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Cursed Ch. 07


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Closer to the bar, a petite Asian girl was lying naked on a table while several men licked whipped cream off of her breasts and pussy. One of the men was thrusting his finger into her writhing pussy while he licked whipped cream from her clit. I realized every horror story I had heard about The Doll House was true.

The sight of the growing depravity made me frightened and strangely excited. I shuddered to think of what Carmen would ask me to do next. I couldn't blame the other women. Many of them had families, and some were single mothers like me. I knew a few who had a drug habit. All of us needed the money to live. I imagined all of the waitresses and dancers were competing for Carmen's weekend bonus.


Alberto held onto my arm as he guided me to a different wait station from the one I had been using. It was at the other end of the long bar and close to the stage. I saw my friend Ellen was dancing her set in the nude.

Alberto said, "Stacy got sick from too many tequila shots, so I need you to take the next set. Afterward, you'll still have time to wait on tables before Carmen auctions off what's left of your shorts."

"You've got to be kidding. I can't dance in this rag. It doesn't cover anything. You should have thrown those assholes out for destroying my clothes."

"Hey, those assholes paid good money to let off a little steam. All they were doing was hazing a new Doll. You got off easy. Some of the knuckleheads here think it's fun to do a lot worse things to welcome a new dancer."

"I still need new bottoms if you want me to dance. It's not my fault they ruined my clothes. You should have stopped them."

Alberto snorted. "Ellen isn't complaining about dancing nude. Maybe you forgot you have a contract. If you want new PJ bottoms, you can use some of the tips you received from the guys you let fuck you."

"I need every penny I earn for my daughter's medicine. I can't afford a new outfit."

"Well, I guess you'll have to work the next week in the ones you have. Your Japanese clients will love your outfit tomorrow night."

Alberto put his hand to his ear and appeared lost in thought for a moment. When he removed his hand, I noticed a flesh-colored earpiece.

Alberto smiled at me and grabbed my chin. He turned my head from side to side as he peered into my eyes.

"Carmen asked me to see how you are doing. Your pupils are slightly smaller. I think you might be starting to come down from the ecstasy he gave you. However, you still feel hot. Are you getting enough to drink?"

I'd been gulping fluids like a goldfish all evening, but I was sweating it out as fast as I drank. I hadn't peed since I got to the club, and I was always thirsty. Thankfully, Alberto was right about one thing. I was beginning to come down from the ecstasy. The flashes of light from the rotating disco ball weren't as stimulating, but I still felt love for anyone who touched or smiled at me.

"I'd be grateful for a bottle of ice-cold water."

Alberto got Mike's attention and said, "Can I get a fresh bottle of water for the lady."

I watched Mike bend down and rummage around in a small refrigerator filled with bottles of mixer and cans of whipped cream. He stood up and handed me a cold bottle of spring water. I was happy the top snapped open when I twisted the lid. Hopefully, only Carmen had spiked bottles of water. I had learned not to trust anyone else to open drinks for me in this degenerate club. The bottle of ice-cold water went down in four refreshing gulps.

I smiled at the bartender and said, "Mike, could I please have another?"

Mike looked at Alberto and cocked his head. "Al?"

Alberto smiled. "Give the Ice Princess what she wants. It's her first night as a Doll, and everything is new to her. The least we can do is be nice."

The second bottle went down almost as fast as the first.

Ellen started her third song. I had a few minutes before my set. I wanted another water but failed to get Mike's attention.

I asked Alberto, and he said, "Go ahead. You saw where the water is. Help yourself."

Only the bartenders were allowed behind the bar at my previous job, but Alberto was the assistant manager, and I was thirsty. I hurried around the end of the bar and helped myself to two more bottles. I didn't wait, and I drank them behind the bar. I was on the fourth bottle when Mike saw me.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?"

I chugged the rest of the bottle and smiled at the bartender.

"Alberto said it was ok. Has anyone ever told you that you're cute when you're angry?"

I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my bare breasts against his chest. Despite his attempt to back away, I drove my tongue into his mouth and ground my pussy on his crotch.

Mike roughly shoved me away with a curse. "Get off me! You're a stupid fucking cunt. You have no idea what you've done."

I'd never seen Alberto laugh, but he was laughing his head off when he pulled me away from the bartender.

"Either you don't know that Mike is gay, or you don't care. God, the look on his face was priceless."


I was trying to figure out what had come over me. I'd spent the last six years fending off advances from guys who just wanted to get into my pants, and now I was trying to jump a cute man I'd only met a few minutes ago. I felt embarrassed. Alberto interrupted my thoughts.

"You're on. Come. I want to introduce you to the audience."

I don't know why I was nervous as Carmen's assistant dragged me up the steps to the stage with his muscular arm around my waist. My heart was pounding, and I was gasping for air through my open mouth. I'd been dancing for years and even performed naked last weekend at the Pink Pussycat. Maybe it was the degenerate atmosphere in The Dollhouse. Perhaps it was knowing the night was far from over. Who knew what new depravities awaited me?

Carmen grabbed a wireless mic from the DJ and guided me to the middle of the stage.

I saw myself on a high-definition monitor across the room. I was standing under a spotlight, and I could see every freckle on my heaving chest. My bright pink nipples were hard as rocks. My usually pale skin was flushed and glistening with sweat.

I noticed that Alberto's hand had accidentally dragged my waistband up. My tiny patch of red pubic hair was covered, but that meant my slit was exposed below the bottom of my cutoff shorts. I tugged the garment lower, and my damn clit happily popped out to say hello to the cheering crowd. My body jerked as I quickly pulled the bottoms back up across my hard clit. I looked up at the TV monitors knowing everyone in the room had seen me expose myself.

Alberto whispered in my ear. "Assume the Dollhouse pose."

I slid my feet apart and thrust out my breasts and hips. I felt defenseless with my hands clasped behind my back. The TV monitor across the room zoomed in tight on my body. I saw myself standing in the spotlight, practically naked with Alberto's arm wrapped around my body. His big hand was caressing the side of my torso.

"I'm sure the Ice Princess needs no introduction. The good news is that tonight is her first time as one of our Dolls." He squeezed me before continuing. "We need to come up with a new name for this gorgeous lady because I can feel this girl is on fire. I'll offer a night of free drinks to whoever comes up with the winning name. Just make sure the name is family-friendly."

The crowd erupted in laughs, punctuated with lewd suggestions for a new name. Alberto held up his hand to quiet the boisterous crowd gathered in front of the four-foot-high stage.

"Later tonight, we will auction off her babydoll pajama bottoms as we did for her top earlier," Alberto emphasized my missing top by cupping my breast and squeezing hard. His fingers pinched my nipple, and he twisted it until I cried out. Ever since he'd raped me with the big ice cold glass dildo, I'd known he hated women.

Alberto held the mic away and hissed, "Hold the pose, Puttana, or I'll discipline you in front of our guests."

Alberto continued. "In case you missed the first auction, you will be happy to know that the winner of the auction for her bottoms will be allowed to enjoy her lovely body. Carmen insists that everyone refrains from fucking our little Princess until after the auction. If you lose the auction, you'll have to wait until tomorrow, so I suggest you bid high. For now, you can do anything else on the menu as long as you pay the listed fee.

Carmen's rule upset someone in the crowd. "What the fuck! We all watched the damn Jap fuck her on the big screen. Why did he get special treatment?"

Alberto wasn't used to being challenged. His hand tightened on my breast, and I cried out in pain. The worst pain was realizing Carmen had televised a very intimate moment to everyone in the club. I wouldn't have let Mr. Masahiro make love to me if I hadn't been high on ecstasy and drunk on saki. Even then, it had taken our shared love of Van Morrison's music to seduce me.

Alberto hissed into the mic. "The Japanese gentleman brought over 1200 good jobs to Rivervale. Many of you helped build the Yamanami Heavy Industries plant, and even more of you work there. Mr. Masahiro is an elite member of The Dollhouse and paid well for his special treatment. If you don't like our rules, I suggest you get the fuck out of our club."

There were no more complaints from the audience.

Alberto smiled and said, "I know it is a Dollhouse tradition to pull pranks on new Dolls, and I want you to know that Carman and I have no objections. Hazing helps new Dolls bond with our customers. I'm sure everyone likes what some of our regulars did to Tiffany's bottoms."

Some drunk asshole yelled, "Her bottoms have no bottom."

Alberto grabbed my shorts and pulled them up until the ruined waistband was just below my breasts. With my thighs spread in Doll's pose, my engorged pussy was on full display. The crowd shouted their approval as the camera zoomed in on my bare pussy. My tormentor's fingers clasped my labia and spread me open. His fingers pinched the edges of my slit and slid up to the top of my pussy. I tried to hold my pose, but my body couldn't take the stimulation. I closed my eyes as my tormented body writhed under the intense pain and pleasure.

"What a pretty pussy. You have to love women whose little pink clit sticks out when they're aroused."

My eyes flew open when his fingers squeezed my needy clit and twisted it around while tugging on the sensitive nub. I groaned at the sight of my flowering pussy filling the screen. A stream of my nectar flowed down my thighs. My hips danced wildly in response to his tugging on my tender clit in a futile effort to reduce the pain while increasing my growing arousal.

"What a lovely, sensitive clit our pretty little Ice Princess has. I think it needs special attention. What do you think, Boyd?"

A tall man near the front of the crowd responded with a chuckle. "Got you covered, Al."

I had no idea what Alberto and the laughing Boyd were talking about and didn't have the energy to worry about it. My body was responding hard to the bastard's fingers assaulting my tender nub. His other hand had returned to mauling my breast. I was close to having an orgasm in front of the leering crowd when Alberto thankfully released me. Having an orgasm on stage was too disgusting to consider.

He spun me around to face the pole and slapped my bare ass hard before giving me a firm shove.

"Time to dance, Princess."

I stumbled toward the mirrored wall at the back of the stage and leaned against it with one hand. Colored flashes of light reflected off the disco ball and danced across the contours of my bare breasts and pussy. I felt disoriented. My tattered loincloth gathered below my heaving breasts made me look silly. I couldn't stop a giggle as I pulled my ruined shorts down to cover my sex.

I made a final check of my appearance and was horrified when I saw my pupils. Only a narrow halo of green surrounded my deep black pupils. I whimpered when I realized I was rolling harder than before on ecstasy, and my heart was pounding from a massive hit of amphetamines. The damn bottles of 'water' I had gotten from Mike had been spiked with both drugs. I was screwed. I panicked at the thought I'd gulped down four bottles. The two bottles Carmen had given me earlier had turned me into a sex-crazed slut for a couple of hours. What horrors could I expect from four bottles?

The DJ said, "Tell me when you are ready? The crowd is getting nervous."

"Which of my songs do you have queued up?"

I got into an argument with the DJ. He said Carmen had instructed him to use Stacy's playlist. I protested. I'd watched her perform, but I'd never danced to her hard, raunchy numbers. Her choices were quite different from my slow romantic numbers. Of course, I lost the argument. The Dollhouse was a man's world.

Stacy's first song was "I Wanna Fuck You" by Snoop Dogg.

I see you windin' and grindin' up on that pole

I know you see me lookin' at you, and you already know

I wanna fuck you (Fuck you)

I started the number doing a body wave leaning against the pole. My bare breasts jiggled enough to show they were real. The crowd wanted more.

Someone yelled, "Nice tits. Now show us your pussy."

I did a fairy spin, hoping I wouldn't flash too much flesh. Of course, the flaps of ripped cotton flared up enough to show I wasn't wearing any panties.

A drunken voice yelled out, "Come on, bitch. Get moving. Either climb the pole or come over here and climb my pole while I fuck you blind."

Adjusting my outfit had been a waste of time. The first time I made an inverted move to climb the pole, the flaps on my ruined shorts hung down and exposed everything. The crowd loved seeing my embarrassment almost as much as they enjoyed seeing all my shaved pussy. I felt a jolt of intense arousal as the crowd screamed their approval. By the end of the number, the sparkling reflections from the disco ball were piercing my brain with sharp stabs of joy. I wondered just how much higher I was going to get.

I finished up the lewd song by grinding my pussy on the pole as I twerked my ass. The crowd went wild. They were yelling so loud I couldn't make out what they were saying except when someone close to the stage shouted out something dirty.

I heard a tall, burly, black dude yell, "I love the way you shake your ass. I'm gonna fuck you long and hard."

I recognized Mr. Masahiro's local head of security and knew he planned on carrying out his threat tomorrow night. I leaned against the pole and tried to put the memory of him stroking his big black cock in the Asian room while his boss slowly fucked me. I'd never seen a black cock before and wondered if they were all as monstrous as his. It frightened me. No woman could take that beast without being badly injured.

The second song on Stacy's playlist was "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails.

"You let me violate you

You let me penetrate you

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside"

The song reminded me of Brad's friend taking me roughly from behind doggy style. Thinking about the stranger's cock penetrating my hungry vagina and fucking me like an animal added to my already intense arousal. I knew it was the drugs I'd been given that were making me behave shamelessly, but I couldn't fight it. I had tightly controlled my passions for years, but now I yearned to feel a hard cock inside me.

I climbed the pole and performed an inverted split. I held the position longer than I planned because of the enthusiastic reaction from the mob of men crowding the stage. Of course, they loved it, and I fed off their response. Hormones flooded my brain and made my body shake with arousal. I didn't care that I was exposing my moist, flowering pussy and bare ass every time I performed an inverted move.

At the end of the song, I slid headfirst down the pole into a handstand. My baby doll bottoms were soaking wet, and the flimsy front piece of cloth stuck to my abdomen when I flipped into a split too close to the edge of the stage. The big black security manager grabbed my ankle and dragged my ass to the edge.

I laughed and grabbed the beer he was holding so he could caress my body with two hands. I chugged what was left of his ice-cold Miller beer as his hands slid up the insides of my pale thighs. I dropped back on my elbows and lifted my hips when his thumbs reached my exposed pussy and spread me open. He smiled for a moment like a cat with a new catnip mouse before he plunged two fat fingers into my vagina. I screamed and arched my back to drive my hungry vagina onto his fingers. Any worries about having an orgasm in front of this crowd disappeared as my head exploded with lust. He pulled my writhing hips to the edge of the stage, and his mouth plunged toward my wet slit.

The DJ queued up David Banner's song 'Play.'

"Finger fuck your pussy like you want some, girl

Work it like a nigga straight licking on your pearl

I wanna see you cum in the middle of the dance floor"

He slid his tongue up my slit as his dark fingers thrust into my hot pussy over and over. My bouncing legs were hanging over the edge, and I couldn't stop my high heel shoes from banging against the front of the stage. His lips found my clit, and I lost it when he sucked on my sensitive nub. My screams joined the crowd's roar as an intense orgasm burned its way through my overheated body.

I opened my eyes when his lips left my sex. My eyes locked onto his big black cock when he slapped it against my engorged labia. I placed my pole dancing shoes on the edge of the stage and drove my wet pussy up in an attempt to catch his beautiful dark cock. Many of the strippers at the Pink Pussycat had claimed that black cock was the best, and this monster had me mesmerized.

I've only had sex with a handful of men, and none of them had been black. My loving parents had raised me to be a good girl, and until this week, my traitorous fiancée had been the only man I'd willingly given myself. Now, I'd freely traded my morals for money to pay for my daughter's medicine. I was beyond caring. My brain was on fire from the massive quantities of ecstasy I'd taken, and I was overwhelmed with desire for the black beauty slapping against my flowering pussy.

This beautiful man's coal-black cock was the largest I'd seen. I was desperate to have it filling my hungry pussy. The asshole laughed at my attempts to capture his erection. He kept slapping my engorged pussy lips with his gorgeous cock. It seemed to get bigger with each blow. Finally, I lunged for his beautiful cock and grabbed it with both hands. White venom dripped from the black snake when I peeled back his foreskin. I whimpered with need as I pulled the black beast to the opening of my vagina.

My black lover grabbed my bare ass and pressed his fat hard cock against the opening to my vagina. He grunted with his desperate attempt to penetrate me while I screamed in pain and frustration. His fingers spread my pussy wide open, and he redoubled his efforts. He cursed and shoved me down after he failed a second time.

"Fucking bitch is as tight as a virgin. Well, I know how to stretch a pussy."

I tried to crawl away, but his laughing friends seized my ankles and pulled my ass back to the edge of the stage. Numerous rough hands grabbed at my flesh. The muscular black man grabbed his empty Miller High Life beer bottle and pressed the mouth against my tight vagina. I screamed a protest that only brought more laughter.

The tip of the bottle was half as thick as his massive cock, and the cold neck quickly slipped in a couple of inches. I flopped around like a fish out of water, more from shock than pain. Hands grabbed my flailing arms while others mauled my jiggling breasts. Strong hands clutched my ass cheeks and lifted my hips to give the sadistic black man better access to my private parts.

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