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Curious Girls Ch. 30


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"No, that's not--that's just it. I didn't want to be with her. She forced me to--!" I struggled, feeling uncomfortable as my story unexpectedly veered toward truth. "She forced me to be with her--to stay with her," I blurted out.

"Forced you," Michael asked skeptically. "How did she do that?"

"She--," I paused again, unsure how to respond. How had she made me stay with her? She had certainly taken advantage of my amnesia and confusion, but she had not literally forced me to stay with her. There was no way I could expect Michael to believe I had been suffering from memory loss. I could tell I my credibility was already strained. Even to me, it sounded too convenient an explanation for my behavior.

I had not told anyone about my memory loss--at Tamara's request, no less. And now it would be difficult to explain to anyone else why I had kept such a thing secret, even from my doctor.

"She pressured me to have sex with her," I continued in frustration, "Before we started living together, she forced me--"

"Oh yeah? And how did she do that? Please, tell me how another woman could make you have sex with her."

"She can be very aggressive," I said, feeling defeated.

"Aggressive how?"

I had no response. I could hardly defend myself by telling him Tamara was forcing me to have sex with her by blackmailing me with pictures and videos of me having sex with her.

"I had to protect Krista from Tamara," I said defensively, feeling increasingly frustrated. Was my frustration because I was explaining everything so terribly or because I legitimately didn't have good answers to his questions?

"So that's it, huh?"


"You were afraid of losing your sister?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

"It must have been shocking enough to find out your sister was a lesbian. So when you found out Tamara was interested in Krista, you got scared Krista wouldn't need you anymore. You interfered in the only way you could. But I'm guessing you never expected things to go as far as they did?

I paused to consider his words. Was there any truth to them? Was I afraid of losing Krista? I hadn't fully realized before, but everything seemed to come back to her. It was true--I had given into Tamara, at least partially, due to her threats against Krista. I couldn't bear the thought of Krista being hurt. Yet, there was no reason I should assume Krista wouldn't want anything and everything Tamara had to offer. And when I had the chance to tell Krista about the way Tamara was treating me, I had stayed silent. I had resisted telling Krista about the abuse because I could not bear the thought of thinking I had betrayed her.

I had never been able to put a clear reasoning on why I had allowed Tamara's abuse to continue so long. But my reasoning almost always had to do with Krista, and I realized now that all of my rationalizations had the same thing in common. I was afraid of losing her. While I felt like a few of the pieces had finally fallen into place, it still seemed like I was missing something.

As for why I had never gone to the police, I was scared and ashamed. Above all, I worried I deserved the way Tamara treated me. I had been terrible to her, and I had led her on. I had willingly gone to her bedroom, gotten onto my knees, and licked her ass. How could I claim complete innocence after doing something like that? And after my accident, I had been eager to keep doing so. I had clearly been turned on by her for reasons I still didn't understand. Nevertheless, I couldn't explain to Michael what I didn't understand myself.

"You know what? You're right," I responded. "But I also let myself get caught up in the moment. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just hope you can believe me when I tell you I was confused, and Tamara was the biggest mistake of my life."

"So--she didn't make you do anything?" he asked, still confused.

"Tamara could be aggressive at times. But no, I was caught off guard by Tamara's feelings for me. I liked how much she liked me, I guess. And it was just easier to follow her lead until I realized what a mistake I had made. I thought for a brief moment it was what I wanted. I let her convince me it was."

"And that's it? It's all over now?"

"Yes," I replied, for once able to give a definitive answer. "I never want to see Tamara again as long as I live."

There was a long silence.

"Michael" I asked finally, "Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?"

Well," he rubbing his chin, "I don't consider that cheating. Not really, anyway. After all, it was with another woman. Besides, the thought of you two together--" he trailed off, grinning.

I forced a smile, feeling a mixture of nausea and disgust. If he realized the full extent of what Tamara had made me do, would he still think of it in the same way?


The house was barely visible from the street. I smiled, remembering how the task of turning on the outside lights had always fallen to me. Krista had been terrible at remembering. At the time, I had found her forgetfulness frustrating. Now, sitting in the car and staring at the dark silhouette of our home, it made me miss my little sister even more. In fact, I hadn't realized until that moment just how much I did miss her.

The dark neighborhood made me anxious. It never used to scare me, but nothing felt as safe as it once did. Every shadow seemed as if Tamara might be lurking within, ready to pounce the minute my back was turned. I needed to find somewhere I could be free from Tamara once and for all. I wasn't sure there was anywhere in the city where I could ever feel truly safe again.

"Michael," I blurted abruptly, "If I were to leave town--go on an extended vacation maybe--would you come with me?"

"A vacation together? I don't know," he hesitated. "Isn't that a little sudden?"

"Please, I need to know."

He paused, perhaps sensing something was amiss.

"When? For how long?" He asked cautiously.

"Soon. Maybe tomorrow," I laughed, surprised at my sudden resolve. Why hadn't I thought of it sooner? Was ridding myself of Tamara as simple as leaving town? It wasn't like I had much keeping me here. Well, other than Krista of course. If I was really going to commit to this, I would need to convince her to come with. As desperate as I was to rid myself of Tamara, I wasn't sure I was willing to leave Krista behind.

"I'll need some time to think about it," Michael responded, still processing my impromptu question.

"Sure," I said, throwing open the car door. "Just don't wait too long. Or I might leave without you," I winked, grinning.


I knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for an answer. It was late, but I didn't care if I had to wake Krista up. I knocked again, louder this time. Still no response.

I rang the doorbell, but I was met with nothing but silence. Either Krista was sleeping too soundly to rouse or she wasn't home. It was late enough that Krista should be home. I had never known her to stay anywhere else, but I had also never known her to stay out this late. Then again, it had been a while since I had been able to talk to her. For all I knew, she was staying the night with a boyfri--I caught myself. Girlfriend. It was still hard to get myself used to thinking about Krista having a girlfriend. Or liking girls for that matter. I had nothing but respect for my sister and her choices--well, except for her having a crush on Tamara, but when you get so used to thinking a person is attracted to one gender, only to find out you've been wrong your entire life--well, it was just going to take more time before it felt natural to think about Krista that way.

A thought came to me suddenly. We had always kept a key beneath the doormat. Scrambling to the ground, I searched anxiously. I had almost lost hope when my fingers finally stumbled over the cold, metal of the door key.

Turning the key in the lock, I swung the door open. It felt almost surreal as the door gave a familiar squeak. Home, sweet home. I glanced around the entryway. It was hard to make out much in the darkness, but I could still see much that was familiar and comforting. Even the few things that had changed had Krista's touch all over them. Leaving the lights off, I snuck quietly upstairs eager to surprise my sister.

As I reached the door to her room, I paused, my lips suddenly feeling dry. I hadn't talked to Krista in so long. What would I say?

I turned her door knob slowly and gently nudged the door open. The light from the moon shone through her open blinds, providing just enough illumination to see her empty bed. Walking to it, I ran my fingers over her covers. Where was she? It was after two in the morning. There was no way she was still out with friends. I could think of only one reason Krista would be out this late. She was on a date, and it was going well. Too well. I should have felt happy for her, but I couldn't. I knew it was selfish, but I needed her right now.

I slid under the covers, enjoying their warmth. In that moment, I felt closer to Krista than I had in months. I sighed, resigning myself to waiting for her to return. Rolling on my side, I noticed the handset for our landline on her nightstand. Should I try calling her again? I picked up the handset and started to dial her number. No. I put down the handset. If she was on a date, I didn't want to disturb her.

I lay there anxiously, suddenly unable to sleep. Was she on a date with that girl she had met a while back? Madison, was it? I picked the phone back up. Surely, she wouldn't mind if I called her. It was something of an extenuating circumstance, after all.

No. If she was staying over with Madison, they could be getting intimate at this very moment. I found myself thinking about Krista and Madison together, kissing--caressing. I shuddered. I didn't like to think about Krista like that. But she deserved to be happy. I refused to continually sabotage her happiness.

Suddenly, I heard the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Krista's voice was perhaps the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

"H-hello?" I responded, confused and suddenly out of breath. When had I finished dialing her number?

Suddenly, the phone was knocked from my grip by a forceful backhand.

"What the--?" I exclaimed, turning as I tried to see my assailant in the darkness.

"You shouldn't have run away from me, Sara," I heard a familiar voice.

No. I panicked. She'd found me already. Why had I thought I would be safe here?

I swung my torso over the side of the bed, trying to get my bearings as I searched desperately for the phone handset. Just as I located the plastic lifeline, I felt Tamara's grip around my ankle. Before I could say anything more to Krista, Tamara shoved, sending me flying off the bed, head first into the floor.

The room spun, and before I could re-orient, Tamara was already climbing on top of me, pushing me back into the floor. Kicking, I struggled to reach for the headset. But before I could reach it, she knocked it under the bed and grabbed my wrist roughly. Despite my desperate attempts to throw her off me, I somehow found my arms losing circulation under her knees as she scooted forward, forcing me into a schoolgirl pin.

"Tamara, please--just tell me what you want from me. I'll do anything," I pleaded, feeling dizzy and weak as panic and fear overtook me.

Shifting forward, Tamara sat on my chest, her thighs tight against my head.

"You know what I want," Tamara replied confidently, her hands reaching behind my head and locking as she pulled my mouth against her damp panties.

I squirmed, trying to get away. Her scent was already strong and getting stronger.

"God, you turn me on so fast," she moaned. "I want so badly to fuck your beautiful face right now, but I don't think we have the time."

Her grip on my head was too tight for me to pull away, and I could feel her panties growing wetter as she thrust slowly against my mouth, never pulling away long enough for me to get a breath of air.

The panties allowed me to breathe ever so slightly, but it wasn't enough--not by a long shot. As I continued to struggle, I became increasingly light-headed. It seemed Tamara's panties, which had initially seemed beneficial to my struggle for oxygen, were only serving to delay the inevitable. They let me have just enough air to prolong my consciousness, but not enough to keep me awake, particularly in light of my panicked struggles.

Eventually, I started seeing spots as my lungs burned. I struggled with all my strength, but it was barely a distraction to Tamara by this point. I tried to plead with her, but she seemed to have no interest in my barely audible, muffled squeals.

"Don't worry, soon we will have nothing but time," Tamara's full lips forming into a wide grin as she locked her eyes on mine, staring at me hungrily as I drifted into unconsciousness.


I awoke feeling dizzy and disoriented, my head hurting slightly. I was in complete darkness, my arms tied behind my back and my legs bound together. I had a foul taste in my mouth, and another wad of soft fabric in my mouth, I could guess what I was tasting.

It was so dark that it was difficult to make out many details, but it sounded like I was in a vehicle. I suspected I was in the back of an SUV--the same one I'd been in just a few hours earlier. But if so, I was wedged between the rear door and back seat. I wasn't sure if Tamara had been in a hurry or if it was a more strategic move. Regardless, the effect was the same. I was having difficulty twisting enough to reach the latch with my feet like before. And I wasn't sure if I could reach it with my hands tied behind my backs. I turned on my side and grasped for anything that felt like a lever. I might have been able to open the latch were the situation the same as before, but with Tamara in the car I had to be extraordinarily cautious so as not to make a sound.

I barely noticed the sounds of the car changing, but I did start paying attention when I heard the sound of a garage door closing. Fuck.

A few minutes after hearing the car door open, I heard the car beep and the latch on the trunk released. For a brief moment, I debated kicking the door open and making a run for it, but that would almost certainly go poorly. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to fake unconsciousness. I knew my window would be small, but I hoped a better opportunity to escape would present itself. I couldn't believe I had escaped from Tamara, just to end up back under her control again so soon after. My adrenaline from the earlier assault had worn off. Now I just felt exhausted.

The trunk opened. Hands gripped my waist, pulling me slowly out of the trunk and allowing my feet to thud against the floor. I struggled to remain emotionless as Tamara slowly drug my limp legs across the cold cement, her arms still gripping my waist as she stopped to open the door into the house. I opened my eyes slightly as I attempted to assess my situation and surroundings.

We were back at our--or rather, Tamara's house. My legs were held together by zip ties, and I assumed my wrists as well. She dragged me through the living room. What was she planning? Could she be hoping to resume where we'd left off? She veered suddenly toward the basement stairs. In all the time I had been in this house, I had almost never been into the basement because there was literally nothing down there. So, why was Tamara dragging me there?

My panic slowly increased with each stair my feet thudded limply against. I had to act before she got me into the basement. Reaching out, I grabbed the railing and pulled myself out of her arms. Apparently I had caught her off surprise enough that she offered little resistance. I rolled myself onto my back and kicked both of my feet into her chest, sending her tumbling backward down the staircase. Unfortunately, there were only a few stairs left. Not enough to cause serious injury, but enough to delay her a bit.

I pulled myself awkwardly to my feet. I suddenly recalled a public service announcement I had seen a few years ago explaining how to escape zip ties in such a situation. Imitating the video, I lifted my arms into the air above my head and threw them downward toward my sides in a fast motion. My wrists strained against the zip ties, but the action did little to aid my escape, causing pain instead. I repeated the motion again, faster this time. I was pleasantly surprised when the zip tie snapped exactly as I had seen in the demonstration.

Unfortunately, the video hadn't covered how to free one's legs from zip ties, and I was out of time to figure it out. I hopped up the stairs, trying not to trip. Tamara had already regained her composure and was making her way after me with much greater agility than I currently possessed. I was about two-thirds of the way up the stairs when Tamara caught up with me. Her hand gripped my ankle, causing my to trip and fall flat in mid-hop. I caught myself with my hands, trying to pull myself up the stairs and away from her. I needed to get a knife or scissors from the kitchen to cut the remaining zip tie. I had no chance of escaping otherwise.

Twisting my legs, Tamara forced me upright and I tried to kick her down the stairs again. She was ready this time, catching my legs easily and pulling me down a few stairs toward her, my head hitting each stair on the way down.

"Stop struggling," Tamara said in frustration. I couldn't even scream with my gag still on. Reaching up, I tried to pull the tape off my mouth so I could eject her filthy panties. I had to hope that someone might hear me scream.

Tamara stood above me, turning toward my feet as she held both of my wrists in her sweaty hands. She scooted backward on the stairs until I was staring directly up her skirt. As expected, her ass was completely bare.

I stared, wide-eyed as her full ass descended toward my face. Trying to pull away, I found my head trapped next to the wall and the stair riser, making it impossible to stop her soft ass cheeks from swallowing my head.

"You know, we wouldn't have to keep doing this if you would just behave yourself," Tamara chided.

With her ass forming a much better seal on my nose, it didn't take long for my resolve to fade. At that moment, I would have agreed to go willingly for a single breath of air. Hell, I would have settled for less-than-fresh breath of air. However, I was unable to make such an offer, and it was unlikely she would accept even if I could. All I could do is struggle weakly until everything went black.


I blinked, my head pounding with pain. It was no wonder. I had been knocked unconscious three times now, and my head had hit the stairs pretty hard while trying to escape. I looked around at my surroundings.

The basement was much less bare than I remembered. I was lying on a bed opposite the door. I had been stripped entirely naked, and my hands were bound again, this time behind my back. Behind me and to the left, I knew there was a bathroom door which we had almost never used since we never came downstairs. Looking around the rest of the room, I noticed a TV on the far left wall. Below it, there was a small cabinet full of books and DVDs. A second, larger cabinet sat to the left of the entrance door, but it was obscured with doors. And on the other side of the room from the TV was a strange looking chair.

That's when I noticed something I had missed at first glance. On the right side of the door was a device with a hand crank attached to a wheel. The wheel had a cord around it. The cord pulled away from the wheel and went up the wall, looping through metal eyes as it snaked up the wall and along the ceiling toward me. Glancing directly upward, I noticed a strange-looking pulley type device over the head of the bed. The cord was running down from it and ended behind the headboard. When had Tamara done all of this? More importantly, what had she even done? I couldn't figure out most of what I was looking at.

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