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Daddy and Little One Ch. 07

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Little One must be punished.
2.4k words

Part 7 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/01/2006
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"Daddy?" Little One asked, "Would you like for me to clear the table and wash the dishes? I was trained in house keeping at the Home."

"Little One, I did not bring you here to be a maid," Daddy answered, "I would appreciate it very much if you cleaned the kitchen for me. I have to go to the dress shop to take care of some things. Will you be alright if I leave you here alone?"

"Will you be away long, Daddy?"

"I'll be back before lunch," Daddy said. He pulled Little One close to him and kissed her on the forehead. Little One stretched up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I won't be long, Little One. Daddy straightened the front of his pants and smiled at Little One before he turned and left. Little One soon heard Daddy's car start and drive away.

Little One cleared the table and rinsed the plates in the sink. Soon the kitchen was in order again. Little One suddenly felt very alone. She had not been completely by herself any time she could remember. Daddy's house seemed larger on the outside. There must be parts she had not seen. The front parlor had a fireplace and tall windows that went from the floor to the ceiling. Beyond the Parlor was Daddy's study. Daddy's desk was in the center of the room. There were three empty silver frames, in successive sizes laying on the blotter. Little One sat in Daddy's swivel chair. The leather was cold against her thighs and bottom. She kicked at the floor and spun around. The study smelled like Daddy. The room was like him. The desk and all the other furniture, chairs, bookcases, and lamps, seemed strong and immovable. Little One studied the yellow legal pad on the desk. The hand writing was bold and large. Daddy printed all his letters. Little One picked up the pen, lying on the blotter. It was heavy for its size. Everything about Daddy seemed heavy and strong. Little One pulled the collar of Daddy's shirt up to her nose and inhaled deeply. He seemed to be there with her. Little One squeezed her thighs together and felt her pussy moisten.

She jumped up quickly, afraid she would make a spot on the leather. Little One leaned back on the desk with Daddy's chair between her feet. She imagined Daddy sitting before her, looking her in the eyes. Little One unbuttoned Daddy's shirt and pulled it back to expose her breasts to the imaginary Daddy. She leaned back on her arms and felt the pen under her hand. Daddy held the pen up and smiled. Little One closed her eyes and felt the pen touch her. It lightly grazed her vulva and pushed though the lips, probing and slipping inside her. She had never played like this before. Her own fingers were the largest thing she had ever put inside her. The pen pushed deeper and explored. Little One bit her bottom lip and trembled. She felt the pen rubbing against her pubic bone, finding an electric spot, that made her eyes pop open. This was something new. Imaginary Daddy vanished. Little One took a firm grip on the pen and pressed again. The electric spot felt like she had touched her clitoris from the inside. Little One wanted Imaginary Daddy back. She closed her eyes again, but could not find the same feeling. Frustrated, Little One, put the pen in her mouth and licked it clean. She wiped it dry on Daddy's shirt and put it back on the blotter.

Little One walked back to the parlor and bounced up the stairs. She stopped at her bedroom door and saw the open door of Daddy's bedroom. Little One walked cautiously to the door and looked in. Daddy's large bed was unmade. Little One instinctively pulled the sheet tight and tossed the blanket to smooth it out. She looked into Daddy's bathroom and thought about the morning. Imaginary Daddy was shaving again. Little One could see him plainly, standing before the sink, his penis standing out straight. Little One suddenly felt self conscious and pulled Daddy's shirt closed over her breasts. Daddy's bathroom was larger than hers. The toilet and shower were in a small room beyond the sink and vanity. Daddy's large closet was next to it. Little One switched on the light. Daddy's closet was almost as large as her bedroom. There was one wall of clothes on hangers. The opposite wall was shelves and drawers. The top shelf was a row of hats. Little One had never seen a real man's hat before. She reached high and pulled down the closest one. A black cowboy hat, thought Little One. Is Daddy a cowboy, she wondered. Little One put the hat on and it sank down her forehead over her eyes. She pulled it up and rested it on the back of her head. Little One turned to look in the mirror and imaginary Daddy was back again, standing before the sink, his concave hips and back holding her eyes. Little One hopped up on the counter where Daddy had put her earlier. Imaginary Daddy's cock was hard and he was smiling at her. Little One pushed her finger inside her vagina and rubbed cream through her slit. Her fingers slowly circled and pressed her clitoris. Little One's half closed eyes spied the green cologne bottle. She picked it up and unscrewed the heavy lead cap. The lime and spice filled the room. Little One held the bottle in her left hand and began to rub again, faster and harder. Daddy's naked body filled her mind. She could smell him coming closer to her. She closed her eyes and Imaginary Daddy pulled her to the edge of the counter, his hard cock standing out straight, just inches from her pussy. Little One felt the heat building inside her. The green bottle slipped from her and bounced off the counter and hit the floor, breaking at the neck and spilling the cologne. Little One leapt off the counter and knelt on the floor. The bottle was broken and most of the cologne was on the floor. Little One's face flushed blood red. Her heart pounded so hard she could hear it in her ears. She pulled a towel down to soak up the cologne. The bottle neck fit perfectly back on the bottle, but it could not be fixed. Little One was scared now. What would Daddy do? She picked the pieces up and placed them on the counter. Little One stood on her shaking knees and walked back down the hall. She sat on the top step of the stair case and began to tremble. She cupped her face in her hands and sobbed softly. She knew Daddy would take her back to the home. There were other girls, who had left and been returned, always ashamed to talk about it. Now Little One understood why. Little One felt very cold and alone. She pulled Daddy's shirt tight across her breasts and shivered, rocking slowly on the stair.

A few minutes later, Little One heard Daddy's car in the driveway. Little One trembled when she heard the key in the lock and the door slowly opened. She looked down at Daddy and tried not to cry out loud. Daddy looked up at her. His brow wrinkled as he studied Little One's stricken face.

"Little One," He finally said, "What is the matter? And why are you wearing my hat?" Her heart sank lower. The hat, thought Little One. She had forgotten the hat. Now Daddy knows I was playing in his closet. Daddy walked quickly up the stairs and stood below Little One, at eye level with her. "What is the matter, Little One. Are you alright?" Little One tried hard to compose herself.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," she answered through chattering teeth. "I broke your green bottle. I'm very sorry." Little One put her head down and clenched her eyes tight, trying not to cry. Daddy stepped past her and walked to his bedroom. The smell of his cologne was strong.

"Little One," she heard him call, "Come here right now." Little One stood and walked slowly to Daddy's bedroom. He was standing by the sink with the bottle in his hand.

"How did this happen?, Little One." Little One could not look up.

"I was playing with the bottle and I dropped it."

"And the hat?"

"I was playing with the hat, too." Daddy looked at the counter where Little One had sat earlier. He ran his finger across a smear of moisture on the countertop and held it to his nose. It was not cologne.

"Little One, you are not telling me the truth," he said sternly. Little One sobbed and put her face in her hands.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. I was touching my self and I dropped the bottle." Little One finally looked up to see Daddy's eyes on her, his face solemn and impossible to read.

"Please, Daddy, don't send me back to the home. Please don't send me back." Daddy walked into his bedroom and sat down on a chair by the bed.

"Little One, you are not going back to the home, unless you want to," Daddy told her. "You have snooped in my closet, where you have no business and you have lied to me, Little One. What should I do?" Little One was relieved only a bit. Daddy's voice was very hard.

"I don't want to go back to the home, Daddy. I want to stay with you."

"Little One," Daddy said coldly. "You must learn a lesson. Daddy loves you very much, but you will have to be punished." Little One's heart raced again. She felt her face get hot.

"Please, no Daddy. Please don't punish me. I'll be good. I promise."

"Come here, Little One. I will not be defied." Little One crossed the room to Daddy with the smallest steps she could take.

"I love you very much, Little One. Do you know that?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, Daddy. I think so." She answered very quietly.

"Then you must take your punishment like a little lady. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy, I will try." Little One closed her eyes and started to shake.

"Good, Little One. We will see how well you do." Daddy pulled the hat off of her and took Little One's hair in his left hand and pulled her across his lap. She felt clumsy and off balance.

"Listen carefully, Little One," Daddy said. "Do not struggle. Put your hands at your side." "Yes, Daddy," She answered and pressed the palms of her hands to her hips. Daddy tightened his grip on Little One's hair and raised his right hand over his shoulder. Daddy's large rough hand came down and slapped against Little One's ass. Little One's legs kicked and she squealed in fear and pain.

"Be silent, Little One," Daddy commanded. Little One tensed her whole body in anticipation of the next blow. Daddy's hand was swift and struck again. A large pink hand print formed on her right cheek. Daddy's hand smacked the other cheek, raising another pink hand print. Little One sobbed through clenched teeth. Each blow stung worse than the one before. She lost count and did not think it would ever stop. Little One braced herself for another smack, but it never came. Daddy loosened his grip on her hair and his hand softly caressed her burning bottom. Little One's sobs became quiet weeping. Daddy reached under her shoulders and pulled her up to his face. Little One's cheeks were streaked with tears. Daddy kissed away the tears on the right and then the left. Little One's breathing slowed to normal and she closed her eyes and pressed her face against Daddy's chest with her hands cupped between her breasts. Daddy put his arms around Little One and rocked her gently.

"Daddy," she hoarsely whispered, "I'm sorry. I promise I'll be good"

"I know, Little One. I know you will." Little One stretched her arms around Daddy's chest and hugged him tight. The heat in her stinging bottom was spreading. She squeezed her thighs together. Her pussy felt warm and she could feel the cream seeping between the lips. Little One concentrated on the feeling between her legs. The smell of lime and spice was stronger that ever before. She felt empty, torn between spreading her legs and squeezing her thighs again. Little One knew what she wanted. She wanted to feel Daddy's naked body against hers. She wanted to touch and hold Daddy's cock and play with his balls. She would nip and suck his nipples and even kiss his cock if he would let her. Little One wanted Daddy to lie on top of her and push his cock inside her burning pussy. Little One bit her bottom lip. How could she ask? What would Daddy say, if he knew what she was thinking. Thinking about it more, made her pussy wetter.

Daddy's arms were hard and strong. She felt like a tree's branches were holding her. Little One put her hands against Daddy's chest and pushed to break Daddy's grip around her. She shifted to sit astride his lap, her knees on either side of him. Little One felt her pussy lips pull open and she could feel Daddy's hard cock though his pants.

"Daddy?" She asked, "Did I make your cock hard again?"

"Yes. Little One. Your beautiful round bottom, all red with my hand prints, made my cock very hard." Little One felt short of breath. She felt her face getting hotter. She pushed against Daddy's chest again and he laid back on the bed and looked up at Little One. The shirt was open and he pink nipples tight and hard. Her face was a bright pink that spread down her throat across her breast, making her nipples a rose red. Daddy smiled and reach to stoke her hot cheek with his hand. Little One closed her eyes, pressed Daddy's hand to her lips and kissed it softly. Little One took a deep breath, and tried to speak.

"Daddy, May I ask you a question?" Daddy put his fingers to Little Ones lips and her tongue darted out to taste him.

"Little One," Daddy replied. " I have told you before, you can ask me anything you like," Little One took another deep breath and tried to compose the words.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
It's getting better

Not much character development but you seem to be going through all the scenes people like :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
great story

the only bad thing i have to say is that the story is too short but at least you release a chapter a day. Cant wait for the next one. the suspense and anticipation makes daddy's and little one's inevitable joining all the more sweeter.

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayover 18 years ago

very enjoyable...respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
very good


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