assault. Her orgasm had seemed unusually intense, and I could still feel her cum on my skin. I couldn't be sure if Tamara had been wetter than usual or if it just seemed that way because of how her freshly shaved skin slid so effortlessly over mine. One thing was for certain, Tamara had been unusually relentless in the heat of the moment. I could still remember the way her wet lips had been all over my face.

Her strong scent filled my nostrils. It came as no surprise seeing as my nose had bore the brunt of her passion. As her swollen lips spread her thick juices around, her lubrication had flooded my nostrils and even my eyes. Hell, even my ear had bore some of her assault as I had tried to turn away. Normally, she would have just pulled my face back into her pussy and resumed pleasuring herself, but she hadn't even slowed. She fucked my ear for a good twenty seconds before she'd been able to gather her thoughts enough to force my nose back into her slit.

The most shocking part of the whole ordeal had been what happened at the very end. I still couldn't believe Tamara had squirted into my mouth. I felt nauseated as I recalled the sensation of the warm liquid thickly coating my tongue and throat.

I pushed the thoughts from my head before I caused myself to vomit, focusing on my current situation. Tamara had dressed me in sweatpants, but why had she left me topless with my arms free? That could mean only one thing; Tamara wasn't done.

I had no idea where she went, but this could be my only chance to escape. Rolling on my side, I bent over to examine my legs. They were held together by what appeared to be a severed electrical cord. It seemed I had caught Tamara off guard, and she had been forced to get creative. I pulled at the cord with my fingers. It was pulled into a tight, crude, knot making it challenging but, thankfully, not impossible to loosen. After several minutes, I managed to weaken the knot enough that I was able to pull my legs slightly apart.

"What do you think you are doing?"

My stomach dropped. I looked up, feeling dizzy as the room spun. Tamara was standing in front of me holding a hair dryer in one hand and its severed electrical cord in the other. She was wearing a short, plaid skirt and a white, unbuttoned blouse that hung open. Her breasts were partially obscured, but pushed through the fabric in a way that said they wouldn't be ignored.

I stared mutely at her for a moment, entranced by the way the shirt hung seductively over her full bosom. Her firm, lightly-freckled thighs protruded from the bottom of her skirt, somehow looking long despite her short stature. It never ceased to amaze me how she managed to look as attractive when dressed as she did wearing nothing at all.

My feelings for Tamara were a jumbled mess. When I looked at her, I felt the full gamut of emotions ranging from lust to disgust, from love to loathing. A voice inside my head kept screaming at me to stop staring and get the fuck out. And I tried. But my body refused to respond. Was running even an option? As my feet sluggishly began to listen, I struggled against my restraints.

Tamara climbed onto the bed, crawling rapidly toward me. It seemed she was not about to give me any breathing room. I stopped trying to pull my feet free and instead began pushing myself backward toward the head of the bed, trying to stay out of her reach. She was faster. Grabbing my feet, she yanked firmly. The abrupt change in direction threw me backward into the mattress. A second later, she was on me. I flailed my arms, trying to push her off, but she grabbed them easily.

"Behave yourself," Tamara chided, looking down at me.

"Help," I screamed, "Rape!"

"Shut up," Tamara said urgently, her demeanor looking a little more panicked.

"Help! He's forcing himself on me," I exclaimed loudly, hoping someone could hear.

"Shut the fuck up," Tamara hissed, scooting forward and shoving her pantied mound over my mouth.

"Help," I tried to scream again, but Tamara's hands slid behind my head and pulled firmly upward into her mound, muffling my screams. I struggled, trying to pull away from her. I knew there wasn't much chance of being able to escape, but at least I could try to alert someone.

I was still able to scream somewhat into Tamara's panties; it was more of a loud moan, really. Thankfully, her panties weren't completely effective at cutting off my air.

Tamara was nothing if not quick on her feet, solving her problems the same way she always did--with her pussy. Still holding my head with one hand, she reached down with the other and pulled her panties crudely to the side, revealing her now all-too-familiar vaginal lips. Before I could protest a second time, she pulled my nose and mouth between her lips.

There was no arousal as she leveraged her pussy like a weapon, using it to silence me quite effectively. It provided a much better seal, making it nearly impossible to breathe, much less scream. Her grip on my head was unrelentingly firm, and it wasn't long before I started to feel light-headed.

"Is everything alright in there?" A gruff voice asked through the door.

I tried to scream again, but I was too weak and Tamara's grip was too strong.

"Everything is just fine," Tamara yelled back.

"I heard yelling," the voice persisted. "Can you please open the door?"

"No. Go away," Tamara exclaimed, her voice a mixture of fear and annoyance.

"Open the door, or I'll have to call the front desk," the voice called back.

"Fuck," Tamara whispered urgently. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Her grip on my head didn't lessen, and I began to feel burning in my lungs as I tried desperately to pull my nose out of her slit. But Tamara would have none of it. As I continued to fight weakly, I was disturbed to realize she was beginning to get wet again. Thankfully, that was when everything went black.


If I was confused when I had woken up the last time, it was nothing compared to the jarring experience of waking up upside down, blood rushing to my head, and being carried over Tamara's shoulder. I heard a door close as frigid air hit my skin all at once. I was apparently still topless. My tiny breasts bounced slightly as Tamara walked hurriedly. She must have left the room in a hurry, having only taken the time to tie my hands and gag me. It felt like a cord was wrapped around my head, holding the cloth gag in my mouth. I suspected my yelling had forced an unexpectedly quick departure. I looked around with my eyes, avoiding sudden movements that might alert Tamara.

I considered trying again to yell for help, but I had no way of knowing if anyone would hear me through the gag. It was dark and quiet in the parking lot, and trying to cause a scene when no one was around would only tip my hand unnecessarily. As we reached the car, I panicked slightly. Once I was in the car, attracting attention would be next to impossible. Still, there was more chance of me escaping if I was conscious. There was little I feared more than the thought of Tamara smothering me again. The sensation of losing consciousness as my lungs burned was disconcerting and unpleasant, but feeling that intense sense of desperation for even the tiniest breath with my nose buried in Tamara's ass or pussy was just too humiliating. And despite my best efforts to stay brave, it made me increasingly terrified of her ass or pussy being anywhere near my face. The fear that she would use my unconscious face to pleasure herself only exacerbated my feelings.

Opening the back of the SUV, Tamara laid me on the floor of the cargo area. A minute later, I heard her climb into the driver's seat. I quietly wiggled my feet, trying to free them.

"Damn it," she muttered under her breath. After several long, quiet seconds, she climbed out of the car. I froze, afraid to breathe. What was she doing? I waited a few more seconds before I sat up cautiously, looking through the windows to try to see where she had gone. I looked out just in time to see her disappear into the hotel.

I had no idea what she was doing, and I didn't care. Wiggling my feet in earnest, I could feel my foot losing circulation as the cord dug into my skin. Tamara had apparently not realized I loosened the restraint during my previous escape attempt. This time, I was more successful. A few moments more, and I finally managed to pull my foot free. Pushing my feet against the back seat, I rotated my body around and kicked the door lever.

Cold air rushed in as the latch released, causing the door to raise automatically. I rolled out, bracing myself as I hit the cold pavement. Thankfully, Tamara had tied my hands in front of me allowing me to catch myself rather than smashing my head into the ground, albeit awkwardly.

I closed the door and made my way to the front of the car. I was disappointed to find Tamara hadn't left a key behind. I wasn't that lucky. Could that be why she returned to the hotel so abruptly? Considering she hadn't even wanted to stop long enough to gather up our belongings, it seemed strange she would return without a compelling reason. Whatever the reason, I didn't plan on being here when she returned.

As I was about to take off on foot, I noticed something in the cup holder. At last, a stroke of good fortune. In the cup holder was a small cell phone. I grabbed it and ran, not slowing to catch my breath until I reached the edge of the parking lot. I knew I shouldn't have taken the time to look back, but I couldn't help myself. I looked back just in time to see Tamara returning to the car. I ducked into a nearby bush, afraid she would spot me. It wasn't until I watched the car leave the parking lot I realized I was holding my breath. She must not have checked the back. I breathed a sigh of relief. I could scarcely believe my luck. Perhaps my fortune was finally changing for the better.

However, I wasn't out of the woods yet. Unfortunately, that was both metaphorical as well as literal. The hotel sat at the edge of a wooded section, and I ran straight for it. The ground was rough and painful against my feet, slowing me as I struggled to move quickly. After a few minutes, I found myself in another parking lot behind a dark, dingy restaurant. I hesitated. What should I do? I was still topless with hands tied and mouth gagged. Once Tamara realized I had escaped, she would come looking.

I crouched behind a dumpster, dropping Tamara's phone to the ground as I began trying to pull my hands free. Unfortunately, they were tied too tightly to wiggle them free as I did with my feet. However, the cord around my head had just enough give that I was able to pull the cord down over my chin. It was too tight to pull completely over my chin, but it was just enough to free my mouth. I spat out the wet, cotton gag, I wish I could say I was surprised, but it only confirmed my suspicions. Tamara had a disturbing fascination with stuffing her panties in my mouth.

Now that I was able to move my jaw, it was a relatively straightforward matter to pick at the cord around my wrists with my teeth. Once that was done, removing the final cord around my head was simple by comparison.

I shivered as I reached down to retrieve Tamara's cell, instinctively holding my other arm over my breasts. Covering myself was as much for warmth as it was for privacy. The phone screen greeted me with a pattern password prompt. I had seen Tamara swipe a pattern dozens of times, but I hadn't paid much attention. I swiped, getting the pattern wrong. With each attempt, a little more of the pattern came back to me.

The phone displayed a small message notifying me that one more attempt would lock the phone. Unfortunately, I was already swiping before I comprehended the message. Damn it. What would happen if I locked myself out? Would it erase the phone? Or even send her my location? Perhaps it was the pressure of the moment, but suddenly then the pattern came to me.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the phone unlocked. I couldn't believe I had actually remembered. I stared at the unlocked phone. Pausing for a moment, I wondered what secrets it might hold? I shook my head and pushed the thought from my mind. There would be time later to snoop. My priority now was getting home, and this particular call was long overdue.

As the phone rang, I found myself panicking slightly. It felt like eternity since Krista and I had talked--really talked. Did she think I was mad at her? Tamara had convinced me that Krista wanted nothing to do with me. What lies had she been feeding Krista all this time?

The phone went to voicemail. It was late, after all. Perhaps Krista was sleeping?

"Krista, it's Sara. I--," There was so much I wanted to say, but voicemail was hardly the place. "I was staying the night at the Harcourt Hotel with Tamara. I had to leave in a hurry. God, I've missed you so much. There is so much to tell you, but suffice it to say Tamara was a mistake. The biggest mistake of my life."

The phone beeped in my ear. I glanced quickly down and noticed the battery had dropped to 15%. I needed to save battery. Pulling the phone back to my ear, I hurried to end the call. "I'm sorry. I'm rambling, and it's cold. Can you please just call me back as soon as you get this? It's important."

I shivered. It was so cold without a shirt on. And what I would do if the phone battery died before Krista could call me back. If she was asleep, it might be hours until she returned my call. I tried to think of a backup plan. Did I still remember Michael's number? It had been a while since I had called him. What was it? 555-01--something? I took my best stab. It was a wrong number. I tried again, another wrong number. Fuck! I didn't have the battery to keep this up for very long. 555-0100? A familiar voice answered the line.


"Yes. Who is this?"

"Sara," I responded excitedly, "I can't believe I remembered your number!"

"Yes, I suppose it would be hard when you don't use it." He sounded unenthused.

"God, I'm sorry. I owe you an apology, but I don't even know where to begin."

"What is there to talk about? You made your feelings perfectly clear when you ran off with--whatever the fuck her name was. I just wish you had at least been open with me if you weren't interested."

"Michael, please. It's complicated, but I can explain. Just give me a chance, and I'll explain everything."

"Fine. Explain," he responded tersely.

"Not on the phone. I want to see you. Will you meet with me?"

"What? Now?"

"I know it's late, but I don't want to do this over the phone."

I swallowed nervously. The silence was deafening, and for a second I thought I may have lost the connection.

"Where?" he finally asked.

I looked around. I had no idea where I even was. I couldn't make out anything useful, and I wasn't about to run topless across the parking lot, even in the dark. Suddenly, an idea occurred to me.

"I'll text you my location. And bring a shirt when you come?"

"A shirt?" He made no effort to mask his confusion.

"I'll explain everything when you get here."


I peered around the dumpster for the umpteenth time. The phone died just after I texted Michael my coordinates. I may have had no idea where I was, but at least the phone did. Thankfully, the text messaging app provided an option to send someone a current location. Unfortunately, I couldn't be positive he even received the text, so all I could do was wait and hope. I had no way of knowing how much time passed. At some point, I would have to come up with a new plan if Michael didn't show--or couldn't find me.

"Are you alright?" a husky voice asked, startling me. A tall man stood behind me, and I turned in a panic, barely covering my breasts in time. I felt completely exposed, having nowhere to hide.

"H-hi," I stammered. "Actually, I do seem to be in a bit of a bind. Do you have a cell phone?"

"Sorry, no" he replied, stepping closer. "I have a phone at my house though. And a jacket in my car. It's not far."

"Oh, no--that's not necessary. My friend should be here any minute."

"It's not safe for a girl as beautiful as you to be walking around at night half naked. Why don't you come sit in my car until your friend arrives?" He took another step toward me.

"No, it's OK! If I leave, he might not be able to find me." I took a step backward edging along the cold metal of the dumpster. I was starting to feel nervous.

At that moment, I heard the sound of a car pulling into the parking lot.

"Looks like my friend is here," I said, hurrying toward the lights. I couldn't be sure it was Michael, but I was more than willing to take the chance given my current circumstances. I didn't look back.

As I approached the car, the window rolled down.

"Sara? What the hell happened to you?"

I was relieved to see Michael's face peering through the window. I hurried to the passenger side and climbed in, not even waiting for an invitation.

"Are you alright?"

"There was a man--" I started, looking around, but he was gone. "Nevermind. Everything is perfect now."

I was so happy to see him that I learned over, grabbed his face, and kissed him.

"I'm so happy to see you," I exclaimed.

"Sara," he said, pulling away. "You're--you--," he was staring at my chest.

"Ah, sorry," I exclaimed, blushing. I should have felt more ashamed, but all I could feel was relief at seeing him.

He reached back, averting his eyes from me as he pulled a shirt from his back seat.

"So," he grinned, "I can't wait to hear this story."


The first thing I had done, after putting on the oversized t-shirt, was simply to close my eyes and enjoy the sound of the tires on the road. The sense of safety was something I hadn't felt for a long time. I didn't really even feel like talking to Michael right now. I knew I needed to tell him everything, but I just didn't have the mental energy. I felt physically and emotionally drained.

"You don't owe me an explanation," Michael reassured me, breaking the long silence.

"I feel like I do. But I don't even know where to start," I hesitated. "I guess you thought Tamara and I were getting pretty hot and heavy?"

"Well, yeah. I was a little confused about that, sure. Especially since I thought we were in a good place. Plus, I didn't know you were into women."

"We were. And I'm not. I mean, I don't think I am," I wasn't sure at this point if I was telling him the truth or not. I had never been attracted to women in the past. Yet, I had clear memories of how I had felt when Tamara's ass had been on my face. I shook my head, dismissing the confusion for another time. Regardless of the truth, it would be easier for him to believe my feelings for Tamara had been genuine.

"Tamara caught me by surprise," I continued, telling him what he expected to hear. "Things got complicated really fast."

"Look, I hope you don't think I'm trying to interfere if you'd rather be with Tamara."

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