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Daddy, Let Me Do That for You

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Daughter helps her Dad with his sex addiction.
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Please read 'Mom, What If Dad and Sis Find Out?' first to help you enjoy this story.


'Luna, how was your day?' Vic asked.

'I have come to hate new patient days. Even though the patient has described why they need help, It doesn't always go that way.' I shared.

'Something happened today?'

'I had four new patients and a new couple. One hour session for each.'

'The first was described to me as a straightforward ED. His GP referred him to me after he tried the blue pill route. I soon discovered he had deeper rooted problems. If he fantasized it was his mother while he was having intercourse, no problem, he ejaculated into his wife. Every time. When there was no fantasy while having intercourse with his wife, it supposedly wasn't working. I didn't think he was taking the pill. He finally admitted it. I have to work with him on the mother issue.'

'Sex with your mother? That's incest. He has a problem for sure.' Vic said.

'Second patient - she couldn't orgasm - ever. She would fake it with partners. After a discussion it was clear there was a biology issue. She will go through tests. Something amiss in her vagina.'

'Wow, if you are born without the right stuff, what can you do?' Vic again.

He is trying to be helpful.

'Third patient - she was sexually confused. Not sure what sex she should be or pursue. She is very attractive and draws a lot of attention from both sexes. She has sex with both. This will take a few sessions to help her with her confusion.'

'Can't she just be happy being bi? I know one and she is really happy. More opportunities she said.'

I knew who he was talking about. My private detective had pictures.

'Fourth patient - a doozy. In the pre-session questionnaire, he stated he viewed this as an interview to determine the right physician to move forward with. It seemed so general, I had a bad feeling about it. I was correct.'

'He insisted on lying on my couch instead of a chair in front of my desk. He plopped down on it while I moved a chair next to it. As I sat down, he took his pants and briefs off. He had an erection! He said and I quote 'Show me how good your blowjob service is, then we will move to your fucking service.''

'Wow, what did you do?'

'I told him that was not appropriate, that is not what I do. I ordered him to put on his briefs and pants back on.'

'His response was even more surprising. He said and I quote 'Oh, I like it, playing a game with me. You want to suck my cock while you are sitting down? No problem,'

'He stood up and presented his erection to me. He moved it close to my mouth and said, 'Doctor take it in your mouth and make it better.'

I thought to myself, not sharing with Vic, it was an interesting proposition. It has been so long since I wrapped my lips around a big cock. But I couldn't. It would be on the recording.

'I backed my chair up, stood up and walked to the door. I told him he could leave peacefully and never come back or I will have building security escort you out, the police if necessary. I video record all sessions. You signed the consent to do so. I will press charges for attempted sexual assault.'

'He said he thought the consent was to make a porn video! Crazy'

'What did he do?' Vic said in a concerned tone.

'He got dressed and ran out the door. I had Talia run a search on the sex crime database we have access to. His name didn't come up, then she played with different variations and got a hit via his photo.'

'What was the asshole convicted of?'

'Vic, you will love this. Convicted of sexual assault of a clinical sexologist.'


'Talia will change her appointment process to check the database, trying different variations.'

'And my last appointment was a couple.'

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. This was a setup. It was about us.

'The husband lost interest in sex. She made repeated attempts to rekindle their sex life but failed. She decided to hire a private detective to determine if he had another sex partner. He did. I was shocked when she showed both of us pictures of him and a female in compromising situations.'

I stared at him, he couldn't look at me. I continued my description of our situation.

'I suggested they engage a marriage counselor or divorce attorney.'

Vic sadly said without looking at me, 'She should take those photos and hire a divorce attorney. Their marriage is going nowhere.'

'Sorry you had a bad day. I have to go, I am meeting up with my friend. I won't be back till Sunday night.'

He stood up, went into the bedroom and came out with his overnight bag. He grabbed his car keys and left.

My suspicions were just confirmed, The reality of our situation hit me like a train. I was hopeful with the gray. Gone. Now back and white. I started crying uncontrollably. Our marriage was on its way to the trash can. I didn't want it to end but now it seemed inevitable.

I punished myself. It must be my fault. Maybe I didn't satisfy his sexual needs. Me a clinical sexologist not good in bed? When our sex life was active, he was very complimentary of my creativity with different techniques and positions. Maybe he just needed more variety. Maybe he was desensitized to our sex life and sought another type of stimulation.

My private detective followed his girlfriend whenever Vic returned to me. He concluded that his friend was a bisexual. When the detective shared that with me, it resurrected a memory.

Vic and I were cuddling after a half hour of sex. I remember the conversation well.

'Luna, what do you think about doing a threesome? A threesome with a female. A bisexual third?'

'I think that is something I would never do. A bisexual? Really?'

'Just joking, I like to see you riled up. It turns me on.'

That triggered another half hour of sex.

When he went to the bathroom, I laid there in bed thinking the threesome was not a joke. He would do that in a flash. Maybe we should do that, but I would like a straight male with a large penis. Yes, a large penis with a big head and thick shaft. Bigger than Vic. That would work for me.

Having sex with someone like that was one of my sexual fantasies, a fantasy I never turned real - yet.


I could not stand the thought of rattling around this house all weekend planning what I would say to Vic when he returned. Thinking about Vic and his friend will drive me crazy. I had to do something constructive.

Dad had dodged jail time for running the MILF dating service by agreeing to therapy for his sex addiction. I recommended a good friend of mine for his therapist. I gave her a call.

'Hi Liz.'

'Hey Luna. Calling about an update on your Dad?'

'Yep. How is going?'

'Not good. He showed for the first session but cancelled out of the next three. We didn't accomplish much in first session. I am nowhere near determining what the root cause of the addiction is. I will keep trying. Maybe you can check in with him.'

'I will. I am planning on visiting him this weekend.'

'Maybe you can get to the root.'

'I will try. On Monday expect a call from me with an update.'

'Thanks Luna. Have a great weekend. Bye.'


'Dad, do you have plans for the weekend? I would like to see you.'

'Luna, no plans. Even if I had plans I would cancel them. Come on down! Bring a bag, stay with me all weekend. We can have a lot of fun together.'

'Sounds great, see you in about an hour or more. It is rush hour.'

'Yeah, I get it. Hey Luna. I know a great restaurant that just opened. It actually has a dress code. They are building a classy image so bring a nice dress. Nothing too sexy. But given you and Vic are having problems you should consider seeking out your next partner.'

'All right. That seems like even more fun. I haven't glammed up in years. But Dad, Vic and I are still together.'

'Luna, baby, you know the writing is on the wall.'

He is so perceptive plus he gets updates from Mom. They still talk... which is good, maybe not in this situation. But, I have to acknowledge the reality.

'Dad, you are right. We haven't had sex in 6 months. That is not right.'

'Wow, six months? All the more reason to link up with a new partner... maybe even tonight.'

'Stop it Dad. Just because you are a sex addict doesn't mean I am. So let me go, Traffic will even get worse in a little bit.'

'Ok Luna. See you soon. I love you. Bye.'

I thought for a moment, an exciting thought. Sex! I have been suppressing my urges to have sex with another partner, hoping Vic and I would work it out. Seemingly, it will not work out now.

A huge penis with a big, circumcised head sitting on a thick shaft. Why can't I have that? I deserve it. I tried hard to save our marriage. There is no more hope. I have an open door to walk through into an exciting new world and fulfill my fantasies. Tonight? Yes tonight I wish.

I had just the right dress and under garments to bring. I also packed my sexy bedtime that Dad gave me, basically three pieces of cloth connected by strings and a cover up. He said Vic would enjoy it.

I need to be prepared for anything. There is a pool on the roof. Maybe a little sunbathing my attract a good looking swimmer.

All of sudden, I feel kind of slutty. But I like the new me.

I can't lose sight though of urging Dad to see his therapist. Liz asked me to try and identify the root. Is it rooted in an addiction to porn? Or childhood abuse? A traumatic event in his past? Is it intimacy anorexia? Is there a mood disorder? Does he have a spiritual void he is filling with sex?

What if one or more apply? All of these have different treatment plans. Some overlap. I will think about how to get to the root. Maybe I should start with the porn addiction. There is an easy test for that although I probably shouldn't administer it, but I need to make progress for Liz.


Because it was rush hour and bumper to bumper on Lake Shore Drive, I could spend more time catching looks of the blue, deep blue Lake Michigan water topped with small to majestic sailboats. The dinner ships packed with the Friday night crowds starting their cruises. The shoreline sidewalks packed with walkers, runners and bikers. It is hard to see from the southbound lanes, but I am sure the swimmers were out in force as well.

I love the condo. It was my grandparents' home. Right on Lake Shore Drive, just north of Navy Pier. Grandma and Grandpa would take me there to go on a boat ride, ride the Ferris Wheel, enjoy the shops and food. They always bought me whatever I wanted - grandparents rule - never say no. We would take Woody for a walk along the lake. It was magical.

When they passed I was devastated. So was Woody, he passed soon after of a broken heart. Dad inherited the condo, he totally remodeled it, which in hindsight was the right thing to do. It should erase a lot of reminders that would have been too hard for me to handle.

The condo, even though it was just a one bedroom was spacious, updated and with two full bathrooms. Dad added the second one. My theory, he didn't want audition visitors poking around his bathroom and bedroom.

The view overlooking Lake Michigan from 30th floor was mesmerizing. Sometimes I would just sit on the couch near the window and soak it in eating snacks that Grandma gave me. I miss her so.

I pulled into the underground parking entrance and buzzed the attendant. The 30 year employee George was still running the garage five years ago, not sure if he still was.

'Yes, how can I help you?'

It was George!

'Hi George! It is me, Luna.'

'Well, Ms. Luna, come on down!'

The door raised, I drove down into the fairly crowded garage. He always found a spot for everyone.

I pulled up to the little office he operated out of. He opened my door for me.

We hugged.

'Ms. Luna, I am sorry about your grandparents and Woody. They were good people.'

He had tears in his eyes. I couldn't help it, I burst into another crying jag.

'I know. I miss all of them. Thank you George, I know you miss them too.'

He nodded, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

'George, I am staying the weekend. How much do I owe? I will pay in advance.'

The covered secure lot across the street would charge at least $200 for the weekend. Non-residents in the condo tower parking was twice that.

'Ms. Luna, are you kidding? Your money is no good down here. Go see your Dad. One more hug and go.'

We hugged, I made my way to the elevator for the 30 - 60 floors.

'Oh my, I forgot to ask. How is your practice? How is Vic?' George asked.

I lied, 'Both are doing well.'

He will find out about the divorce, he is like part of the family.


The resident elevator is tiny, maybe holds 6 people. A little claustrophobic. I always just closed my eyes and thought good thoughts about the view ahead of me.

The condo was down the hall. I saw Dad kissing someone just outside the door.

I heard her say, 'See you on Monday BWC!'

As she walked past me she smiled, smiled big. She said 'Hi! Hope you have a good time like I did. FYI, he likes to role play Daddy and daughter. Gets him off.'

She was very attractive. Dad's new girlfriend? BWC? I think that stands for Big White Cock. She thought I was there for sex.

I walked to his doorway. While she waited for the elevator, I shouted loud enough for her to hear.


'Luna! I am so happy to see you!'

He gave me a tight hug and kissed me on the cheek. Out of the corner of my eye I could still see her. She had a puzzled look. Am I the daughter he likes to role play with? For real with me? She entered the elevator.

'Come in, come in. You look amazing. I forgot how beautiful you are.'

There it was, there was the view I love so much. That hasn't changed. The storm clouds rolling in added a sinister spin to it. I hate storms, started hating them when I was little. Dad and Mom would let me sleep in there bed until they passed.

I took a quick glance around the condo. Opulent is the word that come to mind, a far cry from what Dad inherited. He noticed I was looking around.

'Luna, let's go on a tour.'

A lightning bolt struck close by, I jumped and instinctively grabbed Dad's hand.

'I think we should have dinner delivered tonight Luna. Agree?'

I thought for a moment.

He noticed by reluctance to give up on the dinner, but her knew I would not be comfortable outside in the storm.

He said, 'The forecast is this storm will be with us for most of the night. We can do the dinner tomorrow night. Might have even more available men. We can hang out at the bar and see who shows interest.'

Picking up and seducing women is his forte.

'Yeah, that's good, to be clear, it is more about the storm then picking up men.'

'Gotcha. So, you see the living area. My focus is to make this a comfortable spot to look at the lake, enjoy a drink and have good conversation. The dining area is more functional as there is no breakfast nook. The kitchen is all marble and granite with the latest way cool appliances.'

'The guest bathroom nicely done more like a master bathroom. Marble lined shower, rain head, side and front sprays, detachable shower head. Bidet for the ladies. Good size mirror well-lit for makeup time. It is the only room without a view of the lake though. You can bring it up on the TV. If you look closely, you can see it in the mirror.'

'Dad, that is so creative! I have to remark, you added this room for the ladies to use?'

'Yeah, guilty as charged. I know how to please the ladies.'

Yep, that is my Dad.

'Off to the master.'

'Same ceiling to floor windows. I forgot to mention, they are windows that can be transformed to opaque. Especially in here if I need to sleep in.'

The bed was not made, he noticed I noticed.

'Sorry, forgot to make it this morning.'

Another close lightning strike, I grabbed his arm and held it tight.

'Honey, I thought by now you would have grown out of your fear of storms. Have you seen anyone about it?'

'No, but I have thought about it.'

'You're a doctor, you really should.'

'Ok, only if you see your therapist.'

He gave me a look.

'Can we talk about this later?'

'Ok. What's with the camera in the corner?'

It was aimed at the bed.

'I like to video the sunrises. When I finish the video, to protect the lens, I point it away from the morning sun.'

Plausible, but I don't believe it.

'The bathroom is an identical twin, difference is the lake view for this one.'

'Let's go to my study.'

Just off the entrance, it had a window paned door. We walked in, large Mac monitor that was asleep. I touched the keyboard. Frozen porn video. A women kneeling in front of a large cock, her mouth wrapped around the head. It dawned on me, maybe this wasn't from a porn site, but a video he made. I couldn't see anything in the background to confirm that.

'Dad, this is something we need to talk about, something you should talk to Liz about.'

'Sorry, this was one of the dating service audition videos. I showed it to Harriet.'

'Dad, really? Why?'

'It's a long story. It aligns to my new business venture. Producing porn videos for amateurs only. She is a potential investor also lining up other investors. She likes the concept, reduces expenses, the good porn stars ask for a lot of money.'

'This video, the mom insisted on role playing Daddy Daughter, I went along with it. I don't know if you recognize her, she is one of Mom's friends. Can't give you her name, she is married.'

The loudest and brightest lightning strike. I jumped into Dad, embracing him. I held onto to him. He smelled so good. It was more of a perfume aroma.

His strong arms holding me tight. I had an urge to hug and kiss him. I fought it off. He is your Dad stupid!

'Luna, let's sit on the couch and have a drink to help you relax. Do you still drink wine?'

'Yes, maybe a glass or two on the weekends. I have never been good at drinking. Doesn't take much to get me drunk.'

Dad returned from the kitchen with two large wine glasses filled to just short of the brim. He sat right next to me. I had the urge to kiss him again. What is wrong with me? I have never felt this way around him. That video. The large cock with a woman taking it on. I need to control myself before I do something I will regret.

'Luna, no sex in the last six months? I can't go six week, six days and....'

He looked at this watch.

'sometimes six hours without having sex.'

I did something uncharacteristic, I downed the entire glass and asked for another. I watched him walk into the kitchen. He is so handsome. Has an athletic build. If he has a BWC. What a package. He filled my glass. I downed it. I held my glass up indicating another.

'Ok, I need to open another bottle. It will take a minute.'

I felt a stirring in me that I am ashamed of. I treat patients who fantasize about or have sex with their Mom or Dad. They are difficult cases. They all have a root in some trauma that drove them into an incestuous relationship. I have been working with one patient for over a year. She just can't give it up. She tries to, but she always fall off the wagon.

I moved to the small side of the L shaped couch. I have a clear view of Navy Pier.

'Here you go honey. I am going to take a quick shower, then order dinner. OK?'

'Yes Dad.'

Maybe he will leave the bathroom door open. Maybe I can get of glimpse of him naked. Maybe I am going crazy to even think like this.

But I waited a little till I heard the shower running. I bit my lip. I told myself I was just going to look. I could see the bathroom door was cracked. He was facing the shower controls, nothing to see.

Then, he turned towards me, lathering his penis. Oh my gosh, it is so big. I couldn't break my gaze, watching him stroke his penis, an erection in progress. I reflexively touched my breasts, then slipped my hand into my shorts, touching, massaging my pussy. My two fingers pushing apart the labia down inside me.

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