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Customer Serviced

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Rosa needs a rush job, and gets one.
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Rosa pulled into the parking spot directly in front of Sarah's Tailoring & Dry Cleaning. The sign said "Closed" and Rosa fought hard not to panic. She hadn't noticed the large ink stain on her White satin skirt until she was almost at work. With morning traffic, the trip home to change would take too long. Rosa knew Sarah's was close to work and that it was her only hope to make it on time. If she was late again, she might lose her job.

The door showed that Sarah's was open at 7am. It was almost 8 and Rosa wondered if Sarah had just forgotten to change her sign. The lights were on and the shop looked open. Rosa put her car in park and flung open the car door, almost forgetting to turn off the engine as she left. Rosa's heels made a "clack" sound on the pavement, and then the sharp "click" of stiletto heels as she raced to the door. The strappy heels barely covered her feet with three black leather straps that crossed her toes and a strap that hugged her heel with one around her ankle. The shoes displayed her high arched feet, her red toenail polish and the dark seam of her nude pantyhose stretched across the tips of her toes.

Each hurried step caused Rosa's large double D breasts to bounce up and down, almost popping out of her brown silk blouse. Rosa had wonderful curves on her tight five foot five body and she wore clothes to show them off. She found that a man could be convinced of a lot of things if he had something pretty to look at. Often Rosa convinced her boss that she was on time rather than five minutes late.

Once inside Sarah's, the bright interior lighting produced a gleam on her nylon glazed legs. Her smooth legs looked like liquid caramel and the short skirt gave a wonderful view of her shapely thighs and calves. Her large breasts were the only competition that kept a man's eyes off her thighs and sexy feet.

"Sarah?" Rosa called out and hurried over to the counter. She tapped the bell on the desk several times and the ring tinkled loudly in the small shop. Abruptly a large black man in blue jeans and a white tank came out from behind the clothes hanging in the back. Rosa didn't recognize this new employee but she needed help.

"Oh, thank heaven." Rosa said, and she brushed her raven hair back and turned her dark brown eyes toward the employee. "I need an emergency cleaning!" The man paid her no attention brushing her aside and then looking out the front window. "It's my skirt! I don't know where this stain came from but, ay dios mio! If I go all the way home to change I won't make it back in time for work and I can't be late again s- Mummff!" The man casually cut off Rosa's stream of words with one large hand that covered her mouth.

The pressure of his hand pressing into her mouth pushed Rosa backwards until her back hit the large window in the front. Reflexively, Rosa brought her hands up to try and push him off but he had a vice grip on her mouth. Feeling awkward and trapped, Rosa picked one foot up, bending a the knee and then put it back down, unsure of how to react to this treatment.

Even with Rosa's inadvertent display of her round silky thigh, as her skirt slid around the nylon leg and then back down as she danced under his grip, his interest wasn't on her. He was clearly focused on the door. He checked the lock to make sure the door was secure this time then pulled the blinds down that Covered the door.

"Damn, Carl," He muttered to no one in particular. "You forgot to lock the door." He turned and looked at Rosa. "If I take my hand off your mouth will you keep quiet?" Rosa nodded quickly. "Don't be loud. It's early." he said and took his hand down.

Rosa had been a long time customer of Sarah's and she expected better service. This treatment was unacceptable. Sarah would have seen the trouble right away and been able to help. If Sarah was here, She could have had this mess sorted out, a new skirt loaned to her, and she would be on her way to work. This new guy didn't know how to give proper customer service.

"Please," Rosa said in a hushed whisper, "I need to speak with Sarah."

"Sarah, huh?"


"Sarah's busy." He said and his eyes wandered down the front of Rosa's blouse, lingering on her large tits.

Rosa knew what he was looking at. "Hello? Please, can you fix my skirt?"

"What about your skirt?" He said now looking down at her legs.

"I need it cleaned! Look!" Rosa said louder, pointing at the stain. She was losing her patience.

"Damn, it's a good thing you're pretty." The man said, eying her legs. Rosa looked up at him sharply. "Or I'd have to toss you outside." He smiled at her and Rosa gave a little laugh. When her laugh faded, Rosa found herself standing there waiting while this new employee ogled her.

"I'm in a bit of a rush." Rosa said, prompting him to hurry.

"Anyone else with you?"

"Um, no." She said.

"All alone?" He prompted?

"Yes, look, can you clean my skirt? Maybe loan me a similar one for the day?" She asked..

"Well," he said after a long pause. "Let's take a look."

The man stepped toward her and Rosa held still, finally glad to have someone assisting her. The man put his hands on her waist. He gripped her tightly, then slid his hands down over her hips and thighs, his fingers brushing her exposed legs below the hem.

"The stain is right in front." Rosa said, trying to be helpful and completely confused by how his groping her had anything to do with an inspection of a stain.

"Satin?" the man said.

"Yes." Rosa replied.

"Those pantyhose underneath?" The man asked, his fingers exploring a little under her skirt, feeling her nylons and tickling her thighs.

"Okay, that's enough." Rosa said, politely but firmly, her hands reaching down to push his away.

"Take it off."

"What?" Rosa said, taking a step back.

"We can't clean it if you're wearing it. Take it off."

"Is, a... Can I change someplace."

"Right here is fine. Here let me help." The man stepped toward Rosa and she hopped back, her heels clicking on the floor.

"Where is Sarah?" Rosa asked.

"Oh, she's real busy right now." The man said with a big grin.

"Look," Rosa said, getting annoyed "is there a bathroom I can change in? And I need a- Gak!"

He cut Rosa off with a quick hand to her throat, lifting her on to the very tips of her toes and squeezing, just enough to make breathing difficult. "Let me make this clear," Said the man in a rough whisper. "If you want that skirt cleaned, you're going to do what I say, when I say it. Don't make noise, and don't fuss with me. Understood?"

Rosa wasn't sure what she'd gotten herself into, but she realized that she wasn't going to get out of it easily. She nodded again.

"Good. Now," he said letting go of her. "take of that skirt."

Rosa hesitated, then reached for the zipper of her skirt. She pulled it down half an inch and then paused, looking up at the man. The man reached out and unzipped her skirt the rest of the way. "Ooh!" Squeaked Rosa, "Um, maybe... oooh!"

"Shush!" He growled as he slid her skirt over her hips and ass. Rosa covered her mouth with her hands and listened to her own heartbeat and the fabric as it made a rasping sound while it slid over her tight sheer pantyhose. The man squatted down and held the skirt off the floor around her ankles.

"Step out of it." he ordered. Rosa did so, and had to put a hand on his shoulder for balance. Once she was out of the skirt she stepped back. Rosa expected him to walk away with her skirt. Instead he tossed it aside, paying no attention to where it landed.

Rosa stood there as the man ogled her. Unsure of what to do she tried to avoid eye contact. Looking down, Rosa let out a soft gasp when she saw that a huge bulge had developed at the crotch of his pants. Rosa gasped again when he knelt in front of her, putting his hands On her silky thighs. For a moment he just gripped her thighs, then he abruptly slid them up and down, around her knees, squeezing her nylon legs as he did so.

Without the skirt in the way, the man made no distinction between where he touched her. His hands slid over and gripped her ass then over her firm, but softly shaped tummy. Then over her crotch. Rosa stood pigeon toed, knees close together, and with her hands over her nylon covered crotch, trying to hide the pink thong under them. Her attempt was useless as his hands brushed hers aside several times as he grabbed and fondled her lower body. After thoroughly groping her legs, the man stood up and started to unbutton her top. "I think I saw a spot on your blouse too." He said.

"Look, I think this has- ooomp!" Rosa was again physically shushed mid sentence as the man clamped his hand over her red lips one more time.

"Bitch, you're goin' get fucked. You hush now while I take what I want for cleaning your skirt."

Rosa watched in shocked silence as the man released her mouth then unfixed each button of her blouse. Once all buttons were undone, he stripped the top off her, exposing her pink satin bra. Reaching for his own crotch, the man quickly unzipped his pants and his large hard cock burst out, fully erect and throbbing from his quickened heartbeat.

Rosa's mouth opened wide in shock as she looked at his monster cock. The man reached up and slipped her bra straps off her shoulders. He pulled the bra down over her tits until her nipples popped out, stiff and erect from the sudden attention. "Why do you dress like a slut?" he asked her. Before she could answer his hands gripped tightly over her round tits and he forced his lips over hers.

Rosa let out a startled moan as he forced a kiss on her, his tongue pressing into her mouth. His hands clamped tightly on her breasts, his brutal grip forcing Rosa to squirm under him with a high pitched squeak, muffled by his mouth over hers. Suddenly he broke free of her and reached up grabbing Rosa by the hair, forcing her to kneel.

As soon as she was down, Rosa had a huge black cock shoved into her mouth. "mmmmuummphh!" was all Rosa could muster as the thick cock rammed between her red lips. She put her hands on her assailant's thighs, trying to push him off, but from her knees and with his grip on her hair all she could do was breathe through her nose and take it.

"Suck it, slut!" The man ordered. "I know you can suck a cock, now do it right."

Rosa fought back her gag reflex and tried to do as the man said. The stiff cock in her mouth forced her lips into a round O and she couldn't help but slide her tongue underneath the hard shaft. She tasted precum and mixed with her own saliva, his cock slipped easily in and out while her lips slid along the shaft. While she did her best to please him, the man reached down and took a firm underhand grip on her left breast, squeezing it tight. His fingers then slipped inside her bra and found her nipple, it was getting hard despite Rosa's best efforts to remain calm.

With a twist and a pinch, the man forced Rosa to emit a high pitched squeal as his fingers clamped down on her tit. The noise clearly produced a positive effect on the man's erection and Rosa felt his shaft get harder in her mouth. She tried harder to disengage from him but he still had a firm grip on her hair and he was ramming his cock into her mouth.

Rosa tried to plead for him to stop but her words were cut off in a rapid "Oomp oom mop oomp oom!" as his cock plowed between her lips. Just when Rosa didn't think she could last any longer, the man pulled out forcing an audible "pop" from her mouth. She let out a hushed cry as he lifted her by her hair, forcing Rosa to her feet. He let go of her hair and manhandled her, facing her away from him, bent over the reception table. Rosa gasped for breath and braced herself for what she knew was coming.

The man's fingers tore at her sheer hose until they split, leaving a wide gap of nylon. Her thong panties where shoved aside and the man's thick head pressed into Rosa's wet pussy. Gripping her waist tightly, he slid into her deeply, slowly, allowing her wet juices to lubricate his cock until it was slick and easily slid in and out of her wet cunt.

Rosa let out a cry that was immediately cut off with a large hand clamped over her mouth. His other hand took a firm grip on her hair and her head was locked in his grasp. Her then started to thrust into Rosa harder that she had ever been fucked in her life. Each thrust rammed his shaft into her cervix, his loins slapping into her firm ass and the force of the motion rocking her entire body. He forced her to bend over farther, pressing her bare tits onto the cold steel countertop.

Rosa's face flushed and her hands gripped the counter as her cold tits pressed into the table while her pussy was slammed by a red hot iron cock. His upward thrusts were lifting Rosa off her feet enough for her toes to leave the ground for a moment before dropping again to the floor. The light tapping of her heels was followed each time by the slap of the man's ass into her loins.

And then the man stopped his thrusting and pulled out, his cock flipped up and rested on her silky pantyhose ass. With a few slow thrusts, sliding his stiff dick over her ass, she felt the hot slap of cum as he ejaculated all over her lower back. As quickly as he had assaulted her, he was gone. Letting her go, Rosa dropped like a newborn foal to the floor, quivering and huffing for breath.

"Wait!" She managed before the man was gone behind the counter. "What about my skirt?"

"What? Bitch, I don't work here. When the boys are done banging Sarah you can ask her. Stupid Slut."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Makes me cumm every time! You found the perfect balance between submission and defiance. I hate it when the women are really submissive like in your other stories. Please make more of these.

LordGlutLordGlutalmost 10 years ago

Loved it! Good hard degrading sex

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