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Daddy, Cum in Your Baby Girl's Pussy

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Dad’s Lust for His Daughter Can’t Be Stopped.
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This is a follow-up to Make Daddy Cum - a must read before this story if you want to get the most out of it. If not, enjoy as is...


Gunshots! I was ready to launch and disarm Becky. I didn't feel a hit although sometimes it takes seconds to make the pain reach the brain. I looked up at her.

She dropped like a rag doll, losing the grip on the gun. It hit the floor. It discharged. I heard a scream behind me.

it was my Zoe! She was hit! Oh my God no. She was laid out on the floor, naked, blood pouring out of her thigh. Her pea shooter still in her grip.

'Daddy, I am hit! It hurts. Oh God it hurts. I am bleeding. Help me Daddy. Please help me.'

I took a a quick glance at Becky. She had been hit in the right shoulder by the pea shooter, a low caliber bullet. She was bleeding but not like Zoe. I heard the sirens. Zoe must have called 911 before coming out of the bedroom.

I ran to Zoe. She was gushing blood. Shit, shit, shit. The bullet must have hit her femoral artery in the thigh.. I had to apply a tourniquet quickly or she would bleed out. I ran to the bedroom where we stripped to get my belt from my pants. I wrapped it around her thigh above the wound. I pulled it as tight as I could. I pulled the couch cover off and ripped off a large section and placed it on the wound, applying hard pressure.

I heard the EMS team enter. One took care of Becky. The other came to my side.

I briefed him, 'Gunshot wound. Appeared to hit the femoral artery. Tourniquet in place, pressure applied to entry.'

'You have done this before.' said the EMS tech.

'Yes, too many times, but this time it is my daughter.'

He had to wonder why we were both naked, but didn't say anything.

Another EMS tech rolled in an ambulance cot. They gently lifted Zoe onto to it while continuing to apply pressure on the entry wound.

'Daddy, please come with me. I am scared.'

I took her hand. 'Baby I will be right back. I will come with you.'

I ran to the bedroom, found clothes and shoes and ran back to Zoe as they loaded her into the ambulance.

They were loading Becky into another ambulance. The EMS tech came over to me.

'She is fine. Small caliber wound. We already stopped the bleeding but we will have to dig out the bullet at the hospital.'

He asked, 'What is going on? We were here just last night. Just curious.'

I replied, 'Have the detective catch up with me at the hospital.'

I didn't look forward to giving them all the details of Becky videoing Zoe and I having sex. A Dad and his daughter...

'OK, they should be here shortly.'


In the ambulance... I held Zoe's hand all the way. she drifted in and out of consciousness.

'Daddy, I shot her. She was going to kill you. I had to stop her...' She faded away again.

She saved my life. I thought I had a chance to take Becky but I was unreasonably optimistic. The 'pea shooter' I made fun of, saved my life. Thank God Zoe took target practice with it.

They rolled Zoe right into surgery. They had to extract the bullet and sow up the damage. This was worst than Afghanistan. Yes, I was close to my squad, but they were not my Zoe.


The doc came out from surgery.

'Mr. Synder, you saved your daughter's life. If you didn't take action, she would not have made it. Where did you learn to do the right trauma response?'

'Afghanistan. I was a Navy Seal. Those skills saved many lives, too many.'

'Well sir, thank you for your service. And thank you for saving your daughter's life.'

I couldn't help myself. I let loose and cried uncontrollably. The doc consoled me, he understood. He sees this trauma way too often.


Zoe was moved to an ICU bed to be closely monitored 24/7. She was sedated. I took a break at the vending machines, intending to get right back to my Zoe.

'Mr. Jason Snyder?'

It was the detectives.

'Good time to talk?' the tall, broad shouldered detective asked. His partner, a good foot shorter than him.

'Sure.' We sat down at a round table with the three stiff backed, plastic chairs. Get better chairs I thought.

'Let's get right to the point. We questioned Ms. Becky. We don't have a last name. No ID on her.'

'Zoe, my daughter, can help you. Becky was employee of Zoe.'

The detective continued, 'She claims your daughter shot her without provocation. She said she had a gun to protect the two of you from her boy friend who had been released on bail. She found you both naked in the bedroom. She said it looked like you were having sex but she wasn't sure. You and your daughter were 'cuddling' on the bed. She saw your erection. She felt uncomfortable and left. You stopped her at the front doorway. She said you told her to take your erection in her mouth. She said no way. She questioned you on why you were both naked, then your daughter shot her because she - Becky - refused to take your erection in her mouth.''

'That is bullshit! She broke into our house and announced that she was going to kill Jan, another of Zoe's employee. She started to leave, I followed her. She then announced she was going to kill me first. She told me to kneel down in front of her and she was going to kill me with one shot. She loaded and cocked her weapon and was about to fire when Zoe shot her to defend me and stop her.'

'OK. When Zoe is ready, we will get her side of the story.'

'One more question. Were you and your daughter having sex when Becky walked in on you? That is what Becky suspected, but she has no proof.'

'What does that have to do with the shooting? I am insulted by her statement.'

I was infuriated. The nerve of Becky to accuse Zoe of shooting her without provocation. And insinuating to the detectives that I was having sex with my daughter - even if it was true. Although it would not be pretty, we need Becky's video. That will help. Better to divulge incest versus charged with assault.

'Becky wants to speak to you in private. We will allow it if you wish to do so. She says she has important information for you. We will be right outside her door, in case...'

I cut him off, 'Don't worry, I won't do anything rash. I need to hear from her.'


Zoe was still sedated. After talking to Becky, I planned to visit Jan and Billy.

The detectives escorted me to Becky's room. They let me in and stayed in the hallway. She was awake, sitting up in the bed. Her shoulder bandage covered by the hospital gown. She smiled at me like an old friend welcoming her visitor. Eight hours ago she was ready to blow my brains out.

'Hi Daddy! So good to see you although I would prefer to see you naked like the last time I saw you. You have quite the talent in bed as I suspected. I didn't get to see all of your moves with your daughter but she was clearly enjoying on what I did video. Let's see, I heard talking in what I thought was the master. I walked in when you were working her pussy. She said Daddy, just pull them down, I can't stand the suspense.'

'You are such a tease! Daddy, take me. I need you, I want you to take me now. she practically screamed. Then Daddy, oh my god I am cumming.'

You must be pretty good at pussy licking. Did you ask Zoe if you were better than Jan? Hah!'

'She must have orgasmed. Then you take off your clothes. I got a peak at your cock. I was jealous, I wanted it. You shouldn't be wasting it on your daughter - shame on you!'

'Not that you needed to be any harder, she worked on your cock for a couple of minutes till she asked to fuck. I think I heard her say 'Tell me you want me Daddy'. You complied. Then the most touching exchange she said 'Daddy, please fuck me, fuck your little girl'. Fuck your little girl! And you did, you fucked her till you came inside your daughter! What a video! Can't wait to get it out in public. When you started cuddling, I had enough. I should have blown both of you away on the bed. Best ending for the video, but I didn't. Now I regret it.'

She is fucking crazy!

'But, I have an idea, a deal. A deal that will keep your incest out of the news.'

I had to hear it. It has to include the wild accusation that Zoe shot her unprovoked.

'OK, what's the deal?'

'I will give you the video in exchange for...'

'in exchange for what?'

'A couple of things. Number one, Jan is fired. Zoe doesn't need her anymore, she has you to lick her pussy. She looked like she really enjoyed that. Number two, my contract is redone, doubling my income and adding three years.'

I interrupted, 'I don't have control over that. It is Zoe's club.'

'Yeah, but you are the big investor. And now, tell her she will be cut off from sex with you, that might get her attention. And finally, speaking of sex, number three, unlimited sex with you, when I want it, where I want and how I want it. I wasn't kidding about the private show, just you and me. And now knowing what you can do in bed, I want it even more. Number three you are in complete control of.'

'Finally, no sex with Jan. Knowing her you probably have been fucking already.'

'Not true, I have not fucked her.' True, but we were close.

I did find Becky attractive before she was going to blow my brains out. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

'I will be discharged today. You will come to my place tonight and provide your sex services to me. Plan to stay all night. And tonight, do not mail it in. You will be passionate, you will do what I ask you to do and you will make me orgasm. Understood?'

'And what if I don't agree to all this?'

'Simple, police get the video, I post it to every social media site. I will send to all the industry websites, etc. You get the picture.'

'But you threatened us. None of that will matter when you are charged with assault.'

'You are forgetting who was the only one who fired a gun. Here is what I will say. I was there because I worried about my boy friend attacking you. I knocked, no answer. The door was unlocked. I heard voices in the bedroom. I was worried that Ralphie had you captive. I started up my camera in case he was there. You didn't notice I was there. I was stunned and did not turn off the camera until y'all were done fucking. I announced my presence. Zoe was pissed, she wanted more sex with her Dad. She grabbed her phone and dialed 911. She pulled out her gun from the table next to the bed and began chasing me. You tried to stop her. I made it to the door. You tripped and fell to your knees. I cocked my weapon in defense. She shot me. I dropped my gun, it discharged and hit her.'

Shit, she was right about Zoe being the only one to purposefully shoot a gun. The whole story was plausible.

'OK, when do I get the video?'

'Come in close to me, like you are telling me something.'

I did. When my body was blocking the detectives view, she reached under the sheets and handed me the phone.

I placed it in my pocket.

'Go somewhere and erase the video, watch it first if you wish. Bring the phone back. The police have been asking for it. I have a copy of the video, so don't think I won't have something over you.'

We wrapped up our discussion. I left her room.

'What was that all about?' the detectives asked.

'She wanted to apologize. The story she told you was all made up. She was mad at Zoe for firing her boy friend. The real story - she explained she was worried about us due to her ex-boy friend Ralph. The door was unlocked, she heard voices and went to our bedroom. She spooked us. She left. I caught up to her. She was holding her gun down but towards me. Zoe thought she was a threat to me so she shot her to defend me. She dropped her gun which discharged wounding Zoe. Becky was worried that she would be arrested so she made up the story for you guys.'

Fingers crossed. Would they buy it?

'Let's go talk to her.'

I ran to a house phone, asked for Becky's room. Thank God she answered. I told her the detectives were coming. She had to withdraw her original story and substitute the new story which I described to her.

'They are here. Gotta go. Don't forget what you are going to do with me tonight.'

'I won't.'

I hid in a stall and watched the video. Audio down low. Jeez, this would kill my career and Zoe's club. Her Mom would be devastated along with my parents and my ex-wife's parents. We had to keep this out of the press.

I had to admit, it was stimulating to watch and erection building. I was tempted to pull out my cock and masturbate watching my daughter suck my cock and then ride me till I exploded inside of her. What the hell, I had to delete the video and get the phone back to Becky.

I pulled my cock out with some difficulty as I was fully erect. Finally, I just dropped by pants and briefs to the floor - I was on commode wasn't I? Holding the phone with my left hand, I started stroking my cock with my right - my favorite hand. I started the video.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy." Zoe said.

I pulled her panties all the way down. Becky was behind Zoe. It was a nice view of Zoe from the back. Her nicely rounded cheeks. I had a hold of them as I worked to get her pussy wet.

"Daddy, take me. I need you, I want you to take me now."

I could see I was working back and forth on her pussy lips, probably sucking on her engorged clit by now.

"Daddy, oh my god I am cumming."

I kept up my actions. I could tell her orgasm was rolling through her body, momentarily weak in the knees, pushing her hips up against my mouth.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," she softly cried.

I pulled back. I beckoned her to lay on the bed. She did. I stood up, took off my shirt, then dropped my pants and briefs. Once again it was view from the back. Quite a nice view, never looked at myself in the mirror. I still had my buttocks muscles, thick thighs and muscled back. I turned slightly to the camera, My erection was out, pointing upward.

Becky moved forward in the room so there was more of a side view of Zoe and my cock.

Zoe moved to the edge of the bed. She placed one hand on top of the other on my erection leaving just the head and some shaft exposed. She wrapped her soft lips around the head and held the position below the head.

She released the hand hold on my cock and dropped her mouth down on the available shaft. She let her saliva drip down onto the shaft and then used her mouth to spread it across the entire length. She moved down further on me.

I remember being overwhelmed with the excitement of my daughter's mouth wrapped tightly around my cock.

In the stall, I was stroking myself harder and harder remembering that excitement.

Reaching down lower, Zoe cupped my balls gently. She held that position while moving down further on my erection. She placed her hands around the base of my stiff shaft. She slowly moved her mouth down the length of me. She stopped, pulled up, then back down again. She repeated the motion at least three time before she pulled totally off.

My cock was so hard from watching her on the video, remembering the feeling and now stroking hard in the privacy of the stall.

"Daddy, are you ready?" she said.

"Zoe, do you really want to? Your Dad?" I asked her.

Zoe grasped me by my shoulders and pulled me on top of her. Becky captured a great view or her taking hold of my cock and guiding it into Zoe's pussy.

"Does that answer your question, Daddy?"

"Yes Zoe, it does."

"Tell me you want me Daddy."

"Zoe, I want you."

She guided me into her wet, tight pussy. She moved my cock up, down and around the lips of her shaved pussy.

"Daddy push it inside of me."

I did. I plunged all the way into my daughter's wet pussy landing on her pelvis.

"Daddy, please fuck me, fuck your little girl."


I replied by pulling out then thrusting deep once again to the outer limits of her pussy. I worked hard, pumping up and down for minutes.

"Daddy, can I get on top?"

She rolled over me, now on top.

"Thank you, Daddy." she said.

My cock head disappeared from sight. I remember the amazing, erotic feeling of my cock deep inside my daughter's pussy.

Zoe caressed my cock with her wet pussy. My mouth met the nipple of her left breast. Sucking and swirling the areolas. I remember Zoe was into it.

She picked up the fucking motions. The rhythm was high paced. I moved to the other breast.

In the stall, I slowed up on my stroking of my cock. I was so close to cumming. I had to hold on. I needed to time it right.

She kept up the erotic rhythm, at this point, I started shooting cum into my daughter!

I started shooting cum out in my private stall, some landing on my pants and briefs, some on the stall floor. What an orgasm. I really don't want to delete the video. I want a copy.

I remember emptying my balls into my baby girl.

Now my balls were emptied onto the stall floor.

"Daddy, I am... so.."

"Baby don't talk. Let's just hold each other."

The video ended. Becky didn't want her speech to us captured I am sure.

i just sat there for a moment. My cock was still leaking cum down the shaft. My right hand sprayed with semen. A puddle of my finest white stuff on the stall floor. My briefs with streaks of cum. What a mess. I can't believe I did that. Sick! Masturbating in a hospital restroom stall. What was I thinking. Stress relief?

I said good bye to the video and hit delete. It was a video better than most porn. Oh well, when Zoe gets better we can make our own videos. Uh-oh, what if Becky wants to make videos? I will cross that bridge later.

I cleaned up the stall with toilet paper. I scraped what I could off my briefs and pants. Good news, all on the inside of the garments. I wiped my cock off with the rough paper. It felt good rubbing the backside of the head. I stopped even though I wanted to rub it more. I flushed it all away. I cleaned my hands at the sink.

I walked back to Becky's room, no detectives, I guess she was not under suspicion anymore.

She was awake, I sat next to her and slipped her the phone. She handed it back.

'I will be discharged in an hour. Put your number in my contacts but use Daddy as the contact name. Put Cowgirl as my contact name.' She giggled.

She texted me the address and added be there by 8 PM. This is getting too real.

I checked on Zoe, she was still be sedated so no problem for tonight - confirmed by the physician. I will leave my number with the nurse and detectives. I saw Becky being wheeled out. I had an hour to get to her place. This just doesn't seem right.

I popped in to see how Jan was doing. She was OK. I told her that I couldn't stay long as I needed to be with Zoe. She said she was being discharged tomorrow and asked that I drive her to Zoe's. She reminded me I owed her something. Before the shooting started, I promised we would fuck.

Stopped in with Billy, he would be hospitalized longer. He wasn't doing well. I promised to see him tomorrow.

Then there was the club, I had to figure out how to re-open it. Zoe's number two Phoebe had closed it last night. People heard about what had happened and most understood.

Then it got worse...

My phone rang, caller ID - Ex Wife. Shit, Zoe's Mom Jill! My ex.

I just looked at the phone wishing it would go away. It never crossed my mind to call her about Zoe. Too much to explain. I touched the answer button.

'What the fuck is wrong with you! Why didn't you call me! My daughter gets shot, in the hospital and I don't get a fucking phone call. Phoebe called me. So glad Zoe has a responsible person in her life. Jeez Jason what were you thinking?'

She was breathing heavy, I waited for her to cool down.

'Jill, Zoe is doing OK, She is under sedation. She should recover from the wound but it will take a while.,' I told her.

'Tell me something I don't know! Phoebe explained all that to me. She also told me that there was another shooting at Zoe's house just the night before. What is going on? Her best friend was shot and the bouncer was gunned down in the street. This is crazy! I always knew you were a bad influence on her, now I know it. For Christ's sake, Zoe might have died!'"erotic sto"making mom mine Literotica"naked mom"freesexcuckqueenSleepwalker impregnation erotic stories"nipple orgasm"Werewolf next door sex storieslirotica"lesbian bdsm""lirotica letters""butt fucking"hot stories literotica first time sharing hot young fiance wife with black man membersvery longstanding marriage breakdown after wife's lesbian affair,literotica"incest stories tumblr""lush stories"dance pe chance pt 03 sex story"mother and son sex stories"sex story incest size sister inches “grew 4 cup"சித்தி அம்மா literoticaliterotic.commind control body modification leteroticamira rus voyeur pornoTeacher teacher i declear sex storychaotictemption nude videoChristmas lockdown incest sex storiesofficers temptation lit eroticapregnant aching literotica"fucking my wife""literotica stories"ovipositionvacation isle taboo storiespundai and sunni eppati erukkumliterotica themanelocoదైవ పదములుxxx asstr stories grandpa's milksilkstockingslover taking my sisters virginitylierotica story cfnm areest"kiss x sis"Summer subbatical litrotica storyasstr fantasy islandliteroticanewlyricsmaster crouded train"son sex stories"literoitcaZombie apocalypse sex stories"porn storys"literotica gay male shaved cackincest stories , oh my god , i gotta have my own daddys huge 9 inch cock in my ass"brother sister incest"best friend turns me into his bitch literotics site:lyricsmaster.ruslippery slope taboo audiomom and son midnight visit taboo sexstoriesStall changing room cfnm storiesaudio literica sluts fuckBrother locked his sister in a dog cage literoticahow i met your mother litero"incest sex story"my mom wore bunny ears literoticablack men with fat wife ,oooh fuck me harder,cuckold ,asstrsexstories"adult sex stories""sharing wife stories"kiterotica unexpecred office analexhibition sex story plaster sculpture forced litteroticaSon found his mother`s key to her chastity belt bondage literticasex story incest size sister inches “her brother’s growing”literotiocaPussy eating nonconsent dad literoticaShooting precum in barber's chairBig titted older sister is up for a shag! Incest/taboo literoticlitrotica romance Story Of mature woman and homeless teen Boy "erotic short stories"chastity breast forms literotica"celebrity sex"Liteorotica loving wives secondbbc nerd vs jock literiticaIncest stories of the special pacifier pornlitterotica echibit cast sculpture lance and honey on a vacation sex stories